Dementia Care Resources

To provide value to our audience, we have sought dementia care resources, specialized equipment, and dementia services to assist people (and their families, friends, and caregivers) with dementia and dementia related illnesses.

We have sourced a range of resources that include: medical supplies, phone-in support service, improve memory program, a children’s book, the Alzheimer’s store and brain health supplements.

To ensure the resources we share with you are of integrity and offer value, ReaDementia provides unbiased product reviews, and reviews on the specific companies supplying equipment and services.

Please read our affiliate disclosure.

Product and Services Reviews

Prevent Cognitive Decline- The Brain Booster Program Reviewed

prevent cognitive declineBrain Booster is a unique, all-natural program specifically designed to prevent cognitive decline by tackling brain health deterioration at its source.

The very effective program provides easy to use, step-by-step guidance with specific techniques to increase brain blood flow, essential to the delivery of oxygen and nutrition, and crucial for optimum brain function.

We have studied the rational behind the Brain Booster program, identifying what it does and how effective the techniques it teaches are. In addition, our review looks at recent research that support the rational behind Brain Booster.

Our full review can be found HERE.

9 Best Therapy Dolls Reviewed 2021

JIZHI DollWe’ve identified 3 excellent therapy dolls available at the Alzheimer’s Store to review, together with a selection of the better doll products from the Amazon Store.

In our view, the far superior products were the better quality dolls specifically designed for adult people with Alzheimer’s disease, rather than regular dolls designed and made primarily for children.

In the end the choice you make will be based on what doll best suit your family member with dementia, and what your budget allows. Some of the less expensive dolls do offer value for those on a budget.

Check Out Our 9 Dolls Reviewed & Ultimate Guide to Therapy Dolls.


Does ProMind Complex Work? Independently Reviewed

ProMind Complex ReviewedWe investigate the validity of the company’s claims.

Identifying a supplement that offers benefit to people, either with dementia or seeking to prevent dementia, is a formidable task. There are many supplements marketed online and in stores- perhaps too many! investigated several products that we felt had the ingredients and integrity to be worthy for our audience to consider. One product, ProMind Complex, ticked many of the boxes.

Our research (looking into clinical studies) does show strong support of several of the ingredients in the ProMind Complex formulation.

Read ProMind Complex review HERE


Reading to a Person With Dementia- Best Books Reviewed

reading to a person with dementiaNumerous studies have demonstrated that reading to a person with dementia helps their imagination, thinking and memory.

This article will highlight the benefits of reading to person’s with dementia and identify what books would be most suitable.

We have reviewed the best books that can be bought for people with dementia.

See the best books/texts for persons with dementia HERE.



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