12 Foods That Cause Dementia 2024

foods that cause dementia

Researchers after conducting numerous studies conclude that there are some foods that cause dementia.

This is why a healthy diet is important because some foods are known to boost brain health while others are linked to an increase in dementia risk and other serious health problems.

Let’s check out some of the foods that can increase the risk of developing dementia.

Foods That Cause Dementia

1. White Foods

white foods can cause dementia
White foods feature prominently on the list of foods that cause dementia. These include foods like white pasta, rice, and other foods that cause a spike in insulin.

Worth noting is that spikes in blood sugar usually cause inflammation in the body and it also sends toxins to the brain. This is one of the suspected causes of dementia.

2. Sugar

sugar is linked to dementia cause
You should avoid eating too much sugar if you want to protect your brain.

This is because excessive sugar consumption leads to inflammation in the brain. It can also increase your blood sugar levels depriving the brain and the body of the energy they need.

3. Processed Meats

processed meats
Processed meats are a favourite for many. What you may not know is that these foods are rich in nitrosamines. This is a carcinogenic chemical compound that makes the liver produce fats that are poisonous to the human brain.

The fats interfere with the blood-brain barrier which causes damage to the brain cells. This also results in insulin resistance.

4. Processed Cheeses

processed cheeses
Cheese is also among the foods that cause dementia. These include mozzarella sticks, American cheese, Laughing Cow, and Cheez Whiz. Consuming the processed cheeses leads to a protein build-up in the body which has been linked to the development of dementia. Cheese is also a source of saturated fat that clogs heart and brain vessels.

Consuming too many saturated fats can result in inflammation in the brain, impaired memory, and a higher risk of developing a stroke. You are advised to replace your cheese slices with almonds because they are better for your health.

5. Microwave Popcorn

microwave popcorn
This is known to have diacetyl a chemical that is suspected to increase the number of amyloid plaques in the human brain.

There has been a lot of research linking the build-up of these plaques in the brain to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

6. Alcohol

alcohol and dementia
Taking too much alcohol is known to have grave effects on the brain.

It can lead to metabolic changes, reduction in brain volume, and disruption of neurotransmitters or chemicals that the brains use for communication. Individuals who suffer from alcoholism usually have a deficiency of vitamin B1 which can result in brain disorders that can develop into Korsakodd’s syndrome.

The syndrome is characterized by serious damage to the brain which brings about eyesight problems, confusion, unsteadiness, and memory loss. Some brands of alcohol also contain nitrates that are linked to dementia.

7. Refined Carbohydrates

refined carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates include grains that have been highly processed like white flour. These are known to have high glycemic load and a high glycemic index which means that the body digests them fast causing a spike in insulin levels and blood sugar.

A high intake of refined carbs can impair intelligence and memory as well as increase dementia risk.

8. Foods with a Lot of Trans Fats

foods with a lot of trans fats
Trans fats (also known as trans-fatty acids) refer to a kind of unsaturated fat that has harmful effects on brain health. The ones that occur naturally in animal products are not the problem. The issue lies with the industrially manufactured Trans fats called hydrogenated vegetable oils. These oils are used in many baked products.

Research shows that taking too much of these oils leads to poorer memory, cognitive decline, lower brain volume, and risk of dementia.

9. Highly Processed Foods

highly processed foods
Highly processed foods feature on the foods that cause dementia because they are full of added fats, sugar, and salt. These include sweets, chips, store-bought sauces, ready-made meals, and instant noodles, etc.

They are usually low in nutrients and high in calories which can lead to weight gain which hurts the brain.

10. Foods with MSG

foods with MSG
Monosodium glutamate or MSG is a food additive used to enhance flavour and preserve food.

It has been linked to dementia where it intensifies symptoms of the disease because it overstimulates the nervous system. It is, therefore, important to read food labels when shopping to stay away from some of these ingredients that may affect your health negatively.

11. Fish with Mercury

fish with mercury
It is strange to see fish among the foods that cause dementia seeing that it is one of the recommended foods for brain health. While fish is good for your health, you must stay away from the ones that are loaded with high mercury levels because they can put you at risk of suffering from dementia.

Mercury is a heavy metal contaminant as well as a neurological poison that can remain in animal tissues for a long time. After ingesting mercury whose primary source is wild seafood, it spreads in different parts of the body concentrating in the kidneys, liver, and brain.

It results in brain damage because the toxicity of mercury disrupts stimulations of neurotoxins, the central nervous system, and neurotransmitters.

12. Margarine

Margarine is one of the foods to avoid if you want a healthy brain because it is not only full of chemicals, but it is also highly processed.

Researchers also state that diacetyl one of its ingredients is linked to dementia because it promotes beta-amyloid clumping a protein that is one of the trademark features of dementia. Diacetyl is also known to increase the toxicity of the protein in the brain.

Closing Thoughts – Foods that Cause Dementia

The brain being one of the most vital organs needs to be taken care of properly. It keeps your lungs breathing, heart beating, and systems functioning. This is why it is important to steer clear from foods that cause dementia and stick to a healthy diet if you want to keep the brain functioning at optimum condition.

More research is still being conducted to offer a better understanding of the link between dementia risk and diet. In the meantime, it is best to focus on consuming a balanced and healthy diet that will keep your brain healthy as you age.

Is Dementia Inherited? [Know the Facts]

Is dementia Inherited discussed

“Is dementia inherited?” – This query delves into the genetics of dementia, raising important considerations about whether genes play a role in its transmission.

The majority of different types of dementia cannot be inherited by children and grandchildren. However, in some of the rarer types of dementia, scientists believe that there could be a strong genetic link. These are currently being researched.

Having said this, these cases are only a small number in the total cases of dementia. We look now at the different types of dementia asking the question is dementia inherited?

Is Dementia Inherited?

Is dementia inherited or not

A little bit about genes…

The website dementia.org.au describes the role of genes in the human body:

The genetic material that we each inherit from our parents is packaged into structures called chromosomes.

We have 22 pairs of chromosomes plus two X chromosomes (women) or an X and Y chromosome (men).

Each chromosome contains thousands of genes like beads on a thread. Genes contain information – they are the blueprints for making a person.

Rare types of dementia that can be inherited

Each gene has the instructions for making one tiny aspect of a person.

They are the basic units of heredity that allow specific characteristics (e.g. hair color, height, the tendency to develop diabetes in late life) to be passed from one generation to the next.

A mutation is a change in a gene. Some mutations are beneficial, but many are potentially harmful.

With regard to diseases, some genes are causative. E.g. if a person inherits a gene for a certain form of muscular dystrophy, they will certainly develop that illness in life.

Other genes are so called risk factor genes – they may not irrevocably lead to a person developing a certain illness such as diabetes, high blood pressure or Alzheimer’s disease. Some genes can make this more or less likely.

Source: Dementia.org.au

Alzheimer’s disease

According to Alzheimers.org.uk

‘In the vast majority of cases (more than 99 in 100), Alzheimer’s disease is not inherited’.

The most important factor with Alzheimer’s is age. This is because the disease becomes more common in people who are in their late seventies and onwards.

If you have a grandparent with Alzheimer’s disease, this does not mean that you will be at any greater risk of developing it yourself.

  • It has been proven that everyone can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s by keeping your mind active, regularly exercising and eating a really healthy diet. It is also recommended that you drink moderate amounts of alcohol and cut out smoking.

Vascular dementia

Is vascular dementia inherited Is dementia inherited with Vascular dementia?  Vascular dementia in itself is not inheritable. However, some of the underlying health problems that can contribute to this condition can be inherited. These include diabetes and high blood pressure.

Research has shown that certain genes can increase the chances of developing vascular dementia. These genes can be passed from parent to child.

  • Once again, a keyway to reduce the risk of developing vascular dementia is to embrace a healthy lifestyle with a good diet. Include plenty of leafy green vegetables along with plenty of regular exercise.

Frontotemporal dementia (also known as FTD or Pick’s disease)

This form of dementia is far less common than those listed above, but it is hereditary. This can cause great anxiety in families with a loved one with Frontotemporal dementia (FTD).

Although FTD is not always directly inherited, about one in ten people who develop FTD have at least one close relative with a form of dementia.

The relative could have, Alzheimer’s, FTD or motor neuron disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, known as ALS).

Generally, if there is a relative with FTD or ALS, there is a greater chance of another family member developing what is known as ‘Familial FTD’ and most commonly, this is in its behavioral form rather than primary progressive aphasia type which is only inherited very rarely.

As there are a number of different genes that can cause familial FTD and each gene has a unique pattern of inheritance, it is best to seek the advice of a genetic specialist.

Is dementia inherited with Lewy bodies

Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) develops where there is an accumulation of abnormal proteins called ‘Lewy bodies’ in parts of the brain.

Currently, age is considered the greatest risk factor. Current research is being made to see if certain genes may also play a role.

Rare types of dementia that can be inherited

All of these types of dementia are very rare. However, if you are concerned that you or other family members could inherit a form of dementia, it is best to seek the advice of your family doctor and a referral to a genetic specialist.

Young-onset, familial Alzheimer’s disease

In a small number of Alzheimer’s cases, which the Canadian Health Institute puts at about 3%. This is the percentage of people aged 50-60 who can develop Alzheimer’s.

This is referred to as ‘Young Onset Alzheimer’s’ and is often caused by a faulty (mutated) gene inherited from their parents.

Very, very rarely, a person who is even younger, develops Alzheimer’s and this is nearly always caused by a faulty gene.

Huntingdon’s disease

Is Huntington Disease inheritedHuntington’s disease (HD) is inherited and causes nerve cells (known as neurons) in parts of the brain to gradually die.

This disease attacks parts of the brain that help to control movement, as well as other areas. People with HD often develop uncontrollable movements and abnormal body positions.

The disease often affects behavior, cognitive skills and emotions. HD usually appears in middle-aged people. There is a 50% chance of HD being passed onto children if one parent has the faulty gene.

Familial Prion disease.

Approximately 10–15 percent of people with prion disease have a genetic form.

Genetic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a single gene disorder due to mutations in the prion gene (PRNP) on chromosome 20.

Is dementia inheritedPresently more than 20 alterations in the DNA sequence in the gene have been reported. The characteristics of the disease correlate with the different mutation types.

Several other changes in the PRNP gene (called polymorphisms) do not cause prion diseases directly but may affect a person’s risk of developing these diseases or alter the course of the disease.

Genetic prion disease follows an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. This means that if you carry a prion-disease-causing mutation, each of your children has a 50 percent (1 in 2) chance to inherit the same mutation.

Source: Memory.ucsf.edu

Final thoughts – Is Dementia Inherited?

When discussing – “is dementia inherited”, in the vast majority of cases it is not, but in the types that can be caused by a faulty gene there is a greater risk – especially as the faulty gene is always the dominant gene.

If you have concerns about anything you have read in this article, it is best to seek the advice of your family doctor.

Unraveling the Mystery: Is Alzheimer’s Type 3 Diabetes?

Is there a link between diabetes and Alzheimer’s

In this article we discuss the most recent research investigating the question, is Alzheimer’s type 3 diabetes?

Most people have heard of Type 1 Diabetes which is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the body fails to produce its own insulin. This causes the body’s sugar levels to be too high. Many people with Type 1 Diabetes have to have regular insulin injections.

Type 2 Diabetes is different in the fact that the body develops an insulin resistance and does not use insulin properly. Again, this leads to raised sugar levels. Both types of diabetes are chronic conditions.

Recently, there have been some references to Alzheimer’s being Type 3 Diabetes, so what is this all about?

Is Alzheimer’s Type 3 Diabetes?

Is Alzheimer’s type 3 diabetes disease

The term ‘type 3 diabetes’ is one that has been coined by the world’s health press in reference to Alzheimer’s disease because this common neurogenerative disease has been found to be linked to insulin resistance – which of course is a problem found in type 2 diabetics.

Explain more, why is Alzheimer’s Type 3 diabetes

At this stage, the term ‘type 3 diabetes’ is being used by researchers rather than doctors. There are many studies taking place around the world on the different types of dementia.

A growing number of researchers are exploring the links between insulin resistance in the brain and cognitive decline which is found in Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

Researchers are also studying to see if there are any links between type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

It has already been proven that people with type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of developing several different types of dementia.

Is there a link between diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease?

link between diabetes and Alzheimer’sScientists are currently studying a number of possible links between diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

Some scientists believe that Alzheimer’s could be caused by insulin resistance in the brain, but as yet, this has not been proven.

Other research is investigating whether diabetes cause any chemical imbalances in the brain.

It is known that high blood sugars can cause inflammation and scientists are exploring what impact the inflammation can have – especially as this could be a possible trigger for vascular dementia. This link though, has yet to be proven.

A second line of research is studying the damage caused to blood vessels when type 2 diabetes is not diagnosed early enough.

Many people with the condition are unaware that they have it. This leads to a delay in their diagnosis and treatment and an increase in the chance of damage to their blood vessels.

Again, this makes those with diabetes undiagnosed, and uncontrolled diabetes more likely to be as risk of vascular dementia with a query mark that there could be an increased risk of Alzheimer’s too.

Healthline.com states that-

‘According to a 2022 review of research, people who have type 2 diabetes may be up to 45% to 90% more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia, such as vascular dementia’.

Are blood vessel damage, insulin resistance in the brain, and elevated blood sugar levels all connected to diabetes and potential contributors to dementia? Furthermore, is Alzheimer’s type 3 diabetes? Let’s delve further…

Insulin and Alzheimer’s Disease

diabetes and Alzheimer’s diseaseA paper published by the National Library of Medicine in February 2022, makes interesting reading as the authors point out that the incidence of both type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease are rapidly increasing

‘Globally, the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) epidemics is increasing rapidly and has huge financial and emotional costs.

The purpose of the current review article is to discuss the shared pathophysiological connections between AD and T2DM.

Research findings are presented to underline the vital role that insulin plays in the brain’s neurotransmitters, homeostasis of energy, as well as memory capacity.

The findings of this review indicate the existence of a mechanistic interplay between AD pathogenesis with T2DM and, especially, disrupted insulin signaling.

AD and T2DM are interlinked with insulin resistance, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, advanced glycosylation end products (AGEs), mitochondrial dysfunction and metabolic syndrome.

Beta-amyloid, tau protein and amylin can accumulate in T2DM and AD brains. Given that the T2DM patients are not routinely evaluated in terms of their cognitive status, they are rarely treated for cognitive impairment.

Similarly, AD patients are not routinely evaluated for high levels of insulin or for T2DM. Studies suggesting AD as a metabolic disease caused by insulin resistance in the brain also offer strong support for the hypothesis that AD is a type 3 diabetes.’     Reference

Is Alzheimer’s Type 3 Diabetes? (Tests)

prevent alzheimer's through lifestyleCertainly, it seems possible that researchers will find that families with history of type 2 diabetes could have a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia.

It is important that in future frequent tests are made of sugar levels and insulin resistance not only of patients with type 2 diabetes but also Alzheimer’s disease as there is increasing evidence that there could be a significant link between the two diseases and could lead to some new treatments.

At present it is important that all types of research continue….

Preventative measures that can be taken

In the meantime, as research continues, it is important that anyone who suspects that they could have either type 2 diabetes or Alzheimer’s seeks advice from their doctor. Also, ensure that they have a healthy lifestyle to help prevent either.  Or, if they are diagnosed, to slow down the progression of the disease for as long as possible and importantly, minimize organ damage.

  • Is Alzheimer's Type 3 Diabetes Adopt a Healthy Eating PlanAdopt a healthy diet with foods that are rich in protein and fiber and low in sugar and saturated fats.
  • Monitor your blood sugar levels as recommended by your doctor.
  • Keep an eye on your cholesterol levels too.
  • Take any medication you have been prescribed according to the schedule from your doctor.
  • Exercise for 30 minutes most days – walking, swimming, cycling, tennis and jogging are all good or following an exercise program in your home or local gym.
  • Keep your body weight down – to the recommended weight for your age and frame.

Final Thoughts – Is Alzheimer’s type 3 diabetes?

In conclusion, there have been several research studies proposing that Alzheimer’s disease be categorized as a form of diabetes, termed type 3 diabetes.

However, whilst this concept is explored in research, the term ’type 3 diabetes’ is not officially recognized by National health organizations, nor the American Diabetes Association.

Is Alzheimer’s type 3 diabetes… this is yet to be proven.

What is Pseudodementia? [Diagnosis, Treatment]

What is Pseudodementia? [Diagnosis, Treatment]

What is pseudodementia? Pseudodementia is a mental illness of cognitive decline that has a number of the same symptoms that are found in people with dementia and does resemble dementia.

In this article we delve deeply into the question, what is pseudodementia, looking at the history of the condition, diagnosis and treatment.

Usually, pseudodementia has other underlying causes – with depression being a very common one. The patient’s symptoms must be carefully assessed so that they get the correct diagnosis and treatment.

Interestingly, treating some of the underlying causes can effectively reduce some of the symptoms and with continued support, the person’s condition can greatly improve . So, what are the causes of pseudodementia?

What is Pseudodementia?

What is Pseudeodementia Guide

When was the term pseudodementia first used?

Leslie Gordon Kiloh was an Australian doctor who was born in London in 1917. He completed his medical training at King’s College, London and after the Second World War he returned to the hospital and worked in the Neurology Department with some of the UK’s most eminent neurologists.

Kiloh wrote a number of influential papers on depression and the classification of depressive illnesses during his time at King’s College .

‘The term pseudo-dementia (PDEM) was coined by Kiloh (1961) to describe the cases, which closely mimicked the picture of dementia’. The National Library of Medicine

The National Library of Medicine continues by explaining that the term –

‘has been used a little loosely for describing the cognitive deficits in depression, especially, which is found in old age’.

What is pseudodementia? – understanding the symptoms

symptoms of pseudodementiaPseudodementia can certainly appear very similar to dementia, but importantly, is not caused by neurological degradation. Commonly it has its roots in a mood-related condition such as depression and these conditions can be treated.

A patient with pseudodementia can have the following symptoms:

  • Difficulties with speech and words
  • Lapses of memory or memory loss
  • Difficulty keeping focused on something
  • Difficulty moderating their emotions
  • Struggle with being organized and unable to plan

All of the above symptoms are also commonly found in people with dementia which makes it very difficult for a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis.

If a person is presenting with these symptoms, but they are linked to depression, they may well have some of the following symptoms too:

  • A loss of interest in their favourite activities and pastimes
  • Period of feeling blue that last for a number of weeks each time
  • No interest in being sociable and seeing friends
  • Have suicidal thoughts
  • Suffer from insomnia or hypersomnia (excessively tired during the day and
    sleeping many hours at night)
  • A marked loss of appetite

This medical condition does occur in people as they age. Many doctors believe that depression can also cause cognitive impairment. It is well known that dementia can also cause depression.

As well as depression, there are several other mental conditions that can cause similar symptoms that need careful diagnosis.

What is pseudodementia? – getting a diagnosis

what is pseudodementia diagnosisNot surprisingly, doctors find it incredibly difficult to differentiate between dementia and pseudodementia. As they are often trying to make the diagnosis with an older patient, this can make it even harder. In addition, some doctors feel that the term ‘pseudodementia’ describes the symptoms and is not the correct name for the condition.

Doctors usually try to rule out all other medical conditions before they consider whether their patient could have pseudodementia. This usually takes time as the doctor wants to discount a number of cognitive impairments first.

To make the diagnosis even more challenging, their patient could have both dementia and depression at the same time. So, a number of tests need to be carried out.

‘Pseudodementia is a term used to describe patients who appear to be demented but are actually severely depressed.

Differences from genuine dementia can be subtle; patients with pseudodementia usually have a pre-existing history of depression with acute onset (often after a specific event), emphasize and appear more distressed about the cognitive deficits, and have preserved attention.

If the diagnosis of depression is suspected, patients should be asked about thoughts of suicidality and their social support structure.

Appropriate consultation and follow-up with a psychiatrist or social worker or hospitalization may be necessary to ensure the patient’s safety’     

Source: Sciencedirect.com

Diagnostic tests

The tests that the doctor will want to complete usually include :

  • The use of speech and language
  • Visual perception
  • Problem solving skills and other cognitive tests
  • Attention span and difficulties
  • Movement and balance

Blood tests are usually carried out to ensure that the patient does not have an underactive thyroid or Vitamin B12 deficiency. Both of these conditions can cause a number of similar symptoms to pseudodementia.

A brain scan is the most important test to have done as the results for dementia or pseudodementia will be very clearly different because of the changes in brain structure and function found in people with dementia.

According to the Healthline website, in people with dementia, there can be 10-50% loss of brain volume.

Interestingly, family members may spot a difference in their loved ones behaviour. People with dementia usually try to hide any memory loss. However, people with pseudodementia may well highlight their difficulties.

Treating pseudodementia

What is pseudodementia treatmentOnce the doctor has made the diagnosis of pseudodementia, they will be keen to start treatment to address the underlying cause which is usually depression.

Depression can be successfully minimised but the treatment must be tailor-made for the individual and usually comprises of both psychotherapy sessions and medication.

A popular type of therapy used is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and the suggested medication may be a course of antidepressants.

Unfortunately, at present there is no cure for dementia, but the symptoms of dementia can be managed for a while.

With cases of pseudodementia, treatment of the underlying depression, often results in a significant improvement in the patient’s condition if not a total reversal in their symptoms.

‘Across multiple studies, between 10%- 90% of people who were at one time diagnosed with pseudodementia were later found to have irreversible or neurodegenerative forms of dementia’. Healthline .com

If you enjoyed reading our blog on ‘What is Pseudodementia’ then you may also find value in our other article that gives an overview of pseudodementia.

Understanding Sundowning Dementia Treatment

Understanding Sundowning Dementia Treatment

Sundowning, or to use its other name, sundown syndrome, is one of the most challenging aspects of dementia that affects many individuals. Basically, when a day transitions into night, dementia patients begin to experience a heightened state of agitation and confusion in this condition. The state of restlessness increases in intensity with every passing hour. Because the condition aggravates the already miserable effects of dementia, researchers have tried their best to find strategies and interventions which can help with this condition. Let us have a look at sundowning dementia treatment plans…

Sundowning Dementia’s Symptoms and Effects

Sundowning Dementia Treatment and Management

It is important to understand the symptoms of sundowning dementia in the first place before we discuss any interventions or strategies to counter it. Usually, this condition is characterized by a set of symptoms that become more pronounced in the later parts of the day. Some of these symptoms include:

Once these symptoms are observed and the presence of sundowning dementia is affirmed, one can move towards appropriate management techniques.

How to Cope with Sundowning Dementia?

Best treatments for sundowning dementia

Ok, so let us talk about sundowning symptoms treatment. The first thing to do in such a situation is to establish a calm and soothing environment during the evening hours. This can help in cutting down the intensity of the symptoms associated with this syndrome.

Some of the things that can be done in this regard include dimming the lights, playing soft music and minimizing noise and distractions. As you can sense, the idea is to minimize anxiety and restlessness.

A consistent daily routine for individuals suffering from dementia is often considered quite important. It goes the same for people suffering from Sundowning dementia. By maintaining this consistent routine, a sense of security can be provided to the patients.

Here is another tip for coping with sundowning in dementia. Dementia care specialists often encourage Sundowning dementia patients to engage in daytime activities and exposure to natural light.

The goal of these exercises is to positively impact sleep patterns and overall well-being. Physical exercises can reduce restlessness and improve sleep quality, thereby minimizing the severity of Sundowning dementia’s symptoms.

Also, vascular dementia and eating problems often require a proper diet for dementia patients; take care of that as well.

Interventions to Consider For Sundowning Dementia Treatment

Sundowning Dementia Treatment

Light therapy:

Talking about sundown syndrome interventions, Light therapy is a technique that involves exposing a patient to bright light during specific periods of the day.

It has been observed that the intervention is quite an effective strategy in regulating circadian rhythms and improving the sleep patterns in individuals suffering from sundowning dementia.


Then, there are melatonin supplements, formulas that can address sleep disturbances in patients suffering from dementia.

However, one must consult their healthcare professional before decision for a melatonin supplement; Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycles. It must be used with great caution and care.


It so happens that the patients suffering from sundowning treatment often fall prey to communication disorders. They are often in need of proper and effective communication and chats that can minimize their anxiety and frustration.


Hence, dementia caregivers often rely on such techniques to calm down the patients suffering from Sundowning dementia. Also, validating the feelings and experiences of patients suffering from dementia can prove to be quite instrumental in comforting and reassuring them.

Distracting activities:

Activities such as listening to familiar music or scrolling through a photo album they own are often endorsed by caregivers.

Cognitive behavioral therapy:

We would also like to mention the importance of cognitive behavioral therapy here. This type of therapy, also known as validation therapy sometimes, is considered to be quite effective for individuals suffering from Sundowning dementia.

It so happens that often the behavioral patterns are off the normal routine in such patients. Addressing their emotional problems can often help overcome the challenge of Sundowning dementia.

Talking helps:

If there is a family member or friend that you know suffers from Sundowning dementia, talk to them. Sometimes, their agitation is quite visible as they watch the day transition from dawn to dusk.

Be with them, chat with them, and spend time with them. It is said that our friends are those who stay close to us in periods of darkness; well, you have to be that friend.

Final Thoughts – Sundowning Dementia Treatment 

Coping with sundowning in dementia

That would be all from this brief. As you read in these lines, sundowning dementia presents itself as a unique challenge for both dementia patients and caregivers.

The usual strategies that are employed to counter dementia are somewhat modified in the case of Sundowning dementia treatment. However, the important thing to note here is that it is not something that cannot be tackled.

The best sundowning  dementia treatment includes a clean environment, consistent routine, daytime activities and support during the darkest hours, can create a big difference.

Light therapy and melatonin supplements can also be relied upon. However, a healthcare professional’s opinion must be sought before relying on these techniques.

If all of this is done in a careful and coordinated manner, the life of Sundowning dementia patients can be improved by a great deal!

In fact, if one can keep a lookout for early signs of dementia in women and men, a lot of problems later can be avoided.



8 Reversible Dementia Causes and Symptoms

reversible dementia

If you have never clearly understood the reversible dementia causes and symptoms, you came to the right place. In short, in this article, we discuss the most common ones that you need to be aware of.

One of the most disheartening dementia facts is that it has no cure.

This implies that if a person gets a positive dementia diagnosis, they will have to live with it until their last day.

This said, it is important to note that some conditions exhibit dementia-like symptoms, which can make one confuse other diseases or infections for dementia.

These are often known as reversible dementia causes and some of them include:

Most Common Reversible Dementia Causes

1. Psychiatric Disorders

psychiatric disorders
Some psychiatric disorders, such as depression, can also cause dementia-like symptoms in seniors.

Worth noting is that depression can be one of the signs of dementia. Depression can make a person LACK motivation and have problems with paying attention or feeling lethargic about daily activities.

If someone does not have dementia, treating dementia can help to improve cognitive abilities.

It is important to understand depression symptoms as well as get an accurate assessment from the experts to get prompt treatment for better emotional and cognitive health.

2. Tumors

Tumors, especially the ones that develop in the brain, are known to be part of reversible dementia causes.

Depending on its size and location, many people may confuse this tumor for dementia.

Brain tumors are responsible for multiple symptoms that can negatively affect judgment, memory, impulse control, and personality changes, amongst many others.

Depending on the affected person, treatment can offer the benefit of full restoration, especially when it is a tumor that can be successfully removed.

3. Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus

normal pressure hydrocephalus
Also known as “water in the brain,” NPH (normal pressure hydrocephalus) is a condition that causes extra spinal fluid to build up in the brain instead of traveling to the spinal column via the brain.

When this happens, a person will normally experience a couple of symptoms, such as:

Proper diagnosis is essential in the event a person is going through the above.

This is because there is a HIGH chance of reversing some, if not all, of the confusion and memory impairment.

Early identification is always best because it allows treatment on time, which generally offers better results.

4. Subdural Hematomas

subdural hematomas
Older adults are at high risk of developing subdural hemorrhages, which are also known as subdural hematomas.

This is where blood vessels in the brain tear and break leaving behind a pool of blood between the dura and the brain. This typically makes a person experience symptoms like lethargy, confusion, headaches, and difficulties with speech.

When an individual with subdural hematomas does not undergo treatment fast enough, the condition can be fatal.

However, if this is detected early enough, treatment can involve surgery or medication that will drain off all the excess blood in the brain.

When everything goes to plan, the person will not experience any NEGATIVE symptoms related to this type of hematoma.

5. Low Levels of Thyroid Hormones

low levels of thyroid hormones
Thyroid disorders can also make individuals experience symptoms that might be mistaken for dementia.

This can include communication problems such as finding the proper words to complete sentences, reduced levels of concentration, memory loss, slower visual processing, and poor spatial organization.

Problematic cognitive symptoms can crop up because of both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Should a person experience any of the above symptoms, it is vital to see a specialist right away.

With PROPER treatment, all the symptoms may disappear after a while.

6. Sleep Deprivation

sleep deprivation
Lack of sleep also belongs to the category of reversible dementia causes.

Sleep deprivation is a major cause of memory loss. Experts also point out that when you do not get enough sleep, it can make some parts of the brain shrink.

Sleeping well is crucial for good health.

If you suffer from constant sleep deprivation, you will most likely go through cognitive decline and experience loss of memory. This can have a huge impact on how you reason and think.

Thankfully, this is not something you have to live with for the rest of your life. A professional medic can treat this successfully in regaining your memory and cognitive function.

7. Central Nervous System Infection

central nervous system infection
Several CNS (central nervous systems) infections are also known to cause treatable cognitive impairment. Examples of these include AIDS dementia complex, tuberculous meningitis, and bacterial meningitis, etc.

Most of these usually meet dementia’s diagnostic criteria.

For instance, HIV-associated dementia may present challenges with memory and concentration, as well as social withdrawal, apathy, and motor dysfunction.

Multiple studies state that with adequate treatment, we can REVERSE the symptoms. In the case of antiretroviral therapy produces the best results.

8. Metabolic Disorders

metabolic disorders
When talking about reversible dementia, it is important to mention that metabolic disorders vitamin B12 deficiency can make a person have symptoms that are similar to those of dementia.

These mostly include behavior changes like irritation and agitation, as well as memory loss. Many people will have low levels of vitamin B12 because of a poor diet.

Health issues like Crohn’s disease or pernicious anemia may also be responsible for this deficiency. As people grow older, the ability to absorb this particular vitamin may reduce.

Doctors may prescribe vitamin B12 supplements to people who have low levels of the vitamin. These may also help to restore or improve memory as well as cognitive functioning.

Rapidly Progressive Dementia (Treatment & Diagnosis)

rapidly progressive dementia

Over the course of our studies, we discovered different types of dementia, including rapidly progressive dementia (RPD).

This is a form of dementia where deterioration from onset happens at a SPEEDY rate when you compare it to other dementias.

Experts, most of the time, predict two years as the time frame for the development of the illness. However, in most cases, RPD usually develops sub-acutely in a few weeks or months.

Various factors can lead to the development of RPD like:

The progression of RPD is different from one person to another because it mostly depends on the cause.

Persons with the disease usually develop problems with communication, movements, thinking, and personality.

Let’s find out more RPD explicitly touching on the diagnosis process and available treatment options.

Rapidly Progressive Dementia Diagnosis

RPD is rare and challenging to diagnose. Nonetheless, accurate and early diagnosis is essential because a majority of the causes of the illness are treatable.

If you suspect that a person has the illness, it is advisable to see a doctor who specializes in these medical conditions.

The professional then makes a proper diagnosis.

The practitioner might ask some questions concerning the medical history of the person suspected to have the illness, the progression of symptoms, recent possible exposures i.e. from toxins, infections, chemicals, or travel as well as any similar diseases present in biological relatives.

Thorough documentation of all medications, both prescribed and non-prescribed, is also imperative.

The medics also perform CAREFUL physical examinations. These help spot any physical issues as well as evaluate the current mental function level.

These examinations determine whether there are other neurologic features present and whether there are any organs in the body that are affected by the illness.

To confirm whether a person has rapidly progressive dementia or not, doctors normally combine different types of diagnosis methods to come up with conclusive results. These include:

Rapidly Progressive Dementia Tests

Laboratory Tests

laboratory tests
Ancillary testing is crucial mainly because many RPDs have similar clinical features.

Doctors may request various laboratory tests that may include:

  • Blood tests
  • Urine tests
  • Brain imaging like electroencephalogram which measures electrical activity in the brain from the scalp, MRI or CT.
  • Cerebrospinal fluid tests which involves looking at the clear fluid that surrounds the spinal cord and the brain.

The results that the doctor will gather from the tests can HELP to determine the cause of the disease.

Lumbar Punctures

lumbar punctures
A lumbar puncture or CSF can also be performed on a person to determine if they have rapidly progressive dementia.

It is usually beneficial for persons who have neoplastic, infectious, or autoimmune disorders.


Some doctors also find that it is necessary to conduct EEG in a bid to rule out seizures as one of the causes of RPD.

Brain Biopsy

In a few cases, a brain biopsy is necessary.

RPD Treatment Options

treatment options
Regarding rapidly progressive dementia, it is important to mention that treatment for most cases of RPD is palliative.

The illness is perpetually fatal, and experts give it a median survival rate of 6-11 months even though some people can live for three years upwards.

On the other hand, some types of RPD are reversible if doctors can efficiently treat the cause of the disease.

For instance, if the illness is a result of hormonal imbalance or cancer, treatment CAN TARGET these specific conditions in a bid to help treat RPD.

Some treatment options that may help curb treatable RPD include:

Paraneoplastic and Autoimmune Encephalopathies

paraneoplastic and autoimmune encephalopathies
If medical practitioners suspect autoimmune encephalopathy, they will recommend a trial of immunotherapy for the ill person, which will help to treat RPD in responsive persons.

Immunotherapy, however, does not work when the person with dementia has infections that will become worse after immunosuppression.

Physicians also avoid steroids when lymphoma is differential because it can DELAY EFFICIENT treatment. Worth noting is that steroid trials work as diagnostic tests as well as treatment options.

This implies that doctors need to administer a high dosage for a clear clinical response.

The doctor will determine the number of steroids to give out because currently, there is no documentation on the minimum steroid dose that is sufficient to treat dementias that are immune-mediated.

Persons who cannot tolerate steroids will often go through PLEX (plasma exchange) or a course of IVIg.

Toxic Metabolic

toxic metabolic
To treat toxic-metabolic etiologies, doctors will first find out the specific disorder that they need to tackle.

Thiamine deficiency is one of the disorders that has proven to be more affordable and easier to treat empirically rather than going in to rest the thiamine levels.

Specialists use A COMBINATION of glucose and thiamine to treat a person who has Wernicke encephalopathy to help with treatment.

Taking Care of Infectious RPD

rapidly progressive dementia
When it comes to treating infectious rapidly progressive dementia, infectious disease specialists should first detect the type of infection that the person had before recommending the appropriate treatment.

For example, antivirals are normally suggested to individuals who have viral encephalitis. Medics also screen persons with RPD to look for infections like Lyme disease, syphilis, and HIV.

When diagnosed EARLY enough, such infections are treatable.

This is one of the reasons why it is essential to consult the specialists soon enough so that they have adequate time to identify and treat the infection before it is too late.

Maintenance Therapy

maintenance therapy
Studies indicate that persons who have positive responses to immunotherapy trials often require long-term treatment because relapse rates are usually high.

Individuals with RPD must, therefore, also go through maintenance therapy to maintain remission. Most people will go through suitable osteoporosis and screening for latent tuberculosis as part of this process.

Clinicians will, however, advise on the best approach for maintenance therapy depending on an individual’s progress regarding treatment.

Antiviral Medications

antiviral medications
These are medications that come in handy, especially in cases where prion diseases cause RPD.

The medicines, when administered in the right way, help to significantly improve clinical status where persons with the illness record a relapse of symptoms.

Depending on the individual, a doctor can also prescribe anticonvulsants to help deal with seizures.

Doctors may also prescribe other forms of medications that will offer relief to the persons with RPD, depending on why they got the illness in the first place.

In instances where the individual does not have the option to take medicine, the TREATMENT approach mainly FOCUSES on improving the quality of life and making sure that a person is as comfortable as possible.

Some of the options available when it comes to this include:

In-Home Care

in-home care
Because many people who have rapidly progressive dementia do not have many years to live, it is advisable to think of collaborating with an in-home care agency.

These are companies that have the experience and the expertise needed to care for a person who has medical conditions like RPD.

It works well for families that want their loved ones to stay at home while receiving expert care round the clock.

Staying in a familiar environment is beneficial as it helps to offer persons with RPD peace of mind and security.

This also allows NON-PROFESSIONAL caregivers (friends and relatives) to go on about their business so that they can spend time with their unwell relatives when they are free without feeling too overwhelmed.

In-home care professionals may offer services like assistance with dressing, walking, grooming, bathing, as well as medication reminders, appointment transportation, light housekeeping, meal preparations, errands, and shopping, amongst others.

Take time before working with any in-home agency to ensure you settle on the RIGHT FIT for the affected individual.

Above all, ensure that the person who will be spending time with the person with RPD has proper qualifications and preferably has experience working with persons who have this type of dementia.

When in-home care does not give the results a family is looking for, it is probably best to look for an appropriate care facility that will be in tune with the needs of the ill individual until they take their last breath.

Working with Routines

working with routines
It may also help to develop routines that the person will follow. Many individuals with RPD find comfort in routines. This is because, when crafted well, they help to reduce anxiety and confusion.

Routines can include waking up, sleeping, exercising, and eating at specific times.

For instance, an individual can wake up at six am have breakfast at seven am shower an hour later, rest, eat lunch at one, participate in an activity at three, go for an evening walk or exercise at five and retire to bed at eight pm.

Remember that when coming up with routines, it helps to consider the needs of the suffering person so that their day is full of activities they enjoy and love.

The routine should also not be cast in stone. It should be adjusted along the way to ensure the person with dementia has productive and comforting days.


Rapidly developing dementia, unlike other forms of dementia, usually develops at a fast rate.

While some cases of RPD are treatable after early diagnosis, others are irreversible, depending on the cause. If a loved one ever gets RPD, it is best to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

It is important to know the next steps to take to ensure a person receives the right treatment. Not to mention, lives comfortably until the illness runs its course.

Sugar And Dementia (Makes It Worse?)

sugar and dementia

We reviewed numerous studies that suggest a possible link between sugar and dementia.

This is after researchers confirmed that consuming TOO much sugar in any form puts a person at a higher risk of getting dementia.

One longitudinal study exposed the fact that persons with high levels of blood sugar experience faster cognitive decline rates than the ones with normal blood sugar levels.

Another study by Melissa Schilling reveals that elevated insulin plays a huge role in the development of dementia.

Seeing that too much sugar is one of the RISK factors of dementia, which still has no cure, to date, it is important to keenly study the relationship between the two to find out how both factors reconcile.

Below you will uncover some of the ways that consuming too much sugar can increase the risk of developing dementia EVEN at a young age.

Poor Insulin Control

poor insulin control
When your body always has to deal with insulin resistance, it means that you will be at a higher risk of developing dementia.

Note that when you eat different types of food, including sugar, starches, and carbohydrates, the body breaks them down into glucose.

When the digestion process takes place, the small intestines and the stomach absorb all the glucose and then sends it into your bloodstream.

Insulin, which is a hormone that the pancreas produces, transports the sugar/glucose in the bloodstream to the cells in your muscles and other organs.

Your body will produce MORE insulin when the levels of blood sugar are too high. This implies that insulin will, essentially, try to give the cells more sugar.

When this happens, the cells are bound to try and protect themselves from insulin’s powerful effect, thus creating insulin resistance.

The pancreas then responds to this resistance by giving the body even more insulin. This creates a vicious cycle where insulin resistance results in higher blood sugar levels.

Where there is an insulin spike, too much glucose will find its way to the brain through the bloodstream. This will eventually DESTROY the cells in the brain, a move that can lead to the development of dementia.

An Overdose of Glucose in Brain Cells

an overdose of glucose in brain cells
The brain needs glucose as a source of energy.

However, when there is too much sugar in the brain, the cells in this organ can easily absorb the glucose.

It is worth noting that brain cells, unlike other cells in the body, do not require insulin to absorb glucose. This means that the cells in the brain will DIRECTLY absorb the glucose from the bloodstream because sugar usually crosses the barrier in the brain fast.

When too much sugar is flowing in the brain, it will NOT PRODUCE useful mental energy. This is because the brain can only convert sugar into energy with the help of insulin.

After a long period of consuming simple carbohydrates and sugar, the brain will have an overflow of sugar that is not beneficial in any way.

In fact, when talking about sugar and dementia, it is safe to say that a high insulin load will prevent the brain from using glucose as a source of energy because it will have excess levels.

When the brain cells do not get the energy they need from glucose, they eventually die off one of the events that lead to the onset of dementia.

The sad fact is that brain cells get too much sugar but CANNOT make good use of it.

Too Much Sugar Clogs the Brain and Causes Inflammation

too much sugar clogs the brain and causes inflammation
Another front that shows evidence of the link between sugar and dementia is the fact that obese individuals have a doubled risk of developing dementia.

Most people will become overweight because of a poor diet that mostly consists of too much sugar.

As a result, this causes clumps in the brain that affect how it functions. To better understand this concept, it is essential to know that obese persons typically have TOO MANY amyloid proteins in the brain.

These proteins are toxic to the brain because they stick together and start forming clumps. These clumps are usually present in the brains of people who have different forms of dementia.

In the medical world, there is still a huge debate as to whether the clumps that amyloid proteins form are responsible for dementia even though they are generally present in persons who already have dementia.

Experts also believe that HIGH sugar amounts in the body can cause inflammation.

Inflammation has been LINKED to dementia, diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer. Inflammation inside the body is akin to a swollen red, infection on the skin that is full of puss.

When there is inflammation in the brain or other parts of the body, the body has to get into a position where it is always fighting infections.

When this happens, it will lead to cognition breaking down because the brain, as well as the blood vessels, are irritated and swollen.

Eating Sugar Leads to Addiction

eating sugar leads to addiction
Experts have established that excess sugar in the brain can impair both cognitive skills as well as self-control. Many people experience cravings after consuming a little sugar.

Sugar is known to have a drug-like effect on the brain’s reward center. Scientists propose that sweet, salty, and fatty foods can produce addiction effects in the brain.

This results in overeating, loss of self-control, and CONSEQUENTLY weight gain.

This drive, on the other hand, can lead to excess amounts of sugar in the brain, which is a dementia risk factor.

Too much sugar in the brain is harmful as it can result in deficits in attention, memory, and slow cognitive function.

Too much Sugar Leads to Strokes

too-much sugar leads to strokes
Another possible variable when discussing sugar and dementia is the fact that too much glucose in the blood vessels can lead to stroke.

This is because a spike in blood sugar can cause the vessels to become weak. Meaning, they will not function as they should leading to strokes, which can make a person get various dementia forms.

In such a case, the brain cells will die because they lack oxygen.

How to Reduce Adverse Effects of Sugar and Dementia

how to reduce adverse effects of sugar and dementia
It is almost IMPOSSIBLE to cut off sugar in your diet, seeing that most fruits are loaded with sugar. This, however, does not mean that you should not try and limit the amount of sugar that goes into your system.

There are several steps you can take to prevent getting dementia because of too much sugar like:

Balancing blood sugar

balancing blood sugar
This has everything to do with the things that you put into your mouth.

Avoid those high-fat and sugar diets because they will only lead you into trouble. Take off the unhealthy stuff that includes alcohol, refined carbs, caffeine, dairy, processed foods, etc.

Instead, your diet should constitute healthy alternatives like leafy green vegetables, nuts, good fats, and grass-fed meats, among many others.

These foods are not only great for your waistline, but they will also make the brain very happy.

If you are NOT TOO sure about the foods to be eating, it is best to work with a dietician who will give you proper guidance.

Remember that sugars present in soft drinks and sweets can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels. The ones from complex carbs are absorbed in a slower rate.


Another way to tame blood sugar is to get physically active. This helps to reduce blood sugar levels and weight if need be.

If you have not been working out for long, try and schedule at least 150 minutes of exercise every week.

You DO NOT have to go into a gym or start working with an expensive professional trainer.

Brisk walking for a few minutes every day can do the trick. Take short but frequent breaks as you walk. This can be as short as forty seconds or one minute.

This can help to lower blood sugar effectively.

Some experts also advise taking a walk after meals. Exercising can also mean taking the stairs more than using the lift, parking a little further from your destination, and moving around if you sit around for hours.

When you are more active, your muscles will increase their glucose intake, which will prevent instances of insulin resistance.

Get enough rest and avoid stress

get enough rest and avoid stress
Giving the body enough rest is crucial if you want to protect the health of your brain. This includes getting quality sleep and listening to your body when it needs to rest.

Additionally, it is also important to avoid stress triggers because they are not good for your health.

Do things that you love and enjoy and talk to a trustworthy person if you feel like things are getting out of hand to keep stress at bay.

Sugar and Dementia Conclusion

It is now evident that there is a connection between sugar and dementia.

Experts agree that faster cognitive decline happens when there are high sugar levels in the blood, whether the sugar levels make a person diabetic or not.

It is one of the reasons why you should control sugar consumption while ADOPTING a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of dementia and other diseases.

Dementia and Aggression (Complete Guide)

dementia and aggression

Since dementia and aggression, both physical and verbal, are very common in patients, we will look at all the possible causes and steps to soothe the situation.

People with dementia might sometimes become verbally or physically aggressive because of the damage that is happening in the brain.

In fact, it can be pretty common, as we experienced it 100s of times.

It is a normal part of the illness, and it can happen to seniors who have NEVER been violent all their lives.

Aggressive outbursts can be difficult and scary for ill persons as well as those around them.

Persons with the illness may start to curse, scowl, scream, hit, bite, grab, throw things, or push.

Family members and friends may not know how to react accordingly when their loved one with dementia starts to behave aggressively.

Below we discuss the possible causes of aggression and how to best approach it in people with dementia.

Causes of Aggression

causes of aggression
With most dementia cases, affected persons who start to showcase aggressive behaviors normally do so because they cannot communicate their needs.

They may lash out for various reasons like:

  • Pain or discomfort
  • Hunger or thirst
  • Stress or depression
  • Soiled clothes or diapers
  • Lack of enough sleep or rest
  • Feelings of loss
  • Constipation
  • Excessive noise in the room
  • Sudden changes in routine, well-known places, or people
  • Feeling lonely
  • Medicine interactions
  • The person may misunderstand the good intentions of caregivers
  • Being pushed by others to complete certain tasks like going out to socialize or remembering events or loved ones, etc.

Practical Tips for Dealing with Aggression

practical tips for dealing with aggression
Caregivers may not always understand why dementia patients behave the way they do.

It is, however, important to familiarize yourself with some of the aggressive scenarios that may arise during the illness so that you prepare well for such.

Below we look at some of the best ways to respond when a person with dementia experiences anger outbursts.

Remain Calm

remain calm
It’s natural to want to fight back or argue when you encounter an aggressive person.

Avoid the urge to do this and, instead, step back, and take several deep breaths before reacting. This will give the person with dementia some space and time.

Although it may not be easy, you should always try to remain as calm as possible when dealing with an individual who is being aggressive for one reason or the other.

You can leave the room if this is what it takes to feel calmer.

If the individual with the illness is showing signs of physical violence, try your best not to show any fear, anxiety, or alarm because this may increase the person’s agitation levels.

It may be difficult, especially in a situation where you feel threatened. If you genuinely feel like the person is a threat, get away from them and immediately call for help.

Unless it is necessary, avoid trying to restrain the person because this escalates the problem further.

Remember to speak calmly, stay positive, and keep reassuring the angry person.

Try and Identify what is Triggering Aggression Episodes

try and identify what is triggering aggression episodes
Another way to help an individual with dementia when they are being aggressive is to think about what was happening before the flare-ups.

Frustration, fear, or pain are among likely triggers. For instance, an individual may start yelling at an empty chair or commanding people in the room to leave.

When you look around, you may notice that the room is getting darker; and shadows may start showing up in corners so that it feels like there are other persons in the room.

To help calm the weak person, you can turn on the lights so that the shadows disappear.

If the aggression ceases, you will know to turn on the lights in a room before it becomes shadowy.

Rule out Pain

dementia and aggression
When a person who has dementia is feeling pain and they cannot voice this out, they are bound to become aggressive.

Before coming up with other solutions, it is important to try and rule out eliminate pain as the cause of aggression.

Some of the things that may cause the individual pain include:

  • Infections like UTI’s or chest infections
  • Existing medical conditions like arthritis
  • Constipation
  • Bruises, cuts, or other injuries
  • Sitting, sleeping, or moving around in an uncomfortable position
  • Earache, toothache, or issues with dentures
  • Finger or toenails that need trimming, amongst others

You can take the person for eyesight and hearing testing so that they can get hearing aids or glasses if obligatory.

Validate the Person’s Feelings

validate the persons feelings
When dealing with dementia and aggression, you must also try to put yourself in the shoes of the person exhibiting aggression.

Study their body language and try to imagine what they are trying to express or how they are currently feeling.

For example, if a person starts to remove their clothes, they may be feeling too hot, itchy, may need to use the washroom, or they may be feeling like the clothes are too tight.

If you can identify the issue that is bringing out the aggressive behavior, you can solve it with greater ease.

Worth noting is that the individual with dementia will most probably respond to facial expression, body language, and the tone of your voice rather than the words you choose to use.

Smile, use eye contact, or a reassuring touch to show compassion and pass your message. Remember that these behaviors are not personal.

Use Distractions

use distractions

During anger outbursts, you can try and distract a person so that they can focus on something else.

Soothing or classical music is one of the things that work well for people with dementia and aggression.

If the person is not feeling this type of music, you can always play their favorite tunes.

Singing along to some music as you complete some tasks like brushing teeth or dressing can make these easier.

Other than music, you can also shift focus to another enjoyable activity. This primarily works if a previous or current event is the cause of the agitation.

Give the person with dementia a moment to vent before you introduce a new activity so that you do not surprise them and make the problem worse.

Moreover, exercise can also be part of the distraction. Working out will not only help to reduce aggression, but it will improve sleep as well.

This can also offer social interaction opportunities providing caregivers a much-needed break.

Calm the Environment

calm the environment

At times, the room that a person is in may be the cause of aggression. A high percentage of people with dementia are usually sensitive to their environment.

This is especially if there is too much noise that is coming from other people, TV, radio, or other sources.

If the individual cannot get out of the room for one reason or another, you can politely ask the others to tone down.

Switching off devices that are making noise can also help to calm the situation.

Other steps that you can take to create a relaxing environment include carefully selected decorations.

Do this by contrasting the colors of floors and walls, and making sure that you cover mirrors when they are not in use.

It also helps to improve lighting and ensuring that the things that a person needs are within reach.

Be Realistic with Expectations

be realistic with expectations
When you are trying to cope with dementia and aggression, it is also important to be realistic about expectations.

Note that some calming techniques can work within no time while others take a while before bringing forth any positive results.

Depending on an individual some may not even work.

Learn to practice patience and understand that the person is not aggressive because they want to.

Always ask for help when you feel that you are stuck so that you remain in the right frame of mind when looking after the person with dementia.

Ensure Safety

ensure safety
You will notice that sometimes the person with dementia just needs a few minutes on their own to calm down or even forget that they are angry.

This means that you should leave them alone in the room so that they can regain balance.

Before you leave a person on their own, it is essential to ensure that the room is safe.

There are a couple of things you can do to enhance safety such as getting rid of clutter so that a person can move around with ease.

Marking doors or leaving them open can also help reduce confusion inside the house.

Experts also suggest that adding keepsakes or photos can help to evoke positive memories creating a pleasant environment.

If you feel like the individual with dementia is not safe at home, it may be time to consider a care facility.

All you need to do is carefully look for one that will take care of the needs of your loved ones so that they live a comfortable life despite dementia.

Dementia and Aggression Closing Thoughts

It is advisable to always look for the early warning signs of dementia and aggression.

This is because it is easier to deal with the cause before extreme behavior problems start.

Never try and ignore this issue because it will only become worse. When the aggression becomes overwhelming, consulting a doctor might be the only solution.

The medic will perform a medical exam to identify the cause of aggression.

When the need is, the professional may prescribe medication that can help to prevent or reduce aggression.

Statins and Dementia Risk (For Prevention?)

statins and dementia risk

We take a closer look at the possible connection between statins and dementia risk? Could the medication prevent the disease? Or does it cause memory loss?

Statins are a class of medication that lower cholesterol levels in the human body.

They block the enzyme responsible for making cholesterol in the liver.

This helps to reduce the risk of heart attack, chest pain, and stroke.

Additionally, some studies are now focusing on the use of statins and dementia risk.

Dementia has fast grown to become a healthcare concern around the globe. The disease already affects millions of people, and there are predictions that the numbers will double after two decades.

This means that the number of people who have dementia might rise to 74.7 million in 2025 and a whopping 152 million by 2050.

The fact that the disease does not have a cure does not help.

There was excitement when earlier studies revealed that there might be a connection between dementia prevention and statins use.

Later studies, however, did not draw similar promising inferences.

Experts continue to explore different avenues to introduce solid ways of preventing the development and progression of dementia.

While on this journey, researchers stumbled on the likelihood of statins reducing the risk of dementia. There are different types of statins that slightly differ from one another.

Some are also more likely to enter the brain than others.

Researchers claim that statins are instrumental when it comes to preventing and treating dementia, especially in middle-aged people.

Worth noting is that the results of one type of statin may not necessarily translate to another. This is because the drugs will regulate and prevent cholesterol metabolism in the brain.

Do statins have the potential to prevent dementia?

do statins have the potential to prevent dementia
Although statins have the potential to prevent the development of dementia, there are still some concerns about the safety of the drugs that need to be addressed.

It is mostly due to the conflicting results that studies have concerning the association of dementia and the use of statins.

Some observational studies report that in some cases, the use of statins is associated with a decrease in the risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and dementia, as well as improvement of cognitive impairment.

Other studies refute these findings stating that statin use is not related to the risk of dementia.

One of the studies that support the fact that the meds can help with dementia risk decrement base their results on the fact that elevated serum cholesterol and high-cholesterol diet are risk factors for dementia and coronary heart disease.

They further support the theory by stating that hypercholesterolemia can be deposited in the hippocampus part of the brain.

This causes degeneration of neurons, which results in Alzheimer’s disease.

Statins may come in to reduce B-amyloid formation, which is possible through decreasing harmful cholesterol levels.

Statins are known to have a stable homeostasis effect on the nervous cholesterol system.

This gets in the way of cholesterol synthesis which lowers the cholesterol levels; thus, preventing metabolism of the amyloid precursor protein

The connection between Dementia and Cholesterol

the connection between dementia and cholesterol
Research suggests a possible connection between dementia and high cholesterol levels.

This is important to study when looking at how statins and dementia relate. Cholesterol is a fatty substance present in the body’s cells and blood.

A doctor can measure a person’s cholesterol levels to determine if there are healthy or harmful levels in the bloodstream.

The body makes this substance naturally, and you can also consume it in certain foods.

Studies are seeking to prove the connection between dementia and cholesterol look at several ways that link these two.

Evidence, although scanty, shows that high levels of cholesterol in a person’s blood can increase the risk of a person developing dementia, especially during mid-life.

Furthermore, if you have high levels of cholesterol in your blood, there is a high chance that you have other factors that can cause dementia.

These include factors like diabetes and high blood pressure.

This implies that it is complex to separate cholesterol and dementia.

Investigations are also going on to determine the role that cholesterol plays in the brain to lead to dementia development.

Statins and Memory Loss

statins and memory loss
When discussing statins and dementia, it is also important to talk about memory loss as one of the side effects of medications.

A section of patients who have high cholesterol has been on record saying that they experience memory loss while taking the meds.

This led the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) to update statins safety information to include confusion, forgetfulness, and memory loss as possible side effects or risks.

Researchers have done several tests about this, but to date, there is still no evidence that statins are responsible for memory loss.

Researchers from John Hopkins Medicine in 2013 took to examine 41 studies to uncover the link between memory loss and statins.

All the studies followed 23,000 women and men who did not have any history with memory problems for about 25 years.

The professionals did not pick up on any evidence that supports the notion that statins cause loss of memory.

Note that the percentage of people on statins who had memory issues was not significantly different from those taking other medication that helps to lower cholesterol.

Instead, analyzing those studies revealed evidence that long-term use of statins may protect people against dementia.

Experts believe that some dementia types are brought about by blockages in the blood vessels that supply the brain with blood.

Taking statins can help to reduce some of the blockages.

Cognitive Function and Statins

cognitive function and statins
To further understand the relationship between statins and dementia, you must note that cholesterol is essential for brain function.

Around 25% of the body’s cholesterol is present in the brain. This helps with membrane function. It is possible that inhibition of cholesterol synthetic pathways theoretically results in adverse neurocognitive effects.

Statins might reduce cholesterol synthesis in a person’s brain; hence, interfere with myelin function and formation.

On the other hand, statins can also induce a decrease in coenzyme- Q10 levels, which may result in weakened mitochondrial functioning, as well as an increase in oxidative stress, which can also affect cognition.

Statins may as well have an impact on cholesterol levels.

Can Statins Reduce Risk of Dementia after Concussion

can statins reduce risk of dementia after concussion
JAMA Neurology published a study that suggests the use of statins reduces the risk of dementia in older adults after a concussion.

Researchers in this study evaluated billing data from physicians from the Ontario Health Insurance Plan.

They combined this with computerized health care records for dementia risk after a concussion in seniors over 66 years with and without statins use.

The population that took part in the study were older people who had experienced a concussion without a diagnosis of severe brain injury.

After thorough investigations, it revealed that the use of statins reduces the development of dementia by 13% when compared to the persons who were not on the medications.

An increase in prior hospitalization, physician visits, urban home location, total prescriptions, lower socioeconomic status, and older age were factors considered to increase dementia risk.

The experts also noted that other medications that participants took did not make a difference in the reduction of dementia risk. The meds did not make things better or worse.

Statin was the only exception among the other cardiovascular and lipid-lowering medicine.

Because there are different types of statins, deeper analysis showcased that Rosuvastatin was responsible for the largest reduction risk while simvastatin had the opposite effect (smallest reduction risk).

There was a correlation between the time participants took statins with higher/lower benefits, but the dosage did not affect the results.

Researchers in this study concluded that although elderly individuals have a higher dementia risk after suffering a concussion, there is a modest reduction in the risk of dementia for the persons who receive a statin.

Clinical Trials on the Use of Statins to Reduce Dementia Risk

clinical trials on the use of statins to reduce dementia risk
Studying statins and dementia demands looking into suitable clinical trials that can either support or refute the claim that statins are beneficial for reducing the risk of dementia.

There are multiple clinical trials in medical databases that compare administering statin as a pretend medicine or placebo to individuals with normal cognitive function and those who are at the age where they risk getting dementia.

Many trials did not show a reduction in the occurrence of dementia in people who use statins or placebo.

Side effects were also low in both groups.

It is, however, impossible to give accurate results of the trials because several limitations exist in these studies to provide proper results.

Researchers will, nonetheless, continue to improve these trials so that in the future, they can give an adequate deduction as to whether or not the use of statins can help with the prevention or treatment of dementia.

Statins and Dementia Closing Thoughts

The topic of the use of statins and dementia is COMPLEX. There is a need for more research to give conclusive results on how taking the medications can help reduce the risk of dementia.

In the future, experts may be in a position to identify individuals who can benefit from the use of statin based on genetic profiles of other factors of dementia risk.

For now, medics recommend that people follow healthy lifestyles first and foremost.

This includes regular exercise, eating well, and getting quality sleep.

The aforementioned are some of the ways that can help to reduce dementia risk.

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