10 Group Activities for Dementia Patients

group activities for dementia patients

It is of utmost importance that persons with dementia engage in meaningful group activities for dementia patients.

Persons living with the illness often withdraw from things they enjoy and they also avoid interactions with people they love.

This often leads to a myriad of health complications like depression, anxiety, anger, and so many more.

However, when suffering people take part in the various activities they enjoy, it can help to enhance the quality of life.

Such activities have been known to boost self-esteem, reduce challenging behaviors, offer structure, and slow down decline among many other benefits.

Below, you will find suggestions for group activities for dementia patients that your loved ones can have a blast with.

Best Group Activities for Dementia Patients

1. Painting

Painting or art therapy is one of the creative activities that people with dementia can engage in as a group. This is not only fun, but it helps affected persons to express themselves and create dialogue through art.

The brain-stimulating activity taps into the imagination of the person with the paintbrush allowing them to feel a stronger connection with the world around them.

2. Music Sing-Alongs

music sing alongs
While listening to music can make a great idea for group activities for dementia patients, organizing sing-alongs takes this a notch higher.

Pick a popular song with the help of the group members and play it at low volume, then have everyone join in. It is usually best to work with classic tunes and songs so that you can pick options that resonate with the seniors.

You can also print out the lyrics which can be easily found online so that no one is left out when the fun begins.

If possible, you can also organize karaoke’s where people just get lost in the music for a while.

3. Gardening

People who love nature and the outdoors will have a blast with this activity. Look for a small area where the group can plant some seeds of something that will grow fast.

The beauty of this is that it is an on-going activity as they water the seeds, remove weeds, and watch as the plants grow. Be sure to identify the interests of individuals.

While some may enjoy playing around with the soil, others may only want to participate in activities like preparing vegetables, harvesting, or arranging flowers.

Another excellent alternative is a therapeutic indoor garden, which can be realized pretty much everywhere, as it does not need to take too much space.

4. Reminiscence Activities

reminiscence activities
It is wise to include a couple of reminiscence activities when planning group activities for dementia patients. This may involve working with memory boxes or story work.

Persons who spend time on such activities can benefit from better moods and well-being. Memory boxes can help friends and relatives stay connected by triggering some forgotten memories; hence, enhancing social inclusion.

As you conduct these activities, remember that you must show genuine interest in what the weak individual is telling you so that they can feel like you value and appreciate their input.

5. Physical Exercise

physical exercise for dementia is important
Working out as a group has always been a fun idea. People with dementia mustn’t sleep or sit around all day especially if they are not bed-ridden. Exercise offers multiple benefits among them better blood flow, managing weight, and regulating sleep and restlessness.

t has also been known to improve moods and keep depression at bay. Physical exercise needs not be too strenuous. It can be anything from taking a walk in the park, yoga, or water aerobics.

Remember that persons with dementia should only take part in physical activities that their bodies can handle with ease.

6. Sorting

When looking for purposeful group activities for dementia patients, sorting is an excellent choice. This is where you get a group to try and put things in the proper place.

There are plenty of items that can help with this activity.

One of them is socks.

You can give the group different pairs of socks and ask them to sort them in colors.

Colored dominoes, spoons, colored plastic cups, and large nuts and bolts are other prop ideas.

7. Cooking

dementia patients cooking
Allowing a group of persons with dementia to follow a simple recipe can offer them immense joy. This is an activity that you have to supervise all through to avoid any accidents in the kitchen.

Make sure you keep sharp things away so that the group has the space they need to do their magic in the kitchen.

The group can bake cookies or make a simple meal.

The best thing about cooking is that they get to enjoy the products they make.

8. Putting Together a Puzzle

putting together a puzzle
It is not right to mention group activities for dementia patients without including puzzles. It is a perfect in-door activity that also helps to exercise the brain.

This stimulates the right side of the brain responsible for intuitive thought and creativity as well as the left side that handles order and logic.

Be careful when choosing the puzzles so that you do not get one that will end up frustrating the participants.

Look for simple ones preferably with large pieces that they can complete without too much trouble.

9. Reading Aloud

reading aloud
Reading can also be a comforting activity for a group of people who has dementia. There can be one book that they pass around reading to each other.

Alternatively, each one can have one with a short story that they can narrate to their friends.

As time goes by, you may have to invest in picture books or tapes of books as reading becomes difficult for people with the illness. Reading to the group can also offer much-needed comfort.

10. Crafts

crafts are a group activities for dementia patients
Engaging in crafts is another therapeutic option in regards to group activities for dementia patients. There are different ideas you can work with here. One of them includes playing with dough to see who can create the most life-like characters or objects.

Another is to create a scrapbook where the elderly cut out pictures from magazines, newspapers, and catalogs and stick them on the book.

The group can also have a blast with magnetic letters as they match different colors and shapes. Stacking party paper cups is another simple craft persons with dementia can try.

Final Thoughts – Group Activities for Dementia Patients

Dementia patients gain great benefit from group activities as these activities boost cognitive function, fostering social connections, and improving overall well-being.

Such activities, ranging from art therapy to reminiscence sessions, offer people with dementia moments of joy and fulfillment.

They also provide a supportive environment that respects the dignity of people with this condition.

By group activities for dementia patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals can enhance the quality of care provided, leading to a more compassionate and fulfilling experience for everyone.

Check out our article on Day Trips For Elderly With Dementia.

Also, 15 Fun and Exciting Dementia Activities.

12 Foods That Cause Dementia 2024

foods that cause dementia

Researchers after conducting numerous studies conclude that there are some foods that cause dementia.

This is why a healthy diet is important because some foods are known to boost brain health while others are linked to an increase in dementia risk and other serious health problems.

Let’s check out some of the foods that can increase the risk of developing dementia.

Foods That Cause Dementia

1. White Foods

white foods can cause dementia
White foods feature prominently on the list of foods that cause dementia. These include foods like white pasta, rice, and other foods that cause a spike in insulin.

Worth noting is that spikes in blood sugar usually cause inflammation in the body and it also sends toxins to the brain. This is one of the suspected causes of dementia.

2. Sugar

sugar is linked to dementia cause
You should avoid eating too much sugar if you want to protect your brain.

This is because excessive sugar consumption leads to inflammation in the brain. It can also increase your blood sugar levels depriving the brain and the body of the energy they need.

3. Processed Meats

processed meats
Processed meats are a favourite for many. What you may not know is that these foods are rich in nitrosamines. This is a carcinogenic chemical compound that makes the liver produce fats that are poisonous to the human brain.

The fats interfere with the blood-brain barrier which causes damage to the brain cells. This also results in insulin resistance.

4. Processed Cheeses

processed cheeses
Cheese is also among the foods that cause dementia. These include mozzarella sticks, American cheese, Laughing Cow, and Cheez Whiz. Consuming the processed cheeses leads to a protein build-up in the body which has been linked to the development of dementia. Cheese is also a source of saturated fat that clogs heart and brain vessels.

Consuming too many saturated fats can result in inflammation in the brain, impaired memory, and a higher risk of developing a stroke. You are advised to replace your cheese slices with almonds because they are better for your health.

5. Microwave Popcorn

microwave popcorn
This is known to have diacetyl a chemical that is suspected to increase the number of amyloid plaques in the human brain.

There has been a lot of research linking the build-up of these plaques in the brain to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

6. Alcohol

alcohol and dementia
Taking too much alcohol is known to have grave effects on the brain.

It can lead to metabolic changes, reduction in brain volume, and disruption of neurotransmitters or chemicals that the brains use for communication. Individuals who suffer from alcoholism usually have a deficiency of vitamin B1 which can result in brain disorders that can develop into Korsakodd’s syndrome.

The syndrome is characterized by serious damage to the brain which brings about eyesight problems, confusion, unsteadiness, and memory loss. Some brands of alcohol also contain nitrates that are linked to dementia.

7. Refined Carbohydrates

refined carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates include grains that have been highly processed like white flour. These are known to have high glycemic load and a high glycemic index which means that the body digests them fast causing a spike in insulin levels and blood sugar.

A high intake of refined carbs can impair intelligence and memory as well as increase dementia risk.

8. Foods with a Lot of Trans Fats

foods with a lot of trans fats
Trans fats (also known as trans-fatty acids) refer to a kind of unsaturated fat that has harmful effects on brain health. The ones that occur naturally in animal products are not the problem. The issue lies with the industrially manufactured Trans fats called hydrogenated vegetable oils. These oils are used in many baked products.

Research shows that taking too much of these oils leads to poorer memory, cognitive decline, lower brain volume, and risk of dementia.

9. Highly Processed Foods

highly processed foods
Highly processed foods feature on the foods that cause dementia because they are full of added fats, sugar, and salt. These include sweets, chips, store-bought sauces, ready-made meals, and instant noodles, etc.

They are usually low in nutrients and high in calories which can lead to weight gain which hurts the brain.

10. Foods with MSG

foods with MSG
Monosodium glutamate or MSG is a food additive used to enhance flavour and preserve food.

It has been linked to dementia where it intensifies symptoms of the disease because it overstimulates the nervous system. It is, therefore, important to read food labels when shopping to stay away from some of these ingredients that may affect your health negatively.

11. Fish with Mercury

fish with mercury
It is strange to see fish among the foods that cause dementia seeing that it is one of the recommended foods for brain health. While fish is good for your health, you must stay away from the ones that are loaded with high mercury levels because they can put you at risk of suffering from dementia.

Mercury is a heavy metal contaminant as well as a neurological poison that can remain in animal tissues for a long time. After ingesting mercury whose primary source is wild seafood, it spreads in different parts of the body concentrating in the kidneys, liver, and brain.

It results in brain damage because the toxicity of mercury disrupts stimulations of neurotoxins, the central nervous system, and neurotransmitters.

12. Margarine

Margarine is one of the foods to avoid if you want a healthy brain because it is not only full of chemicals, but it is also highly processed.

Researchers also state that diacetyl one of its ingredients is linked to dementia because it promotes beta-amyloid clumping a protein that is one of the trademark features of dementia. Diacetyl is also known to increase the toxicity of the protein in the brain.

Closing Thoughts – Foods that Cause Dementia

The brain being one of the most vital organs needs to be taken care of properly. It keeps your lungs breathing, heart beating, and systems functioning. This is why it is important to steer clear from foods that cause dementia and stick to a healthy diet if you want to keep the brain functioning at optimum condition.

More research is still being conducted to offer a better understanding of the link between dementia risk and diet. In the meantime, it is best to focus on consuming a balanced and healthy diet that will keep your brain healthy as you age.

9 Best Foods to Reverse Dementia in 2024

foods to reverse dementia

For years, research has been ongoing to identify the foods to reverse dementia. Even though dementia currently does not have a cure, experts state that lifestyle and diet can play a significant role in preventing and even reversing pre-dementia and early dementia.

Dr. Mark Hyman, a champion of the body-mind effect, explains that the things you do to your body end up affecting the brain. Thus, the importance of healthy diet and nutrition.

Going by the fact that dementia usually begins with too much sugar in the brain, controlling blood sugar levels can help in reversing cognitive decline and dementia.

Controlling blood sugar has a lot to do with what you eat.

Let’s look at nine foods that can help to reverse dementia.

Best Foods to Reverse Dementia

1. Leafy Greens

foods to reverse dementia - leafy greens
Dark greens such as romaine, kale, and spinach are known to be rich in vitamins like K and A and brain-boosting antioxidants.

These antioxidants can help to protect the brain cells from the damage that is associated with dementia. The high-nutrition and low-calorie veggies keep the brain and other body parts in shape.

To get all the nutrients, they are best eaten raw, but you can also enjoy them roasted, baked, or steamed depending on what you prefer. You should try and eat at least one cup every day to fight off dementia.

2. Berries

berries are a great food for dementia
Berries are included in the list of foods to reverse dementia because medical data and literature show that they are good for the brain. Here there is an option of consuming acai fruits, blueberries, and strawberries.

You should try and have at least two servings a week.

Several studies demonstrate the usefulness of berries for brain health. An example is one that was published in 2013, revealing that people who ate more berries experienced a slower cognitive decline as they grew older by up to 21/2 years.

3. Certain Types of Fish

certain types of fish as a food for dementia
Eating fish can enhance memory and boost brain health, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Omega 3 fatty acid, in particular present in fish, helps to maintain a fully functional brain.

Salmon, herring, sardines, and anchovies are heavy in omega 3’s.

They also contain selenium, potassium, B vitamins, and magnesium, which also help in the war against dementia.

Fish like salmon and tuna are also known to a healthy heart, which is also essential for preventing dementia and cognitive decline. It is okay to eat fish at least once or twice a week.

4. Beans

Beans are rich in plant protein, iron, nutrients, antioxidants, and minerals. All these are great for increasing longevity as well as reducing the risk of stroke, which is one of the risk factors for dementia.

Some scientists also state that beans help to regulate blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Researchers recommend having at least three bean servings in a week.

5. Whole Grains

whole grains
Whole grains are considered to be part of foods to reverse dementia. This is because they are rich in B vitamins, protein, fiber, and carbohydrates. Some great whole grain options to consider include millet, oats, buckwheat, amaranth, teff, and sorghum.

These offer a great source of sustainable energy to the brain and they also feed the gut with good bacteria. The MIND diet advises people to consume whole grains three times every day.

6. Nuts

SF Gate reveals that consuming nuts regularly can improve cognitive function considerably while giving you a “younger brain” at the same time. Nuts such as pistachios, almonds, macadamias, and walnuts come highly recommended if you want to reap the benefits.

The healthy fats and protein present in some nuts help to enhance memory, reverse age-related cognitive decline, and prevent inflammation that damages the brain. Try and eat nuts about five times every week.

7. Sweet Potatoes

sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a great addition on the list of foods to reverse dementia. The tasty potatoes are loaded with minerals, fiber, phytonutrients, and vitamins C and A, which are beneficial to the brain.

The potatoes have the ability to regular sugar levels in the blood and they also have anti-inflammatory effects. You can have these 2 times minimum a week.

8. Seeds

Including various seeds like pumpkin seeds, flax and linseeds in your diet can also help to keep dementia at bay. Such seeds are a great snack option that you can take in between meals.

The seeds are good sources for vitamin E and an array of brain-boosting minerals.

Linseeds, in particular, offer the body plant-based omega 3 fatty acids, which help to reduce cholesterol levels and decrease inflammation.

They also have chemical compounds that protect blood vessels from inflammatory damage. Aim at snacking on the seeds daily.

9. Healthy Fats

healthy fats
When talking about foods to reverse dementia, it is also essential to include healthy fats that make the brain happy. These include extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and omega 3 fats.

Fats from nuts, seeds, and avocados are also recommended. You can use these as your main cooking oil or as a dressing for your salads.

Final Thoughts – Foods to Reverse Dementia

Eating healthy foods comes with tonnes of benefits like reducing the odds of developing dementia.

Making mindful food choices where you include brain-friendly foods like the ones above might be the solution to both preventing and reversing dementia.

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At What Stage Of Dementia Does Sundowning Occur?

at what stage of dementia does sundowning occur

We get many questions asking at what stage of dementia does sundowning occur? Unfortunately, it is a syndrome unavoidable for many.

Sundowning MOSTLY AFFECTS people with middle-stage or advanced dementia.

Individuals living with dementia may start to exhibit changes in behavior in the evening hours as the sun starts to set.

This type of behavior change is referred to as sundowning.

Generally, sundowning can be described as a GROUP of SYMPTOMS that may include confusion, agitation, irritability, and restlessness.

Affected persons will typically start to experience these symptoms around dinner time.

It can continue into the night.

Cause Of Sundowning

cause of sundowning
The cause of sundowning is not yet clear.

Researchers, however, believe that it is a result of a disruption in circadian rhythms which is the human natural body clock.

Circadian rhythms signal a person when it is time to sleep at night and when it is time to wake up in the morning.

If there is a disruption in this rhythm, it can be FRUSTRATING and IRRITATING which can make an individual act out through changed behavior.

Several factors may contribute to sundowning and these may include:

  • End-of-day exhaustion (both physical and mental)
  • Reduced lighting which can result in increased shadows causing persons with dementia to misinterpret things they see. This can make an individual feel more afraid and confused.
  • Disorientation when a person cannot separate dreams from reality when they are sleeping.
  • Less need to sleep
  • Lots of noise
  • Loss of routine
  • Prescription medication wearing off

Coping Strategies

If a person with dementia is experiencing sundowning, there are a couple of coping mechanisms they can use to help MAKE the situation better.

Keeping the Living Space Well-Lit

Adequate lighting especially in the evening can help reduce agitation which occurs when surroundings are unfamiliar or dark.

Maintain a Schedule

At what stage of dementia does sundowning occur?
People with dementia tend to do better when adhering to regular routines.

It is, therefore, important for caregivers to encourage affected individuals to maintain regular routines of sleeping, waking up, and meals.

Creating a Safe and Comfortable Sleeping Environment

An individual’s sleeping area should be as comfortable as possible.

This should include ensuring the bedroom has comfortable temperatures.

To INCREASE safety, caregivers can offer nightlights and make sure that window and door locks are secure.

Motion detectors and door sensors can alert loved ones when a person with dementia is wandering.

Plan Active Days

Persons with dementia who rest most of their days will have trouble falling asleep at night.

Discourage afternoon napping and instead schedule meaningful activities that affected individuals will ENJOY.

Where possible, include regular exercise and bathing in the early afternoon or morning so that the person can have a restful night.

Consult a Doctor

consult a doctor
At times, persons with dementia may have to seek professional assistance to help with sundowning.

The professional may help to identify the cause of sleep problems and come up with appropriate solutions.

Many physicians will encourage the use of non-drug measures instead of medicines. There are many alternative therapies that can contribute.

Closing Thoughts – At what stage of dementia does sundowning occur?


Research indicates that sundowning often occurs during the middle or late stages of dementia. Knowing this provides clarity for those wondering at what stage of dementia sundowning occurs.

Carers of people with dementia should be well-equipped to deal with these new developments by applying coping strategies to help loved ones effectively deal with sundowning.

By recognizing the timing and knowing the triggers of sundowning, carers can provide the support needed. This ensures the comfort and safety for patients.

12 Frontotemporal Dementia Symptoms 2024

frontotemporal dementia symptoms

We will look at the most common frontotemporal dementia symptoms as they can vary quite a bit from person to person.

Some are pretty similar to other types of dementia, but the treatment can be different due to the disease affecting different areas of the brain.

But what exactly is frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and why it occurs?

First and foremost, frontotemporal dementia is an umbrella term for different conditions. We know three main types of FTD:

Moreover, FTD increases nerve loss in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. The former is the area behind your forehead and the latter the section behind the ears.

A person with FTD mainly shows signs that are related to behavior, personality and communication/language which worsen over time. In the later stages of frontotemporal dementia, a person needs 24-hour care.

Today, we will investigate different frontotemporal dementia symptoms that caregivers, friends and family members should be aware of.

Note that an individual can have a mixture of two or more symptoms which cause difficulty prescribing the right treatment.

At the time of writing this, FTD and any other type of dementia still have no cure. However, there are different behavioral and lifestyle changes that we can implement to reduce the risk of dementia.

12 Frontotemporal Dementia Symptoms and Signs

1. Apathy

apathy frontotemporal dementia symptoms
It is easy to notice this change in a person that was once an outgoing, active and friendly individual with a lot of friends and rich social life.

However, all of a sudden, they lose interest in other people, events and friends. A person with frontotemporal dementia, as well, starts to lose motivation for hobbies and other activities that he or she once loved.

When you ask this person why they do not do activities anymore he or she just doesn’t have the motivation to do anything anymore. Also, a person doesn’t have any bad feelings toward friends and society just doesn’t want to be connected with them anymore.

As a result, they like to spend time alone. An apathetic person has an absence of interest in social, spiritual, physical, emotional and family life.

2. Lack of sympathy and empathy

lack of sympathy and empathy
A person with frontotemporal dementia symptoms puts himself first. He or she has difficulties to see and understand the needs of other people (his caregivers, family members, friends).

They show less personal warmth and love even to his wife or her husband. Besides, a person can show no interest in their children or grandchildren.

Which can be difficult to understand and to accept for family members.

Moreover, a person can be less socially active or doesn’t show any interest in the social environment, events or celebrations.

This behavior can make the person appear harmful or selfish and has to be understood as illness and not as an unfriendly attitude or hostility.

3. Repetitive behavior

repetitive behaviors a symptom of frontotemporal dementia
A person can develop a behavior pattern or gestures that are repeated many times in a day. A person can also start hoarding stuff and doesn’t want to throw away their belongings.

Especially disturbing are used wipes, old food and empty food packing. Common frontotemporal dementia symptom is when a person repeats phrases and questions multiple times in just one hour.

Some behaviors can become almost ritualized and cannot be interrupted. If a caregiver doesn’t do something like the ritual a person with frontotemporal dementia developed, the person with the condition can get very angry and upset.

For example, if the food isn’t served like the person with frontotemporal dementia expects, he or she can become a nuisance.

4. Poor planning and trouble making decisions

poor planning and trouble making decision
Another of the frontotemporal dementia symptoms is with organizing and planning. Difficulties may be first noticed at work if a person is still employed. A retired person can show a lack of organizing and managing their finances.

As an example, house expenses and bills aren’t paid in time, or the wrong amount is paid. A person can be confused with the understanding of the value of money and can waste it for unnecessary things.

Another common frontotemporal dementia symptom is the difficulty of making decisions. More importantly, the decision to actually executing an activity or task. On the other hand, they might have trouble considering what should be the best thing to do in a particular situation.

It is important for a person to have a caregiver, family member, friend, that helps him to understand the value of the decision and what should be the best for them to do.

5. Loss of communication

loss of communication
A person with frontotemporal dementia can experience loss of expression. Communication can be hard to understand with a lot of errors in grammar. A person can be really slow at speaking and experiences difficulties to find the right word and meaning of a sentence.

You can notice that an individual is leaving out small words in the sentence such as the, from, to, etc. It becomes challenging to understand what they try to say when the words are mispronounced or wrong.

You have to be attentive to understand a person with frontotemporal dementia who has symptoms of loss of communication.

Don’t argue with a person about errors in grammar and just listen attentively and connect the story in a whole tale with a sense of its potential.

After some time, it gets easier to understand the meaning even if the words are wrong and are missing.

6. Memory

Common frontotemporal dementia symptom is connected with memory. One of the first signs is when a person’s vocabulary gets inadequate.

Additionally, a person can be confused about everyday objects and doesn’t recognize items that he/she uses, eats and see every day.

A person can be asking about the meaning of familiar words (what is “glass,” what is “an apple,” etc.). Similarly, a person doesn’t recognize familiar people, family and friends.

Loss of short-term memory can be noticed when a person doesn’t recollect what he ate one hour ago, if he already was in the shop that day or if he/she had any family visits in the morning.

7. Agitated behavior

agitated behavior
The more that the brain becomes damaged, the more agitated or aggressive a person can become. In this stage of frontotemporal dementia, a person can be hard to understand, has limited communication and poor focus.

He or she can become angry or aggressive by the smallest things that do not go according to their plan. This could be a simple misunderstanding in conversation.

Or if a family member thinks or wants to prove that the person with dementia is behaving weird or inappropriate.

Try to understand that the brain is damaged and that person can’t act and behave as he/she used to.

A person starts to do everyday things in a routine and gets upset if the routine is broken. In this stage, a person will likely need a full-time caregiver.

8. Poor personal hygiene

poor personal hygiene
A person with frontotemporal dementia symptoms can start to diminish personal hygiene, and doesn’t want to take regular showers, clean teeth and wash clothes.

Clothes seem to a person with frontotemporal dementia always clean and he/she does not want to change them even if they are full of stains.

Showers start to become unnecessary and complicated. Plus, the cleanliness of the bathroom and living space becomes poor and dirty.

It is necessary that family members check if the bathroom and kitchen are clean and safe to use if a person is living alone.

9. Movement problems

movement problems
Common symptoms of frontotemporal dementia are those that relate to the movement of a person. A person can develop tremors and can’t stop trembling, which leads to incapability to take care of his/her basic needs in everyday life tasks.

A problem can start with an eating disorder due to the difficulty of swallowing of food and liquids.

Not enough food can lower energy and consequently, lack of active movement.

With no activity, human muscles start to weaken which can lead to problems with balance. A person can easily fall and lose stability while standing.

Try to help a person with movement problems to stay active and walk at least ten minutes a day if possible so that some muscles will stay fresh and preserved.

10. Change of personality

change of personality
The characteristics and personality of a person with dementia can change with a damaged brain. Alterations can be so severe that the person that you once knew doesn’t exist anymore.

We simply have to accept a new personality that an individual has developed.

Remember that the changes, especially if they are negative, are due to the disease. A person with frontotemporal dementia is not trying to hurt you, or be negative and ungrateful.

Set reasonable expectations and don’t demand behavior that a person with frontotemporal dementia cannot provide.

If personality changes are so severe and sudden that you cannot cope with them, contact a physician for help.

11. Sudden speech problems

sudden speech problems
It is more likely that a person with FTD will have issues with speech compared to those with Alzheimer’s disease. This results in one of quite common frontotemporal dementia symptoms.

A person has trouble not just remembering names and words but making sense when they speak and understanding others. They even tend to use more general words when describing things, even people, like it, he, she, etc.

Moreover, difficulty also occurs when it comes to reading.

To sum up, when an older adult starts to have speech problems, you better take him or her to see the doctor as early as possible. In some instances, complete loss of speech may also become a thing.

12. Weird eating habits

weird eating habits
One widespread frontotemporal dementia symptom is the development of weird eating habits.

All of a sudden, they start to crave foods that they never before liked. Moreover, overeating is an almost popular act in people with frontotemporal dementia.

That’s not all. It is also quite natural that they begin to desire sweet foods, primarily carbohydrates.

Last but not least, one of the signs of their weird eating habits is the fact that they begin eating inedible, heck, contaminated objects. You, as a caregiver or loved one, should pay close attention to what the older adult is doing.

And if they need more attention during morning or later hours, that’s what you would want to try to take care of.

Final Thoughts – Frontotemporal Dementia Symptoms

There are a range of Frontotemporal dementia symptoms, to include changes in behavior and personality to language difficulties and impaired organizational function.

Recognizing these early signs is important to allow for timely diagnosis and access to the right care. By having an understanding and awareness of these symptoms, families can navigate the challenges posed by frontotemporal dementia.

By doing so, they will be better able to manage the condition and provide the appropriate support as it progresses.

14 Signs Of Dementia In Women 2024

signs of dementia in women

You should be aware of the most common signs of dementia in women as the disease affects the female population more.

Even to this day, there is still no cure that would help prevent dementia. However, if we are familiar with the symptoms, we can take action early on and mitigate the condition.

Fun fact: there are approximately twice as many women with dementia compared to men. That said, brain cells in the brain of a woman are dying much faster.

Although women live longer than men, dementia is not really an aging disease rather solely related to the brain itself.

With all the information you will gain throughout this article, you can contribute to the care and treatment of a person with dementia.

You will now at least know that if any of the symptoms from the list below appear in your loved ones, it would be advisable to call a doctor.

Most common signs of dementia in women

1.Problem Completing The Most Common Daily Tasks

signs of dementia in women
When we go on repeating activities, they become part of our subconscious mind, and we carry out them without even thinking about them. Our chores are just like these activities that we carry off instantaneously.

But the women having symptoms of dementia have problems in performing their daily duties. They even forget how to cook food properly and make a cup of tea which they were the experts of not long ago.

These patients often remain perplexed because they do not recall their fundamental tasks and, most often, they strive to conceal their nervousness from relatives.

Having difficulties in the most common tasks is one of the preliminary signs of dementia in women.

2. Random Mood Swings

random mood swings
It is natural for the human to be annoyed at something that is uncongenial and mirthful with a delightful thing. A man can be worried in the morning and may have a contrary mood in the evening.

He can’t have two opposing tempers at the same time, but a patient with dementia shows this symptom. A woman may be furious as well as happy at a time without any strong argument.

Her behavior alters after every short period, and she may conduct strangely. She may become too sentimental or too merry. You may find out this sign of dementia in women early and act accordingly.

3. Poor Money Habits

signs of dementia in women - poor money habits
A sensible woman is competent to maintain equilibrium between savings and expenditures. She is capable of paying bills, purchasing necessary things and writing signatures on the checkbook.

But the signs of dementia in women elaborate that a woman having dementia is inept at calculating money, comprehend a bank statement and count a change.

She may buy a substance twice, shop unnecessary things on credit card and forget to open and pay bills. In this condition, she may transfer all her wealth from her account to other’s and complain of missing money.

A family member should keep an eye on her bank account every month to determine if there is any serious concern.

4. Regularly Losing Things

regularly losing things
A woman with exceptional intellect never forgets the location of a particular substance especially when she is associated with it regularly. Even a common woman may find it easier to discover an object, but it is not so with the women showing signs of dementia.

She may misplace a thing and cannot detect it. Also, she may lose the keys to her car and make false accusations. She may complain of losing her smartphone, too.

A possible solution for these kinds of women is to keep a box in which they may put their necessary things. It is the best way to protect needful things and utilize them without wasting much time.

It can also become a habit, for instance, when she enters her home or apartment, to first place all her belongings in this box and never again forget about them.

5. Trouble Communicating

trouble communicating
Dementia and other correlated brain diseases have a powerful impact on the communication faculties of the patient. Dementia, when in the early stages, does not affect native memory such as language so much as it does in critical conditions.

The capabilities of the patient to talk to others and communicate declines as the disease progresses. It gradually diminishes the built-in memory of a woman and becomes a halt to communication.

The relatives become frustrated when talking to the woman having this symptom because she forgets the topic suddenly which she was discussing during communication.

One should take safety measures when he or she finds this sign of dementia in women.

6. Repetitive Questions

repetitive questions
A normal woman asks a question just once and stores it in her reminiscence when she finds out an answer. But in the case of dementia, because there is a loss of memory, the woman reiterates a question even answered several times.

This commonly found sign of dementia in women is really of concern because it may irritate the relatives and caregivers. The patient may carry out the same job twice. It is because of the deterioration of memory cells of the brain resulting in sudden remembrance of a task several times leading to frazzling of the patient.

Not only her relatives but also the patient herself remains bamboozled for her behavior.

7. Forgetting Names

forget names
Some people are fast learners and they remember the names of objects as well as people very quickly, but some are slower in this regard.

However, this happens to all of us. Indeed, forgetting names is usually found in people of age above sixty years because their memory cells become weak and difficult to respond. But in a young woman having dementia, this condition is very carping because she forgets the names of things of daily use.

When she goes to buy an object in a shop but suddenly forgets the names, this is problematic for her. It usually happens that the patient may ask the name of a person repeatedly.

It is a critical sign of dementia in women that relatives and caregivers should take into consideration.

8. Lack Of Motivation

lack of motivation
Having confidence and energy to do a job is the hallmark of an active life. The spirited women are often determined to execute their duties and have the gallantry to do something extraordinary.

The woman with dementia is spending a life of apathy, having no interest in daily activities. Such women remain exhausted and have a lack of impetus, motivation, and incitement. They become dependent on others to do their jobs.

They have a lack of curiousness to puzzle out complex problems. Those women who have the disease lean toward loneliness and detest to talk to others.

It is one of the significant signs of dementia in women, and we should eradicate it as soon as possible.

9. Difficulty Sleeping

difficulty sleeping
The woman showing dementia has severe changes in the sleep-wake cycle in the hypothalamus. She may have anxiety, fear, and bewilderment that leads her to become the prey of depression that is another crucial situation.

She can not sleep at night and even if she tries. Instead, in the daytime, she may feel fatigued leading to sleep. It is the way of disturbance in the normal sleep-wake cycle.

The primal cause of it is that in dementia, mental faculties start diminishing which also affects the hypothalamus and the sleep-wake cycle is agitated.

These onerous alterations create a problem not only for the patient but also for the family members and relatives increasing their frustrations.

10. Bad Time Management Habits

bad time management habits
Time management is the necessity of every person in this fast world. Today, no one has time to wait for and call on others.

A dementia patient is incompetent to save time to do her duties. Bad time management habits are one of the signs of dementia in women. The loss of memory, deficiency of energy, disturbance in the sleeping cycle, depression and other such interconnected situations of dementia are a route to difficulties in the management of time.

Disorientation of biological clocks in the body and a condition of constant nervousness are the chief causes of the production of the intricate scene for time management.

11. Verbal And Physical Aggression

verbal and physical aggression
Verbal and physical aggression are the natural properties of a person. Some people may become rude due to depression and mental illness.

Such behavior is often considered as one of the very many different symptoms of dementia. She may become crude in no time without any cause. She may speak loudly, abuse severely and fight ferociously.

The explanation of it is mental stress, lack of self-control, sudden changes in mood, regularly losing things and poor money habits.

Verbal and physical aggression is one of the rigorous signs of dementia in women. It is a significant condition of concern for the caretaker of the patient.

12. Losing interest in exercise

losing interest in exercise
If your loved one happened to be very active in their lives, a sudden lack of interest in exercise and even daily activities can be one of the signs of dementia in women.

This means even something as simple as going out for a walk. It can also get more serious with losing interest in going upstairs although there is nothing wrong with them physically.

When such changes occur, it is advisable to see the doctor. There are all sorts of different reasons why this could happen and dementia or Alzheimer’s is one of them.

On the other hand, if one is diagnosed with dementia, regular exercise improves blood flow to the brain and alleviates the condition.

13. Lack of vision

lack of vision
While the quality of sight decreases with aging (at least in the majority of individuals), it can also be a symptom of dementia in women. First and foremost, everyone who is sensing that they do not see as well as they used to should see a doctor.

It is not something you should just get used to and forget about the condition entirely. Especially if you are driving. When it comes to dementia, sight difficulties could be one of the signs that a person has the disease.

Sometimes, they have trouble focusing on objects, recognizing people, detecting movement and even distinguish between contrast and reading.

14. Speaking becomes troublesome

speaking becomes troublesome
One of the signs of dementia in women is the inability to speak accurately. A person might start to forget the words to use to put together a meaningful sentence.

They might start throwing in terms that do not make sense. You can find them calling a granddaughter dog or even a scoop of ice cream a table. We all know that we sometimes unaware say a word that is entirely out of context.

However, for the most part, we correct ourselves immediately. It is not quite like so when it comes to dementia in women.

Not just that, it becomes more and more regular – very evident, if you will.

Final Thoughts – Signs of Dementia in Women

Recognizing the signs of dementia in women is important for early detection and intervention. Look for subtle changes in memory and cognition to shifts in behavior and mood.

Understanding these indicators informs people to seek timely support and medical attention. By being aware and proactively monitoring, we can enhance the quality of life for women affected by dementia, giving them access to appropriate care and support services.

Is Dementia Inherited? [Know the Facts]

Is dementia Inherited discussed

“Is dementia inherited?” – This query delves into the genetics of dementia, raising important considerations about whether genes play a role in its transmission.

The majority of different types of dementia cannot be inherited by children and grandchildren. However, in some of the rarer types of dementia, scientists believe that there could be a strong genetic link. These are currently being researched.

Having said this, these cases are only a small number in the total cases of dementia. We look now at the different types of dementia asking the question is dementia inherited?

Is Dementia Inherited?

Is dementia inherited or not

A little bit about genes…

The website dementia.org.au describes the role of genes in the human body:

The genetic material that we each inherit from our parents is packaged into structures called chromosomes.

We have 22 pairs of chromosomes plus two X chromosomes (women) or an X and Y chromosome (men).

Each chromosome contains thousands of genes like beads on a thread. Genes contain information – they are the blueprints for making a person.

Rare types of dementia that can be inherited

Each gene has the instructions for making one tiny aspect of a person.

They are the basic units of heredity that allow specific characteristics (e.g. hair color, height, the tendency to develop diabetes in late life) to be passed from one generation to the next.

A mutation is a change in a gene. Some mutations are beneficial, but many are potentially harmful.

With regard to diseases, some genes are causative. E.g. if a person inherits a gene for a certain form of muscular dystrophy, they will certainly develop that illness in life.

Other genes are so called risk factor genes – they may not irrevocably lead to a person developing a certain illness such as diabetes, high blood pressure or Alzheimer’s disease. Some genes can make this more or less likely.

Source: Dementia.org.au

Alzheimer’s disease

According to Alzheimers.org.uk

‘In the vast majority of cases (more than 99 in 100), Alzheimer’s disease is not inherited’.

The most important factor with Alzheimer’s is age. This is because the disease becomes more common in people who are in their late seventies and onwards.

If you have a grandparent with Alzheimer’s disease, this does not mean that you will be at any greater risk of developing it yourself.

  • It has been proven that everyone can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s by keeping your mind active, regularly exercising and eating a really healthy diet. It is also recommended that you drink moderate amounts of alcohol and cut out smoking.

Vascular dementia

Is vascular dementia inherited Is dementia inherited with Vascular dementia?  Vascular dementia in itself is not inheritable. However, some of the underlying health problems that can contribute to this condition can be inherited. These include diabetes and high blood pressure.

Research has shown that certain genes can increase the chances of developing vascular dementia. These genes can be passed from parent to child.

  • Once again, a keyway to reduce the risk of developing vascular dementia is to embrace a healthy lifestyle with a good diet. Include plenty of leafy green vegetables along with plenty of regular exercise.

Frontotemporal dementia (also known as FTD or Pick’s disease)

This form of dementia is far less common than those listed above, but it is hereditary. This can cause great anxiety in families with a loved one with Frontotemporal dementia (FTD).

Although FTD is not always directly inherited, about one in ten people who develop FTD have at least one close relative with a form of dementia.

The relative could have, Alzheimer’s, FTD or motor neuron disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, known as ALS).

Generally, if there is a relative with FTD or ALS, there is a greater chance of another family member developing what is known as ‘Familial FTD’ and most commonly, this is in its behavioral form rather than primary progressive aphasia type which is only inherited very rarely.

As there are a number of different genes that can cause familial FTD and each gene has a unique pattern of inheritance, it is best to seek the advice of a genetic specialist.

Is dementia inherited with Lewy bodies

Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) develops where there is an accumulation of abnormal proteins called ‘Lewy bodies’ in parts of the brain.

Currently, age is considered the greatest risk factor. Current research is being made to see if certain genes may also play a role.

Rare types of dementia that can be inherited

All of these types of dementia are very rare. However, if you are concerned that you or other family members could inherit a form of dementia, it is best to seek the advice of your family doctor and a referral to a genetic specialist.

Young-onset, familial Alzheimer’s disease

In a small number of Alzheimer’s cases, which the Canadian Health Institute puts at about 3%. This is the percentage of people aged 50-60 who can develop Alzheimer’s.

This is referred to as ‘Young Onset Alzheimer’s’ and is often caused by a faulty (mutated) gene inherited from their parents.

Very, very rarely, a person who is even younger, develops Alzheimer’s and this is nearly always caused by a faulty gene.

Huntingdon’s disease

Is Huntington Disease inheritedHuntington’s disease (HD) is inherited and causes nerve cells (known as neurons) in parts of the brain to gradually die.

This disease attacks parts of the brain that help to control movement, as well as other areas. People with HD often develop uncontrollable movements and abnormal body positions.

The disease often affects behavior, cognitive skills and emotions. HD usually appears in middle-aged people. There is a 50% chance of HD being passed onto children if one parent has the faulty gene.

Familial Prion disease.

Approximately 10–15 percent of people with prion disease have a genetic form.

Genetic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a single gene disorder due to mutations in the prion gene (PRNP) on chromosome 20.

Is dementia inheritedPresently more than 20 alterations in the DNA sequence in the gene have been reported. The characteristics of the disease correlate with the different mutation types.

Several other changes in the PRNP gene (called polymorphisms) do not cause prion diseases directly but may affect a person’s risk of developing these diseases or alter the course of the disease.

Genetic prion disease follows an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. This means that if you carry a prion-disease-causing mutation, each of your children has a 50 percent (1 in 2) chance to inherit the same mutation.

Source: Memory.ucsf.edu

Final thoughts – Is Dementia Inherited?

When discussing – “is dementia inherited”, in the vast majority of cases it is not, but in the types that can be caused by a faulty gene there is a greater risk – especially as the faulty gene is always the dominant gene.

If you have concerns about anything you have read in this article, it is best to seek the advice of your family doctor.

Is Dementia Progressive? Unlocking the Truth

is dementia progressive

Is dementia progressive? The short answer is ‘yes’. All types of dementia are progressive.

The signs and symptoms may be mild at first, but they do worsen over time.

Each person with dementia is unique so the speed in which their dementia progresses will vary to those of other people and their experiences as the disease progresses will be very individual too.

At present, dementia is always progressive, but scientists the world over are currently searching for ways to prevent the disease and to slow its progression.

The solutions to both of these are urgent as the number of people with dementia steadily rises.

‘Life expectancy with dementia is increasing year on year as scientists and doctors find better ways to manage the disease. However, because of the nature of its progression dementia is known as a ‘life limiting’ illness’. Source

Why is dementia progressive? In this article we explain why, and we offer suggestions on how to help slow the progression of the disease.

What causes dementia?

Is Dementia Progressive, Or Can It Be Halted

‘Dementia’ is an umbrella term used to describe a variety of medical conditions that affect the brain including Alzheimer’s, vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy Bodies and Frontotemporal dementia.

When a person is in the early stages of dementia only a small part of their brain is damaged, and they may have only a few minor symptoms. As the disease spreads to more parts of the brain, it is unable to work as well and the areas that have already been damaged become worse.

The patient’s early symptoms may get worse and new symptoms appear affecting not only their cognitive ability and memory, but also speech, behavior and mobility.

How is the progression of dementia measured?

Very severe cognitive declineMany doctors refer to three stages of dementia – early, middle and late or mild, moderate and severe. Those specializing in dementia have divided the progression of the disease into seven different stages to help the loved ones of the dementia patient to understand how the dementia will progress.

These seven stages are important to understand, especially as the dementia patient has no control over them.

Because each person is unique, how the dementia progresses and how quickly it does, will vary. It is also important to be aware of the first signs of dementia so that action can be taken early on to get the condition diagnosed.

The 7 progressive stages of dementia

1. Normal behavior

caring for someone with progressive dementiaIn the earliest stages of the disease, many people have no symptoms even though there are changes taking place in their brain. It may well be several years before they display signs and symptoms of the disease.

2. Becoming forgetful

Whilst many older people occasional forget diary dates or where they have left their reading glasses, when a person has dementia, they will begin to forget things very easily and regularly lose things in their home.

At this stage, many people believe this is still just a sign of getting older and is an age-related problem.

3. A noticeable mild cognitive decline

This stage of the disease can often last 5-7 times and during this time the first signs that things may not be alright begin to appear.

The person’s memory loss seems more than age-related deterioration and they seem to be frequently forgetting many things – even important appointments on the calendar.

4. Moderate and very noticeable cognitive decline

It is at this stage that most people with dementia are diagnosed. The signs and symptoms by now are apparent to both family members and friends.

The person with dementia may have problem remembering to eat meals or to pay bills on time and everyday life is becoming challenging.

5. Moderately severe cognitive decline.

Severe cognitive declineAs the disease progresses and your loved one reaches this stage it is viewed as the beginning of the later stage of dementia.

Your loved one can probably no longer wash or dress themselves easily.

They will struggle to remember things like their telephone number but will remember events from their childhood very clearly.

They will still recognize family members and friends at this stage, which usually lasts 1.5 – 2 years.

6. Severe cognitive decline

This is the beginning of the final stages of dementia and your loved one will require round-the-clock attention.

They will definitely need help washing and getting dressed but could be incontinent too.

They will get easily disorientated and can suffer from mood swings becoming angry and aggressive which is extremely hard to deal with.

Dementia patients at this stage can still usually recognise their loved ones.

This stage lasts on average 2- 2.5 years. Many dementia patients pass away during this stage – usually because of other health problems.

7. Very severe cognitive decline

By this stage, the dementia patient is having problems speaking and expressing their thoughts.

They need constant assistance throughout the day especially with feeding and may well need support during the night if they cannot sleep or start to wander.

Many dementia patients at this stage are being supported by professional carers.

A free booklet about the seven stages of dementia and how you can support your loved one at each stage can be downloaded using the above link.

Are there ways to halt the progression of dementia?

  • Slow progression of dementiaMedications can be used to temporarily improve the symptoms of dementia.
  • Adapt your home so that your loved one can remain as mobile and independent as possible for as long as possible.
  • Regular exercise including walking, swimming, cycling and gardening have all been proven to help dementia patients to keep their balance and mobility. If you prefer there are a variety of different exercises to do to maintain balance and flexibility.
  • Encourage activities such as dancing, painting and singing as these will help you loved one to stay engaged.
  • Establish a good daily routine as this will help your loved one to feel secure and less anxious. Have mealtimes at the same time each day and if you enjoy a walk together, make this at the same time each day too.
  • Increase your conversations with your loved one. This can be challenging but make your sentences short, direct and easy to understand. Encourage them to talk too but never argue or get cross if their memories are inaccurate – it is not their fault.
  • Make a calendar for your loved one to help them remember up and coming events. Complete a daily journal each evening to help them to recall what has happened during the day.

There are many other ways to keep your loved one engaged so that they enjoy the best quality of life.

These include music therapy, caring for a pet and aromatherapy as the senses of touch and smell are heightened as dementia progresses.

How to cope when you are caring for someone with progressive dementia.

Is dementia progressive for everyoneHaving a loved one with dementia takes its toll on everyone in the family, especially the main carer. If that is you, it is important you look after yourself too.

The first step is to learn as much as you can about dementia and its progression.

If you have questions, don’t be scared to ask them of your doctor, social workers and other healthcare professionals.

Find out what support services there are in your community and if there is a local support group.

Do these include respite care in case you become ill or exhausted? If there are not community services available, ask family members or friends for help to give you a regular break.

Take good care of yourself as well as your loved one – physically, mentally and emotionally.

Is dementia progressive? Final Thoughts

Dementia is indeed a progressive illness. It tends to worsen over time, increasingly impacting a person’s cognitive abilities, memory, behavior, and overall functioning.

The rate of progression varies among people, being dependent on the specific type of dementia they have.

Generally, with all types of dementia, the symptoms will become more severe as the disease advances. As dementia progresses, people may experience increasing difficulty with everyday tasks, speaking, and with memory.

It’s important for those with dementia, their caregivers and family, to understand why is dementia progressive and the progressive nature of the disease.  Accordingly, they should seek appropriate support to help manage the effects at each stage of the disease.

Unraveling the Mystery: Is Alzheimer’s Type 3 Diabetes?

Is there a link between diabetes and Alzheimer’s

In this article we discuss the most recent research investigating the question, is Alzheimer’s type 3 diabetes?

Most people have heard of Type 1 Diabetes which is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the body fails to produce its own insulin. This causes the body’s sugar levels to be too high. Many people with Type 1 Diabetes have to have regular insulin injections.

Type 2 Diabetes is different in the fact that the body develops an insulin resistance and does not use insulin properly. Again, this leads to raised sugar levels. Both types of diabetes are chronic conditions.

Recently, there have been some references to Alzheimer’s being Type 3 Diabetes, so what is this all about?

Is Alzheimer’s Type 3 Diabetes?

Is Alzheimer’s type 3 diabetes disease

The term ‘type 3 diabetes’ is one that has been coined by the world’s health press in reference to Alzheimer’s disease because this common neurogenerative disease has been found to be linked to insulin resistance – which of course is a problem found in type 2 diabetics.

Explain more, why is Alzheimer’s Type 3 diabetes

At this stage, the term ‘type 3 diabetes’ is being used by researchers rather than doctors. There are many studies taking place around the world on the different types of dementia.

A growing number of researchers are exploring the links between insulin resistance in the brain and cognitive decline which is found in Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

Researchers are also studying to see if there are any links between type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

It has already been proven that people with type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of developing several different types of dementia.

Is there a link between diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease?

link between diabetes and Alzheimer’sScientists are currently studying a number of possible links between diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

Some scientists believe that Alzheimer’s could be caused by insulin resistance in the brain, but as yet, this has not been proven.

Other research is investigating whether diabetes cause any chemical imbalances in the brain.

It is known that high blood sugars can cause inflammation and scientists are exploring what impact the inflammation can have – especially as this could be a possible trigger for vascular dementia. This link though, has yet to be proven.

A second line of research is studying the damage caused to blood vessels when type 2 diabetes is not diagnosed early enough.

Many people with the condition are unaware that they have it. This leads to a delay in their diagnosis and treatment and an increase in the chance of damage to their blood vessels.

Again, this makes those with diabetes undiagnosed, and uncontrolled diabetes more likely to be as risk of vascular dementia with a query mark that there could be an increased risk of Alzheimer’s too.

Healthline.com states that-

‘According to a 2022 review of research, people who have type 2 diabetes may be up to 45% to 90% more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia, such as vascular dementia’.

Are blood vessel damage, insulin resistance in the brain, and elevated blood sugar levels all connected to diabetes and potential contributors to dementia? Furthermore, is Alzheimer’s type 3 diabetes? Let’s delve further…

Insulin and Alzheimer’s Disease

diabetes and Alzheimer’s diseaseA paper published by the National Library of Medicine in February 2022, makes interesting reading as the authors point out that the incidence of both type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease are rapidly increasing

‘Globally, the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) epidemics is increasing rapidly and has huge financial and emotional costs.

The purpose of the current review article is to discuss the shared pathophysiological connections between AD and T2DM.

Research findings are presented to underline the vital role that insulin plays in the brain’s neurotransmitters, homeostasis of energy, as well as memory capacity.

The findings of this review indicate the existence of a mechanistic interplay between AD pathogenesis with T2DM and, especially, disrupted insulin signaling.

AD and T2DM are interlinked with insulin resistance, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, advanced glycosylation end products (AGEs), mitochondrial dysfunction and metabolic syndrome.

Beta-amyloid, tau protein and amylin can accumulate in T2DM and AD brains. Given that the T2DM patients are not routinely evaluated in terms of their cognitive status, they are rarely treated for cognitive impairment.

Similarly, AD patients are not routinely evaluated for high levels of insulin or for T2DM. Studies suggesting AD as a metabolic disease caused by insulin resistance in the brain also offer strong support for the hypothesis that AD is a type 3 diabetes.’     Reference

Is Alzheimer’s Type 3 Diabetes? (Tests)

prevent alzheimer's through lifestyleCertainly, it seems possible that researchers will find that families with history of type 2 diabetes could have a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia.

It is important that in future frequent tests are made of sugar levels and insulin resistance not only of patients with type 2 diabetes but also Alzheimer’s disease as there is increasing evidence that there could be a significant link between the two diseases and could lead to some new treatments.

At present it is important that all types of research continue….

Preventative measures that can be taken

In the meantime, as research continues, it is important that anyone who suspects that they could have either type 2 diabetes or Alzheimer’s seeks advice from their doctor. Also, ensure that they have a healthy lifestyle to help prevent either.  Or, if they are diagnosed, to slow down the progression of the disease for as long as possible and importantly, minimize organ damage.

  • Is Alzheimer's Type 3 Diabetes Adopt a Healthy Eating PlanAdopt a healthy diet with foods that are rich in protein and fiber and low in sugar and saturated fats.
  • Monitor your blood sugar levels as recommended by your doctor.
  • Keep an eye on your cholesterol levels too.
  • Take any medication you have been prescribed according to the schedule from your doctor.
  • Exercise for 30 minutes most days – walking, swimming, cycling, tennis and jogging are all good or following an exercise program in your home or local gym.
  • Keep your body weight down – to the recommended weight for your age and frame.

Final Thoughts – Is Alzheimer’s type 3 diabetes?

In conclusion, there have been several research studies proposing that Alzheimer’s disease be categorized as a form of diabetes, termed type 3 diabetes.

However, whilst this concept is explored in research, the term ’type 3 diabetes’ is not officially recognized by National health organizations, nor the American Diabetes Association.

Is Alzheimer’s type 3 diabetes… this is yet to be proven.

Balance Exercises for Dementia Patients

Why do dementia patients need balance exercises

In this article we discuss balance exercises for dementia patients and the key role that this type of exercise plays with maintaining quality of life.

Having a healthy lifestyle with plenty of physical exercise is important for everyone as they get older. Regular exercise helps keep muscles strong and their coordination working well. Also, exercise stimulates blood flow, cell growth and repair and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Regular exercise can also improve sleeping patterns. Exercise is good for dementia patients who also benefit from activities that maintain their strength and flexibility.

Balance Exercises for Dementia Patients

top Balance Exercises for Dementia Patients

What is meant by aerobic exercise?

Aerobic exercise is one that is low impact that usually takes place over a period of time such as walking and swimming. Aerobic exercise also includes jogging, cycling and dancing and ideally everyone should complete 30 minutes of this type of exercise most days.

What are strength exercises?

Strength exercises are designed to maintain strength in muscles and tendons – particularly those in the lower body which give support to posture. These exercises also positively impact bone density and the flexibility of tendons. This type of exercise is often called ‘resistance training’ and can include the use of weights and resistance bands.

Balance exercises for dementia patients – Why are they important?Balance Exercises for Dementia Patients

It is important for dementia patients to maintain their quality of life for as long as possible and this includes their mobility.

Balancing exercises help to ensure this. They strengthen the spine and the muscles and as well as maintaining balance. These exercises also improve coordination.

Most importantly, maintaining good balance in dementia patients, helps to reduce the risk of falls.

Balance exercises for dementia patients include bending and stretching. Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi are all excellent for this. Regularly attending one of these classes has the added benefit of participants being able to socialize too.

If it is not possible for your loved one to take part in a class, they can exercise in the home setting.

It is best to seek advice from your doctor before you start exercising with your loved one so that you understand what type of exercises and the duration will be optimum.

It is important that your loved one enjoys the exercises so that they can be incorporated in their daily routine.

Simple balance exercises for dementia patients

Simple balance exercises for dementiaIt can be very beneficial to encourage your loved one to complete some of these balance exercises every day – or as often as they can comfortably during the week. Twice weekly being the minimum goal.

These balance exercises for dementia patients require no special equipment other than a sturdy chair or kitchen work surface. It is best that your loved one wears sturdy shoes. If your loved one feels discomfort from the exercise, stop straight away and try again later.

1. Sitting and standing

It is very important for them be able to get up from a chair easily. This simple exercise will help your loved one to maintain their balance for doing so.

Place the chair so that there is space all around it and get your loved one to stand up and sit down on the chair five times. Once they are doing this well, you can increase the number to ten times.

2. Raining heels off the ground

Get your loved one to stand facing the back of the chair with their hands resting on top of the chair back and their feet slightly apart.

Encourage them to lift their heels off the ground for the count of three and then to lower them again. Start with completing this exercise five times and build this number up to ten.

3. Standing on one leg

This exercise is also completed facing the back of the chair, holding on to the top of the chair with both hands for support. Feet should be together.

The left leg is kept firmly on the ground while the right leg is bent slightly and raised off the ground for the count of three before being lowered again.

The exercise is repeated standing on the right leg and raising the left leg.

4. Marching

This can be done standing behind the chair, holding the top of the chair back or holding onto a kitchen counter.

With the legs slightly apart, encourage your loved one to march up and down on the spot slowly ten times.
This number can be increased slowly and steadily to 20 and the speed of the marching can be increased too.

5. Three-way kicks

Exercises for dementia patientsFor this exercise, your loved one needs to stand straight with their feet slightly apart in front of a work surface or similar for support – if needed.

Get them to lift their left leg in front of them, hold for the count of three and then replace it in the starting position.

Lift the same leg (left) to the side, hold it while you count to three and then replace it in the original position.

Lastly, get them to lift the same leg (left) behind them, hold for the count of three and then replace it in the original position.

Encourage them to repeat these three movements using their right leg. If possible, this exercise should be repeated three times.

Other good balancing exercises to try can be found here.

Are there other benefits dementia patients get from regular exercise?

dementia patients exercisesExercise brings many other benefits for dementia patients and should be continued for as long as possible. As well as preventing the mobility problems associated with inactivity, exercise can improve your loved one’s mood and reduce stress and depression.

Evidence suggests that only a small number of people aged over 65 – fewer than 20% – engage in an adequate level of physical activity, while people who have dementia are even less likely to engage in such activity.

If it is possible, regular exercise should be introduced into daily life when your loved one has the early stages of dementia as it will be easier to continue once their condition progresses.

In the later stages of dementia, you will find that you will need help and support from other people – including trained staff – if you are going to continue regular exercise with your loved one.

It is best to check with your doctor before starting any regular exercise and also as your loved one’s condition progresses.

Even in the later stages of dementia, there are several simple – but effective- exercises that can still be done to help mobility.


Encouraging your loved one to stand often during the day is very beneficial. This will help with both their balance and posture.

If they can move around too, this is good as helps maintain balance and keep their leg muscles strong. It is fine for them to use some support if needed.

Lying absolutely flat on the bed for 30 minutes each day helps to stretch the spine and abdominal muscles and relaxes the neck muscles.

Getting your loved one to sit unsupported for a few minutes every day is also beneficial. It strengthens stomach and back muscles which are both important for posture.

Encouraging your loved one to enjoy regular exercise for as long as possible is very important, but never leave then unattended whilst they do, to minimize the chance of falls.

Incorporating balance exercises for dementia patients into daily routine will give great benefits. They help with quality of life, reduce falls, stimulate blood flow and help with overall health.

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