What Colors Do Dementia Patients Prefer?

what colors do dementia patients prefer

A high percentage of individuals with dementia will lose some kind of color perception leaving many people wondering what colors do dementia patients prefer.

This caught the interest of scientists who have conducted numerous studies on light and color.

Most of these studies produce contrasting results.

Many experts, however, agree that using the correct colors in the environment where a person with dementia resides can help in the provision of quality care.

Various colors often come up when you ask about the colors that people with dementia like.

These include green, blue, orange, yellow, pink, and red.

There are several reasons the above-mentioned colors work well for persons with dementia as explained below.

What are the Best Colors for Dementia?


what colors do dementia patients prefer
This is a color that offers a restful and calming effect.

Studies reveal that using blue in a physical environment can help to reduce blood pressure. The color also tends to increase the size of a room.

Other than painting a room blue, you can also use blue utensils and dinner plates when taking care of a person who had dementia.

They help offer a contrast so that the weak person can easily identify their food.


is green a color dementia patients prefer
The color is also categorized as a restful color that is symbolic of life and growth.

It can help people remain calm while reducing central nervous system activity. Green also makes a room appear bigger.

For persons with dementia, you can use the color to grab their attention. For instance, you can use green when making signs for bedroom, walkers, bathrooms, and many more.


When you ask professionals what colors do dementia patients prefer, red is bound to be among the top choices.

Red is said to increase brain wave activity.

When used in a room, it can make it appear smaller and also increase the perceived temperature. Red is a great option when you want to capture the attention of a person who has dementia.

Like blue, you can also use it when picking out utensils because it does not only offer great contrast but can stimulate the appetite.


This is a stimulating color that is best used in activity areas because it tends to boost brain wave activity.

Stimulating colors can be helpful to people with dementia because they can trigger cognitive function and memories.


This is another warm color that has similar properties to red. It is also an early color that you can use when looking to create a “natural” environment.


The color comes in handy when you are dealing with a person who had aggressive tendencies. Using pink in their space can help to reduce aggression.

While seeking answers to the query about what colors do dementia patients prefer, remember to prioritize the hues that an individual loves.

This is because different people will have different preferences. You can use their favorite colors in different aspects, not just the rooms and utensils.

It is possible to incorporate color in their wardrobe so that they feel good anytime they have to choose an outfit and dress up.

A person is bound to feel happier when they are dressing in the colors they like.

Closing Remarks

Note that Individuals with the illness can change their mind about the colors they like; thus, you need to keep up with their current preferences to make the necessary adjustments where possible.

As the disease progresses, the person with dementia may see colors as “washed out.”

This happens when the lens of the eyes becomes thicker due to old age.

It goes to show that the answer to what colors do dementia patients prefer can change depending on the stage of the illness as well as personal preference.

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