Dementia Wandering (Tips For Caregivers)

reasons people with dementia wander

People with dementia often feel the need to walk about – even though they do not know where they are going and may have no purpose in their walk. They simply feel the need to walk. Researchers have given this type of behaviour the name ‘Dementia wandering’.

How common is dementia wandering?

dementia wandering

According to the Practical Neurology website, wandering is common in people with Dementia-

‘Wandering is a complex behavioural phenomenon that is frequent in dementia. Approximately twenty percent of community-dwelling individuals with dementia and sixty percent of those living in institutionalized settings are reported to wander. Most definitions of wandering incorporate a variety of dementia-related locomotion activities, including elopement (i.e., attempts to escape), repetitive pacing, and becoming lost’.

The article continues with a stark fact. It explains that the terms ‘critical wandering’ and ‘missing incidents’ are being used to describe when a person with Dementia wanders and becomes lost.

The main concern this brings is that the mortality rate in these situations is 20% – which makes dementia wandering the most dangerous problem linked with this disease.

What are the causes of dementia wandering?

Can restless behaviour in dementia be managed

Whilst research continues to establish the reasons and wandering patterns occurring in people with Dementia, some scientists believe that they are searching for something they once treasured or trying to get back to a moment in time when they were particularly happy – such as a favourite holiday destination or job.

Other scientists believe that dementia wandering patients do so because they are feeling agitated and restless.

On its website, The Alzheimer’s Association explains –

‘Alzheimer’s disease causes people to lose their ability to recognize familiar faces and places. It’s common for people living with dementia to wander or become lost or confused about their location, and it can occur at any stage of the disease. Six in ten people living with dementia will wander at least once; many do so repeatedly. Although common, wandering can be dangerous — even life-threatening — and the stress of this risk weighs heavily on caregivers and family’.

If your loved one is inclined to wander, it is important to know the reasons that may trigger their need to do so-

Common reasons people with dementia wander:

  • Dementia wandering patients They have not retained the fact that you asked them to stay in the house or car.
  • They are feeling agitated and unsettled.
  • The wandering has been prompted by a change in routine.
  • It could have been triggered by something they overheard.
  • They are searching for a favourite place or time from the past.

You may be able to pick up on some subtle signs that your loved one could start wandering. In conversation, they may express to you the need for them to go somewhere – like to work or shopping.

It could be that they no longer recognise their surroundings, even if it is the home that you have shared for many years. Sometimes a person with Dementia can wander because they get confused and disoriented.

They may be searching for a certain place such as the bathroom and not find it. You may well find that you have to regularly remind them where different rooms are – picture signs pinned on the door can help.

You may discover that when they are feeling restless or agitated they may not simply be able to keep still.

Devices to assist caregivers with loved ones who wander

ProductFeaturesAvailable on Amazon
Bed Alarm for Elderly Dementia PatientsBed Alarm for Elderly Dementia PatientsMotion sensor
Portable pager
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Caregiver Pager, Wireless Panic Buttons Elderly Monitoring AssistanceCaregiver Pager, Wireless Panic Buttons Elderly Monitoring AssistanceIntercom
58 loud chimes
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4pc Security Home Camera4pc Security Home Camera24/7 full HD recording
Enhanced night vision
Video alarm system
AI identification
Home app for family
Cordless Bed Exit Monitoring System AlarmSmart Caregiver Corporation Cordless Bed Exit Monitoring System Alarm with Bed Pressure Sensing PadPrevent falls & wandering
Wireless portable (300ft)
Pressure pad and monitor
Elderly Cellular Medical Alert DeviceElderly Cellular Medical Alert Device| Wearable Panic Button Necklace | Medical Alert Systems for Seniors Fall detection
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Elderly Cellular Medical Alert SmartwatchElderly Cellular Medical Alert Device | Medical Alert SmartwatchFall detector
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What can be done to prevent your loved one wandering?

prevent your loved one wanderingThere are a number of practical things that should be put in place to ensure that it is difficult for your loved one to wander.

These are important to initiate because of the serious risk that they could fall and injury themselves on one of their ‘walkabouts’.

The most important thing you can do is to create a safe and secure environment for them. You will need to install locks on all doors leading outside and windows. Locks using a security number are best.

Make sure you have somewhere safe to keep your house and car keys. Your loved one may forget that they no longer drive.

Child proof catches can prove useful on bathroom cabinets and drawers containing medication and sharp kitchen utensils.

It is sensible to make sure that furniture in your home is easy to navigate and that there is plenty of lighting – including at night if your loved one tries to reach the bathroom.

It is practical to ensure that your loved one has enough to eat and drink during the day. This is so that you can take the practical step of offering them their last drink about two hours before bedtime. This will reduce their need to get up at night to use the bathroom.

Can restless behaviour be managed?

How common is Dementia wanderingIt is quite a challenge to keep your loved one engaged throughout the day and certainly requires plenty of good planning. However, keeping them occupied will help them to feel calmer and less agitated.

Avoid busy places such as shopping malls where they may well quickly feel disorientated. If they are in new surroundings, do not leave them on their own

Ensuring that your love one gets adequate sleep can also really help. A good way to help this is by getting daily exercise together.

If the weather is good, nothing is better than enjoying a walk in the countryside. If your loved one has an interest in swimming or gardening these are ideal pastimes too and will help tire your loved one.

For the final hour before bed, sitting together listening to music as this will help prepare your loved one for bed.

Make sure that the lighting in your lounge is not too bright. Being soft and mellow will send the signal that bedtime is approaching.

If you find that your loved one seems more confused than normal or is restless and agitated, it is well worth having a word with their doctor.

What to do in case of emergency

Keep a list with the telephone number for the Police and family and friends who live by on the wall by the telephone. Think through an emergency plan – should the worse happen – and discuss with key friends and neighbours.

Ask them to always contact you should they see your loved one out and about on their own.

Compile a list of the likely places that your loved one could try to find. Such places as favourite places/restaurants, your old home, where they used to work etc.

Make sure you have a recent photograph of your loved one that you can show Police officers.

If your loved one has wandered and you cannot speedily locate them within 10-15 minutes, contact the local Police. Tell them that your loved one has Dementia.

Contact your key neighbours and friends and get them to help you search the locality. It is interesting to note that the direction that your loved one probably wandered is the same as their dominant hand.

Check the local vicinity really well as most wanderers are found within two kilometres/ one mile of home.

Closing Thoughts – dementia wandering

As cognitive decline increases, it may become unsafe for your loved one with dementia to live at home — especially if they are at risk of wandering.

Although dementia wandering is one of the most dangerous behaviors that people with memory loss will face, there are ways to prevent or manage the risk.

Our aim is to educate and inform caregivers in order to help you remain confidence in the face of this challenging disease.

Wandering and Dementia (Comprehensive Guide)

wandering and dementia

Many people with dementia may at one time have to deal with wandering and dementia.

The Alzheimer’s Association reports that 6 in 10 people who have dementia will wander. This normally happens in the early stages of the illness.

Studies also show that the risk of wandering is usually higher for men than women.

Read on to find out more details about wandering including symptoms, causes, management & prevention strategies, caregiver goals, and planning for emergencies.

Warning Signs for Wandering in Dementia

warning signs for wandering in dementia
There are several symptoms loved ones or caregivers can look out for to know if a person with dementia is at risk of wandering and some of them include:

  • Forgetting how to get to familiar places
  • Taking longer periods to get back home from regular drives or walks
  • Wanting or trying to “go home” even when a person is at home already
  • Talking about fulfilling former obligations like going to the office
  • Pacing, making repetitive movements, or being restless often
  • Asking about the whereabouts of past relatives or friends
  • Having a hard time accessing familiar places in the house like the dining room, bathroom, or bedroom
  • Acting anxious or nervous in public places with crowds such as restaurants or malls
  • Acting as if a person is engaging in a chore or hobby but they are not getting anything done. For instance, a person may be in the kitchen with a pot but they are not cooking anything

Reasons People with Dementia May Wander

reasons people with dementia may wander
The exact causes of wandering are not yet fully understood.

However, there are certain triggers associated with wandering and dementia and some of them include but are not limited to:

Fear or Stress

Individuals with dementia may start to wander as a reaction to feeling nervous in their current environment.

New Environments

People with dementia may feel disoriented or uncertain when they have to adapt to a changed environment like a new home or care center.

Many people may also want to escape from busy or noisy spaces. Wandering may stop once a person gets used to the chances.

Unmet Basic Needs

A person may wander off as they go looking for water, food, or the bathroom. Some people may also want to explore the outdoors and forget the way back home.

Loss of Short-Term Memory

Wandering may be caused by loss of memory. An individual may set off to go visit a friend or go to the shops and then forget where they are going or why.

A person may also forget that their loved one was going out and set off to look for them.


Affected individuals may get lost while looking for something or someone like a long-lost friend.

Excessive Energy

An individual may also start wandering as a way of using excess energy, which is one of the reasons why patients with dementia walk so much. It may be an indication that the individual needs to exercise more.

Visual-Spatial Issues

Individuals with dementia may get lost even in familiar places because the illness affects the areas of the brain that are responsible for navigation and guidance, even vision.

Expressing Boredom and Loneliness

People with dementia find it more challenging to concentrate on one thing as the illness progresses. Wandering can be one of the ways they keep occupied.

Following Past Routines

Some people will wander off as they try to go back to their former workplaces or grocery stores.

Devices to assist caregivers with monitoring wandering

ProductFeaturesAvailable on Amazon
Bed Alarm for Elderly Dementia PatientsBed Alarm for Elderly Dementia PatientsMotion sensor
Portable pager
Fall prevention
Easy to install
Caregiver Pager, Wireless Panic Buttons Elderly Monitoring AssistanceCaregiver Pager, Wireless Panic Buttons Elderly Monitoring AssistanceIntercom
58 loud chimes
Easy to install
500ft wireless
4pc Security Home Camera4pc Security Home Camera24/7 full HD recording
Enhanced night vision
Video alarm system
AI identification
Home app for family
Cordless Bed Exit Monitoring System AlarmSmart Caregiver Corporation Cordless Bed Exit Monitoring System Alarm with Bed Pressure Sensing PadPrevent falls & wandering
Wireless portable (300ft)
Pressure pad and monitor
Elderly Cellular Medical Alert DeviceElderly Cellular Medical Alert Device| Wearable Panic Button Necklace | Medical Alert Systems for Seniors Fall detection
2-way communication
5 emergency contacts
Lifetime warranty
Elderly Cellular Medical Alert SmartwatchElderly Cellular Medical Alert Device | Medical Alert SmartwatchFall detector
2-way communication
Heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen monitor
Lifetime warranty

Strategies for Preventing and Managing Wandering

strategies for preventing and managing wandering with dementia patients
While chances of wandering are pretty high, there are various prevention and management tips that caregivers can use to help reduce the chances such as:

Visiting a Doctor

When a person with dementia starts to wander, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will conduct a physical check-up.

This helps to identify whether discomfort, pain, or an existing illness is triggering wandering. It may help to discuss any side-effects of medication that the person is taking.

It is best to avoid medication that increases confusion or causes drowsiness and incontinence

Creating Daily Routines

When looking after a person who is battling both wandering and dementia, it is advisable to create a routine the person with the illness follows every day.

This helps to offer structure so that the affected individual is “busy” all day lowering the chances of wandering. Where possible, identify the times of the day or night where the individual is most likely to wander.

This is the best time to plan fun activities or appropriate exercise for the person. It can help reduce agitation, restlessness, and anxiety.

Offer Reassurance

If a person with dementia is feeling abandoned, disoriented, or lost; caregivers should communicate in a reassuring manner.

Focus mostly on validation and exploration. For example, if a person insists that they need to go “home” or to “work” caregivers can tell them something like “It is okay, we will be staying here tonight where we will be safe and can go home or to work in the morning.”

Do not try and correct the person because it can lead to more confusion and agitation.

Meet Basic Needs

Some people with dementia will wander because their basic needs have not been fulfilled. It is; therefore, the responsibility of carers to ensure they meet all their basic needs on time.

This includes making sure they eat well, hydrate, and go to the bathroom when need be.

Avoid Busy Places

This can be anywhere from grocery stores, shopping malls, and other busy avenues. These places can be confusing causing disorientation.

Remove Access to Car Keys

If the person is no longer driving; ensure that car keys are not in sight. This is because persons with dementia do not only wander on foot.

It is easy for individuals to forget that they can no longer drive. If a person can safely drive, it may be best to use a GPS device so that if they get lost, they can be found easily.

Additionally, it is also advisable to keep shoes, hats, coats, and other items that are associated with leaving home out of sight.

Offer Supervision

When taking care of a person with dementia, keep an eye on them especially when visiting new environments so that they do not get lost.

Do not lock the affected individual in a car or house alone.

Beef up Security

There are several options to explore when it comes to this.

For instance, installing door locks that are either high or low so that they are out of the line of sight and not easily accessible by individuals with the illness.

Camouflaging doors by placing removable curtains over doors or painting them a color that matches the surrounding walls can also help.

Investing in devices that signal when windows or doors open can also be helpful. This can be a sophisticated electronic home alarm system or a simple bell placed above the door and window.

This alerts caregivers when people with dementia are attempting to leave the house.

Identification Card

It is also important for the person with dementia to have an identification card on them at all times.

Additionally, they can also wear medical bracelets, or put on clothes that have labels with their information.

Planning For Emergencies

planning for emergencies
When it comes to looking after a person experiencing wandering and dementia, it is important to have a plan in place for emergency situations.

This is because wandering can pose various safety issues particularly in very cold or hot temperatures. Some of the plans that can be put in place include:

  • Having a list of people to contact for help- Store phone numbers where they are easily accessible.
  • Request neighbors, family, and friends to call if they see the person with dementia staying alone.
  • Take close-up photos of affected individuals regularly and have updated medical information that can be given to the police.
  • Create a List of Places an Individual may Wander- These can include places such as former homes, past job locations, former schools, favorite restaurants, and places of worship.
  • Study the Neighbourhood Well- this helps to note down potentially dangerous spots near the house such as open stairwells, water bodies, tunnels, dense foliage, bus stops, and roads with heavy traffic.
  • To be on the safe side, it is best to consider enrolling an individual with a wandering response service.

If a person happens to wander try and stay calm as you begin the start the search and rescue efforts as soon as possible.

In most cases, persons who wander are usually found within one and a half miles of where they disappeared. If the person is not found within the fifteen minutes, file a missing person’s report by immediately calling 911.

Do not forget to let the authorities know that the individual has dementia.

Wandering and Dementia Caregiver Goals

When responding to wandering from persons who have dementia, care goals can be categorized into:

1. Encouraging, maintaining, and supporting choice and mobility enabling the person to move around independently and safely.

2. Assessing and managing the causes of wandering paying close attention to meeting basic needs.

3. Prevent unsafe wandering.

There is still limited research when it comes to wandering and dementia.

However, caregivers can still respond to the new development appropriately to ensure the person with dementia remains safe and happy.

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