How Do You Treat Dementia Naturally?

After a positive dementia diagnosis, some people may ask how do you treat dementia naturally.

Before answering this question, it is important to note that there is currently no cure for dementia.

Affected persons can, however, take some steps that will help to treat symptoms of the illness or help slow down its progression.

There are two ways of doing this.

The first includes taking medication while the other focuses on alternative treatments.

Natural Treatments for Dementia

The primary aim of treatment is to create a better quality of life for ill individuals. Below we will highlight some of the options available when a person wants to treat dementia naturally.

Eating a Healthy Diet

treat dementia naturally by eating a healthy diet
Some studies confirm that diet plays a vital role in slowing down the progression of dementia.

Some foods like leafy green vegetables, fatty fish, herbs, some oils (CBD oil, olive oil, etc.), nuts, fruits, cruciferous vegetables, and other superfoods come highly recommended not only for treating the disease but reducing its risk as well.

Use of Supplements

treat dementia naturally by use of supplements
Supplements are another answer given to the question of how do you treat dementia naturally.

Several supplements are known to be beneficial to persons suffering from dementia.

The most popular one is Ginkgo biloba which comes from trees from the Maidenhair tree.

It is in use in America for years, but it still needs a prescription in many countries in Europe.

Ginkgo biloba is said to have three primary active ingredients namely bilobalide, ginkgolides, and flavonoids that help in promoting blood flow, inhibiting inflammation, and reducing the damage that free radicals cause.

Numerous trials reveal that the supplement helps to improve cognition in individuals with dementia. Other supplements that people with the neurodegenerative illness can try include Omega-3 fatty acids, Ginseng, Vitamins B12 & B9, Vitamin E, Huperzine, and Vitamin D.

Remember to exercise extreme caution when taking supplements because, in most cases, the remedies are not regulated.

It is always best to consult your doctor before you start taking any supplements.

Different Therapies

different therapies
Some therapies can work very well in treating numerous dementia behavior problems and symptoms, such as:

Occupational therapy

A professional occupational therapist can work with individuals with dementia as well as their families to teach coping behaviors.

The expert can also offer insight on how to modify the affected person’s living space to make it safer and more comfortable.

This is one to manage behavior, prevent accidents like slipping and falling, and also prepare everyone involved for dementia progression.

Music Therapy

This can help to promote relaxation and reduce agitation especially if it involves listening to soothing music.

What’s best, almost everyone can introduce music therapy to their lives.

Pet Therapy

The therapy involves the use of domestic animals like cats and dogs. This has been known to improve the behavior and moods of people with dementia.

Art Therapy

This entails getting weak individuals to participate in creative art focusing on the process instead of the results.

Reality Orientation Training

This comes in handy as the disease continues to progress and a person starts to forget important details. It involves going over basic things like the time, date, and person’s name.

Bright Light Therapy

Many people who have dementia will experience sleep disruptions because the disease affects the region of the brain that regulates the circadian rhythm that tells the body when to wake up and sleep.

Light therapy can help to restore a person’s sleep-wake cycle. Not to mention, bright light therapy works in reducing agitation, too.


This is the use of essential oils to improve well-being. A short-term study revealed that therapy can help improve thinking abilities in seniors.

Some oils commonly used for aromatherapy include lavender, lemon, rosemary, and orange.

Reminiscence Therapy

This involves the process of allowing persons with dementia to remember the good old days.

In short, you can do reminisce therapy by talking about their past life, viewing pictures and videos, or listening to music that helps them remember treasured memories.


exercise helping dementia
Exercise is another solution available for persons asking how do you treat dementia naturally.

Persons with dementia can get multiple benefits from exercising. These include enhanced balance, strength, and cardiovascular health.

Experts also explain that exercise can help to effectively manage symptoms like restlessness.

Additionally, staying physically active can help a person sleep better.

Growing evidence also reveals that exercise can help protect the human brain from dementia especially when it is combined with treating cardiovascular disease risk factors and a healthy diet.

Research also states that physical activity can help reduce depression symptoms as well as slow down the progression of impaired thinking in persons who have dementia.

Exercise does not have to be something strenuous that will end up frustrating an individual. It can be something light and enjoyable such as gardening, taking walks, swimming, and dancing.

The workouts must also be safe to do depending on a person’s ability.

Coconut Oil

coconut oil for dementia
Processed coconut oil contains a fatty acid known as caprylic acid.

The body breaks down this acid into a protein known as ketone. For your information, Ketasyn is a drug that uses a similar protein.

Some researchers claim that individuals who took Ketasyn recorded less cognitive decline and improved memory performance.

Instead of taking the drug, some individuals are taking processed coconut oil to reap the benefits.


acupuncture and dementia
Some people believe strongly that acupuncture can help in dementia treatment. This is why we had to include it as one of the responses of how do you treat dementia naturally.

Acupuncture defines an alternative medicine option that used fine sterile needles to promote self-healing.

The therapist uses needles to stimulate the body while improving energy flow.

Some studies show that acupuncture can help improve cognitive function and mood for people with dementia.

Others claim that it can help to relieve pain and increase energy levels. This is worth trying out as it presents little risk.

A licensed and trained practitioner must, however, perform the therapy.


dementia and reflexology
This is the practice of careful hand and foot massage with the aim of alleviating pain and reducing distress.

Massages for a long time have been known to improve the quality of life for individuals who have dementia. It can also help to brighten up someone’s mood.

Social Interaction

social interaction
Some problems that people with dementia face stem from social isolation. It is one of the main reasons social interactions are a part of the answers to the query of how do you treat dementia naturally.

Psychosocial interactions can help improve cognition and the general well-being of persons who have dementia.

An individual can do this in different ways such as participating in group activities that help to bring joy to the elderly.

Sensory activities are also important especially when the affected individuals have challenges with communication because they can help identify new ways to communicate with peers and caregivers.

These can include things like dancing and art activities like pottery.

Challenging the Brain

challenging the brain helping dementia
Another way you can treat dementia naturally is through keeping the brain active. If the impaired person enjoys Sudoku or crossword puzzles, set time apart for them to engage in these activities.

If they do not like such, caregivers must identify some of the hobbies that the person with dementia may like.

This can be anything from going to church for service, listening to music, playing an instrument, cooking, playing card games, reading a book, or other mentally engaging activities.

The internet is a great resource for cognitive games that individuals with dementia can try out to keep their brains active and healthy.

Quality Sleep

quality sleep
A good night’s sleep is another solution available for people seeking answers to how do you treat dementia naturally.

Researchers constantly remind people that there is a strong link between sleep and cognition.

Persons who have dementia may have problems with sleeping. Some may end up sleeping too much during the day and end up tossing and turning most of the night.

Lack of sleep can worsen a majority of dementia symptoms.

This is why caregivers and family members need to ensure that their loved ones who have dementia get enough rest and quality sleep each night.

An individual may have to go through cognitive behavioral therapy that can help improve insomnia symptoms and those of depression as well.

Sticking to a schedule can also help a person know when it is time to sleep.

If you cannot solve the problem at home, do not shy away from consulting a doctor who will offer a practical solution.

Closing Thoughts

Even though dementia may not have a cure yet, it does not mean that a person with the disease has to suffer immensely for the rest of their lives.

Above are some of the examples of natural treatment that individuals with dementia can try out to improve quality of life and relieve some negative symptoms that are brought by the disease.

Because there are several options, caregivers should make sure that they only explore the ones that are working with a particular individual.

Some persons may find some options too patronizing. Drop them immediately and try others until you identify the ones that bring out the best results.

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