Prevent Cognitive Decline- Brain Booster Reviewed

prevent cognitive decline

What is The Brain Booster Program?

Brain Booster is a unique, all-natural program specifically designed to prevent cognitive decline by tackling brain health deterioration at its source.

The very effective program provides easy to use, step-by-step guidance with specific techniques to increase brain blood flow, essential to the delivery of oxygen and nutrition and crucial for optimum brain function.

Brain Booster Program Case Study 

Why Do We Support this Program?

Primarily, we see tremendous benefit in the prevention of dementia and dementia related illnesses. Many of our articles give guidance to our viewers on dementia prevention.

The Brain Booster program gives a practical, easy-to-do, solution to reversing early cognitive decline by restoring blood flow to the brain. Their approach to the program is supported by research and acceptable professional practices.

When people follow the steps presented in the program, noticeable results are achieved within days.

This is impressive, and the company backs its claim with a 60-day money back guarantee.

In our view, there is nothing to lose and plenty to gain from giving the program a try.

prevent cognitive decline Brain Booster Reviewed

Understanding A Root Cause of Brain Health Decline

Memory loss and brain fog happen for a reason (not just old age). There are specific elements and functions in your body causing cognitive decline.

Scientists have known for many years that when blood flow to the brain is restricted, the brain is starved from the essential components it needs to function properly. These essential components are oxygen, glucose, and nutrients.

Insufficient Oxygen

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, while making up only a small part of our total body mass, the brain is the most metabolically demanding organ and utilizes 20% of the body’s oxygen.

Of this, it is estimated that neurons consume 75%–80% of the energy produced in the brain.

Therefore, it is  not surprising that the brain is one of the organs that are most prone to limited oxygen.

Without oxygen, the brain’s cells cannot metabolize glucose, and therefore cannot convert glucose into energy.

Researchers ( Hyder et al., 2013) have proven that when a brain doesn’t receive sufficient oxygen, it starts to malfunction.


Symptoms of Insufficient Oxygen to the Brain Include:

  • Forgetfulness
  • Disorientation
  • Unable to focus
  • Attention weakens
  • Become increasingly confused

If the flow of blood is slowed or blocked in any way these problems occur and will worsen over time unless oxygen to the brain is restored.

Research has proven this in both mice (Medical News Today) and with humans (see ‘Bonus Research’ below).

What Happens When There is a Major Lack of Oxygen to the Brain?

Brain Plaque

Throughout the brain a sticky substance call plaque is created, interfering with how the brain neurons fire. In a healthy brain these plaques are rare.

In a brain not receiving sufficient oxygen the plaque continues to accumulate over time, worsening the conditions associated with mental decline (Small et al., 1995Silverman et al., 2001) (See ‘Bonus Research’ below).

Oxygen for the Metabolism of Glucose

In addition, without energy to power the brains neurons, brain cells will not function as they should and may die. Oxygen is needed to metabolize glucose into energy.

Research shows that this disruption of oxygen metabolism is a root cause of various age-related neurodegenerative diseases associated with cognitive decline.  (Tabrizi et al., 2000Silverman et al., 2001; Zhou et al., 2008).

What the Brain Booster program does do is reverse the process. It is like turning the tap of oxygen and nutrients to the brain back on. Do this and the brain is on its way back to working as it should.

The reversal process can be noticeable quite quickly.

Who Created the Brain Booster Program?

Brain Booster was developed by Christian Goodman.

Christian Goodman, CEO of Blue Heron Health News, has an obsession for natural health research. He and his like-minded team have found solutions to different health problems that are rampant in modern society.

Goodman’s approach to tackling illness is to address the cause of the problem stemming from lifestyle circumstances. His is a natural approach.

Why Not Use Drugs?

Goodman’s view is that drugs prescribed will, in most cases, only mask the illness or suppress the symptoms, however, the underlying illness is still there.

Prescribed drugs may help some health conditions, but with the brain it is far better to deal with the root problem, not mask symptoms.

Christian Goodman has taken known science and already proven methods, bringing them together to create the Brain Booster program. He 100% guarantees his programs.

reverse early dementia symptoms

Understanding Why Blood to the Brain is Being Restricted

Blood travels through veins, arteries, and capillaries. These must pass through the tissues of the body. There isn’t a lot of space. Space is needed to allow the vessels to expand and contract as blood is pumped by the heart

When the body is functioning normally, veins, arteries and vessels will be able to do this efficiently and pump blood ladened with oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

However, if the surrounding tissues are tight and inflexible then the vessels will be restricted on their ability to expand with each heartbeat.

Internal muscles do get tight as people get older. This is not always noticeable until it causes problems- like brain decline.

The Brain Booster Program starts the flow of oxygen-rich blood back to the brain within days.

Restoring Brain Health

Brain Booster’s key principals to reversing cognitive decline are:

1.Breathing for the Brain

We breath 20 000 times a day. Having only a slight decline in a breath may seem to be nonproblematic in passing oxygen to the brain. However, 20 000 breaths, will lead to a greater deficiency of oxygen. This will be repeated day after day.

A small improvement in the efficiency of oxygen to the brain can make a large difference.

2.Fixing the Muscles that Are Suffocating the Brain

Tense, inflexible internal muscles that are restricting blood flow in veins, arteries and vessels can be loosened up to oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

Loosening up of muscles works in conjunction with breathing for the brain. No point in breathing for the brain and having muscles restricting the flow of blood.

3.Target Oxygen Directly to the Brain

Oxygen deprivation to the brain affects certain areas of the brain. These areas differ from person to person- hence symptoms differ from person to person.

The program uses techniques to move blood from one brain area to another, diverting it so the whole brain gets blood flow.

Brain Booster’s Exercise Techniques

The basis of the program are daily exercises utilizing the breath and body.

Not to fear, these are not strenuous difficult exercises that raise a sweat. They can be done whilst sitting, going for a walk, watching TV, or when driving. There are different exercises to choose from.

What to Expect from the Program

The Brain Booster program is 100% safe and completely natural with no equipment required. You can do the program in the comfort of your own home with your own schedule. It doesn’t take a great deal of time, nor strenuous exercises.

The Brain Booster exercises are simple, feel good and therapeutic. They are not strenuous.

  • Body Balance Exercises
  • Breathing Exercises
  • The Mind Body Exercise
  • Head Muscle Exercises

The exercises will involve deep breathing– step-by-step guidance provided in the program. (see notes under Bonus Research on focussed breathing)

The whole program is completely digital. It can be downloaded onto your smartphone, tablet device, kindle or desktop computer.

This allows you easy quick access to the program wherever you may be- important for keeping you on track.

For those of you not so tech savvy, simple step by step instructions are given to show you how to put Brain Booster on your devices.

What You’ll Learn in the Brain Booster Program

The program begins by giving you the foundations of the treatment and how to get the most from it.

Next, the program goes into the process of healing.

The exercises are divided up into categories. Each exercise comes with step-by-step instructions and diagrams on how to do each exercise.

For best results, exercises should be completed every day, however, if that doesn’t suit, the program does provide other options.

At the conclusion of the program there are tips on what to do moving forward. This is so you learn how to keep the benefits flowing.

Program Table of Contents

  • Welcome
  • How the Program Works
  • How to Work the Program
  • Breathing Exercise 1
  • Body Balance Exercises
    • Freeing the Neck
    • Increase Blood Flow to the Brain to Prevent Cognitive DeclineExercise 1
    • Exercise 2
    • Exercise 3
    • Exercise 4
    • Calf Drop
    • Feet on the Wall
    • Sitting Floor
    • The Relaxed Frog
  • Breathing Exercises
    • Nostril Balance
    • Rhythmic Walking
    • Breathing Laughter
  • Head Muscle Exercises
    • Chewing
    • About to Yawn
    • Delightful Surprise
    • Tongue Rolling
  • The Mind Body Exercise
    • 1-2-3-4 Exercise
  • Beyond This Program

Our Verdict ✅

Providing a simple, easy to do, solution to reversing cognitive decline offers our viewers an opportunity to improve their brain health or the health of their loved ones.

This is a unique program helping to prevent the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. We haven’t seen any like it.

Employing science and proven methods, the Brain Booster repairs damage to the brain, restoring brain health. In doing so optimal blood flow to the brain is rectified, delivering essential oxygen and nutrients.

Giving your brain a boost using an all-natural process without medications, equipment nor strenuous exercise is a huge plus. Anyone can do the program easily from their home.

The program is inexpensive, providing tremendous value.

Christian Goodman backs Brain Booster with a 100% money back guarantee, with 60 days for you to use the program and discover for yourself its benefits. If is not for you then you can easily get a full refund.

Bonus Research

Focussed Breathing

Researchers at Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience and the Global Brain Health Institute discovered that focused breathing directly influences levels of noradrenaline, a natural brain chemical messenger.

Noradrenaline is released into the bloodstream when you are curious, focused, or emotionally aroused. It heightens your attention to detail and enhances overall brain health by promoting the growth of new neural connections.

Plague and Reduced Oxidation of Glucose Leading to Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s mostly affects short-term working memory and is classified by the presence of two hallmark neuropathologies; extracellular amyloid plaques and abnormal accumulations of a protein called tau that collect inside neurons.

In AD patients, regional decreased brain glucose consumption is a predictor for progressive cognitive decline and reduced oxidation of glucose is associated with carriers of the AD risk allele of the APOE-4 gene (Small et al., 1995Silverman et al., 2001).

Cell Death of Neurons

Oxygen and glucose deprivation to the brain cause cell death Study Sept 2020 National Center for Biotechnology

The Brain Booster Program


Hyder, F., Rothman, D. L., and Bennett, M. R. (2013). Cortical energy demands of signaling and nonsignaling components in brain are conserved across mammalian species and activity levels. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 110, 3549–3554. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1214912110

Zhou, C., Huang, Y., and Przedborski, S. (2008). Oxidative stress in Parkinson’s disease: a mechanism of pathogenic and therapeutic significance. Ann. N Y Acad. Sci. 1147, 93–104. doi: 10.1196/annals.1427.023

Silverman, D. H., Small, G. W., Chang, C. Y., Lu, C. S., Kung De Aburto, M. A., Chen, W., et al. (2001). Positron emission tomography in evaluation of dementia: regional brain metabolism and long-term outcome. JAMA 286, 2120–2127. doi: 10.1001/jama.286.17.2120


Why Do Dementia Patients Lie?

do people with dementia lie

It is common for those living with dementia to exhibit changes in their behavior, including lying. When you are the caregiver to someone who has dementia, it’s hard to know what to expect. If you have a loved one who suffers from dementia, you know that they can be lying very often. So, why do dementia patients lie and what can you do about it?

In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons behind why dementia patients lie, as well as some tips for how to deal with it. Stay tuned!

Reasons for Dementia Patients to Lie:


The #1 reason your loved one who has dementia is lying is because of confabulation. If you’re unaware of that word, confabulation or to confabulate is the term medical professionals use to describe a very similar symptom to lying but also quite different.

And this is the reason your loved one who has dementia is lying to you, unaware of the fact that they are doing it.

In layman’s terms, Confabulation happens when someone has a distorted memory that causes them to give false information without the intention of deceiving others. The person experiencing confabulatory symptoms does not know that their false memories aren’t true; they’re just giving off misinformation with no bad intentions!

In a nutshell, when your loved ones are making things up, they are not aware that whatever they are saying is not true. On the contrary, they actually believe whatever they are saying is true even though none of them are true.

Most of the time, your loved one is only lying because their unconscious mind is replacing their memory with imagination and filling the gaps of the memory that slipped through their mind.

Why Do Dementia Patients Lie


Anxiety and Paranoia

Many seniors with dementia experience a significant decline in their short-term memory capacity. This can lead to paranoia and anxiety and can also make it difficult for them to navigate social situations. In many cases, dementia patients will lie to preserve their dignity and fit into the situation.

One common way these individuals try to cope with their condition is by telling untruths about themselves, both to others and themselves. This may exaggerate or minimize their abilities or accomplishments to fit in with those around them. Additionally, they may also give false information about their past to preserve their dignity and self-esteem.

While this may seem like dishonest behavior of these patients, it is important to remember that dementia patients aren’t actually lying. Rather they are mistaken by their own imaginations. Ultimately, understanding why dementia patients lie can help us better support them as they navigate this challenging time.

While detecting the lies is pretty easy for the nearest ones, it can confuse your relatives and neighbours who are not aware of the situation. Also, if you’re going to explain, make sure not to do it before the patient. That might make them seriously upset.

Dementia and Lying


Do Dementia Patients Know They Are Lying?

Dementia patients are not aware of the fact that they are lying. Their lies are usually incorrect information about themselves or others that their unconscious mind has created, and the patient can’t really differentiate between the two versions.

The reason dementia patients lie is because of the deterioration of their mental faculties. The ability to understand what is true and false becomes impaired, so they may believe the lies they are telling.

It’s important to understand that when dementia patients are lying, they are not doing so deliberately or maliciously.

Is It Okay to Lie to Dementia Patients?

There is no black-and-white answer to this question, as it can depend on the individual case and situation. In general, however, it is accepted that lying to dementia patients is okay if it is done to ensure their wellbeing or prevent any distress.

For example, if a patient expresses a desire to see a long-lost relative who has passed away, telling them that this person will be coming to visit soon could brighten their day and help improve their mood.

In contrast, if a patient repeatedly asks about an upsetting event from their past (e.g., something that led to their dementia), denying that the event ever happened could help preserve their emotional health.

How to Deal With Confabulation?

It’s important to understand the difference between confabulation and lying. Confabulation is an inaccurate memory, but it’s not an intentional choice. Instead, it’s an unintentional effect of dementia. On the other hand, lying is a deliberate choice to misrepresent the truth.

When someone with dementia confabulates, they may sincerely believe that their memory is accurate, even though it’s not. This can be confusing and frustrating for both those with dementia and their loved ones.

However, it’s important to remember that confabulation is not deliberately misleading. Rather, it’s a symptom of the disease.

compulsive lying and dementia


A Word From Us

 Confabulation is a complicated topic and one that may be confusing or frustrating to those who don’t understand it. However, it’s important to remember that confabulation is not the same as lying.

It’s easy to see why confabulation in dementia may be confusing or frustrating at first. After all, it can seem like the person is making things up or lying. However, it’s important to understand that confabulation is actually a coping response to the cognitive changes in dementia.

Once we view it in this light, it can help decrease any emotional reaction we might have and enable us to “go with the flow” and join the reality of our loved ones.


Dementia patients may often lie unpurposely to compensate for their lost abilities. Therefore, caregivers and loved ones need to understand this condition and cope with it in the most effective way possible.

Understanding the situation can help make life easier for those who have dementia. What have you found to be the best way to deal with a loved one who has dementia? Let us know in the comments below!

Author Bio

Jason Hubble

Jason is a certified polygraph examiner and a twenty year veteran in the field of forensic IT. He is the owner, chief examiner of Lie Detectors-UK and the Secretary of the UKPA. He qualified in America at APS Fort Myers under the supervision of his mentor Benjamin Blalock.

Jason Hubble is a twenty-year veteran in the field of forensic IT, having worked for many City law firms throughout his career. This experience has really helped with the field of polygraph allowing him to use this in his polygraph testing.

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8 Benefits of Home Care Services for Seniors

home care services for seniors

Thanks to breakthroughs in modern technology and the medical field, it has become possible for seniors to live happier, fuller, and longer lives. This also means many are choosing to age in their own homes since they now have easy access to a vast range of home care services for seniors options.

If you are considering in-home care for your loved one, below are eight of the enticing in-home care benefits they will enjoy:

01: They can get help with personal hygiene.

It is important for seniors that are homebound to have proper hygiene. However, some have difficulty bathing or showering without assistance. Unfortunately, poor personal hygiene can sometimes result in health issues like infections. Thankfully a home health aide can help seniors with their personal hygiene needs, including grooming, showering, and dressing.

02: They can get help with light household chores.

Keeping their home safe and clean is vital for seniors. However, it is a reality that some seniors who opt to age at home can struggle with the demands of household chores. With in-home care, they can have someone to help them with different household chores including vacuuming, lawn work, dusting, basic cleaning, and laundry.

03: They can get help with nutrition and meal preparation.

One of the most prevalent problems among the elderly is malnutrition. This can be attributed to the fact that they are often unable to go out and shop or have difficulties cooking healthy and nutritious meals.

Those over 65 years old, those with chronic conditions, and those who have recently been discharged from the hospital have a high risk of poor nutrition. Those who have injuries or are bedridden also have a high risk for body mass and muscle loss.

In-home care services can include help with grocery shopping, meal preparations, and even nutritional counseling to help ensure your senior loved ones are getting the nutritious foods they need to remain healthy.

04: They can get help with transportation.

Whether it’s social outings or doctor’s appointments, in-home care providers can accompany and provide transportation for those who don’t have access to one. Aside from driving your senior loved ones to gatherings or appointments, healthcare aides can stay with your loved ones, so they have someone with them when they speak with their doctors or when socializing with others.

05: They have someone at home with them.

Safety is another issue many seniors face. Fortunately, in-home care aides can stay at home and assist your elderly loved ones with their needs. This is especially beneficial for those who have trouble getting in and out of bed or those with mobility problems.

Another invaluable service provided by in-home care aides is communication with the senior’s loved ones. One of the primary elements of creating a safe home for seniors is having productive and open communications with family members about the potential hazards at home and how to eliminate them.

06: They can get help with medication management.

Many seniors struggle when it comes to remembering their medications. This is especially true if they have multiple prescriptions. This is another thing in-home care aides can help them with. They can also help ensure they take the right medications at the right time, preventing any risk of overdose.

07: They can get help with socialization and companionship.

Another great benefit of in-home care services is giving your senior loved ones access to interaction and socialization. An in-home care aide can accompany them on short walks, play games with them, or simply talk to them. In most cases, having someone they can talk to and accompany them can make a world of difference in their emotional health and overall well-being.

08: They can provide a break for caregivers.

If you are a family member looking after a senior loved one, you can attest that it can be overwhelming and stressful at times. With an in-home aide, you can get some much-needed rest and break as they can provide a vast range of tasks on your behalf.

Final Thoughts

Home care services for seniors are often customized to meet the unique and special needs of your senior loved ones. While in-home care needs can vary from one person to another, one thing is certain—they can help seniors stay independent while living healthy, happy, and fulfilled lives.

Benefits of Home Care Services for Seniors

The 8 Benefits of Home Care Services for Seniors pdf

The 8 Benefits of Home Care Services for Seniors

Can someone with dementia make a Will?

can someone with dementia make a legal will

Dementia affects 850,000 people in the UK, according to research from the NHS (National Health Service England). With more people living longer, this number is expected to rise. In light of this fact, many persons with dementia will want to handle their legal issues surrounding the creation of their Will. Can someone with dementia make a Will?

Making a valid Will with dementia

Can someone with dementia make a will

If a person is not of sound mind when making their Will, then it can be possible to challenge it. When making their Will, the fact that someone has dementia or perhaps any other mental health illness, does not itself render a Will invalid.

For an individual to have the necessary capacity to create a Will, they must understand:

  • The fact that they are creating a Will and its consequences.
  • The claims of those who might expect to be left something in the Will.
  • The amount of their property and assets.
  • They must not suffer any delusion of the mind which impacts how they may deal with disposing of their property, i.e. leaving legacies in their Will which they would not have included had they been of sound mind.

A person that has dementia can satisfy these criteria. It is not the general state of health of the individual, including dementia at issue; rather, it is the individual’s cognitive understanding at a particular point in time that is when they are giving instructions to their solicitor.

Can I contest a Will made by a person with dementia?

making a will with dementia

It would be necessary for someone seeking to challenge a Will, to produce medical proof that the person making it, did not have capacity.

If a Will is deemed invalid, any previously written Will would become the new valid Will. If no previous Will exists, the Intestacy Rules apply. The Inheritance and Trustees’ Power Act establishes intestacy regulations. They determine who gets what based on family connections. The rules do not consider closeness of family ties or who is most in need.

When creating a Will, a good solicitor or Will writer will assess, when taking instructions from their client, if medical opinion on the Will maker’s capacity ought to be acquired before the Will is executed.

The practitioner should also record how they themselves have assessed the Will maker’s capacity, to help ensure the Will is more robust and less susceptible to challenge.

If a Will is challenged in court, all of the evidence, medical and otherwise, will be closely examined, so it is important to use an experienced Will writer and professional to support you through this process.

What if a member of the family with dementia wants to make a Will?


If you have a family member with dementia or another mental illness, wanting to create a Will, or if you believe that the capacity of a relative was limited when their Will was written, or if you’re an executor of a Will being challenged, it’s important to hire specialist solicitor with experience to support you and your family through the complex process.


If you have any more questions surrounding contesting of a Will, or Will writing, Myerson have both Will dispute and Will solicitors working together to support you through complex cases.  You can contact the contesting a Will team at Myerson Solicitors (based in the UK).

‘Can someone with dementia make a Will?’ article written by Myerson Solicitors.

Reading to a Person with Dementia- Best Books Reviewed

reading to a person with dementia

Various studies have shown that reading to a person with dementia helps their imagination, thinking and memory. Even if we read to a group of people and not just an individual, we have a positive impact on the listening group.

This article will highlight the benefits of reading to person’s with dementia and identify what books would be most suitable.

To assist our viewers with what and where to buy books, we have identified and reviewed the best books that can be bought for people with dementia.

Reading During Different Stages of Dementia

reading during different stages of dementia

Reading to people with dementia relieves the stress, tension, and anxiety they may experience due to the disease during different stages. What matters is your calm presence, the time you spend on activity, and daily reading routine.

Position a person with dementia in a comfortable reading place and read to them. They can have their eyes closed while you are reading.

If a person falls asleep during an activity, do not wake them. You can take the fact that the person is sleeping as a compliment, as it means that person feels safe and relaxed next to you.

A Mayo Clinic study confirmed that reading also affects insomnia (connection between dementia and sleep).

If you introduce reading as a routine into the life of a person with dementia and read to them daily before going to bed, the person will know that it is time to go to bed and will calm down.

Your reading, however, will most likely lead them to a carefree dream.

Unlike watching television, which has been proven to keep people awake for a longer time, or the program content affects their sleep (nightmares, fear, tension, worries).

Books Connect Us

reading to a person with dementia

The content of the books enables conversation, arouses interest, evokes emotions and stimulates thinking.


Some people with dementia, even though they can no longer read on their own, still like to keep books near them.

A person who once loved and read a lot, and has favorite books, will find comfort in them. He or she  may want to just look at them, hold them or smell them. The books are evoking emotions and feelings with people with dementia. For this reason it is important to have books in a home for elderly people.


Books can also be an essential element of a conversation.

With them, you can relive memories and life stories of a person. This is especially so with books that contain a lot of pictorial material. You can slowly review the pictures with the person with dementia, ask questions, and encourage spontaneous conversation.

Books stimulate the mind. Those of you who have a relative who doesn’t recognize people because of advanced dementia; maybe he/she forgets what they did that same day; or says very little, will


A book can be a wonderful connection between you and a person with dementia. By reading, you can create a pleasant atmosphere, an activity that makes sense and, above all, connection.

Make your usual time and visits to the person with dementia as beautiful and enjoyable as possible.

What Book to Choose when Reading to a Person with Dementia

what book to choose

Here we cover what to read and offer point our viewers in the direction of available resources that can be purchased.


Reading is slower when reading poetry. There is less text and the same text can be read multiple times, line by line.

a walk in the Garden poetry for dementiaA Walk in the Garden2-lap book (lays flat)
Large print
Verses from nature, poetry and scripture
1-sentence text
Full color drawings
Hard cover
5 STARSAlzstore
Love Poems for the Young at HeartLove Poems for the Young at Heart- nostalgic poetryLarge format
Designed for dementia
Award winning (Dementia Care)
20 poems
Full color
For adults (not children)

PaperbackNo ratingAmazon Readementia

Folk songs

Folk songs help with bringing back memories. Memories of singing together and folk tales.

This can open conversation about when they sang certain songs (holidays, socializing, war). Permitting emotions to come to life!

Fairy tales

Like with folk songs, fairy tales may bring back childhood memories, together with memories of raising children.

These books have lots of pictures with only a little text Your storytelling can be funny, serious, exciting, and you can change your voice when reading.


In the first phase of dementia, people still like to solve mental games, train their memory, compose and draw. Puzzles from nature are especially interesting.

Draw the pattern activity book for dementiaDraw the Pattern ActivityWipeable sheets (reuse)
Designed for dementia
Suit early to middle stage dementia
Keeps active for long periods
Suitable for visually impaired
10 page book ~ 8.5" x 5.5"
Completed with or without supervision
no ratingAlzstore
snow queen magic painting book for adults with dementiaSnow Queen Magic Painting BookSuitable for early to middle stage dementia
Brush over to bring out colors
Mess free activity (no paint)
no ratingAlzstore
Alzheimer Store- Through the Seasons ActivitiesThrough the Seasons Activity BookDesigned for adults with memory loss
Designed by expert (science)
Simple & enjoyable
Large format
Colored pictures
Theme- seasons
Suitable for early to middle stage dementia

Includes Christmas in winter section (some people may not share beliefs)5 STARSAlzstore
Alzheimer Store Strengthen your mind
Activity book for dementia
Strengthen Your Mind Brainstorming Activity BookBrainstorming activities on variety of topics
Answer key
Suit early stage dementia
Tips given for engagement
Reviewed & tested by experts in dementia
no ratingAlzstore
Sensory Book Fidget Book for adultsStrengthen Your Mind Brainstorming Activity BookDesigned for adults with dementia
Made from assortment of fabrics
Stimulating & therapeutic
Engages body & mind
Protective cover/case
4.5 STARSAmazon Readementia
Large and Giant word find books Alzheimer StoreLarge & Giant Word Find Books- set of 4Large print
Easy to medium skill level
80+ pages
Large 8" X 11" format
Stimulate the mind
Soft cover formatno ratingAlzstore
The Ultimate Memory Activity Book for Dementia Patients AmazonStrengthen Your Mind Brainstorming Activity BookInteractive memory book
Wide variety of games
Easy to difficult
Imaginative activities
Advice for body/mind given
130 puzzles
Designed for dementia
Science based guidance
Dr. Alexis Olson (author)-neuropsychological therapist
Some print green/brown color- not good for visually impaired
4.5 STARSAmazon Readementia
Alzheimer Store Brain GamesBrain Games & More Activities of the Mind- set of 4Keeps entertained for long periods
Good quality
Not difficult
Nice layout
Inviting colorful illustrations
Answer key
Soft cover format5 STARSAlzstore
Paint with Water Coloring Books Alzheimer StorePaint With Water Coloring Book- set of 5No mess paint
Enhances hand coordination
Large water pen
Bright colors revealed
Let dry to erase pictures ( reuse over and over again)
Suitable for early to middle stage dementia
5 themes
Keeps occupied for long periods
Smallish book4.5 STARSAlzstore


Reading recipes, talking about food and what a person used to like to cook, evoke conversation, feelings and memories. Talk about favorite foods and how they made/cooked something- family secrets, special recipes.

Magazines and Newspapers

Selecting especially old magazines and newspapers from when the person with dementia was in their youth opens up conversations about the past.

Modern magazines and newspapers, interweaving of pictures and short text, following the days and current events, also allows for conversation.

Memories 1940s Book for people with dementiaMemories 1940s for Seniors with Dementia- Mighty OakMemories 1940s for Seniors with Dementia- Mighty Oak Books BooksUSA specific
Easy to read large print
Minimal text
Full color
8.5" X 11"
Many other similar books to choose (eg: 1950s, movie stars, TV)
4.5 STARSAmazon Readementia
Everyday Fashions Depicted in Sears CataloguesEveryday Fashions Depicted in Sears CatalogueAmerican fashion 40s 50s 60s
Suit early to middle dementia
No RatingAlzstore
1950s Memory Lane1951950s Memory Lane USA & Britain0s Memory LaneLarge print
Suitable for persons with dementia
Short easy to follow paragraphs
Theme: 1950s USA & Britain
8" X 10" 35 pages
A little crowded
More British than USA
Black & white images
4.5 STARSAmazon Readementia

Religious Content

Reading the Bible, religious stories and prayer will comfort persons with dementia, especially if they have a religious background.

Songs of Faith for DementiaSongs of Faith CD's and SongbookLarge print songbook
25 Christian hymns & music
Easy to hear & sing
Played in lower keys
Uncluttered 8.5" X 11" 32 pages
Durable paper
Coated cover
2 sets available to purchase
5 STARSAlzstore
Hymns very large print for dementiaFavorite Hymns- very large printEasy to read verses
24 popular hymns
Beautifully illustrated
Lies flat for easy following
14" X 12" book
Suit early to mid dementia
4.5 STARSAlzstore
Verses From the Bible Very Large Print for DementiaVerses From The Bible- very large printHigh contrast color pictures
Stained glass illustrations
Suit early to mid dementia
14" X 12"
Book lies flat when open
5 STARSAlzstore

Photographic Monograph

These are excellent as they have lots of photos and less text, promoting browsing and viewing. Photographic Monographs foster conversations about nature, travel, sport etc.

Classic Novels

Memories are stimulated when reading popular novels, especially the classics of their day.

Anne of Green Gables- Classic novels in large printAnne of Green Gables- Volume 1Super large print
Designed for low vision readers
Easy to read
6" X 9" 480 pages
Volumes 2,3,4 also available

Paperback4.5 STARSAmazon Readementia
Moby Dick White WhaleMoby Dick White WhaleHardcover
Sea Adventures
Large 15pt font
8.25" X 11" 541 pages
Lots of description, making the text quite wordy4.5 STARSAmazon Readementia
The Complete Little WomenThe Complete Little WomenHardcover
4 novels in 1 book
43 original sketches
6.4" X 9.21" 760 pages
Thick heavy book
Some typos
Not large print
4.5 STARSAmazon Readementia
The Adventures of Tom SawyerHardcover
Twin set
Many classic illustrations
6.1" X 9.2" 640 pages
Excellent quality
Small print4.9 STARSAmazon Readementia

Feel Good Picture Books

Memories are also stimulated with images and stories of familiar experiences such as going to a beach, walking in the park or going on a vacation.

Wishing on a Star Alzheimer Store Wishing on a Star (suitable for early dementia)Designed for Alzheimer
Flat book for 2-lap reading
Colorful & engaging
Simple text
Familiar images
Created for adult audience
Hard cover
A Day at the Beach- Large print fiction for seniorsA Day at the Beach- 6 chapter bookLarge print
Simple text
Happy memories of beach
No mention of 'dementia' in text
Color photographs
Designed for seniors with dementia

9" X 6" Paperback (small size book)
Not a flat book - not easy for lap reading
Story may be too simple and short
4.5 STARSAmazon Readementia
The Sunshine on My FaceThe Sunshine on My Face- 28 pages (Other books in the series available)Hard cover
Easy to read text
Pleasant themes
Author a clinical psychologist

Does mention 'memory difficulties' in text
Text quite short

4.5 STARSAmazon Readementia

Closing Remarks

reading to dementia patients

Your next visit can take place without distress, thinking about what you will be talking about and wondering how to successfully break the uncomfortable silence if it occurs.

Even if a person won’t accept reading enthusiastically at first, don’t give up right away. Experiment with different literary genres and observe how the person responds.

Reading to a person with dementia is a rewarding experience for both them and yourself. It is simply a way to ensure your loved one is feeling happy, relaxed and connected.

Dementia and Family Stress, Leading to Caregiver Burnout

Dementia and caregiver stress

Watching a loved one’s memory decline in front of your eyes is emotionally tiring and comes with a wide range of daily responsibilities. Someone whom you knew to be mentally sharp, stable, and independent is now becoming less functional, and starts to show many changes in their behaviour and mood patterns. In this article we address Dementia and family stress.

How To Prevent Stress and Burnout in Dementia Caregiver?

Looking after a family member or someone else who has a dementia onset is not just immensely challenging in terms of the responsibilities associated with this role, but also comes with a host of mental and emotional difficulties that often leave caregivers in a deep state of stress and burnout.

In this article, I’ll discuss the causes that lead people, who look after someone with cognitive decline, to experience burnout. I’ll also point out the signs that are worth paying attention to when it comes to this psychological state.

Further, I will also provide some support tips for how caregivers can prevent stress to take over and affect their mental health.

Dementia and Family Stress

Emotional Costs of Providing Care to an Individual with Memory Decline

If you have ever been in the position where you are responsible for an elderly’s health, you know this too well – providing care is not just about feeding, bathing, and administering medication to a vulnerable person.

Most of the time, the stress you experience when you are in a caregiver role has more to do with the emotional and mental impact of the job than with the physical responsibilities per se.

Surely, doing your best to keep your loved one with dementia safe and to make sure they attend their medical appointments does take a toll on your health, however, the real stress comes from other aspects.

Perhaps the distress caused by seeing your loved one’s mental health decline is so overwhelming that you can barely process it for yourself, let alone be strong enough to look after them.

You might stay awake at night wondering if they are going to fall, move away from their room or have an accident. Or perhaps their mood swings, uncontrollable behaviors and anger outbursts are so intense that you are left with very little mental energy to attend to your own life.

No matter what the most vulnerable aspect of the care is for you, it is important to know that feeling tired and stressed is very common among dementia caregivers.

Also, it might be helpful to know in advance how you can best handle burnout if you ever experience it.

Emotional Costs of Providing Care for Dementia

Identifying Signs of Dementia and Family Stress

Alzheimer’s and Dementia are neurodegenerative diseases that require family members and caregivers to be increasingly more involved in the care of the individual affected by them.

As signs and symptoms of dementia advance, the behaviours, personality, and health of the affected individual worsen, making the care more complex and demanding.

This puts increased pressure on family members and caregivers involved in the care process, who are more likely to develop symptoms of stress and burnout.

According to the Maslach Burnout Inventory, burnout is a psychological phenomenon defined by emotional exhaustion, cynicism, increased negativity, depersonalization, and a loss of interest in previously enjoyed things.

It is a common condition amongst caregivers due to the high demands and stresses created by this role.

Although the causes of burnout are complex and not yet entirely understood by research, it is believed that chronic and poorly managed stress is what leads those in a caregiver role to develop burnout symptoms.

It is highly important that all caregivers educate themselves on how to detect the first signs of burnout in order to seek support as early as possible.

Although this condition can show in subtle signs at first, be sure to look out for the following symptoms:


Extreme tiredness that does not go away with usual sleep or rest can indicate that you might be at risk of developing burnout.

Listen to your body and ensure that you give yourself plenty of time to recharge for all the effort you invest into looking after your loved one.

Irritability and mood swings

Due to the constant pressure of having to provide for a vulnerable senior, some people can experience mood changes and irritability.

This can trigger negative responses and impulses towards the people around them.

Lack of concentration

Due to sleeplessness and constant exhaustion, dementia caregivers might find that their concentration is impaired, and their cognitive skills are significantly affected.

Anxiety and depression

These two conditions can often manifest altogether. Some caregivers might feel increasingly worried about their loved one’s future while at the same time experiencing feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Having to figure out so many aspects of someone with dementia’s life can be challenging and frustrating, leading to symptoms of depression and anxiety.


Some caregivers might have impaired sleeping problems due to ongoing worries about their loved one. They might feel the pressure to be alert and available at all times, even during the night, which leads to issues with rest and sleep.

Dealing with Caregiver Burnout

It’s true that many family caregivers are so overburdened with responsibilities that they rarely get the chance to prioritise self-care.

Looking after someone with dementia can feel like a part-time job. Research shows that the average caregiver spends around 23.7 hours per week providing care to a loved one.

Besides work and other family commitments, this can really add significant pressure on many caregivers, who are left with the feeling that they need to be available to the loved one with dementia 24/7.

However, the only way of avoiding or coping with first signs of burnout is to prioritise self-care as much as possible.

Dealing with Caregiver Burnout

Me time

Setting time aside to recharge and recover from ongoing stressors is the only way to renew your emotional resources and to continue to be available to the vulnerable person as much as you can.

Failing to look after your emotional needs and to attend to the physical tiredness can backfire on your physical and mental health, which results in resentment and built-up anger. Ultimately, this can lead to a real burnout where you lack physical and emotional reserves to cope with the unavoidable challenges.

Set clear and realistic expectations

Another way of dealing with and preventing burnout is to be as realistic as possible regarding the support you are able to offer to the loved one with dementia.

As neurodegeneration progresses, the complexity of the care needed also increases. As a result, it is almost impossible for one single individual to meet all the needs of a senior with dementia.

Setting clear and realistic expectations on the amount of care you are able to offer can prevent you from experiencing feelings of guilt, self-blame and doubt.

Seek support

Similarly, asking for professional support is highly recommended for dementia caregivers who find themselves overburdened with responsibilities.

If you suffer from mental health conditions like anxiety, stress, or depression, you can get in touch with mental health professionals or counsellors who can help you better manage your resources and cope with daily challenges.

Tips to Manage Dementia and Family Stress

Recognising that the caregiver role brings a lot of stress with it should determine people in this role to implement strategies and measures that make more resilient, such as:

Educating yourself

Being a dementia caregiver requires more skills as the disease of your loved one progresses. As a result, you might want to access training courses of resources that better equip you to deal with the changes in behaviour and personality of the person diagnosed with dementia. It might also be helpful for you to talk to other caregivers about their experience with this matter.

Look after yourself

Prioritize sleep, good nutrition and see your doctor regularly. Prioritize your needs for rest and listen to your body when it needs a break.

Use relaxation techniques

This can be engaging in a hobby that you like or attending a yoga class. Breathing techniques, meditation, and visualisation techniques are also proven as highly effective methods in alleviating stress and tension.

Exercise weekly

Being active relieves mental stress and releases endorphins, a feel-good hormone that increases feelings of relaxation. Research shows that exercise also aids in conditions such as depression and anxiety, which are often found in people who suffer from chronic stress and burnout

Use relaxation techniques

Sort out legal and financial plans

Having all legal and financial aspects sorted can provide comfort to the entire family, thus relieving caregivers of the extra pressure associated with those aspects. Make sure that you involve the individual with dementia in their financial planning and seek legal and financial counsel so that you do not have to worry about these things in the future.

Final Words

Unfortunately, being a dementia caregiver can be a difficult burden to bear even for the most resilient of us.

Therefore, when dealing with dementia and family stress, it is important to ensure that you prioritize self-care and seek mental health support whenever you see a decline in your wellbeing.

Staying in touch with other family members and delegating responsibilities is also a good solution whenever this is possible.

Recognising that the caregiver role can put a lot of pressure on your mental, physical and emotional well-being is the first step in knowing how to access the relevant resources that help prevent chronic stress and burnout.

Dementia and Financial Problems

dementia and financial problems

Persons living with dementia and their caregivers or loved ones will at one point have to deal with dementia and financial problems. This is because as the illness progresses, affected individuals normally struggle to manage their finances.

At the onset of the illness, affected individuals may complete simple tasks such as paying bills without any problem. They may experience difficulties completing tasks like balancing check books. Later on, they can lose their ability to handle money matters.

Seniors with dementia may either need additional support or someone reliable and trustworthy should take over the management of finances. There are several areas where a person with dementia may struggle with finances and these may include:

difficulties managing money

Difficulties Managing Money

Persons with dementia will most likely have continuing financial responsibilities such as credit cards, mortgages, personal loans, or other forms of credit. Some may even have kids who depend on them financially.

Sadly, living with dementia may result in less income, which is something that can create pressure when it comes to keeping up with financial responsibilities.

It is recommended that people who have dementia seek financial advice as soon as possible to know how best to manage their funds. It is usually important to make decisions in advance so that things are handled the way the affected person would want them to be handled.

Signs of Dementia and Money Problems

Be on the lookout for signs of money problems. For example a person with dementia may have difficulty counting change, calculating a tip, paying for a purchase, balancing a checkbook, or understanding a bank statement. They may be afraid or agitated when talking about money. You may also notice:

  • Unpaid and unopened bills
  • Unusual purchases on a credit card
  • Strange new merchandise
  • Money amiss from the person’s bank account

signs of financial fraud or abuse of people with dementia

Having a Separate Bank Account With Limits

Setting up standing orders for regular bills like rent/ mortgage, electricity, and gas is a good way to make sure a person does not forget to make payments.

When it comes to dementia and bank accounts, it is usually best for persons with dementia to have a separate account that will cater for care expenses. It is also advisable to have limits set on the bank account to manage withdrawals.

A trustworthy person should be put in charge of noting the money that comes in and out of the account so that the individual with dementia does not become a victim of fraud.

bank account limits for dementia patients

Explore Available Benefits

It is also important to explore benefits available for persons with dementia to help ease the financial burden.

Persons who are over the age of 65 may benefit from Attendance Allowance, Pension Credit, Housing Benefit, and Council Tax Reduction among others.

Looking at insurance options can also be another great way to help manage money well. Additionally, affected individuals can also look into free and low-cost community services they can take advantage of.

Problems Remembering PINs

One of the points that come up when discussing dementia and managing money is the inability to remember PINs (Personal Identification Numbers). If the person with the progressive illness can still effectively take care of their finances, it would be best for them to use chip and signature cards.

This way, the affected person will not need to remember any numbers as they will only provide a signature when they need to access their money. It is also possible to set up direct debits that can be used for bills so that the person with dementia does not have to worry about making payments.

problems remembering PINs

Giving Money Away Aimlessly

It is also important to talk about dementia and giving money away. Many caregivers agree that some people with dementia become over-generous with their money. Sadly, in most cases, they are victims of scammers.


Unscrupulous individuals may contact the person with dementia requesting donations or offering fake “special deals”.

If necessary, consider changing their number so that scammers do not have access to the sick individuals.

Registering the persons on a Do Not Call registry is also necessary to protect seniors from unwarranted calls.

Frugal with Money

Persons with dementia may start giving away money or spending it on unnecessary things. This is a common issue. For instance, a person may purchase 10 similar outfits or household items they will never use. This can especially be noticeable if a person was previously frugal and their spending habits suddenly change.

For some individuals, the topic of dementia and money obsession becomes apparent. A person with dementia may show strong signs of becoming obsessed with money. They may even accuse caregivers of stealing their cash when this is not the case.

dementia and financial problems

Fake Money

If a person with dementia wants to constantly see their money, and become agitated when they cannot, then carers can purchase fake money and place it in their wallets or somewhere where they can see the cash with ease. This helps to keep them calm and happy. It will reassure them that people are not steeling from them.

In the above scenarios, it is advisable to talk to the affected person about the recent changes in their lives concerning dementia and financial problems.

If this does not sit well with the affected individual, consider asking professionals like an attorney or clergy to speak to them.

fake money for dementia patients

Limiting Access

Limiting access to check books and credit cards can also help limit a person’s access to money so that they do not give it away carelessly.

It is also advisable to appoint a durable power of attorney who will help properly manage finances.

Take note if there is any form of elder financial abuse. This is where other people take advantage of seniors by misusing their money or property. Such cases warrant reporting to the police as well as local Adult Protective Services (APS) organizations.

Signs of Financial Fraud or Abuse

  • Signatures on checks and other important documents do not match the signature of the person with the illness.
  • An individual’s house is under sale or has been sold without them giving permission.
  • The person’s will has been changed without their knowledge.
  • The individual is missing valuable items such as jewellery from their home.
  • The affected person has signed legal papers like power of attorney, will, or joint house deed without knowing what the papers are all about.

Closing Thoughts

After a dementia diagnosis, it is common for affected persons and their loved ones to have to deal with dementia and financial problems. Individuals with the progressive illness need to be given enough support from reliable professionals as well as their relatives or friends to ensure they appropriately manage their finances throughout the illness.


8 Best Super Foods for Dementia 2023

Best Superfoods for Dementia

Health experts advise persons with dementia to include a variety of superfoods for dementia in their diet daily. Live Science describes foods for dementia as mostly plant-based, but also some dairy and fish that are thought to be nutritionally dense, hence good for a person’s health.

Scientists are continually examining the foods that can enhance cognition and the ones that hinder it. Research shows that what a person eats has a significant impact on brain health.

Hippocrates once emphasised that food should be medicine and medicine should be food. Consuming the right combination of foods can build new brain cells, enhance memory, and perhaps lessen dementia occurrences.

super foods for dementia

Chief policy and research officer at the Alzheimer’s Society, Dr. Doug Brown, said that eating a balanced and healthy diet can reduce the risk of stroke, cancer, and heart disease; thus, it is likely that healthy eating is a great way of looking after the brain.

He also stated that they are still waiting for proof from huge scientific trials to show whether changing diet can reduce dementia risk and by how much.

Check out some of the superfoods that are recommended for persons living with dementia below.


Best Super Foods for Dementia

Cruciferous Vegetables and Leafy Greens

Vegetables are not only tasty, but they also have essential vitamins, like B9 and folate, which have proven to reduce depression and boost cognition.

Green vegetables have more vitamins with options like collard greens, kale, spinach, cauliflower, and broccoli being some of the best choices.

Vegetables are also known to be high in carotenoids that can reduce homocysteine levels. This is an amino acid that is linked to dementia, brain atrophy, and cognitive decline.

leafy greens


Berries like cherries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are a go-to option when looking for fruits that are loaded with antioxidants and help reduce inflammation. Antioxidants are known to help persons with dementia by enhancing cognitive function.

A study released in the Journal of Alzheimer’s disease explains that the level of antioxidants various berries have, may help with reducing plaque build-up in the brain. This plaque is one of the major causes of dementia.

Berries also contain a flavonoid known as anthocyanin that may help slow down the progression of brain damage that is triggered by free radicals.

Investigators also claim that blueberries which are also referred to as “brain food” may activate the region of the brain that controls memory and learning, however, more studies on these are required to substantiate the claims.

berries for dementia

Spices and Herbs

Spices are also included in the list of superfoods for dementia.

These are great because they can be added to meals to enhance flavour without adding any calories or bulk. They also offer a wide range of benefits depending on the spices a person is taking.

Cumin, turmeric, cinnamon, and sage are examples of some spices that help to boost memory, reduce brain inflammation, improve working memory, and reduce brain plaque.

Herbs like rosemary are also known to enhance memory and offer people with dementia protection from cognitive decline.

Other herbs and spices that are proven to be good for brain health include ginger, nutmeg, pepper, and saffron.

Seeds and Nuts

Nuts and seeds are packed with healthy vitamins, protein, fats, and magnesium which are proven to reduce brain inflammation, promote good cognition, and beat off mental decline.

A study reported that ladies over 70 years who eat at least 5 servings of nuts weekly have better brain health than the ones who do not eat nuts.

Seeds like pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, and sunflower seeds are an excellent source of omega-3s, vitamin E, choline, and zinc which can also promote brain health.

Another study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) studies mice with AD. Some of the rodents were fed a standard diet while others were supplemented with walnuts.

During the period of the study, the researchers uncovered that the mice that were on a standard diet suffered impaired learning ability and memory deficits.

The rodents that were fed on walnuts recorded improvements in learning ability and memory.

nuts for dementia


The avocado has also earned its place among the superfoods for dementia.

It is a nutrient-dense fruit that is rich in potassium, folate, fibre, magnesium, and vitamin E. Avocado as a monosaturated fat can reduce the risk of cognitive decline because it can help increase blood flow and lower blood pressure.

The fruit is also said to prevent the formation of brain tangles thanks to the fact that it is rich in folate.

Avocados also pack flavonoids and polyphenols that are anti-inflammatories and help fight dementia.

avocado super foods for dementia


These are healthy fats that may help to prevent and fight dementia. They are commonly found in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna.

The fish types are also high in DHA and EPA which are fatty acids that are important for optimal brain health. People can also get omega-3s in flax seeds and olive oil among other sources.

Omega 3 a super food for dementia


Pulses like beans and legumes (which can include chickpeas and lentils) are a nutritional powerhouse offering folate, iron, potassium, magnesium.

They are also high in fibre & protein, and low in fat. It is one of the reasons they belong to the category of superfoods for dementia. They also pack a B vitamin known as choline that boosts a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine which is vital for brain function.

The plant proteins have been linked with enhanced preservation of thinking and memory. A study indicated that a lower intake of pulses can lead to an increase in cognitive decline.

pulses for dementia


Eggs are among some of the most nutritious foods found in the home, providing people with multiple minerals and vitamins.

Eggs are a great source of choline which helps to repair damaged brain tissue.

A study by the University of Eastern Finland discovered that choline is not only useful in developing memory and the brain, but it might also help to protect people against Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline.

eggs for dementia


Closing Remarks

Carefully choosing what to eat can have a significant impact on a person’s health. It is one of the reasons the above super foods for dementia come highly recommended.

These brain-boosting foods can help slow down progression of the illness and improve the quality of life for persons with the progressive illness.

Easy Tempting Meals for Dementia Patients


All-Natural Brain Health Supplement Reviewed

ProMind Complex ReviewedIt is not always easy to source superfood herbs, nor is it, for some people, practical to grow your own herbs. Taking a well-formulated supplement may be the best solution.

ReaDemetia investigated several products that we felt had the ingredients and integrity to be worthy for our audience to consider. One product, ProMind Complex, ticked many of the boxes.

Read our comprehensive review of ProMind Complex HERE.


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9 Best Foods to Reverse Dementia in 2021

10 Best Herbs for Dementia and Brain Health 2021


9 Best Therapy Dolls Reviewed 2023

Best Therapy Dolls Reviewed

We are presenting a selection of the best therapy dolls reviewed here for our viewers- to assist people with selecting the perfect doll for their loved one with dementia.

We have also provided a comprehensive guide to buying and utilizing a therapy doll.

The newborn comfort dolls we have chosen were specifically selected for adults with memory loss.

Before you consider the products we have reviewed, you may be interested in reading our article on the Pros and Cons of therapy dolls. Here we outline the benefits and risks.

9 Best Therapy Dolls Reviewed

DollAverage Customer RatingFeaturesPrice
Newborn Comfort DollsBaby Doll Therapy New Born 4.5 STARSDesigned for dementia
Fast shipping
High quality
Easy to wash clothes
Someone to Love DollSomeone to Love Dolls5.0 STARS
(3 reviews)
Quality doll
Quality clothing
Warm face
9 dolls to select from
Easy ordering
Prompt shipping
Comfort Companion Therapy Doll HollyComfort Companion Therapy Doll Holly5.0 STARs
(2 reviews)
Colorful (sensory)
Textured (sensory)
Weighted body
Soft to cuddle
Ashton Therapy DollAshton - Drake Therapy Doll4.4 STARSDesigned for Alzheimer’s
Donates to charity
Scented (sensory)
Vinyl & cotton
Baby Boy DougBaby Boy Doug Doll Therapy4.5 STARSEasy cleaning
Low price
All vinyl
Charex Sleeping NewbornCHAREX Reborn Sleeping Baby DollsCHAREX Reborn Sleeping Baby Dolls4.3 STARS
Details- wrinkles/features
5 piece ensemble
Magnetic pacifier
Boy/girl choice
Low price
Vinyl & silicone
JIZHI DollJIZHI Lifelike Reborn Baby Dolls4.4 STARSConforms to safety
Detail (wrinkles etc)
Value for price
Vinyl & cotton
Zero Pam Baby Reborn DollZero Pam Reborn Baby Dolls4.1 STARSLifelike
Fits newborn clothes
Chubby face
6 accessories
Feels lifelike
Detail - wrinkles etc
Easy to clean
Has boy/girl parts
Silicone & cloth
Kandora Baby DollKaydora Reborn Baby Doll4.5 STARSLifelike
Detail- wrinkles/fingernails
Durable & sturdy
Value for price
Male/female dolls
Silicone & cotton


Scroll Down, below ‘Buyer’s Guide’, for full review on selected therapy dolls


Ultimate Guide to Buying a Therapy Doll

Therapy dolls have an incredible effect on people in the middle and later stages of Alzheimer’s. They are calming, soothing and gives people a sense of responsibility.

Alzheimer’s doll therapy brings dementia patients back to a time in their life when they cared for a young family. Rather than having someone caring for them, dementia patients can do the caring- giving carers an opportunity to relax.

The simple act of cuddling a doll can help re-establish nurturing feelings, express emotions, provide a sense of purpose, and bring joy and comfort.

Expertly crafted therapy dolls can look and feel very lifelike.

A quality doll will have the following features:

  • Best Therapy Dolls ReviewedSturdy and durable
  • Easy to clean
  • Attention to detail
  • Made from safe materials that look and feel like a real baby
  • Weighted body and head (reality)
  • Realistic hair
  • Body parts that can move
  • Life sized
  • Well-made clothing
  • Appropriately clothed
  • Silicone material over vinyl

ReaDementia identified 3 excellent therapy dolls available at the Alzheimer’s Store to review as well as some of the better doll products from the Amazon Store.

In our view, the far better products were the better quality dolls specifically designed for adult people with Alzheimer’s disease, rather than regular dolls designed and made primarily for children.

In the end the choice you make will be based on what doll best suit your family member with dementia and what your budget allows. Some of the less expensive dolls do offer value for money.

Positive outcomes of doll therapy for dementia patients:

  • Offer an opportunity to give care rather than receive it
  • Giving and receiving of unconditional love
  • Reach the patient and establish a connection
  • Opportunity for structured reminiscence sessions
  • Planned opportunities for meaningful interactions with the environment
  • A tool to help alleviate changing behaviours which may include anxiety, agitation, or low mood
  • To engage in an activity which reminds them of their past roles

Considerations when selecting a therapy doll

In choosing the most appropriate doll, try to select the most lifelike one that fits your budget.

As a rule, dolls with soft bodies, but hard hands, feet and heads provide a more realistic ‘feel’ than those which are solid plastic or vinyl throughout. Dolls made with silicone do offer this feel.

Select dolls that reflect a realistic size and weight for a real baby.

Ensure that the therapy doll is appropriately clothed. Inappropriate dress shows little respect for the reality of the dementia patient.

Be aware of culturally specific practices in relation to childcare. Seek a doll that reflects the culture of the patient.

Introducing a Therapy Doll

Carry the doll into the room respectfully as if the doll were a real baby. This gives the dementia patient the chance to choose between reality and fantasy.

Do not coerce the dementia patient to hold the doll but wait for them to notice and acknowledge it. Invite them to hold the doll if they show interest

Observe the dementia patient to see Let if they enjoy interacting with a therapy doll. Watch to see if they smile and use loving tones.

If the patient questions if the doll is real, offer a response such as “it’s whatever you want it to be”.

Allow them to discover for themselves if the doll is real.

If the patient recognizes the therapy doll as a doll, don’t deny it. Rather, explore how lifelike it is and use it as an alternative form of looking back in their lives at experiences with babies.

Regardless of whether the patient considers the therapy doll as real or not, it is still important that the doll is always treated with dignity and respect. This also applies to when the doll is being stored. It isn’t a good thing for a patient to discover their doll tossed in some box or left on a table. This may trigger them as they may perceive that the doll is in danger.

Observe the dementia patient’s reaction and intervene if you feel they are made uncomfortable or become agitated by. Gently taking the doll and sitting with it yourself whilst continuing the conversation, may be enough to relieve anxious feelings. Then gradually reintroduce the doll.


Best Therapy Doll Reviews

Baby Doll Therapy New Born Comfort

Newborn Comfort Dolls Baby Doll New Born Comfort is a professionally designed therapy doll for adults with dementia. It is realistically proportioned and weighted to provide a realistic experience for the patient.

This product is available from the Alzheimer’s Store. They offer five different dolls, each with variances with gender, ethnicity, and characters. Attention to detail has been applied to the dolls.

The 19” dolls are appropriately clothed with quality easy to wash clothes. Further ‘newborn’ clothes can be bought for the dolls.

Having moulded heads and wispy hair, these therapy dolls are very realistic.

Rated 4.5 Stars by customers (not many ratings given) and almost all positive feedback from customers, suggesting that people have been very happy with the product.

The Alzheimer’s Store based in USA offer fast shipping. Be careful if ordering internationally, as the cost of postage is high.

[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Pros’ box_color=’#009906′ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=’#009906′]

  • Designed for adults with memory loss
  • Very lifelike
  • Fast shipping
  • High quality
  • Easy to wash clothes


[su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Cons’ box_color=’#bf000a’ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: ban” icon_color=’#bf000a’]

  • Pricey
  • International shipping cost


AlzStore ReaDementia




Someone to Love Dolls

Someone to Love Doll Someone to Love Dolls are professionally designed specifically for adults with dementia. This product is similar to the above product in that it is a quality product with attention to detail. A realistic 17” long and heavy weighted (3lbs) to resemble a real baby. The dolls clothing is well made and additional newborn clothes can be bought and will fit the doll.

We like that the dolls have a warm welcoming realistic face and that there are nine different dolls to select from covering baby boys and girls as well as different cultures/races.

So far customers have given the product a 5 Star rating, however, there have only been a few reviews. This appears to be a new product line.

The Someone to Love Dolls are in the upper price range, however, at the time of writing this review they were being offered with a good discount by the AlzStore.

The AlzStore, based in USA, are fast with processing and with dispatching orders, however, if you are an international buyer, there will be a hefty postage.

[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Pros’ box_color=’#009906′ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=’#009906′]

  • Lifelike
  • Quality construction
  • Dolls clothing well made with detail
  • Warm welcoming face
  • 9 different dolls to select from
  • On sale when writing review
  • Very happy customer reviews
  • Easy ordering and prompt shipping


[su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Cons’ box_color=’#bf000a’ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: ban” icon_color=’#bf000a’]

  • International shipping costs high
  • Arms could be a little thicker


AlzStore ReaDementia




Comfort Companion Therapy Doll Holly


Comfort Companion Therapy Doll HollyComfort Companion Therapy Doll Holly, a soft fabric doll supplied by the AlzStore has been designed for adult dementia patients.

The doll is easy to care for as it can be washed and dried and has been well sewn together. We like that it has a large front pocket on the outfit it wears. Memorabilia can be placed in this pocket for the patient to play with.

The doll is 25” X 12”, with a body that is both weighted and textured with different brightly colored materials gives patients, not only a doll, but something they can manipulate, touch and be excited by the colors.

The Comfort Companion Doll Therapy is a soft and cuddly affordable product, sure to delight people with dementia. This doll is obviously not meant to be lifelike as it is a cloth doll, however, it is perfect for stimulating the senses offering a pleasant experience to dementia patients.

[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Pros’ box_color=’#009906′ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=’#009906′]

  • Easy to wash and care
  • Colorful (sensory)
  • Different textures (sensory)
  • Weighted body
  • Affordable
  • Soft to cuddle


[su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Cons’ box_color=’#bf000a’ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: ban” icon_color=’#bf000a’]

  • Not realistic


AlzStore ReaDementia




The Ashton – Drake Therapy Doll

Ashton Therapy Doll The Ashton Drake Therapy Doll is an Amazon product designed for children (6+ years) as well as adults with Alzheimer’s disease. We selected this product as a low-cost option for our viewers.

The hands, feet and head of the doll are made of vinyl. The body is a cotton cloth. Although the doll looks very lifelike, it lacks the soft skin feature of other dolls due to the vinyl.

The 18” doll has the body and head weighted, helping with it being more lifelike. To help stimulate the patient’s senses there has been a powdered scent added.

The Ashton Therapy Doll is probably more a collectable than a toy. The eyes are fixed open and the company only offers one choice of doll.

We like that the company selling the product gives a small portion of each sale to research into Alzheimer’s. This therapy doll is a lower cost product with a 4.4 Star rating from 53 reviewers, with many very happy purchacers.

[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Pros’ box_color=’#009906′ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=’#009906′]

  • Designed for adult’s with Alzheimer’s
  • Portion of sales go to Alzheimer’s research
  • Weighted body and head
  • Powder scent (sensory)
  • lifelike


[su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Cons’ box_color=’#bf000a’ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: ban” icon_color=’#bf000a’]

  • Not a toy, rather a collectable
  • Eyes don’t close
  • Plastic head, arms and feet are not so lifelike
  • Not as well made as other products
  • One choice of doll
  • Availability


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Baby Boy Doug – Doll Therapy

Baby Boy Doug Baby Boy Doug is an Amazon product from the Memorable Pets brand, specifically designed for people with dementia. It is a little smaller than other dolls, at 15”. The entire doll is made from quality vinyl.

Being all vinyl, it is easy to wash and clean and patients can take it into the bath or shower. The downside to vinyl, is that the doll won’t feel as soft as dolls made from materials such as silicone. This makes them less lifelike.

The product is lower in cost offering value for those on a budget. Accessories can be bought separately, such as pacifiers and bottle that can be used with the doll.

Customers from 9 reviews have rated the product 4.5 Stars. The company doesn’t offer a selection of dolls to choose from.

[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Pros’ box_color=’#009906′ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=’#009906′]

  • Easy cleaning
  • Low price- value for price
  • Can buy toy bottles and pacifiers to fit doll
  • Can be taken in the bath/shower


[su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Cons’ box_color=’#bf000a’ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: ban” icon_color=’#bf000a’]

  • One choice of doll
  • Body not soft and realistic


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CHAREX Sleeping Reborn Baby Dolls

Charex Sleeping NewbornThe Charex Sleeping Reborn Baby Doll is an Amazon product made more for children, but can certainly be utilized as a therapy doll.

The company offers a boy as well as a girl doll. The doll is a realistic newborn size of 22” and the body has been weighted.

Made from soft vinyl and silicone, with attention to detail to hands and feet (wrinkles and color), the Charex doll has a relatively lifelike look and feel.

Rated 4.3 Stars by 53 reviewers, the doll is popular. The product quality is not high standard, but the price is reflected in this. The doll’s clothing also lesser quality, however, you can buy better quality newborn clothing that will fit this doll.

A 5 piece ensemble of accessories comes with this doll, including a magnetic pacifier that won’t fall out when given to the doll.

[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Pros’ box_color=’#009906′ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=’#009906′]

  • Lifelike
  • Detail in the wrinkles/features on hands and feet
  • Comes with 5 piece ensemble
  • Magnetic pacifier wont fall out
  • Weighted
  • Choice of boy or girl
  • Low price


[su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Cons’ box_color=’#bf000a’ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: ban” icon_color=’#bf000a’]

  • Designed for children, not dementia patients
  • Not realistic
  • Poorer quality to other dolls
  • Clothing not well made (but can buy newborn clothing to fit)
  • Eyes are fixed (don’t open and close)


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JIZHI Lifelike Reborn Baby Dolls

JIZHI Doll The JIZHI Lifelike Reborn Baby Doll has a soft cloth body 17” long. Another Amazon product offering value for the low price. At the time of writing the review it was being advertised with a discount.

The doll’s limbs and head are made from vinyl with a cotton filled body. The designers have given attention to detail with wrinkles on fingers and toes offering a lifelike doll.

The doll conforms to safety requirements with nontoxic materials and non-choking parts suitable for toddlers through to adults.

A range of accessories come with the doll and additional newborn clothing can be bought to fit the doll.

Although limbs and head appear lifelike, the puffy body looks ‘stuffed’ and proportions are out.

The JIZHI Baby Doll is not specifically designed with dementia patients in mind. Although only one choice of product is available to purchase, it is a popular choice with a 4.4 Star rating by 434 reviewers. Many people comment on the product being a good buy for the cost.

[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Pros’ box_color=’#009906′ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=’#009906′]

  • Conforms to safety requirements
  • Lifelike
  • Skin shows detail (wrinkles etc)
  • Value for price
  • Toy accessories


[su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Cons’ box_color=’#bf000a’ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: ban” icon_color=’#bf000a’]

  • Not weighted
  • Body proportions a little out
  • Not offering a range of dolls to select from
  • Not specifically designed for Dementia patients


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Zero Pam Reborn Baby Dolls

Zero Pam Baby Reborn DollWe selected the Zero Pam Reborn Baby Doll (Brand: Binxing Toys) to review as it is a full body silicone weighted (3lb) doll offering a more realistic feel for dementia patients. Being silicone the doll can get wet and be taken in the bath or shower, and it is easy to clean.

The non-toxic 18” doll available from Amazon stores is dressed in beautiful outfits. Additional newborn clothing can be bought that will fit the doll.

Having a chubby face, detail such as wrinkles on the toes and fingers, and all the ‘boy’ parts, this doll is very lifelike, feeling and looking like a real baby.

6 accessories come with the product and additional newborn outfits can be bought and will fit this doll.

Detracting aspects of the product were the limited movement of arms and legs (up and down only) and that people who bought the doll commented that the doll wasn’t as robust as other dolls.

The company, who designed this doll more for children than dementia patients, only offer one choice of doll.

Customer reviews give it 4.1Stars from 166 reviewers. Most people were happy with the product. Some mention that the doll feels more ‘vinyl’ than silicone and that the hair wasn’t so realistic.

The Zero Pam Doll is reasonably priced (at the time of this review it was on sale with a significant discount) offering good value.

[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Pros’ box_color=’#009906′ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=’#009906′]

  • Lifelike
  • Non-toxic
  • Fits newborn clothes
  • Realistic chubby face
  • Comes with 6 accessories
  • Doll feels like a real baby
  • Detail in hands and feet (wrinkles etc)
  • Easy to wash and clean
  • Has boy parts (and girl parts for female version)
  • Bathable


[su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Cons’ box_color=’#bf000a’ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: ban” icon_color=’#bf000a’]

  • Limited movement of arms and legs (up and down only)
  • Not as robust as other dolls
  • Not specifically designed for dementia patients
  • Reviews indicate more of a vinyl feel rather than silicone
  • Hair not so realistic


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Kaydora Reborn Baby Doll

Kandora Baby DollOur final doll we have selected is the Kaydora Reborn Baby Doll. It is a realistic 22’ long, lifelike sleeping doll sold in Amazon stores for a price at the lower end.

The doll, not specifically designed for dementia patients (a child’s toy) has head and limbs made from silicone and a cotton filled body. The doll has been made to be durable.

Being weighted (3.16lbs) with attention to detail (wrinkles and fingernails), this cute looking baby doll is lifelike to touch and appearance.

Rated 4.5 stars by 968 people, the Kaydora Doll is a popular choice with many positive comments by reviewers. Negative aspects mentioned include: the hair is not well put together, the eyes are fixed open, and the body is over-stuffed- giving it a distorted appearance.

The company offers only one choice of product and it comes with a selection of accessories.

[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Pros’ box_color=’#009906′ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=’#009906′]

  • Lifelike
  • Attention to detail (even fingernails)
  • Accessories included
  • Durable and sturdy
  • Weighted
  • Good value for price
  • Male and female dolls available


[su_column size=”1/2″][su_box title=’Cons’ box_color=’#bf000a’ radius=’0′][su_list icon=”icon: ban” icon_color=’#bf000a’]

  • Can’t be taken into bath
  • Fixed eyes
  • Not specific to dementia patients
  • Some reviews say hair not good
  • Some reviews say over stuffed distorting body


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18 Best Dementia Books For Children (2022)

dementia books for children

We carefully reviewed 50+ dementia books for children with our little ones to pick the best 18.

Nowadays, it is a bit easier to talk to young ones about dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Which we absolutely should.

When a close relative develops dementia, it may be a confusing time for the young minds as they have to deal with all the challenges that are happening.

At this point, our kids NEED ALL THE SUPPORT they need to get through the new developments.

While it may be natural to want to protect our children, it is always best to let them know the truth in a way that they will understand.

Answer any questions the children have gently.

Remind them that their loved one is STILL a person and even though there may be changes.

Inform them that they can STILL spend quality time with their grandparents or parents but be sure to highlight boundaries so that everyone ends up having a good time.

It is also important to prepare the little ones for the unexpected, seeing that the illness comes with unpredictability.

If you are caught in a situation where you have to talk to children about dementia, there are plenty of resources you can use to your advantage.

Here is a list of the best books that will help you.

Best Alzheimer’s & Dementia Books For Children

1. Granny Mary Thinks Differently

granny mary thinks differently kids book
Granny Mary Thinks Differently is an adorable children’s book that looks at the experience young Anna goes through when her grandmother gets diagnosed with dementia.

Our young ones can easily relate to the different activities that a grandchild and a grandparent enjoy together. Not only through words but also through the lovely illustrations, which make Granny Mary Thinks Differently an excellent picture book about dementia.

The book ends with a compelling statement that left a strong impression on us.

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2. I Smile For Grandpa: A loving story about dementia disease for young children

i smile for grandpa a loving story about dementia disease for young children
I Smile for Grandpa takes young minds through a beautiful transformational journey of a young boy (Little Buddy) and his grandpa, who has developed dementia. Little Buddy realizes that spending time with his grandpa will no longer be the same.

Written by Jaclyn Guenette and illustrated by Kathryn Harrison, the book does a great job at captivating the various behavior and emotions that people with dementia exhibit.

A great read for all ages, it offers a better understanding of dementia through the eyes of children.

It is one of the dementia books for children that offer reassurance and hope for the little ones without protecting them from the realities of the illness.

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3. Granny Can’t Remember Me: A Children’s Book About Alzheimer’s

granny can't remember me a childrens book about alzheimer's
Granny Can’t Remember me is an endearing story by Susan McCormick who is an award-winning author and a doctor. It is about Joey, a 6-year-old boy and his granny.

Granny has lost her memory and can’t remember most of the things that Joey likes. However, she still spends quality time with Joey telling him stories reassuring the young man of her love.

The book offers background on Alzheimer’s disease addressing the illness warmly and sensitively.

The primary lesson children can draw from this book is that older persons with Alzheimer’s can still be loved and show love.

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4. When My Granny Forgets, I Remember: A Child’s Perspective on Dementia

when my granny forgets i remember a child's perspective on dementia
Authored by Toby Haberkorn, When My Granny Forgets, I Remember is one of the most wonderfully written dementia books for children with charming illustrations.

The book tells a story of the shifting relationship between a grandmother and her granddaughter. It starts with examples of grandma doing fun activities with her grandchild.

As time goes by, the little girl notices that her granny constantly forgets things and acts strangely.

She has a conversation with her mum and the little girl knows that her beloved grandma has a brain disease.

The sweet and short storybook is perfect for helping young kids understand the changes that people go through after developing dementia.

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5. Always My Grandpa: A Story for Children About Alzheimer’s Disease

always my grandpa a story for children about alzheimer's disease
A thoughtful book, Always My Grandpa brings up various issues that people with dementia deal with. These include repeating questions, forgetfulness, and the fact that the illness can cause a person to die sooner.

It talks about Daniel and his mother and how they usually spend summer with his grandfather. Then, Grandpa begins to change, and little Daniel discovers that his grandpa has Alzheimer’s.

It is an excellent resource for kids who are watching their grandparents suffer from the disease.

While it is an easy read, Linda Scacco, the author offers a realistic explanation of a subject that can be quite difficult for youngsters.

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6. Striped Shirts and Flowered Pants: A Story About Alzheimer’s Disease for Young Children

striped shirts and flowered pants a story about alzheimer's disease for young children
Written by Barbara Schnurbush, this is a fun book that delicately explains to young persons’ how Alzheimer’s disease can change the lives of their grandparents.

It follows the life of Libby and her nana, who start by engaging in tons of fun activities, but things start to change.

Libby learns that her nana has Alzheimer’s disease and through reassurance from her family, she learns it is okay for her grandma to wear flowered pants and striped shirts.

In as much as it is one of the helpful dementia books for children, adults can also use it to get some pointers for helping their kids deal with their worries and feelings.

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7. Grandma and Me: A Kid’s Guide for Alzheimer’s and Dementia

grandma and me a kids guide for alzheimer's and dementia
Starring Matthew, a young boy who has a special relationship with his grandmother, Grandma and Me is a collaborative effort between Beatrice Tauber, a psychologist, and Mary Ann, a registered nurse.

The book addresses Alzheimer’s disease with a lot of understanding and love focusing on the age-appropriate descriptions of the illness.

The book features attractive artwork that will grab the attention of young readers, keeping them interested in the information the book has to offer.

It gives kids useful tools to continue having loving and positive relationships with their loved ones despite the challenges that the disease brings about.

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8. Weeds in Nana’s Garden: A Heartfelt Story of Love That Explain Alzheimer’s Disease and other Dementias

weeds in nanas garden a heartfelt story of love that explain alzheimer's disease and other dementias
Weeds in Nana’s Garden is one of the dementia books for children aged between 9-12 years will enjoy. It talks about a young girl who is fond of helping her nana in the garden.

Weeds attack the garden and grandma is not sure if she should remove them. So, together with her granddaughter, they pull the tall weeds in the garden and it continues to blossom beautifully.

The book features whimsical, colorful, and bright illustrations. Other than this, it tackles the topic of Alzheimer’s disease in a heartfelt and provocative manner.

Kathryn Harrison (author) does a great job at fostering compassion and sympathy by harmoniously blending emotional engagement, inspiration, and education.

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9. Why Did Grandma Put Her Underwear in the Refrigerator? : An Explanation of Alzheimer’s Disease for Children

why did grandma put her underwear in the refrigerator
Why Did Grandma Put Her Underwear in the Refrigerator is a book told from the point of view of Julie, a 7-year-old girl.

Julie lives with her grandma, who has developed Alzheimer’s disease. The dynamics of Julie’s relationship with her nana end up changing when they can no longer enjoy their past activities.

The young girl comes up with new ways to maintain her relationship with grandma.

The simple yet relatable book by Carolyn Given and Max Wallack presents several embarrassing and stressful situations that a family may have to deal with when taking care of a person who has Alzheimer’s and how to address them in the best possible way.

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10. My Book About Brains, Change, and Dementia: What is Dementia and What Does it Do?

my book about brains change and dementia what is dementia and what does it do
Thoughtfully written by Lynda Moore, My Book about Brains, Change, and Dementia is a great read for preschoolers and adults alike. It is one of the dementia books for children that simplify dementia without disguising the illness.

It explains various concepts of the disease, including functions of the brain and how the disease progresses.

The book does a great job of breaking down dementia misconceptions. It also includes two pages on death that readers can skip if the little angels cannot understand the concept.

The book ends with a question section that kids and adults can deliberate over.

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11. Can I Tell You About Dementia:  A Guide for Family, Friends, and Carers

can i tell you about dementia a guide for family friends and carers
Offering a fresh approach to dementia, Can I Tell You About Dementia is one of the books that offer a simple guide to dementia for both adults and children.

This is done through the experience of Jack, an older man who is living with dementia. He lets readers into his world, talking about the challenges that people with the disease face.

The first-person approach in this piece makes the details more personal.

The book also features a couple of informative pages that explain an overview of different dementia types, figures, facts, dementia-friendly environments, and resources that people with the illness will find useful.

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12. What Happens When My Grandparent Has Alzheimer’s Disease?

what happens when my grandparent has alzheimer's disease
An insightful book with 24 pages, this is one of the dementia books for children ideal for young boys and girls aged 7-10 years.

Christine Honders (author) has crafted the book so that young readers can understand what Alzheimer’s disease is. She uses simple language that all readers can easily understand.

It also offers healthy coping strategies that the young ones can use when someone they love deals with the disease.

The book has been skillfully illustrated with suitable images and text aid readers that help give a better picture of the illness and the changes that will come along.

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13. Sometimes Even Elephants Forget: A Story About Alzheimer’s Disease for Young Children

sometimes even elephants forget
A charming book by Kathleen Welch, Sometimes Even Elephants Forget presents an enlightening story about dementia. It provides a wonderful tale that resonates with kids of all ages.

Welch illustrates some of the communication and behavioral changes that persons with Alzheimer’s disease face. She delicately does this in a way that young kids can accept and understand.

The book beautifully captures the challenges of the illness. It offers readers an enjoyable view of the patience and kindness people can exercise when facing behavior from grandparents.

It also has pretty amazing drawings that will keep readers interested from the beginning to the end.

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14. Fishing with Grandpa: A Children’s Story About Alzheimer’s

fishing with grandpa a childrens story about alzheimer's
In Fishing with Grandpa, a young boy recounts some pleasant memories where he spends his summers with his grandpa. They go out to sea to fish and engage in conversations.

When his grandpa gets Alzheimer’s, he can no longer go out on their fishing trips or carry out conversations as they did in the past.

The book written by Rebecca Hummel Kenyon explains the effects that Alzheimer’s has on young kids.

These include the symptoms that affected persons have and how children can cope with the changes.

It is one of the dementia books for children that is quite an eye-opener for both adult and young readers.

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15. The World’s Greatest Grandpa: A Children’s Guide to Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease

the world's greatest grandpa
The World’s Greatest Grandpa is an incredible book that gives a good sense of what Alzheimer’s disease is all about.

It is centered on Quincy, a young boy who is 8 years old, and his relationship with his grandpa, who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease.

It lets young kids understand why their grandparents may be behaving differently when they get dementia. The book not only teaches young ones about brain disease but also teaches caring and compassion for the elderly.

To give the readers more information, the book offers a list of credible resources and a glossary of terms at the end.

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16. Big Momma’s Sweet Potato Pies: A Children’s Guide to Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease

big momma's sweet potato pies
Big Momma’s Sweet Potato Pies is an incredible book authored by Dr. Joseph Morris. It tells a story of a sweet grandma who is known for her delicious sweet potato pies.

However, she can no longer make the potato pies when she develops Alzheimer’s disease and the illness starts progressing.

Grandma no longer remembers the recipe, and she is not even safe working in the kitchen alone. However, her sister steps in and offers a hand.

Big Momma’s passion and hard work grow to make significant support to doctors and scientists working hard to discover an Alzheimer’s disease cure.

This is one of the dementia books for children with creative and colorful illustrations to keep things interesting.

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17. Understanding Alzheimer’s: A Coloring Book for Children

understanding alzheimer's a coloring book for children
Written by Darlyn Davis, Understanding Alzheimer’s is one of the most interesting books that kids can use to learn about the progressive illness.

She came up with the idea for the book after watching her great-grandma suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. She went on to be an advocate for research and awareness by volunteering with assisted living homes and the Alzheimer’s Association.

The book offers readers an opportunity to have fun as they learn about the disease and its effects it has on our little ones. The book mostly focuses on introducing Alzheimer’s indicators.

This is presented in a fun way, so that young kids get an insight into how to identify the illness.

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18. What’s Wrong With Grandpa? A Children’s Story About Alzheimer’s Disease

what's wrong with grandpa
Based on a true story, What’s Wrong with Grandpa is one of the must-read books for anyone looking to educate kids on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia types.

It focuses on a loving relationship between a grandfather and Daisy, a ten-year-old young girl. Grandpa is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and Daisy is disheartened to see her grandfather go through multiple changes.

He becomes more forgetful and confused while spending time with her granddaughter.

The book brings out a great transformational relationship between granddaughter and grandfather through Daisy’s tenderness and love.

Authored by Danielle Cohen, this is one of the dementia books for children ideal for young ones between the ages of 6 to 8.

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