How to Prevent Dementia- 7 Easy Things You Can Do

how to prevent dementia

The best time to correct early signs of dementia is right now, rather than waiting for cognitive decline to become a real problem. In this article we show you how to prevent dementia naturally.

To understand what the early signs of dementia are view our article HERE.

A key element medicine is missing

The problem in medicine is the lack of importance of diet and how this effects your brain.

Medicine does not connect the dots and make the links between diet and your brain. Medicine may point cognitive decline to genetics, stress or things just happen and you cannot do much about it. However, your diet is key to preventing and even reversing early dementia.

how to prevent dementia naturally

The Hippocampus

A complex brain structure rooted deep into temporal lobe is called the Hippocampus. It plays a major role in learning and memory. The hippocampus is a plastic and vulnerable structure that, if not nurtured, can be damaged. People with dementia have a shrinking or damaged hippocampus. There are easy natural things that you can do to care for your hippocampus.

How to Prevent Dementia Naturally

Vitamin B1

What would shrink your hippocampus?Vitamin B1 Dr. Berg

One thing that could be a real problem with your hippocampus is a Thiamine deficiency. That is a Vitamin B1 deficiency. The demand for thiamine goes way up when alcohol and carbohydrates are consumed. Vitamin B1 is needed to metabolize carbs and alcohol.

The more sugar you eat, the more carbs you consume, and the more alcohol you drink, the more you need vitamin B1.

Nutritional yeast is the best source of B1. Make sure you get natural yeast that is not fortified with synthetic vitamins. Synthetic vitamins might work initially but are not a good long-term solution.

Of course, you want to do things to prevent a B1 deficiency by giving up alcohol, reduce sugar and carbs in your diet.

The good news is that you can consume plenty of vegetable carbs.

Fix the Gut

You want to fix the gut microbiome.

There has been interesting research on Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease. Research points to a lack of diversity in the microbiome of the gut in people with these diseases. There is also a correlation with these patients having gut inflammation, with leaky gut being common.

Also realize that the gut and the brain are by-directional. Through the vagus nerve you have information going from the gut to the brain and information from the brain going to the gut. If you have a problem with your brain you’ll have a problem with your gut. If you have a problem with your gut, you can have a problem with your brain.

Interestingly, our gut microbes produce neurotransmitters, and they can synthesis B vitamins.

Having a healthy diversified gut microbiome is essential to preventing cognitive decline.

4 ways to fix the gut


One of the best ways to increase diversity of the microbiome is to start consuming vegetables.

Look for a wide variety of vegetables, and different types of salads that have a variety phytonutrients and fibers. Organic vegetables are best.


Another way to increase the diversity of microbiome is to introduce fasting.

Many would think that fasting would starve the microbes, resulting in them getting weaker. Yet, the very opposite happens. They get stronger and new strains come out and try to survive. It is part of a survival mechanism that has been evolving for eons.


Research has found that when people with dementia are taken off gluten, they are seeing huge improvements in dementia. Gluten can worsen dementia.

Being on a gluten free diet is not enough. There needs to be low carbs and no grain.

4.Stay away from GMO foods

Foods that have been exposed to glyphosate (a herbicide) are not good for your gut biome. Glyphosate destroys microorganisms like bacteria. This affects our gut microbes, just like it affects the microbes in the soil.

The reason GMO foods are a problem is because they have been genetically modified to tolerate heavy applications of the herbicide. That way, farmers can spray glyphosate on their GMO crops to kill weeds without killing the crops.

Seek out non-GMO foods. Better still, seek organic foods that have not been sprayed with glyphosate or any gut damaging chemicals.Sulforaphane Complex

Consume More Sprouts

The unique thing about sprouts is that they come from little seeds. If you were to consume the seeds on their own the nutrition would not be so readily available to you and they are difficult to digest.

However, if they are grown into sprouts, you have incredible amounts of easy digestible nutrition is released when eaten.

Eat sprouts on a regular basis. Not only will you be getting peak nutrition from a plant, but you are also getting certain phytonutrients that are a superfood for your brain.

Broccoli sprouts are abundant in sulforaphane. This substance is fantastic for any type of neuro degenerative disorder.

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Sprouts are also beneficial for your gut.

Include sprouts into your diet on a regular basis. Add them to your salads. They are very cheap and easy to grow yourself.Freshlife Automatic Seed Sprouter

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Ketones bypass the damage in the brain and feed the neurons directly.

People with dementia are experiencing the destruction of their brain cells in their hippocampus. Due to this damage, the brain is not getting glucose fuel. Brain cells need to be restored by feeding them fuel in the form of ketone fuel. Ketone bodies are a more efficient fuel than glucose fuel.

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3 ways to increase ketones

1.Intermittent fasting and periodic prolonged fasting give huge benefits for two reasons. Fasting generates many more ketones than you gain from being on a low carb diet. Fasting also up regulate genetic factors that support your brain.

2.Consuming MCT oil (1 tablespoon twice a day), a supplement made from a type of fat called medium-chain triglycerides will help brains by increasing ketone's best extra strength ginkgo

3.Exogenous ketones (buy as a supplement) are a terrific brain-enhancing supplement which may reduce cognitive decline, improve brain power, and reduce brain fog.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba (specifically the extract EGB 761) has shown significant benefits for dementia patients by giving neuro protection. Ginkgo Biloba is the Maidenhair Tree native to China.

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Lion’s Mane Mushroom

How does lion’s mane work in the brain?

Research show that lion’s mane mushroom extract may in fact support brain health by promoting the creation of two important compounds: nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived Lion's Mane Mushroom liquid Dropsneurotrophic factor (BDNF). These are proteins that stimulate the formation of new cells and bolster existing ones.

Check price of Lion’s Mane Mushroom products on

Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Vitamin D, Zinc, Exercise and Sleep

Other ways to prevent cognitive decline include:

Including Omega-3 in your diet. This fatty acid can be found in oily fish and fish oil (especially cod liver oil).

Vitamin D, the free sunlight vitamin that can also be gained from diet. Foods high in vitamin D include oily fish, egg yolks, mushrooms, orange juice and many vegetables. Check price of Vitamin D3 products available at 

Zinc is very important. Foods with high levels of zinc include oysters, sea foods, avocados, nuts, beans, meat and berries. Check price of Zinc products available at

Exercise increases oxygen to your brain. It also increases blood flow, delivering nutrients to the brain.

Sleep is very important. If you are not sleeping enough; cortisol increases, you may be more stressed, and important oxygen to the brain is reduced.

Final Comments

In a nutshell, diet, exercise, and sleep all play a core role in preventing of the onset of dementia.

A wholesome low carb diet, rich in superfoods and free from chemicals is key.  The right diet will foster a healthy gut microbiome and provide the best brain nutrition.

Regular exercise increases oxygen and blood flow to the brain delivering nutrients for healthy brain function. This combined with quality sleep will reduce cortisol levels causing stress.

Viewing Dr. Eric Berg DC channel provided much of the content for this article. Dr. Berg specializes in Healthy Ketosis and Intermittent Fasting.

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Music Therapy and Dementia (How It Helps?)

music therapy and dementia

After several studies and researches, we also tested it ourself and it shows that music therapy and dementia go very well together.

The number of people with dementia continues to soar. Statistics indicate that about fifty million people globally are living with dementia.

Because the illness does not have a cure yet, experts in the field and caregivers continue to explore ways and therapies to offer care and support to individuals with dementia.

One of the care methods that has PROVED to have DRAMATIC effects on people with dementia is music therapy.

This is a type of treatment that seeks to improve functioning to enhance the quality of life.

The Amazing Benefits Of Music Therapy

Over the years, there have been many scientific findings showing that music therapy comes with numerous benefits to persons with dementia.

Check out some of the ways music therapy and dementia go hand in hand to help people with the condition.

Helps Unlock Memories

helps unlock memories
Music has the power to unlock memories. Studies reveal that music has a way of reaching parts of a damaged brain that other forms of communication cannot penetrate.

Professor Paul Robertson, an academic and concert violinist, reported that humans tend to remain contactable as musical beings on a certain level up until they take their very last breath.

He explained his findings further by stating that the brain’s auditory system is usually THE FIRST to function fully at sixteen weeks, implying that a person is musically receptive first.

In this case, it is a first in, last out situation.

This is one of the reasons multiple musical organizations offer home care visits that benefit residents with dementia.

Evokes Engagement

evokes engagement
When talking about music therapy and dementia, it is important to understand that music does not only affect you emotionally but physically as well.

Experts explain that the sounds that music therapy produces help to awaken some parts of the brain that have not been impacted by dementia.

Music EVOKES responses like movement, humming or singing, and short-term reconnection moments with loved ones.

This typically works when an individual remembers the songs they used to love when they were young.

The type of music usually has the strongest responses scoring highly in regards to recollection and engagement.

Unfamiliar music can also work well, especially when it has no negative reactions since it carries no emotions or memories.

Can Be a Welcome Distraction

music therapy and dementia
Music therapy is normally beneficial in all stages of dementia from the onset of the disease all the way to the last stages.

For instance, during the middle stages, a person with dementia may experience challenges with their behaviors.

At this point, music can be a great way to distract an individual.

A caregiver or aide can sing to a person when they are feeling frustrated or uneasy and it can help calm them down.

This may also work when the individual is handling a specific job. The music can give them the MOTIVATION they need to complete the tasks at hand.

Uplifts Moods

uplifts moods
Many are the times when persons with dementia feel low for one reason or the other. Music, for a long time, has proved to help brighten the moods of people with the illness.

Music can also help seniors to fight depression while encouraging positive interactions.

An individual may be sulking one minute, but when they listen to music, a smile may start forming on their face right away.

When you want to improve moods, it is usually best to play “stimulative music” that features quick tempos as well as percussive sounds. This kind tends to promote energy and movement naturally.

Leads to Better Health

leads to better health
Better health is often associated with music therapy and dementia. This kind of treatment can STIMULATE and STRUCTURE physical movement.

It is particularly helpful in those who are less likely to work out or engage in other physical activity.

It goes without saying that physical activity facilitates the health of various systems in the body including lymphatic, digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, and skeletal/muscular among many others.

When verbal directions cannot be used to give out directions for exercise programs, music can offer the rhythm that is needed to stimulate participation.

Singing aids a person in deep breathing a prerequisite for physical relaxation.

This often precedes deep relaxation and sleep at times. Singing is enjoyable and comfortable for many.

Reduces Social Isolation

reduces social isolation
It happens commonly that music therapy professionals conduct group sessions for persons who have dementia.

This helps to reduce social isolation because it encourages golden-agers with the illness to go out there and interact with other people.

It is especially helpful for people who feel like they do not belong to any group. Thus, shy away from activities that can significantly benefit them at the end of the day.

When a person who is around others with a similar condition, they are bound to open up. This can result in making new friends and participating in fun activities that will make them happy.

Assist with Speech

assist with speech
Many experts agree that music therapy plays a crucial role in helping persons with dementia to communicate effectively. Persons who work with therapists have been known to speak clearer and even make better decisions.

When a person listens to music, they can pick up some words they know to help them construct sensible sentences to hold a conversation with another person without too much difficulty.

The therapy can even help SLOW DOWN sleep deterioration and language skills in individuals with dementia.

Some studies show that even though a person with this disease loses the ability to speak, most of the time, they can still recognize, or also sing or hum their favorite tunes.

Can Be Part of a Holistic Treatment Approach

can be part of a holistic treatment approach
Experts who deal with music therapy and dementia can combine the therapy with other therapeutical activities to come up with a holistic treatment approach to dementia.

Professional therapists can guide senior citizens with dementia as they participate in other activities such as games, creating art, cooking, crafts, and gardening, etc.

The experts should ensure that seniors with the medical condition always have a relaxed environment. A location where they can have fun without any stringent schedules to adhere to.

Even in the later stages, music therapy can also be used to offer a sense of better control over life.

It helps coordinate motor movements and aid in enhanced brain function.

Reduce Anxiety and Stress

reduce anxiety and stress
Music therapy offers persons with dementia an avenue to get other people to listen to them and communicate experiences to find ways of distressing.

Participating in this type of treatment brings about positive influences in various areas of a person’s life.

This includes hope, communication skills, optimism, and well-being.

Many individuals with the illness also record increases in perceived happiness, enjoyment, enhanced mental health, and improved quality of life.

Additionally, structured therapy improves the potential for positive experiences leading to a positive impact on factors like self-efficacy and esteem.

This is important because it makes a person feel worthy again to live their lives to the fullest despite what they are going through.

Boosts Good Feelings and Ideas

boosts good feelings and ideas
Let’s face it, when listening to music, it is ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to feel down. Sure, we need to focus on listening to the music that cheers us up and makes us feel good.

Why would you even want to listen to the tunes that make you feel sad and lonely?

Of course, music therapy is a FANTASTIC approach that will boost good feelings and great ideas in a person with dementia. It is a simple technique that almost always does the trick.

You can practice it immediately, especially if you have their favorite artist at hand. Raise the good vibes and let everyone in the room feel good by tuning in some good songs.

Manages Sleep Disorders

manages sleep disorders
It is not uncommon for persons with dementia to experience troubles when it comes to sleep patterns.

Music therapy can assist such individuals to have longer hours of deep sleep. This is a great move for the health of an individual.

After all, getting enough rest and sleep is another way of reducing stress, anxiety, and agitation.

In regards to sleep, some people who have dementia will sleep better when they listen to some soothing tunes before they retire to bed.

Listening to such music helps to calm the soul so that an individual is not overthinking. Meaning, they can sleep peacefully for longer hours.

Some experts advise that listening to music before sleeping helps with insomnia, too.

Improves Motor-Functioning

improves motor functioning
Enhanced motor functioning is another area where individuals with dementia can benefit when they start music therapy.

When good music is playing, there is a high chance that the person listening will want to move about and dance.

Even when a person cannot stand up, they will probably move their arms and legs promoting coordination.

Tapping and clapping is another response to music that can help introduce feel-good hormones and get the blood flowing right.

A person can also improve their motor skills when they are playing an instrument. It can lead to more independence, especially if an individual is not yet in the last stages of the disease.

Music Therapy and Dementia Closing Remarks

The Alzheimer’s Association confirms that music therapy helps to add something fundamental to the lives of individuals with dementia-related illnesses.

This is why it is important to learn about music therapy and dementia. To some extent, it would be safe to say that music is therapeutic.

It offers individuals with the illness a chance not only to express themselves but also to engage with others.

Note that the simple act of playing music is not considered music therapy. Only credentialed experts can provide musical treatment so that it can bring out the desired effects in persons with dementia.

You must, therefore, DO ENOUGH RESEARCH when looking for a professional therapist to ensure that the individual with dementia remains in good hands.

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