13 Huntington’s Disease Symptoms

huntington's disease symptoms

Before getting a positive diagnosis for Huntington’s disease, you must showcase a couple of Huntington’s disease symptoms that the doctors will observe or test.

This helps the professionals to confirm whether or not you have developed the illness that causes progressive degeneration of brain nerve cells.

A majority of people with Huntington’s disease will start to develop these signs in their 30’s or 40’s even though the signs can start at any age from the early stages to old age.

Let’s look at some of the warning signs associated with Huntington’s disease below.

If you are also interested in learning what’s the best Huntington’s disease treatment, we made a comprehensive look into it for your convenience.

Common Huntington’s Disease Symptoms

1. Chorea

Huntington's disease symptoms
Huntington’s disease can make a person experience physical symptoms like random, uncontrollable, and jerky movements known as chorea. Initially, chorea is usually exhibited as restlessness, lack of coordination, uncompleted motions or abnormal eye movements.

After about three years, these minor motor abnormalities blow up to become noticeable motor dysfunction signs.

2. Depression

depression a symptom of Huntington's disease
If you are susceptible to Huntington’s disease, you may also experience depression as one of the early warning signs of the illness.

Depression is a serious illness that affects people in different ways. You might experience being in a low mood for extended periods.

Some people will feel like they are drowning in a sense of hopelessness while others will lack interest in the things they once loved. Body aches and pains, lack of appetite, fatigue, and bad sleeping patterns are other symptoms of depression.

3. Difficulties in Swallowing and Eating

Huntington's disease  creating difficulties in swallowing and eating
Problems with eating and swallowing are among Huntington’s disease symptoms.

A person goes through this when the muscles in the diaphragm and mouth cease to function properly.

Persons with these symptoms risk choking especially in the later stages. They also lose weight because they do not eat properly.

4. Personality Changes

personality changes due to Huntington's disease
Changes in personality are common with people who have Huntington’s disease. This is where a person becomes highly irritable, has mood swings, apathy, and anger outbursts.

Many people also become socially withdrawn where they want to spend time alone. Some even have frequent thoughts of suicide and dying.

5. Communication Problems

Huntington's disease communication problems
Issues with communication are prominent in persons with Huntington’s disease. They usually vary from person to another both in severity and nature.

One person may have a hard time initiating a conversation while another will struggle to find the right words to speak clearly.

Another communication problem that may arise is having difficulties understanding what people are saying.

6. Problems with Memory

problems with memory
Issues with memory also make part of Huntington’s disease symptoms. These affect both short-term and long-term memory.

A person may have trouble recalling memories of their lives.

Some experience deficits in procedural memory where they cannot remember how to perform a certain activity they could handle before.

The disease also affects working memory which is common in the later stages.

7. Emotional Changes

Huntington's disease emotional changes
Huntington’s disease can also affect how a person functions emotionally. In most cases, the emotional changes do not occur consistently but they alternate.

These can include stubbornness and lack of emotion. A person may be very happy one instant, and the next they are wallowing in sadness.

8. Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors

obsessive compulsive behaviours hd
This is another common symptom of Huntington’s disease. It is a disorder that features unwanted fears and thoughts that can lead a person to do repetitive behaviors also known as compulsions.

The compulsions and fears result in significant distress and can interfere with daily activities.

For example, a person can develop a fear of germs which makes them wash their hands over and over until they are chapped and sore.

9. Lack of Awareness

Huntington's disease causing a lack of awareness
Lack of awareness is worth mentioning when talking about Huntington’s disease symptoms. It is where a person lacks awareness of their abilities and behaviors.

This can make the affected person not see mistakes that are evident to those around them.

Most people with the illness will refute the fact that they have Huntington’s disease.

10. Difficulty Organizing

difficulty organizing
Having problems with organization is another symptom that relates to Huntington’s disease. This affects functions like planning, rule acquisition, and initiation of appropriate actions.

A person may become disoriented because the illness affects their ability to make the right decisions.

The ability to multi-task also becomes difficult because a person has trouble concentrating on more than one task.

11. Diminished Visual Partial Ability

diminished visual partial ability
Another symptom of Huntington’s disease worth mentioning is diminished visual-spatial ability.

This is where a person is not able to perceive the position of their body in an environment.

It can result in having difficulties with things like following directions or reading a map properly.

12. Seizures

Some people with Huntington’s disease will also develop other medical conditions like seizures.

These can be described as uncontrolled and sudden electrical brain disturbances. It can lead to changes in behavior, feelings, levels of consciousness, and movement.

A majority of seizures will last between 30 seconds and two minutes although they vary in severity from person to person.

The seizures are normally associated with temporary confusion, loss of awareness, staring spell, uncontrollable jerking movements of legs and arms, and emotional symptoms like anxiety or fear.

13. Clumsiness

Clumsiness also goes on the record as one of the common Huntington’s disease symptoms. It can be defined as poor coordination, action, or movement.

This is where you might find that a person is always dropping things and bumping into furniture.

Their risk of falling also becomes intensified. While this might be a minor issue for most people, it can be profound a well where you increase the risk of severe injuries or accidents such as concussions.

Closing Remarks

If you notice that you have any Huntington’s disease symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

This is because some of the symptoms of Huntington’s disease are caused by a wide range of conditions.

Proper diagnosis helps you know how to best manage the progressive disease seeing that currently, there is no treatment to reverse or stop the illness.

Keep in mind that in the later stages of the disease, affected individuals may need full-time nursing care as completing day to day activities becomes extremely difficult.

Huntington’s Disease Treatment – Best Approach

huntington's disease treatment

Researchers continue to put in the effort to come up with effective Huntington’s disease treatment options.

Currently, there is no cure for this progressive neurodegenerative disorder.

Nonetheless, there are some approved therapies that help to manage symptoms and improve the quality of life for people who have Huntington’s disease (HD).

Check out some of these approved therapies that people with HD can benefit from below.

Huntington’s Disease Treatment Options


Huntington's disease treatment
If you have Huntington’s disease, your doctor may prescribe some medications that can help to manage some of the symptoms you suffer from.

A majority of the medications people use for Huntington’s disease symptoms work by modulating neurotransmitters or the chemical messages that move between neurons.

Some of the drugs that can help with movement disorders include:


This is one of the drugs that medics give people who have movement issues like chorea. It has been approved by the EU in 2008 to suppress involuntary writhing and jerking movements.

Antipsychotic Drug

Medicines like chlorpromazine, haloperidol, quetiapine, and risperidone may also help to suppress involuntary movements.

Other Medications

Clonazepam, levetiracetam, and amantadine are other examples of medicines that can help deal with chorea.

Drugs for psychiatric disorders

drugs for psychiatric disorders
There are several medications like antidepressants, antipsychotics, and mood-stabilizing medicines that a person with HD can take to treat psychiatric issues depending on the symptoms and specific disorders.

Note that some of the above medications have severe side effects like making the illness or symptoms worse, triggering depression and other psychiatric conditions, nausea, restlessness, drowsiness, skin discoloration, or leg swelling amongst others.

Drugs like clonazepam also have a high risk of abuse and dependence. This is why is important to follow the doctor’s directives when taking the medication.

Avoid self-medicating and report and serious side effects to your GP to see if there is a need to change the current medication.

Physical Therapy

physical therapy treatment for Huntington's disease
When exploring Huntington’s disease treatment options, you may need to work with a professional physical therapist.

The specialist will recommend some non-medication and non-invasive ways that you can use to manage physical symptoms.

The expert will guide you on safe and appropriate exercises that can improve coordination, strength, balance, and flexibility.

These are beneficial because they can enhance the mobility of your body and reduce the risk of falls.

Note that it is extremely vital for anyone with HD to remain physically fit as long as the course of the illness permits.

People who remain active do better than the ones who don’t. Getting instructions on the proper use of supports and appropriate posture can also help to reduce the seriousness of movement disorders.

Additionally, professionals can also help with airway clearance techniques and breathing exercises if you have any respiratory issues.

The experts can also help with stretching and moving your joints as well as relaxing massages.

Speech and Language Therapy

Huntington's disease speech and language therapy
If you have Huntington’s disease and have trouble with speaking, it is wise to consult a language and speech therapists.

The expert can help you learn alternative communication ways like the use of picture charts or electronic speech devices.

This helps improve your communication abilities so that you can remain active in family and community life for the longest possible time.

The therapists may also address any problems you may have with the muscles for swallowing and eating.

Working with Dieticians

working with dieticians
At some point, you may also need to work with a dietician to help with Huntington’s disease treatment. The professional will offer advice on the right diet that will ensure you do not end up losing too much weight.

Proper nutrition is crucial because there are some people with HD that burn thousands of calories a day due to involuntary movements. They, therefore need to eat more meals to have the necessary calories.

Dieticians can also offer guidance on practical ways to make food easier to chew and swallow. Some foods may require to be thinned while others need thickeners so that the weak person can eat well.

When serious problems arise, swallowing therapy exercises can help because it combines direct treatment strategies and compensatory techniques that can enhance oral intake safety by decreasing aspiration risks to maintain quality of life.

Occupational Therapy

occupational therapy for Huntington's disease
Because many people who have HD develop memory and concentration issues, occupational therapy is an important part of the Huntington’s disease treatment process.

The therapists can help come up with effective strategies for coping with memory and concentration problems. They can also help develop solutions that can make the home safer for persons with HD.

These can include assistive devices for daily activities like dressing, handrails in the house, and drinking and eating utensils specifically designed for individuals with limited fine motor skills.

In a bid to make your life easier, the therapists can also recommend the use of voice-controlled lights or software on your PC.

Experimental Therapies

experimental therapies
Away from the approved therapies that help with HD symptoms, experts have recognized other avenues to explore in regards to Huntington’s disease treatment.

A majority of these are already in the clinical trial stages while others are still in the development stage.

An example is gene silencing therapies that seek to decrease the levels of toxic HTT proteins that are produced. If successful, these will not only manage the symptoms, but they will also help to slow the progression of the illness.

Neuroprotective therapies are also being developed to curb neuroinflammation that damages and kills brain cells.

Soon, these may be added to the list of approved therapies for treating HD.

Huntington’s Disease Treatment Closing Thoughts

Despite the fact that there is no Huntington’s disease treatment, several approved therapies can help manage a majority of the symptoms associated with the illness.

What’s more, is that research is also ongoing studying the mechanisms of HD something that might result in the development of innovative new treatments.

Subcortical Dementia – What Is It?

subcortical dementia

There are different types of dementia, one of them being subcortical dementia.

According to many studies and researches, this is a type of dementia that affects the white matter of the brain affecting structures below the cortex.

This type of dementia is a clinical syndrome that includes multiple diseases that primarily affects the subcortical structures that include:

  • The midbrain (mesencephalon)
  • Cerebellum
  • Thalamus & hypothalamus (diencephalon)
  • Basal ganglia

The above are responsible for various functions, including procedural learning, eye movement, voluntary motor movement control, arousal, emotions, visuospatial skills learning of habits, and cognition.

History of the Clinical Syndrome

history of the clinical syndrome
In 1817, James Parkinson wrote an essay where he recognized depression as one of the symptoms of the disease named after him.

He described a man who was once a confident with an active mind and cheerful disposition appearing dejected, emancipated and stopping.

Despite all this, the power of his mind and his senses remained unimpaired.

He remained attentive, was able to listen to conversations and had a desire to join in though he was struggling with speech, and he could even read and write.

Years later, in 1861, Vulpian and Charcot observed cognitive impairments in persons who have Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases.

However, it was not until 1912, when Wilson became the first person to observe a distinction between dementia that involve subcortical structures, and other kinds of cognitive impairments.

Wilson described the impairment of Wilson’s disease as one that showed the narrowing of mental horizons.

He went on further to state that the impairment did not include agnosia and apraxia. Wilson also compared this pattern to the one presents in Huntington’s disease.

As research went on by other experts on the subject, the concept of subcortical dementia was finally crystallized into a clinical entity in the mid-1970s.

Examples of Subcortical Dementia

examples of subcortical dementia
This dementia type is in connection with numerous diseases. These include Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Wilson’s disease, Multiple System Atrophy, and progressive supranuclear palsy, etc.

The conditions fall into the category of subcortical processes that are characterized by deterioration of mental abilities.

The concept of this type of dementia has led to a lot of debate where researchers are seeking to divide cognitive dysfunction into the subcortical and cortical dichotomy.

Over the years, experts have been collecting evidence that supports the idea of the clinical syndrome being classified as its clinical entity.

The evidence touches base on distinct patterns of neuropathology, neurological, and neuropsychological profiles.

Symptoms of Subcortical Dementia

symptoms of subcortical dementia
Various symptoms may suggest a person has this type of dementia. Some of them include:

  • Slowness when it comes to mental processing
  • Depression
  • Abnormal movements
  • Tremors
  • Lack of initiation
  • Apathy
  • Loss of social skills
  • Mild intellectual impairment
  • Inertia
  • Difficulties solving problems

In a majority of cases, the clinical entity does not affect perception and language. Although persons with the illness may experience forgetfulness, amnesia is usually not severe.

Looking at a Neurobehavioral Perspective of This Dementia

looking at a neurobehavioral perspective of this dementia
Subcortical dementias have a common neurobehavioral change pattern even though the subcortical structures usually affect different areas of the subcortical pathology.

This is because of the disruption that happens to the frontal-subcortical systems. The clinical presentations include abnormalities in different areas like:


With this type of dementia, it appears like the ability to retain information, which can also be referred to as immediate memory is spared while it affects the ability to recall information.

Personality and Mood

Personality and mood changes have been recognized in persons with this clinical syndrome. About 90% of persons with Parkinson’s experience depression at one point in the illness.

General Appearance

Because of significant extrapyramidal motor deficits, the general appearance of people with this type of dementia is different from that of cortical dementia. For example, Parkinson’s disease is often marked by a shuffling gait, hypomimia, and tremor.

Chorea is common with Huntington’s disease while a “surprise” look is seen with people who have supranuclear palsy.


There is no record of significant changes in language when talking about subcortical dementia. People with the illness may, however, experience deformities with speech.

For instance, an individual with Parkinson’s disease may have reduced phrase length and dysarthria.

Subcortical Dementia Treatment Options

Although this kind of dementia remains highly controversial, some researchers believe that they are part of the dementias that can be treated. This is because most disorders that are associated with dementia respond to appropriate treatment and some may be reserved completely.

Consulting your physician will give you a better idea of which treatment route to take while dealing with this dementia type.

Closing Remarks

While some physicians will use the classifications of subcortical or cortical dementia, others argue that it is not worth categorizing the neurodegenerative illness into groups depending on the location of brain damage.

As new evidence emerges, it is only a matter of time before the experts can put the matter into rest as to whether it is important to classify dementia into two major groups.

Parkinson’s Disease Dementia (PDD)

parkinson's disease dementia

A majority of people living with Parkinson’s disease (PD) end up with Parkinson’s disease dementia a year or so after diagnosis.

The Alzheimer’s Association reports that about 50-80% of people with Parkinson’s disease end up developing dementia.

It is primarily a result of the changes that happen to the brain because of PD affecting both the structure and chemistry of the organ.

Initially, Parkinson’s disease starts by affecting the region in the brain responsible for movement. It leads to a variety of symptoms like shakiness, shuffling, tremors, muscle stiffness, challenges with initiating movement, stooped posture and lack of facial expressions.

After some time, the changes in the brain may also start to affect other parts of the brain. Specifically, the ones that handle various mental functions, which can include memory as well as the ability to reason or pay attention.

Parkinson’s Dementia: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and more

Essentially, persons with PD start to experience a decline in good sense and thinking.

The primary changes that happen to the brain because of Parkinson’s’ disease dementia are linked to abnormal microscopic deposits mainly composed of a protein known as alpha-synuclein.

These deposits also go by the name Lewy bodies.

Researchers are still looking into how the brain exactly becomes damaged, leading to dementia. Find out more crucial details about the disease below.


Parkinson’s’ disease dementia symptoms
Scientists have identified several symptoms that might be an indication that a person has Parkinson’s’ disease dementia, such as:

Any person who has PD and experiences the symptoms above needs to notify their doctor.

This enables the professional to observe the individual for both cognitive and movement changes.

When talking about the symptoms, it is also important to note that the appearance of one cognitive sign does not automatically mean that dementia will develop.

Risk Factors

risk factors
Some risk factors have been identified concerning what can make a person with PD develop dementia-like symptoms.

  • Advanced age (70+) when a person develops PD
  • Sleeping too much during the day
  • More severe movement impairment symptoms when compared to other people with Parkinson’s
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Experiencing hallucinations before the other dementia symptoms set in
  • History of mild thought impairment
  • Having specific symptoms that result in a person having trouble when they want to take a step or a person who suddenly stops as they are walking


To date, there is still no specific test that doctors can use to determine whether a person has Parkinson’s’ disease dementia.

However, there are some guidelines that medics use for the diagnosis process that include:

1. The fact that a person already has Parkinson’s disease and has lived with the illness for a year or more before dementia symptoms showed up.

2. A positive diagnosis of Lewy body dementia when the symptoms that relate to the disease either develop first or are accompanied by symptoms that affect movement. Diagnosis may also occur if the movement symptoms affect a person who has been living with Lewy body dementia for a year.


Many changes occur when a person develops Parkinson’s’ disease dementia. A decline in problem-solving, reasoning and thinking are some of the hallmarks of the disease.

The illness can make a person less independent. Progression to advanced stages can also affect concentration, memory, communication, and ability to understand when other people speak.


Parkinson’s’ disease dementia treatment
Sadly, there is still no cure for Parkinson’s disease dementia. Worth noting is that the illness often goes unrecognized, perhaps because diagnosis is not a simple task.

The condition is progressive, where it becomes worse as the illness continues to destroy the cells in the brain.

The rate of progression also varies.

Nonetheless, experts continue to offer recommendations that persons with PD dementia can use to manage the illness mainly aiming at relieving symptoms like:

Use of medication

use of medication
A physician may prescribe drugs like cholinesterase inhibitors that can help with symptoms like sleep disturbances, visual hallucinations, and changes in behavior and thinking.

Individuals with the illness can also take antidepressants to deal with depression.

If you have the illness, you should never take any drug without consulting your doctor to be on the safe side. You should also be careful to avoid taking medications that can escalate cognitive impairment.

Diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol should also be treated quickly as these are known to affect the brain.

Deep brain stimulation

deep brain stimulation
This is one of the treatment options that is highly contradictory.

A clinical trial by scientists from University College London reported that deep brain stimulation is safe and can be tolerated by persons with Parkinson’s disease dementia.

Different therapies

different therapies
Persons who have PD dementia may also benefit from therapies such as speech, occupational, and physical which can help to improve communication and movement.

Staying physically active and eating right

staying physically active and eating right
Research shows that eating a balanced diet, physical exercise, taking limited alcohol and getting enough sleep are some measures that persons can take to promote brain health.

Closing Thoughts

Even though Parkinson’s’ disease dementia is an illness that has been around for years there is still a lot of information we need to know about it.

Researchers continue to try and figure out its exact causes through numerous studies and clinical trials. This may help to figure out appropriate prevention and treatment measures.

Pseudodementia – An Overview


Leslie Kiloh, a psychiatrist, came up with the term Pseudodementia (PDEM) in 1961.

In short, describes a range of dementia-like symptoms.

These may include hysteria, depression, and schizophrenia.

Experts agree that depression is the major culprit that makes people feel as though they have dementia.

Also known as depression-related cognitive dysfunction, there are three primary cognitive components that Pseudodementia involves:

I. Deficits in executive functioning
II. Problems with memory
III. Challenges with language and speech

People who go through this worry too much about their experience a high percentage assuming that they have dementia.

Thankfully, this is not the case because the psychiatric conditions that a person goes through while dealing with this form of cognitive impairment are reversible through treatment.

If the treatment of depression, hysteria, or schizophrenia is successful, then the cognitive symptoms also go away.

Pseudodementia Background

Even though people were using the term Pseudodementia before, it was not until Kiloh published a paper titled “Pseudo-dementia” in 1961 that many others took up interest.

The Scientific journal Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica published her paper that presented vignettes of ten people a majority with depressive features.

This sparked a huge debate opening up areas of scientific study and research examining whether it is possible to reverse cognitive deficits in depression cases and whether these end up causing dementia in the long-run.

Symptoms of Pseudodementia

symptoms of pseudodementia
Persons with PDEM might experience a wide range of symptoms. Most of these usually overlap with those of individuals with dementia.

Examples of the symptoms may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Delayed motor response
  • Difficulty making decisions or completing tasks
  • Trouble remembering things
  • Difficult times communicating with others
  • Lower processing speed
  • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
  • Hypersomnia or insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite or overeating
  • Suicide thought
  • Cognitive impairment is mostly seen in middle-aged and older adults


There have been very many misdiagnosis cases of people who have Pseudodementia because a majority usually conclude that they have dementia. Thus, start getting into a lifestyle to manage the illness because it still has no cure.

This is especially in cases that touch on elderly persons who experience negative changes in behavior or thinking.

Statistics suggest that between 2-32% of seniors who experience cognitive problems may not have dementia.

Proper diagnosis is also tricky because some older adults can experience both PDEM and dementia.

It is, therefore, crucial for a person to go through an extensive clinical interview. This helps to reveal essential clues that professionals can use for proper diagnosis.

A GDS (Geriatric Depression Scale) may also be necessary. It can help differentiate between dementia and other forms of cognitive disorders.

Most of the time, medics and geriatricians will combine this with current functioning and medical history to come up with a diagnosis.

Treatment Options for Pseudodementia

treatment options for pseudodementia
It is important to note that even though this is a reversible cognitive disorder, treating it is still complex.

This type of cognitive dysfunction requires a combination of treatment modalities that may include psychotherapy, drugs, or a combination of both.

Various treatments can help with this condition such as:

1. CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

CBT cognitive behavioural therapy
This generally seeks to enhance the mood of a person going through conditions like depression. It involves the changing and exploring of behaviors as well as thought patterns.

2. Interpersonal Therapy

interpersonal therapy
The other treatment option that experts recommend is interpersonal therapy. This mostly focuses on the relationships of the impaired individual.

Professionals seek to identify if these have any link between the relationships and feelings of depression.

3. Antidepressants

Some antidepressant drugs can help to eliminate cognitive dysfunction brought about by depression.

Keep in mind that depression has different causes; thus, treatment may vary from one person to the next, depending on what is most suitable.

How PDEM differs From Dementia

how PDEM differs from dementia
There are clear differences between dementia and cognitive impairment that mimics the illness.

This is one of the factors that can help to reduce misdiagnosis.

For instance, when looking at the history of dementia, you will notice that it is stealthy while this cognitive decline is quick and short.

Doctors usually test the memory of individuals to know whether they have reversible cognitive impairment or dementia.

This may involve asking several questions. For persons with this depression-related cognitive dysfunction, the answer will always be they do not know.

Concentration and attention, however, are usually intact though affected persons may appear as though they are upset.

It is a different case with dementia because individuals with the illness have poor concentration and attention, give out wrong answers, and typically appear like they are unconcerned.

Persons with PDEM might also complain about their memory but do reasonably well when it comes to mental status tests and exams that evaluate cognitive function.

On the other hand, people with dementia may deny experiencing any memory problems, but they do not do well with cognitive exams.

Most people with the reversible cognitive disorder will not show signs of severe mood swings.

The opposite is true for people with dementia because many showcase an extensive range of emotions where some have inappropriate responses like crying when everyone else is laughing.


If you found value in this article, then you may also enjoy reading our other article titled What is Pseudodementia?

Vascular Dementia Treatment and Support

vascular dementia treatment

It is important to understand what are the most beneficial vascular dementia treatment techniques and support since you can truly alleviate the condition.

Vascular dementia is a general term that represents one of the most common types of dementia. It occurs when the brain does not receive enough blood supply because of blood vessels that have been affected by the disease.

An illness that mostly affects seniors, it is said that one of out of four people above the age of 65 will get vascular dementia.

Unfortunately, there are still no approved pharmacological treatments available for anyone with this type of dementia.

This is not to say that individuals with the disease are usually left alone unattended.

There are several measures individuals with the illness and caregivers can take to manage the risk factors and health conditions that contribute to vascular dementia such as:

Best Vascular Dementia Treatments

Making Lifestyle Changes

vascular dementia treatment making lifestyle changes
The primary aim of vascular dementia treatment is to take care of any underlying causes that are making the condition to worsen.

One of the top things that a doctor may recommend is a lifestyle change for an individual with the illness. This usually involves a number of things such as:

Making healthy lifestyle changes is key to helping you maintain a healthy body that will effectively combat a majority of the health issues that are associated with vascular dementia.


vascular dementia treatment therapies
There are different types of therapies that may be beneficial to a person who has vascular dementia.

These help to make day to day living a bit easier. Examples of such include:

  • Psychological therapies – These help to enhance problem-solving skills, memory, and language abilities.
  • Occupational therapy – Experts who facilitate this type of therapy usually identify the problem areas that individuals with vascular dementia face on a daily basis. It can include anything from dressing up properly to eating. The experts then offer practical solutions to tackle the problems amicably.
  • Physiotherapy – This typically helps the persons who have difficulties with movement.


It’s also common for people with vascular dementia to take meds as part of vascular dementia treatment.

These do not take care of the condition but help treat some of the medical issues that individuals with the illness usually get.

Some of the most common medications that medics prescribe help to treat diseases like:

Anyone who is taking different types of medicines needs to communicate this clearly to their physician.

This way, the professionals will know the drugs to add or eliminate so that there is no interaction that will hurt the person with vascular dementia.

Managing Stress

managing stress
Many people with vascular dementia go through stress for one reason or the other. Being stressed does not help at all because stress also contributes to other medical conditions like heart diseases and blood pressure.

You need to find ways to relax so that you can manage stress to avoid going through other medical issues because of stress.

There are a number of relaxation techniques you can try when you feel like things are getting out of hand. These include:

  • Yoga
  • Deep breathing
  • Meditation
  • Rhythmic exercise

You can also engage one or more of your senses i.e. taste, sound, sight, touch, smell, or even imagination to reduce stress at a given moment fast.

Engaging the Brain

engaging the brain
Another option available for a person seeking vascular dementia treatment is challenging the brain. Understand that the brain remains capable for the entire lifetime of a person.

This simply means that a person can enhance the ability to retrieve and even retain memories. It’s advisable that a person with this kind of dementia sets some time either in the morning or in the evening to build memory capacity.

Activities that may help with this include learning new skills such as painting, a new language or anything else that interests an individual.

If you do this consistently, you will notice beautiful results after some time.

Having Fun

having fun
After a vascular dementia diagnosis, you may feel the need to sulk and get lost in a world of your own. It is important to fight this urge because it will do you no good.

After getting over the initial shock, it is vital to note that life must move on. If you do not want the disease to progress at a speedy rate, you must make a point of having some fun.

Playing, laughing, and doing things that you enjoy doing are excellent ways to reduce worry and the monster that is stress.

Happiness can be a game-changer inspiring lifestyle changes and may compensate for cognitive and memory losses as well as stop further strokes.

Join a Support System

join a support system
It may be a relief to know that you are not the only person with vascular dementia. You can join forces with other people out there who share the same predicament.

It can help to make the burden even lighter as you interact with other people. Share your experiences as you tackle the journey ahead. Being in a group is therapeutic because you can also learn new ways of managing the condition.

You can look for a support group easily online to find the ones that are closest to you.

This way, you do not have to think about the troubles of traveling just to be with other people who share the same illness.

Create a Personal Support Network

create a personal support network
Support groups are not all about people who share the same illness. You can also seek encouragement and assistance from other people such as:

  • Friends
  • Family
  • Church members
  • Colleagues
  • Neighbors
  • A spouse
  • Health care experts, etc.

If you are still not at the stage when you need round the clock assistance, spending time with other people that you love or care about can help you better cope with your condition.

Relying on one person may not really work out well especially if they are not professional caregivers.

This is why it helps to have more than one person to lean on. It even makes the other party more willing to spend time with you and offer the assistance you need.

Managing Memory Loss

managing memory loss
Learning how to manage the symptoms of vascular dementia goes a long way as part of vascular dementia treatment.

One of the most significant symptoms has got to be memory loss. You must learn practical ways to manage this loss while staying as realistic and optimistic as possible.

While it may not be possible to bring back everything you have lost, it can still help to make a difficult situation more bearable.

Things you can do to help with memory loss include:

  • Using memory aids
  • Following regular routines
  • Clearly communicating your needs
  • Maintaining social activity
  • Being upfront about your current condition
  • Being patient with yourself
  • Accepting help when other people offer

Home Modifications

home modifications
If a person with vascular dementia will be staying at home, it is best to create a stable and supportive environment where they will thrive without too many problems.

Modifying the home is one of the steps that help to reduce any potential stressors that may disorient or agitate the individual with dementia. Some of the things to remove from the house are mirrors that reflect other surfaces.

Also, items that can cause loud and identifiable noises, patterned wallpaper, and colors that contrast highly. If an individual has problems with moving around, they can transfer to the ground floor.

This way, that they are not always tasked with the responsibility of moving from one level to another.

Being Part of a Clinical Trial

being part of a clinical trial
The fact that there is still no definite vascular dementia treatment does not mean that researchers and other professionals are not out there trying.

If you are willing, you can become part of a clinical trial that is testing new interventions and treatments to help detect, prevent, manage, or treat the disease.

This, however, requires a lot of due diligence on your end. You must get all the information you need about a particular trial before deciding to be a part of anything.

Seek advice from your doctor on whether a specific study will be beneficial. Your loved ones can also help you make a wise decision about these clinical trials.

Nursing Home Care

nursing home care
Home care for some people who have vascular dementia may not be viable after a while. This means that you should look into nursing homes or any other types of care homes that will be able to accord the type of assistance you need.

Although it may be a hard decision to make at times, there are several good things to look forward to in such homes as:

  • Around the clock care.
  • Assurance that the individual with the condition is somewhere safe.
  • Interaction and social activities with other residents, and much more.

Be sure to do your homework well to find a suitable care home that will meet the needs of the individual with the illness well.

Lower blood pressure

lower blood pressure
Keeping your body healthy and fit is crucial when it comes to vascular dementia. That said, even when it comes to blood pressure, you need to keep it low.

Or, if you are a caregiver or a family member of a patient with dementia, you need to do whatever it takes to get the blood pressure down.

There are tons of different ways that help lover it. From increasing daily activities and losing weight to removing refined carbohydrates from the diet, eating less sodium and staying away from processed food.

Stop drinking alcohol and smoking is also a must. As mentioned earlier, reducing excess stress will also do you and the patient with dementia nothing but good.

A few extra options:

Final Thoughts

Even though there is still no sure vascular dementia treatment, controlling the conditions that are associated with the illness can slow down the rate at which the condition worsens. At times, it may even prevent further decline.

People with the illness, as well as their caregivers, need to put their best foot forward to ensure that the individual ends up living a good life in spite of what is going on.

3 Lewy Body Dementia Stages and Progression

lewy body dementia stages

It is important for individuals to know Lewy body dementia stages, especially if you or a loved one is affected by the condition.

This helps you to understand what to expect so that you can tackle it head-on without any unwelcome surprises.

Before we go deep into the stages, let’s get an overview of what Lewy body dementia (LBD) is and its progression.

What is Lewy Body Dementia?

Lewy body dementia is a type of brain disorder where Lewy bodies start to build up in areas of the brain.

These are microscopic deposits that damage the brain and may eventually lead to the death of the brain’s nerve cells.

Lewy bodies are abnormal protein deposits known as alpha-synuclein.

The build-up of these proteins can affect a person’s thinking capacity, movement, bladder and bowel movements, autonomic body functions, and behavior, etc.

A person with Lewy body dementia often showcases symptoms similar to those of Parkinson’s disease. One of the main reasons it is often misdiagnosed as such.

People with Alzheimer’s disease also have Lewy bodies.

The condition is diagnosed through a sequence of tests that include both neurological and physical tests. During these tests, a person’s memory, visuospatial skills, and attention span undergo assessment.

At times, the doctors may also recommend MRI and CT brain scans to confirm the diagnosis along with blood tests.

The disease mostly affects individuals who are above the age of sixty though there are a few cases where a person may get it when they are younger.

Progression of Lewy Body Dementia

progression of lewy body dementia
One of the things that you must note is that Lewy body dementia does not have a straight progression path. It, however, has some characteristics that are likely to show up during the early stages.

Other symptoms also come about when a person already has the illness in the later stages.

What stands out with LBD is that the symptoms often fluctuate.

Many at times a person may function well one day and the next, they experience intense and abrupt memory loss. This can be quite puzzling to people around them, as this may also happen in a single day.

Understanding the fluctuation aspect of the disease is helpful to the person with the condition and those around them as well.

This way, a person will not feel like the affected individual is pretending to forget or like they have moved from one stage of the disease to the next.

While in all honesty, variation in functioning is typically a constant with almost all of the stages of Lewy body dementia.

On average, after diagnosis, people with Lewy body dementia will live for six to twelve years though some live longer, for twenty or more years.

Lewy Body Dementia Stages

With a little bit of information about Lewy body dementia, it’s now time to jump into the stages of the disease. Like many other dementia types out there, the phases are not cast in stone.

This dementia type also tends to develop at a very slow pace.

Different people may have different experiences.

Below we will tackle three stages that a person with Lewy body dementia may go through.

Stage One

During the onset of the disease, there are a few changes that an individual with Lewy body dementia may experience. Some of the early symptoms may include:

  • Hallucinations
  • Restlessness
  • REM sleep disorder where a person acts out dreams
  • Minimal movement difficulties
  • Incontinence
  • Increased day time sleep (two hours plus)
  • Loss of interest and initiative
  • Vision, hearing and speech problems
  • Fluctuations in mood, etc.

At this point, memory is usually still intact, although some mild cognitive changes and slight confusion may be present.

The majority of individuals with LBD can live pretty healthy lives going to work and socializing.

Stage Two

As the disease develops towards the middle Lewy body dementia stages, the symptoms become more prominent. Many people usually start to seek medical attention at this point because the changes in the body become clearer.

The symptoms that people may showcase at this stage strongly mirror those of Parkinson’s disease. They may include:

  • Increased impairment of the motor functions of the body
  • Difficulties swallowing
  • Challenges with speech
  • Diminishing balance and stability
  • Delusions and paranoia becomes worse than before
  • Leaning to one side when sitting, walking, or standing
  • Agitation
  • Capgrass Syndrome (thinking or seeing identical duplicates of objects, people, locations, etc.)
  • Continued cognition decline which may bring about long periods of confusion

Most people at this stage are relatively independent and can perform a majority of daily living activities without needing a hand.

These can include things like taking a bath, eating, and even taking medication though this differs from one individual to the next.

A few individuals may need supervision as they go about their day to day activities, while others may be more dependent on their caregivers.

During this stage, it is also advisable for caregivers to have Medical Power Of Attorney and Power of Attorney document on the person with the disease as it is usually downhill from here.

Individuals with the disease should also collaborate with their family members to identify ways of protecting their wealth and assets.

Some unscrupulous individuals can take advantage of people with the disease and may end up getting away with it if proper protection channels are not put in place.

Stage 3

During the final Lewy body dementia stage, symptoms become worse than what people experience during the early and middle stages.

Many will agree that during this point the illness affects almost every aspect of an individual.

From the way one moves, talks, thinks, and their mood amongst many others.

Some people may complain of extreme sensitivity to touch, as well as muscle rigidity. The speech also becomes difficult with some people whispering while others may not talk at all.

Proper diagnosis at this point is more likely. Other symptoms that a person will possibly showcase are:

  • Higher risk of falls
  • Problems with transfers and ambulation to an extent that one may need a Hoyer Lift, hospital bed, suction machine, or other aids.
  • Stronger autonomic dysfunctions
  • More frequent incontinence episodes of bowel and bladder
  • Impaired speech where volume/projection may significantly decrease
  • Inability to drive
  • Unable to take medications without help
  • Unable to take part in hobbies and other leisure activities a person may have enjoyed before
  • Higher confusion levels
  • Inability to comprehend the passing of time
  • Higher risk of skin breakouts
  • More muscle contractions especially in the arms, and legs
  • Difficulties eating and drinking (a few persons may require feeding tubes
  • Excessive drooling, chocking, and aspiration
  • Sleeping more hours during the daytime and having problems sleeping at night
  • Hallucinations are prevalent but they tend to be less troublesome
  • Mood fluctuations where a person may experience a mixture of anger, anxiety, paranoia, and depression. In such cases, medical monitoring becomes a priority.

It’s also important to note that symptoms from the earlier stages can also show up during this phase.

Many people at this stage cannot function on their own; thus, care becomes a necessity in almost all aspects of their lives.

It may mean that a person may have to resign if they were still working or running their businesses.

Some individuals may respond to simple commands or follow brief conversations without any difficulty.

It’s also worth mentioning that fluctuations may decrease or increase during these final Lewy body dementia stages.

Extra care is essential

Persons may require long-term care to avoid problems that come with a personal safety risk, psychological symptoms, health, and caregiver risk.

This implies that a person may need a professional caregiver who goes to their house regularly.

Alternatively, an individual may move into a senior care facility that offers care services to golden agers who have Lewy body dementia.

This heavily affects the finances of the person with LBD. The illness also causes people to become susceptible to other infections and diseases like pneumonia because the immune system becomes weaker over time.

The introduction of new medical conditions may hit someone hard because some cases end up being fatal.

Closing Remarks

Lewy body dementia is not a rare disease as it affects millions of individuals and their families all over the globe.

Each person, nonetheless, experiences LBD differently. After reading through Lewy body dementia stages, it is worth noting that a majority of the symptoms of the illness are treatable.

Your doctor can prescribe medication that will treat symptoms related to other illnesses like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

These usually offer symptomatic benefits for movement, cognitive, and behavioral problems.

Accurate and early diagnosis of LBD is also essential. This is because the affected person can jump on a comprehensive treatment plan as soon as possible to enhance the quality of life.

People who have Lewy body dementia should not be left to face this disease on their own.

They need all the support they can get from loved ones and professional doctors as well.

Further research on LBD is also required because currently, there is no sure way of preventing or curing Lewy body dementia.

More physician education about the disease is also vital as this will help to reduce the cases of misdiagnosis.

This way, the experts will be able to differentiate the symptoms of Lewy body dementia and other memory-related illnesses.

14 Early Onset Dementia Symptoms 2023

early onset dementia symptoms

It is important to know and understand early onset dementia symptoms to act accordingly and see a doctor or a practitioner soon enough.

Dementia describes a syndrome where people experience deterioration in memory, behavior, thinking, and ability to perform daily activities.

Even though it is not part of the normal aging process, it usually affects older people who are above the age of 65.

However, some people will experience early onset dementia where they develop the illness before they celebrate their 65th birthday. Early onset dementia normally affects people who are in their 30s, 40s, and 50s.

Statistics indicate that about 200,000 individuals have early onset dementia. This covers approximately 5% of the population with dementia.

Diagnosis of younger onset dementia can be a frustrating process because most health providers do not look for dementia in younger people.

In most cases, there are usually conflicting reports from different practitioners since we can link the symptoms to stress or other related illnesses.

Dementia also affects people differently whether they are at the early, middle, or later stages. This means that different individuals will react differently and symptoms one showcase may also vary.

Below we look at some of the most common early onset dementia symptoms persons should be on the lookout for. These can help to get the correct diagnosis and treatment.

Common Early Onset Dementia Symptoms

1. Forgetfulness

Forgetting a name, a date or where you placed your keys is a normal occurrence that does not ring any memory loss alarms. With early onset dementia, however, memory loss becomes prevalent. This is where you forget events or people who are an essential part of your life.

At times, you may even get to the kitchen to make your favorite snack or meal and completely forget the recipe. For some people, the route to work may appear strange.

A person can get notices on water and electricity bills even when they have never made a late payment in their life.

2. Feeling Overwhelmed

feeling overwhelmed
Feeling overly overwhelmed is another symptom that you can expect from someone who has younger onset dementia. It is where an individual is constantly nervous or scared about what the future holds.

For some people having to do one additional task from what they normally do, sends their mind on overdrive where they feel extremely overwhelmed.

They may feel like it is not possible to complete a particular task.

One may even feel like they cannot organize their day well because it is just too much to handle.

3. Behavioral Disorders

behavioral disorders
It is not unusual for persons who have younger onset dementia to go through several behavioral changes.

It is where one can experience bouts of aggression and anger towards everyone and everything for no apparent reason. Most people may have negative reactions when someone asks them about their illness or general life questions.

Mood fluctuations are also common where a person may be extremely happy one second and the next tears cannot stop rolling from their eyes.

For a person who knows the affected person well, it may seem like they are a completely different person.

4. Neglecting Personal Care

neglecting personal care
Ignoring hygiene and personal care is another example of early onset dementia symptoms. A person may refuse to take a bath, change their clothes, or brush their teeth. Some do not do this deliberately.

Changes that happen in the brain may lead to confusion.

Perceptions may be affected and water in a bathtub may appear to be the scariest thing that a person has ever seen.

Looking at a mirror might also introduce a sense of strangers in the room. Grooming products in the bathroom may also devastate a PWD (Person with Dementia) reason they “choose” to stay unkempt.

5. Balance Problems

balance problems
Loss of balance can be another sign of younger onset dementia. Individuals with the illness are more likely to face muscle weakness that can affect how a person walks making them susceptible to falls all the time.

Other factors that can cause falls include fatigue, lack of exercise, poor judgment, and restlessness, etc.

This can be dangerous because one might fracture a bone or hip which might mean they have to go in for surgery.

In some cases, this can lead to immobility or it can be fatal.

It is, therefore, important to identify the reason why a person is at risk of falling and ensure you do everything in your power to keep them out of harm’s way. Also, it is advisable to make a dementia-friendly home.

6. Loss of Meaningful Speech

loss of meaningful speech
Problems with language and communication might be an indication that a younger person has dementia.

An outspoken person may all over a sudden come up with empty ideas or utter a few words that make no sense.

Individuals may also find themselves using jargon in a way that no one understands the message they are trying to pass across.

A person’s ability to read may also be affected where they have challenges with comprehension, especially with complex materials.

Writing can also be an uphill task where an individual with the illness cannot write proper sentences.

7. Eating Difficulties

eating difficulties
Eating and swallowing difficulties also count among early onset dementia symptoms. Sensory and motor difficulties often affect how a person eats.

An individual may have difficulties directing a spoon or glass to their mouth. Some people may get food to their mouths but they forget they need to chew it.

Others will lose the ability to tell whether food is hot or and may end up burning their mouths with hot foods; thus associate food with pain.

A percentage of PWD simply lose appetite where they have no mood for eating or drinking anything.

8. Sundowning

There are instances where a person with younger onset dementia will behave out of character during early evenings or late afternoons.

Such people experience sundowning.

Many people during this time will become more confused, aggressive, or agitated. Many are convinced that they are in the wrong place and need to head home.

This usually comes about because of factors like too much or too little light, loss of routine, little sleep, when prescribed medication is wearing off, and lots of noise among many others.

9. Inability to Multitask

inability to multitask
As people age, multitasking becomes a challenge. This is even worse for people who have early onset dementia.

It is because they experience an impaired ability to get back to the original task after a task has been interrupted.

We can also explain this by memory loss where an individual forgets that they are supposed to be handling more than one task.

In line with this many people who get dementia when they are younger than 65 also have challenges completing complex tasks. As time goes by, even focusing on a single task at a time becomes a problem.

10. Difficulties Learning New Things

difficulties learning new things
For most people learning new stuff is an exciting venture. Younger onset dementia takes this away from a person. This is because people with illness often have a tough time processing new information and learning new things.

For instance, in an office setting, employees may have to learn how to use a new computer program or a process that makes work easier.

You will find that the young person with dementia struggles to grasp new concepts and may be among the last people to figure out how the new systems work.

11. Less Desire to Be Flexible

less desire to be flexible
The ability to be flexible decreases highly for a person with dementia. One may want to stick to a particular routine all week. If something happens to upset this routine, trouble sets in fast.

The affected individual may become upset throwing tantrums because things are not going as expected.

This is usually not a normal reaction reason it is important to seek medical advice as soon as you notice someone becomes too anxious or upset when they have to adjust their schedules even when it is only for a little while.

12. Reduced Efficiency

Early Onset Dementia Symptoms
Another sign to talk about when tackling early onset dementia symptoms is reduced efficiency.

The brain does not function normally which means that the affected individual will be slow to process things and they cannot be as productive as they were before.

At some point, someone may lose interest in the things they once cherished because they cannot enjoy the activities in the same way as in the past.

This is one of the things that can lead to social withdrawal because a person feels like they cannot live their lives the way they were used to.

13. Increased Reliance on Family and Friends

increased reliance on family and friends
People with early onset dementia may find that they are constantly relying on other people to help them out. This can happen to someone who was once independent and loved to get things done on their own.

Because of the changes happening to their bodies, they may find themselves in situations where they need help from others because they cannot do stuff on their own.

Caregivers and loved ones need to know how to handle this so that they do not make the PWD feel worthless and too reliant on them because this often leads one to depression.

14. Trying avoiding questions (and conversations)

trying avoiding questions and conversations
It is a pretty common practice if a person who is showing first signs of dementia, that they become exceptionally good at covering for themselves.

Meaning, when someone tries to ask them a question, either they pretend to be busy or flip things around, answering a question with a question.

If this grows to repeated practice, it becomes very evident that something is going on behind the curtains. At least for those who previously never acted like this.

If so, either you try to honestly talk to them or seek help from a professional. When it comes to dementia, the earlier the diagnosis and treatment, the better.

Final Remarks

When you notice that your loved one is showcasing any of the above early onset dementia symptoms, it is important to visit your doctor as soon as possible. Do not ignore them thinking that dementia only affects older people in retirement.

Getting a proper diagnosis early is important because your doctor will advise on how the person with younger onset dementia symptoms will live a full life.

This will help them to remain comfortable while maintaining independence for the longest possible time.

12 Signs of Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease 2023

signs of early onset alzheimer's

In this article, we discuss the most common and not so common signs of early-onset Alzheimer’s everyone should pay attention to. By acting early enough, we can positively impact the extension of the survival time of the patient.

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disorder that causes brain cells to degenerate and die. The condition makes an individual develop severe memory impairment as it progresses, interfering with a person’s independence.

It is one of the most common causes of dementia, which is a condition responsible for the continuous decline in behavior, thinking, and social skills.

Currently, there is no cure for the illness.

People with the disease can, however, benefit from medications and alternative treatment options that seek to slow down the decline rate and improve symptoms.

So, how can you or a loved one know that they have Alzheimer’s disease?

Several signs may be an indication of the presence of the disease. Below we will look at some of the signs of early-onset Alzheimer’s.

Signs of Early-Onset Alzheimer’s

1. Memory Loss

signs of early-onset Alzheimer’s - memory loss
Almost everyone at some point battles with memory lapses. It is normal to forget something like the name of a person you once met or where you placed your car keys.

However, memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s disease is different from the norm. It is usually persistent and becomes worse over time.

Caregivers and people who have this illness report that loss of memory is among the first symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

This affects how a person behaves at home or in the workplace. There are several things a person who has Alzheimer’s may display like:

  • Repeating the same question or statement all the time
  • Getting lost in familiar places
  • Forgetting appointments, birthdays, and other significant dates
  • Routinely misplacing things and putting them in locations that do not make sense. For instance, a person may think that it is right to put their clothes and shoes in the freezer.
  • Forgetting the names of relatives and friends
  • Getting lost in conversations, etc.

2. Increased Agitation and Aggression

increased agitation and aggression is a sign of Alzheimer's
Many people with mild Alzheimer’s tend to become more aggressive and agitated. Agitation is where the individual spends a lot of time worrying and being restless.

This may be the cause of sleeplessness, pacing, and aggression because one cannot seem to settle down.

Being aggressive means that the individual might start to lash out verbally even when nothing has triggered this kind of response. The ill person may also want to hit someone.

Several factors can lead to such behaviors. These may include:

  • Pain
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Constipation
  • Soiling underwear
  • Feeling of loss, for example not being able to drive or work anymore
  • Loneliness
  • Medication interaction
  • Lack of sleep or rest among many others

As soon as you identify signs of aggression or agitation do not ignore them because it can escalate to terrible levels.

If you can identify the cause, it is important to deal with it right away.

For instance, if too much noise is the cause of aggressiveness, reducing noise pollutants in the weak person’s living space might help.

If it is not possible to deal with these new changes at home, consulting a doctor will help you get more practical solutions.

3. Wandering or Getting Lost

wandering or getting lost
Wandering also features prominently as one of the warning signs of early-onset Alzheimer’s. Studies show that 6 in 10 people who have the disease will wander.

Persons with the illness may become disoriented because they cannot remember where they are coming from or their destination. This can make them get lost or wander even on familiar grounds.

A couple of factors may contribute to wandering. These include fear, following past routines like going to their favorite store, boredom, or wanting to satisfy basic needs like eating or using the toilet.

Wandering can pose safety issues if a person is not doing it in a controlled, safe environment. Caregivers should, therefore, come up with adequate preventive measures to deal with wandering.

4. Trouble Solving Problems and Planning

trouble solving problems and planning
It is also common for people who are developing Alzheimer’s to have a hard time planning and problem-solving. A person can easily make plans but ends up not sticking to them.

It can also become challenging to complete tasks that were not a problem in the past. These mostly involve detailed projects with lots of numbers.

It is not uncommon to see a person with the illness having trouble balancing checkbooks or keeping up with bills or finances.

This, in most cases, may progress to a person not being able to recognize numbers or know how to deal with them. Some people may also have issues in the kitchen where following simple recipes becomes a huge task.

Multitasking at this point becomes strenuous because concentration levels may also decline.

5. Communication Problems

communication problems
Alzheimer’s disease may also affect how a person communicates. As the disease continues to destroy brain cells, the affected individual may lose their ability to understand speech or speak.

This is one of the signs that is noticeable during the early stages and it worsens over time.

It becomes harder for a person to process what other people are saying; thus, making it hard to participate fully and comfortably in conversations.

When speaking, sentences may be cut short because a person may struggle to remember the right words to articulate. These communication hiccups tend to happen frequently.

It is also important to note that most people who have Alzheimer’s will have a problem learning new phrases.

Common expressions and slang become impossible to remember. Some people may even start mixing up the words they should use.

For example, you can hear a person saying that they will drive their bed or eat jewelry.

It is also tough for persons with the illness to hold many ideas in their heads at the same time. This means that an individual may jump from one topic to the next without completing what they have to say about a particular topic.

6. Eating Difficulties

eating difficulties
As a person grows older, eating may become a problem. These changes may, however, become more pronounced in people who have Alzheimer’s disease reason they feature on the list of alarm signs of early-onset Alzheimer’s.

About 57% of people with the illness experience difficulties while chewing, swallowing, and drinking. This is where you can find a person forgets to put food in their mouth, chew or swallow it.

Some may chew but not swallow.

Others will fill their mouths wanting to eat at record speed, while some people with the illness will have a hard time swallowing the medicine, and so forth.

These problems come about because of the changes happening in the brain, as well as environmental changes like too much noise and clutter in the dining area.

There are numerous risks involved with this like:

  • Aspiration (food traveling the wrong way to the lungs)
  • Reduced quality of life quality
  • Choking
  • Poor nutrition

7. Social Isolation

social isolation
Alzheimer’s disease can be a lonely illness. At the onset of the disease, most people will want to pull out from their social circles because they lack interest in things and people they loved.

Many people just want to stay by themselves without any disturbance from others. In some cases, the people will the illness feel embarrassed about the new changes happening in their lives.

Others feel like they are becoming a bother to their family and friends, especially when they need a hand completing various daily activities.

This makes them avoid social situations where they may be forced to give up on hobbies that involve interactions with others.

People close to the person with the disease should not let this happen. Loneliness is one of the things that may lead to depression and other medical conditions, making it difficult to cope with Alzheimer’s.

Encouraging the suffering individual to seek help from support groups and people they love can help deal with withdrawal.

8. Poor Judgment

poor judgment
Impaired judgment is among the signs of early-onset Alzheimer’s. Some experts reckon that it may, at times, precede memory loss. This is where a person’s ability to make the proper decision is compromised.

People with the disease may find themselves in situations where they can no longer evaluate different factors that they should consider to make a sound decision.

Predicting the outcome of a choice made or behavior may also become challenging. When it comes to poor judgment in Alzheimer’s, it is not all about making a single questionable decision.

Instead, it is a clear pattern of inappropriate actions or decisions.

An example of this is someone who was very careful with money in the past now starts to use their money aimlessly. They can go shopping for things they do not even need or start giving away money to strangers.

A percentage of people can even start to withhold money that they should pay to companies that genuinely offer them services because they think that the receiver of the payment is no longer trustworthy.

An example is a person refusing to pay their gas or electricity bill.

9. Vision and Spatial Issues

vision and spatial issues
Many people with Alzheimer’s disease also start to experience issues with vision and spatial awareness during the early stages. The most common vision problems make it difficult for a person to judge the correct distance between objects.

This is one of the reasons most people with the illness cannot drive because they can easily cause accidents. Other than vision problems, it may also become challenging to tell colors apart. Other visual problems that people with Alzheimer’s experience include:

Reduced ability to detect movement

Persons in this state will view the world as still photos instead of an ongoing video like “normal” people do. This makes it difficult to engage in activities that involve quick motion.

Contrast sensitivity

Detecting gradients of color becomes difficult for people who have Alzheimer’s. This makes it challenging to pick out objects that are in uniform color.

For instance, an individual may have a hard time finding a toilet in a washroom where the walls, floor, and toilet are blue.

Reduced peripheral vision

This is where a person’s field of vision dramatically narrows so that they cannot see either side while gazing forward. A person in such a state tends to bump into things continually and becomes disoriented.

10. Increased Confusion

increased confusion
This is another sign that can let you know a person is starting to develop Alzheimer’s. It can get so bad to the extent that a person is not able to tell the time, date, month, or year.

This can also be accompanied by a person forgetting where they live as they deal with time perception problems. For a person with this illness, 10 minutes might seem like a decade.

This means that a wife might think that their spouse has gone to the shops for years or they have not seen their grandkids forever. Some people may even start to forget relationships during the initial stages of the disease.

Other individuals may at times be unable to identify their location or have little memory as to how they got to the place.

11. Personality and Mood Changes

personality and mood changes
A person who is developing Alzheimer’s disease may go through sessions of extreme mood swings and changes in personality. This is where an individual may showcase feelings of depression, suspicion, fearfulness, and anxiety.

Most people usually get irritated if something small happens out of their routines. It may come out in various settings, including at home, in the office, or in unfamiliar locations.

The changes can escalate aggression where the affected individuals may want to harm others when they are highly irritable.

A person may try to hit others around them because they feel like they are the cause or do not understand the new changes that are happening in their bodies.

12. Time and location confused

time and location confused
One of the most common signs of early-onset Alzheimer’s is time and location confusion.

When speaking of the former, it is not just about the hour of the day; a person that might have Alzheimer’s disease also starts to have an issue with keeping up with days, weeks, heck, even time of the year.

On the other hand, they become unfamiliar with the location they are at or do not remember how they got there. If this happens once or twice, do not panic.

However, if it keeps on happening (daily), you better take your loved one to see a specialist as soon as possible.

Closing Remarks

As people grow older one of the fears many have is developing Alzheimer’s disease. A person may experience one or more of the early signs of early-onset Alzheimer’s.

When this happens, do not ignore it as a normal part of aging. Instead, head to the doctor‘s office to get a proper diagnosis.

Even though the disease does not have a cure, early diagnosis typically translates to beginning treatment.

This gives individuals a chance to maintain independence for more extended periods. It also gives people a chance to have a voice in planning various aspects of their future.

Vascular Dementia Prognosis and Progression

vascular dementia prognosis

This extensive overview of vascular dementia prognosis and progression gives you a better understanding of the development of the disease during the early, middle and late stages.

Vascular dementia is a condition that occurs when a particular part of your brain does not get enough nutrients and blood.

Also known as multi-infarct dementia, studies show that it has quickly risen to become the second most common cause of dementia in golden-agers.

Contributing factors

Several factors contribute to vascular dementia prognosis, such as:

  • Ruptured blood vessels that cause bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • The aftermath of a series of small strokes or a major stroke
  • Damage to the blood vessels from infections, autoimmune disorders, and atherosclerosis
  • Other causes

These usually lead to interruptions or decreased blood flow to the brain.

Brain cells need a constant supply of blood that transports nutrients and oxygen to function correctly and remain healthy.

A network of vessels known as the vascular system delivers blood to the brain. When the system does not work correctly, the blood vessels may become blocked or leak.

When this happens, blood does not reach the brain cells and if this happens continuously, the cells eventually die.

Death of brain cells comes with numerous health complications. Some of them include issues with reasoning, memory, and thinking. The three elements combined are known as cognition.

Vascular dementia is one of the most wide-spread

When these cognitive problems affect a person’s daily life, it is a strong indication that they have vascular dementia.

Diagnosis of vascular dementia is sometimes difficult.

This is because there are no tests that show that an individual has the disease. Doctors will, however, study the symptoms that a person is displaying to confirm whether they have the condition or not.

The medical experts must first rule out any illnesses that have the same symptoms, such as depression or Alzheimer’s disease.

Thyroid and vitamin deficiencies, side effects of medications, or an array of infections may also cause symptoms.

Always take care of nutrients and proper brain blood flow

Now that you are aware of the likely causes of vascular dementia, let’s take a look at how the disease progresses.

Note that there is still no cure for people with this illness.

When caught early, doctors can recommend various treatment options that may see the disease progress slowly to maximize the independence of an individual with the condition.

Although the disease progresses differently for different people depending on the underlying cause, genetics, age, and overall health, it can be divided into three stages that we will discuss below.

Vascular dementia prognosis in different stages

Stage 1: Early Stage of Vascular Dementia

early stage of vascular dementia
During the initial stages of vascular dementia, regardless of the prognosis, a person is still able to function independently. In fact, most people may mistake the symptoms of this type of dementia to be those of normal aging.

For example, older people are known to experience slight lapses in memory, such as forgetting where they place things or have challenges finding the right words to complete a sentence.

During this stage, a person may continue working if they are employed or running a business without too much difficulty.

Many maintain a healthy social life and do not need much assistance with their day to day activities.

On average, the stage lasts anywhere from two-four years though it may be more or less for some people.


Some of the early symptoms that an individual may experience include:

  • Difficulties with planning,
  • Problems with focusing/concentration,
  • Slowness of thought,
  • Challenges grasping new concepts,
  • Behavioral or mood changes,
  • Slight issues with language and memory, etc.

Most people will not go to the hospital because the above symptoms are barely noticeable. This is not to say that a person is not aware that things are not the way they were before.

For your information, it is vital to get immediate medical attention when you notice that something is amiss. This is because the symptoms are an indication that there is a presence of brain damage that requires treatment.

During the initial stages, a person with vascular dementia may also be unusually emotional and prone to apathy.

A high percentage of people also have depression and anxiety, especially when they first learn about what is going on in their lives.

When this type of dementia comes about after stroke, a person may experience physical symptoms like problems with speech or vision and weakness of the limbs.

Rehabilitation can help such symptoms to improve or stabilize over time.

Stage 2: Middle Stage Vascular Dementia

middle stage vascular dementia
With vascular dementia, the disease usually becomes worse after some time, particularly with the lack of proper treatment.

After finding out the possible vascular dementia prognosis and going through the initial stages of the disease, a person then moves on to the next phase of the illness.

At this stage, the symptoms that you experienced during the initial malady start to become more intense.

You might even find that you need more assistance with your day to day life because your level of independence starts to decline.

With most people, getting help from family and friends is still sufficient at this point without the need for professional home care. For some, it may be time to step down from responsible duties at the workplace.

Help is necessary for more daily tasks

Problems with communication, disorientation, confusion, reasoning, and memory loss escalate in a way that a person is not able to be as productive as they are supposed to be.

Many can handle a few house chores here and there, but may still need some support with a few areas in their lives.

Most of the time, individuals at this stage cannot fully complete jobs. You may find that something as simple as counting from one to ten becomes an uphill task for most.

Most individuals with vascular dementia will start pulling away from social life, knowing that the symptoms are becoming more visible at this stage.

Loved ones or caregivers may discover that a person is no longer interested in doing the things that they used to love. Most of the time, it is not because they no longer have an interest. It is because they fear embarrassment since they cannot enjoy the activities in the same way they did before.

It is also common for persons in the middle stage of the illness to experience paranoia, fear, and confusion. Some people even go through changes in sleep patterns.

There have been cases of people who experience seasons of decline in cognitive abilities; then a period of stability followed by another step down in regards to cognitive skills, then stability, etc.

This is known as the “stepwise” or “step-like progression” pattern.

Stage 3: Final/Last Stage of Vascular Dementia

final last stage of vascular dementia
When a person who has vascular dementia continues to age, vascular dementia prognosis becomes more severe as the individual waits for their final resting day.

This stage is usually quite severe to the extent that most people cannot survive on their own.

They typically require constant care from expert caregivers.

An individual can either get this at home or move into a facility that specifically takes care of residents who have vascular or other types of dementia.

Unfortunately, a person predominantly experiences negative effects in different areas of their life. This can include:

  • Significant issues with communication to the point that a person only uses expressions or words. Some may not be able to communicate anymore verbally.
  • Memory becomes worse. An individual may not recall what you have just told them or even recognize people that they love.
  • Some people with the illness may become bedridden where they are not able to walk requiring extensive assistance to move from one point to another.
  • Feeding and swallowing may also become a big issue for people who are in their last stages of vascular dementia.
  • People with the illness tend not to have any judgment or even proper problem-solving skills.
  • Most individuals in this final stage cannot be part of community affairs that are outside their care home.
  • Many will also require assistance with bathroom issues because they are often incontinent.
  • Severe vascular dementia can also cause abnormal reflexes and muscle rigidity. Persons with the illness are also more prone to infections like pneumonia.

Closing Remarks

vascular dementia prognosis
When it comes to vascular dementia prognosis, it helps to note that the symptoms of the disease usually get worse over time.

It is something that can happen in sudden steps or gradually every few months or years. Knowing the stages that people go through is vital to understand how to take care of yourself or your loved ones.

Worth noting is that everyone has a unique experience when dealing with the illness.

It is essential to seek medical advice from a professional as soon as you suspect the early symptoms of vascular dementia. The doctor will put you on a treatment regimen that may slow down the progression or prevent it from getting worse.

Researchers also agree that taking good care of the brain and the heart when you have this type of dementia can help slow down progression.

This includes things like exercising regularly, maintaining healthy blood pressure, eating healthy foods and drinks, and not smoking and drinking alcohol.

Even though the brain can repair itself to a certain level, the condition can still shorten a person’s lifespan.

This may be even shorter if a person has another heart attack or stroke that causes additional brain damage. The seriousness of this disease affects a person’s prognosis.

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