9 Best Foods to Reverse Dementia in 2024

foods to reverse dementia

For years, research has been ongoing to identify the foods to reverse dementia. Even though dementia currently does not have a cure, experts state that lifestyle and diet can play a significant role in preventing and even reversing pre-dementia and early dementia.

Dr. Mark Hyman, a champion of the body-mind effect, explains that the things you do to your body end up affecting the brain. Thus, the importance of healthy diet and nutrition.

Going by the fact that dementia usually begins with too much sugar in the brain, controlling blood sugar levels can help in reversing cognitive decline and dementia.

Controlling blood sugar has a lot to do with what you eat.

Let’s look at nine foods that can help to reverse dementia.

Best Foods to Reverse Dementia

1. Leafy Greens

foods to reverse dementia - leafy greens
Dark greens such as romaine, kale, and spinach are known to be rich in vitamins like K and A and brain-boosting antioxidants.

These antioxidants can help to protect the brain cells from the damage that is associated with dementia. The high-nutrition and low-calorie veggies keep the brain and other body parts in shape.

To get all the nutrients, they are best eaten raw, but you can also enjoy them roasted, baked, or steamed depending on what you prefer. You should try and eat at least one cup every day to fight off dementia.

2. Berries

berries are a great food for dementia
Berries are included in the list of foods to reverse dementia because medical data and literature show that they are good for the brain. Here there is an option of consuming acai fruits, blueberries, and strawberries.

You should try and have at least two servings a week.

Several studies demonstrate the usefulness of berries for brain health. An example is one that was published in 2013, revealing that people who ate more berries experienced a slower cognitive decline as they grew older by up to 21/2 years.

3. Certain Types of Fish

certain types of fish as a food for dementia
Eating fish can enhance memory and boost brain health, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Omega 3 fatty acid, in particular present in fish, helps to maintain a fully functional brain.

Salmon, herring, sardines, and anchovies are heavy in omega 3’s.

They also contain selenium, potassium, B vitamins, and magnesium, which also help in the war against dementia.

Fish like salmon and tuna are also known to a healthy heart, which is also essential for preventing dementia and cognitive decline. It is okay to eat fish at least once or twice a week.

4. Beans

Beans are rich in plant protein, iron, nutrients, antioxidants, and minerals. All these are great for increasing longevity as well as reducing the risk of stroke, which is one of the risk factors for dementia.

Some scientists also state that beans help to regulate blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Researchers recommend having at least three bean servings in a week.

5. Whole Grains

whole grains
Whole grains are considered to be part of foods to reverse dementia. This is because they are rich in B vitamins, protein, fiber, and carbohydrates. Some great whole grain options to consider include millet, oats, buckwheat, amaranth, teff, and sorghum.

These offer a great source of sustainable energy to the brain and they also feed the gut with good bacteria. The MIND diet advises people to consume whole grains three times every day.

6. Nuts

SF Gate reveals that consuming nuts regularly can improve cognitive function considerably while giving you a “younger brain” at the same time. Nuts such as pistachios, almonds, macadamias, and walnuts come highly recommended if you want to reap the benefits.

The healthy fats and protein present in some nuts help to enhance memory, reverse age-related cognitive decline, and prevent inflammation that damages the brain. Try and eat nuts about five times every week.

7. Sweet Potatoes

sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a great addition on the list of foods to reverse dementia. The tasty potatoes are loaded with minerals, fiber, phytonutrients, and vitamins C and A, which are beneficial to the brain.

The potatoes have the ability to regular sugar levels in the blood and they also have anti-inflammatory effects. You can have these 2 times minimum a week.

8. Seeds

Including various seeds like pumpkin seeds, flax and linseeds in your diet can also help to keep dementia at bay. Such seeds are a great snack option that you can take in between meals.

The seeds are good sources for vitamin E and an array of brain-boosting minerals.

Linseeds, in particular, offer the body plant-based omega 3 fatty acids, which help to reduce cholesterol levels and decrease inflammation.

They also have chemical compounds that protect blood vessels from inflammatory damage. Aim at snacking on the seeds daily.

9. Healthy Fats

healthy fats
When talking about foods to reverse dementia, it is also essential to include healthy fats that make the brain happy. These include extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and omega 3 fats.

Fats from nuts, seeds, and avocados are also recommended. You can use these as your main cooking oil or as a dressing for your salads.

Final Thoughts – Foods to Reverse Dementia

Eating healthy foods comes with tonnes of benefits like reducing the odds of developing dementia.

Making mindful food choices where you include brain-friendly foods like the ones above might be the solution to both preventing and reversing dementia.

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Prevent Cognitive Decline- Brain Booster Reviewed

prevent cognitive decline

What is The Brain Booster Program?

Brain Booster is a unique, all-natural program specifically designed to prevent cognitive decline by tackling brain health deterioration at its source.

The very effective program provides easy to use, step-by-step guidance with specific techniques to increase brain blood flow, essential to the delivery of oxygen and nutrition and crucial for optimum brain function.

Brain Booster Program Case Study 

Why Do We Support this Program?

Primarily, we see tremendous benefit in the prevention of dementia and dementia related illnesses. Many of our articles give guidance to our viewers on dementia prevention.

The Brain Booster program gives a practical, easy-to-do, solution to reversing early cognitive decline by restoring blood flow to the brain. Their approach to the program is supported by research and acceptable professional practices.

When people follow the steps presented in the program, noticeable results are achieved within days.

This is impressive, and the company backs its claim with a 60-day money back guarantee.

In our view, there is nothing to lose and plenty to gain from giving the program a try.

prevent cognitive decline Brain Booster Reviewed

Understanding A Root Cause of Brain Health Decline

Memory loss and brain fog happen for a reason (not just old age). There are specific elements and functions in your body causing cognitive decline.

Scientists have known for many years that when blood flow to the brain is restricted, the brain is starved from the essential components it needs to function properly. These essential components are oxygen, glucose, and nutrients.

Insufficient Oxygen

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, while making up only a small part of our total body mass, the brain is the most metabolically demanding organ and utilizes 20% of the body’s oxygen.

Of this, it is estimated that neurons consume 75%–80% of the energy produced in the brain.

Therefore, it is  not surprising that the brain is one of the organs that are most prone to limited oxygen.

Without oxygen, the brain’s cells cannot metabolize glucose, and therefore cannot convert glucose into energy.

Researchers (PNAS.org: Hyder et al., 2013) have proven that when a brain doesn’t receive sufficient oxygen, it starts to malfunction.


Symptoms of Insufficient Oxygen to the Brain Include:

  • Forgetfulness
  • Disorientation
  • Unable to focus
  • Attention weakens
  • Become increasingly confused

If the flow of blood is slowed or blocked in any way these problems occur and will worsen over time unless oxygen to the brain is restored.

Research has proven this in both mice (Medical News Today) and with humans (see ‘Bonus Research’ below).

What Happens When There is a Major Lack of Oxygen to the Brain?

Brain Plaque

Throughout the brain a sticky substance call plaque is created, interfering with how the brain neurons fire. In a healthy brain these plaques are rare.

In a brain not receiving sufficient oxygen the plaque continues to accumulate over time, worsening the conditions associated with mental decline (Small et al., 1995Silverman et al., 2001) (See ‘Bonus Research’ below).

Oxygen for the Metabolism of Glucose

In addition, without energy to power the brains neurons, brain cells will not function as they should and may die. Oxygen is needed to metabolize glucose into energy.

Research shows that this disruption of oxygen metabolism is a root cause of various age-related neurodegenerative diseases associated with cognitive decline.  (Tabrizi et al., 2000Silverman et al., 2001; Zhou et al., 2008).

What the Brain Booster program does do is reverse the process. It is like turning the tap of oxygen and nutrients to the brain back on. Do this and the brain is on its way back to working as it should.

The reversal process can be noticeable quite quickly.

Who Created the Brain Booster Program?

Brain Booster was developed by Christian Goodman.

Christian Goodman, CEO of Blue Heron Health News, has an obsession for natural health research. He and his like-minded team have found solutions to different health problems that are rampant in modern society.

Goodman’s approach to tackling illness is to address the cause of the problem stemming from lifestyle circumstances. His is a natural approach.

Why Not Use Drugs?

Goodman’s view is that drugs prescribed will, in most cases, only mask the illness or suppress the symptoms, however, the underlying illness is still there.

Prescribed drugs may help some health conditions, but with the brain it is far better to deal with the root problem, not mask symptoms.

Christian Goodman has taken known science and already proven methods, bringing them together to create the Brain Booster program. He 100% guarantees his programs.

reverse early dementia symptoms

Understanding Why Blood to the Brain is Being Restricted

Blood travels through veins, arteries, and capillaries. These must pass through the tissues of the body. There isn’t a lot of space. Space is needed to allow the vessels to expand and contract as blood is pumped by the heart

When the body is functioning normally, veins, arteries and vessels will be able to do this efficiently and pump blood ladened with oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

However, if the surrounding tissues are tight and inflexible then the vessels will be restricted on their ability to expand with each heartbeat.

Internal muscles do get tight as people get older. This is not always noticeable until it causes problems- like brain decline.

The Brain Booster Program starts the flow of oxygen-rich blood back to the brain within days.

Restoring Brain Health

Brain Booster’s key principals to reversing cognitive decline are:

1.Breathing for the Brain

We breath 20 000 times a day. Having only a slight decline in a breath may seem to be nonproblematic in passing oxygen to the brain. However, 20 000 breaths, will lead to a greater deficiency of oxygen. This will be repeated day after day.

A small improvement in the efficiency of oxygen to the brain can make a large difference.

2.Fixing the Muscles that Are Suffocating the Brain

Tense, inflexible internal muscles that are restricting blood flow in veins, arteries and vessels can be loosened up to oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

Loosening up of muscles works in conjunction with breathing for the brain. No point in breathing for the brain and having muscles restricting the flow of blood.

3.Target Oxygen Directly to the Brain

Oxygen deprivation to the brain affects certain areas of the brain. These areas differ from person to person- hence symptoms differ from person to person.

The program uses techniques to move blood from one brain area to another, diverting it so the whole brain gets blood flow.

Brain Booster’s Exercise Techniques

The basis of the program are daily exercises utilizing the breath and body.

Not to fear, these are not strenuous difficult exercises that raise a sweat. They can be done whilst sitting, going for a walk, watching TV, or when driving. There are different exercises to choose from.

What to Expect from the Program

The Brain Booster program is 100% safe and completely natural with no equipment required. You can do the program in the comfort of your own home with your own schedule. It doesn’t take a great deal of time, nor strenuous exercises.

The Brain Booster exercises are simple, feel good and therapeutic. They are not strenuous.

  • Body Balance Exercises
  • Breathing Exercises
  • The Mind Body Exercise
  • Head Muscle Exercises

The exercises will involve deep breathing– step-by-step guidance provided in the program. (see notes under Bonus Research on focussed breathing)

The whole program is completely digital. It can be downloaded onto your smartphone, tablet device, kindle or desktop computer.

This allows you easy quick access to the program wherever you may be- important for keeping you on track.

For those of you not so tech savvy, simple step by step instructions are given to show you how to put Brain Booster on your devices.

What You’ll Learn in the Brain Booster Program

The program begins by giving you the foundations of the treatment and how to get the most from it.

Next, the program goes into the process of healing.

The exercises are divided up into categories. Each exercise comes with step-by-step instructions and diagrams on how to do each exercise.

For best results, exercises should be completed every day, however, if that doesn’t suit, the program does provide other options.

At the conclusion of the program there are tips on what to do moving forward. This is so you learn how to keep the benefits flowing.

Program Table of Contents

  • Welcome
  • How the Program Works
  • How to Work the Program
  • Breathing Exercise 1
  • Body Balance Exercises
    • Freeing the Neck
    • Increase Blood Flow to the Brain to Prevent Cognitive DeclineExercise 1
    • Exercise 2
    • Exercise 3
    • Exercise 4
    • Calf Drop
    • Feet on the Wall
    • Sitting Floor
    • The Relaxed Frog
  • Breathing Exercises
    • Nostril Balance
    • Rhythmic Walking
    • Breathing Laughter
  • Head Muscle Exercises
    • Chewing
    • About to Yawn
    • Delightful Surprise
    • Tongue Rolling
  • The Mind Body Exercise
    • 1-2-3-4 Exercise
  • Beyond This Program

Our Verdict ✅

Providing a simple, easy to do, solution to reversing cognitive decline offers our viewers an opportunity to improve their brain health or the health of their loved ones.

This is a unique program helping to prevent the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. We haven’t seen any like it.

Employing science and proven methods, the Brain Booster repairs damage to the brain, restoring brain health. In doing so optimal blood flow to the brain is rectified, delivering essential oxygen and nutrients.

Giving your brain a boost using an all-natural process without medications, equipment nor strenuous exercise is a huge plus. Anyone can do the program easily from their home.

The program is inexpensive, providing tremendous value.

Christian Goodman backs Brain Booster with a 100% money back guarantee, with 60 days for you to use the program and discover for yourself its benefits. If is not for you then you can easily get a full refund.

Bonus Research

Focussed Breathing

Researchers at Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience and the Global Brain Health Institute discovered that focused breathing directly influences levels of noradrenaline, a natural brain chemical messenger.

Noradrenaline is released into the bloodstream when you are curious, focused, or emotionally aroused. It heightens your attention to detail and enhances overall brain health by promoting the growth of new neural connections.

Plague and Reduced Oxidation of Glucose Leading to Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s mostly affects short-term working memory and is classified by the presence of two hallmark neuropathologies; extracellular amyloid plaques and abnormal accumulations of a protein called tau that collect inside neurons.

In AD patients, regional decreased brain glucose consumption is a predictor for progressive cognitive decline and reduced oxidation of glucose is associated with carriers of the AD risk allele of the APOE-4 gene (Small et al., 1995Silverman et al., 2001).

Cell Death of Neurons

Oxygen and glucose deprivation to the brain cause cell death Study Sept 2020 National Center for Biotechnology

The Brain Booster Program



Hyder, F., Rothman, D. L., and Bennett, M. R. (2013). Cortical energy demands of signaling and nonsignaling components in brain are conserved across mammalian species and activity levels. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 110, 3549–3554. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1214912110

Zhou, C., Huang, Y., and Przedborski, S. (2008). Oxidative stress in Parkinson’s disease: a mechanism of pathogenic and therapeutic significance. Ann. N Y Acad. Sci. 1147, 93–104. doi: 10.1196/annals.1427.023

Silverman, D. H., Small, G. W., Chang, C. Y., Lu, C. S., Kung De Aburto, M. A., Chen, W., et al. (2001). Positron emission tomography in evaluation of dementia: regional brain metabolism and long-term outcome. JAMA 286, 2120–2127. doi: 10.1001/jama.286.17.2120


How to Prevent Dementia- 7 Easy Things You Can Do

how to prevent dementia

The best time to correct early signs of dementia is right now, rather than waiting for cognitive decline to become a real problem. In this article we show you how to prevent dementia naturally.

To understand what the early signs of dementia are view our article HERE.

A key element medicine is missing

The problem in medicine is the lack of importance of diet and how this effects your brain.

Medicine does not connect the dots and make the links between diet and your brain. Medicine may point cognitive decline to genetics, stress or things just happen and you cannot do much about it. However, your diet is key to preventing and even reversing early dementia.

how to prevent dementia naturally

The Hippocampus

A complex brain structure rooted deep into temporal lobe is called the Hippocampus. It plays a major role in learning and memory. The hippocampus is a plastic and vulnerable structure that, if not nurtured, can be damaged. People with dementia have a shrinking or damaged hippocampus. There are easy natural things that you can do to care for your hippocampus.

How to Prevent Dementia Naturally

Vitamin B1

What would shrink your hippocampus?Vitamin B1 Dr. Berg

One thing that could be a real problem with your hippocampus is a Thiamine deficiency. That is a Vitamin B1 deficiency. The demand for thiamine goes way up when alcohol and carbohydrates are consumed. Vitamin B1 is needed to metabolize carbs and alcohol.

The more sugar you eat, the more carbs you consume, and the more alcohol you drink, the more you need vitamin B1.

Nutritional yeast is the best source of B1. Make sure you get natural yeast that is not fortified with synthetic vitamins. Synthetic vitamins might work initially but are not a good long-term solution.

Of course, you want to do things to prevent a B1 deficiency by giving up alcohol, reduce sugar and carbs in your diet.

The good news is that you can consume plenty of vegetable carbs.

Fix the Gut

You want to fix the gut microbiome.

There has been interesting research on Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease. Research points to a lack of diversity in the microbiome of the gut in people with these diseases. There is also a correlation with these patients having gut inflammation, with leaky gut being common.

Also realize that the gut and the brain are by-directional. Through the vagus nerve you have information going from the gut to the brain and information from the brain going to the gut. If you have a problem with your brain you’ll have a problem with your gut. If you have a problem with your gut, you can have a problem with your brain.

Interestingly, our gut microbes produce neurotransmitters, and they can synthesis B vitamins.

Having a healthy diversified gut microbiome is essential to preventing cognitive decline.

4 ways to fix the gut


One of the best ways to increase diversity of the microbiome is to start consuming vegetables.

Look for a wide variety of vegetables, and different types of salads that have a variety phytonutrients and fibers. Organic vegetables are best.


Another way to increase the diversity of microbiome is to introduce fasting.

Many would think that fasting would starve the microbes, resulting in them getting weaker. Yet, the very opposite happens. They get stronger and new strains come out and try to survive. It is part of a survival mechanism that has been evolving for eons.


Research has found that when people with dementia are taken off gluten, they are seeing huge improvements in dementia. Gluten can worsen dementia.

Being on a gluten free diet is not enough. There needs to be low carbs and no grain.

4.Stay away from GMO foods

Foods that have been exposed to glyphosate (a herbicide) are not good for your gut biome. Glyphosate destroys microorganisms like bacteria. This affects our gut microbes, just like it affects the microbes in the soil.

The reason GMO foods are a problem is because they have been genetically modified to tolerate heavy applications of the herbicide. That way, farmers can spray glyphosate on their GMO crops to kill weeds without killing the crops.

Seek out non-GMO foods. Better still, seek organic foods that have not been sprayed with glyphosate or any gut damaging chemicals.Sulforaphane Complex

Consume More Sprouts

The unique thing about sprouts is that they come from little seeds. If you were to consume the seeds on their own the nutrition would not be so readily available to you and they are difficult to digest.

However, if they are grown into sprouts, you have incredible amounts of easy digestible nutrition is released when eaten.

Eat sprouts on a regular basis. Not only will you be getting peak nutrition from a plant, but you are also getting certain phytonutrients that are a superfood for your brain.

Broccoli sprouts are abundant in sulforaphane. This substance is fantastic for any type of neuro degenerative disorder.

Check price of Sulforaphane Broccoli products on AMAZON.com

Sprouts are also beneficial for your gut.

Include sprouts into your diet on a regular basis. Add them to your salads. They are very cheap and easy to grow yourself.Freshlife Automatic Seed Sprouter

Check price of Sprouts seeds and Sprouts’ Growing Machines on AMAZON.com


Ketones bypass the damage in the brain and feed the neurons directly.

People with dementia are experiencing the destruction of their brain cells in their hippocampus. Due to this damage, the brain is not getting glucose fuel. Brain cells need to be restored by feeding them fuel in the form of ketone fuel. Ketone bodies are a more efficient fuel than glucose fuel.

Check price of Ketones products on AMAZON.com

3 ways to increase ketones

1.Intermittent fasting and periodic prolonged fasting give huge benefits for two reasons. Fasting generates many more ketones than you gain from being on a low carb diet. Fasting also up regulate genetic factors that support your brain.

2.Consuming MCT oil (1 tablespoon twice a day), a supplement made from a type of fat called medium-chain triglycerides will help brains by increasing ketone production.doctor's best extra strength ginkgo

3.Exogenous ketones (buy as a supplement) are a terrific brain-enhancing supplement which may reduce cognitive decline, improve brain power, and reduce brain fog.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba (specifically the extract EGB 761) has shown significant benefits for dementia patients by giving neuro protection. Ginkgo Biloba is the Maidenhair Tree native to China.

Check price of Ginko Biloba Extract products on AMAZON.com

Lion’s Mane Mushroom

How does lion’s mane work in the brain?

Research show that lion’s mane mushroom extract may in fact support brain health by promoting the creation of two important compounds: nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived Lion's Mane Mushroom liquid Dropsneurotrophic factor (BDNF). These are proteins that stimulate the formation of new cells and bolster existing ones.

Check price of Lion’s Mane Mushroom products on AMAZON.com

Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Vitamin D, Zinc, Exercise and Sleep

Other ways to prevent cognitive decline include:

Including Omega-3 in your diet. This fatty acid can be found in oily fish and fish oil (especially cod liver oil).

Vitamin D, the free sunlight vitamin that can also be gained from diet. Foods high in vitamin D include oily fish, egg yolks, mushrooms, orange juice and many vegetables. Check price of Vitamin D3 products available at AMAZON.com 

Zinc is very important. Foods with high levels of zinc include oysters, sea foods, avocados, nuts, beans, meat and berries. Check price of Zinc products available at AMAZON.com

Exercise increases oxygen to your brain. It also increases blood flow, delivering nutrients to the brain.

Sleep is very important. If you are not sleeping enough; cortisol increases, you may be more stressed, and important oxygen to the brain is reduced.

Final Comments

In a nutshell, diet, exercise, and sleep all play a core role in preventing of the onset of dementia.

A wholesome low carb diet, rich in superfoods and free from chemicals is key.  The right diet will foster a healthy gut microbiome and provide the best brain nutrition.

Regular exercise increases oxygen and blood flow to the brain delivering nutrients for healthy brain function. This combined with quality sleep will reduce cortisol levels causing stress.

Viewing Dr. Eric Berg DC channel provided much of the content for this article. Dr. Berg specializes in Healthy Ketosis and Intermittent Fasting.

ProMind Complex Reviewed

ProMind Complex- premium all natural brain supplement. Check out our Independent Review HERE.




The 10 Best Nuts for Dementia

nuts for dementia

Research reveals that persons with dementia should consider adding a variety of nuts for dementia in their diets. High nut consumption, in the long run, may be the key to enhanced cognitive health in seniors. In this article we discuss at the best nuts for dementia.

NHS describes dementia as a syndrome that is associated with a constant decline of cognitive functioning. A new study, however, found that eating nuts might help boost brain function in old age. Dr. Li says that nuts are known to be high in fibre, healthy fats, and proteins with nutritional properties.

Check out some of the nuts that come highly recommended for persons living with dementia.

Best Nuts for Dementia & Alzheimer’s

best nuts for dementia and alzheimers


These are nuts that have protein which can help repair brain cells: thus, enhancing cognitive functions including memory.

Almonds are also rich in zinc which can help reduce the effects of free radicals that destroy body cells and make a person sick. Omega-3 fatty acids present in the nuts strengthen neuron function.

Furthermore, almonds consist of Vitamin E that may help to slow down the aging process of brain cells.

Brazil Nuts

Eating a single Brazil nut every day might help to reduce dementia risk and slow cognitive decline.

The above is a statement that was made by Dr. Barbara Cardoso a biochemist and Postdoctoral Research Fellow from the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition at Deakin University.

This is because Brazil nuts are the richest natural source of selenium. Dr. Cardoso reveals that selenium is a nutrient that lacks in the Alzheimer’s disease (AD) brain. AD is one of the most common causes of dementia.

Brazil nuts are also said to help reduce bad cholesterol, keeping the heart healthy, regulating blood sugar, and improving neural health.


walnuts for dementia

Researchers categorize walnuts as one of the top nuts for brain health making them a great addition for nuts for dementia.

Walnuts are rich in DHA a type of Omega-3 fatty acid that is said to boost brain performance as well as prevent age-related cognitive decline. Experts also suggest that walnuts and oil derived from the nuts is helpful in reducing stress.

A study that was published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition reported that participants who consumed walnut oil and walnuts reduced their LDL levels and also recorded significant drops in resting blood pressure and blood pressure response to stress.


Hazelnuts are not only a tasty snack but they are a great source of healthy fat, vitamin E, protein, amino acids, dietary fibre, and multiple minerals and vitamins.

The nuts may help to boost brain health by assisting in the promotion and regeneration of healthy brain cells.

Hazelnuts are also said to be loaded with selenium, vitamin K, and thiamine, components that can help enhance memory.

Additionally, the nuts can help regulate digestion, aid in weight loss, improve heart health, manage diabetes, and make bones stronger.


Consuming almonds could prevent memory loss and enhance cognitive ability.

Studies conducted on the benefits of almonds show that these nuts can help stave off decline in brain function. A study that was published in the British Journal of Nutrition reported that eating almonds during lunchtime enhanced memory in the afternoon. One of the reasons for this may be that the nuts have a positive effect on balancing blood sugars.

Almonds are also said to be rich in magnesium which can combat fatigue and tiredness. The nuts are also a source of brain-boosting folate, thiamine, and niacin.

Other benefits of consuming almonds include reducing the risk of stroke, reducing cholesterol, and lowering blood pressure.


pecan nuts for dementia

Pecans are among the nuts for dementia that help in boosting the brain.

The University of Massachusetts Lowell studied the effects of pecans on the brain. They concluded that the nuts offer neurological protection. This is based on the fact that pecans are rich in antioxidants that fight off Alzheimer’s.

The antioxidant that occurs naturally in pecans include flavonoids, vitamin E, and ellagic acid. The antioxidants are said to prevent oxidation in cells that is linked to developing various dementia types.

Pecans are also a great option when it comes to fighting brain-threatening fat. Research from Loma Linda University in California and New Mexico State University revealed that pecans can also fight bad cholesterol. This is because they contain beta-sitosterol which is a natural cholesterol-lowering compound.

As nut consumption increases, overall body weight and body fat decrease according to clinical research from Harvard University School of Public Health.


Peanuts have specific antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects which can alleviate and reduce cognitive decline. This is according to researchers who conducted a study observing about 5,000 Chinese adults over the age of 55 for more than twenty-two years.

They uncovered that adults who consumed more than 10 grams of nuts daily had better memory, mental functioning, reasoning, and thinking.


pistachio nuts for dementia

Pistachios are a kind of tree nut that offers multiple health benefits. The nuts are a good source of protein, fibre, and antioxidants.

Pistachios contain numerous nutrients one of them being vitamin B-6 that helps with protein metabolism and cognitive development.

Antioxidants are essential when it comes to preventing damage to the body’s cells which often results in disease development. Pistachios may also help in preventing oxidative stress that usually results in memory loss, inflammation in the brain, and preserving essential fatty acids levels.

The nuts are also known to reduce the risk of colon cancer, good for blood sugar balance, helpful in weight loss, great for heart health, good for eye health, low in calories and so much more.

Macadamia nuts

Macadamia nuts are linked to several benefits like improved heart health, digestion, blood sugar control, and weight management. This is thanks to the fact that the nuts are nutrient-dense and contain beneficial plant compounds.

Netmeds reports that taking macadamia nuts may also help to prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s which are types of dementia. What makes this possible is the fact that the nuts are loaded with tocotrienols a kind of vitamin E which protects brain cells from glutamate effects. An anion of glutamic acid may result in multiple brain degenerative conditions.


For years, chestnuts have been an excellent food source. These are nuts that are low in fat and surprisingly high in Vitamin C which is not common with nuts.

The nuts are also a great source of antioxidants like ellagic acid and gallic acid among others that support a healthy heart, control blood sugars and enhance digestion.

Chestnuts also offer different minerals and vitamins like Vitamin C, A, & B complex, magnesium, calcium, manganese, zinc, copper, and iron.

Speech Therapy for Dementia Treatment

Speech Therapy for dementia treatment

Individuals with dementia or their carers should consider speech therapy for dementia when an individual with the progressive illness has communication problems. Dementia is a progressive disease that can cause a person with the illness to experience various communication difficulties such as:

  • Inability to find the proper words to use
  • Using substitute for words
  • Not using words at all
  • Going back to the first language that a person learned as a child
  • Using words without any meaning
  • Difficulties following conversations, etc.

The illness can also cause drinking, eating, and swallowing challenges.

Learning how to communicate with others effectively is important for persons living with dementia.

With the onset of dementia, it is common for speech-related issues to progress. It is important to note that speech therapy is not only used to treat lost language function and speech, but it also enhances memory loss deficits and multiple cognitive functions. This is why individuals with dementia seek speech therapy to improve their current functions.

Speech and language pathologists have the skills and knowledge to assess and manage the issues effectively.

Before digging deeper into how speech therapy can help persons with dementia, let’s first discuss what speech therapy is.

What is Speech Therapy?

speech therapy for dementia

Speech therapy can be described as an intervention service that focuses on improving verbal and non-verbal language. It can also be defined as the assessment as well as treatment of speech disorders and communication problems. This is performed by speech-language pathologists who are also known as speech therapists.

The professionals mostly focus on 2 areas of treatment and these are:

  1. Addressing fluency, articulation, and voice-volume recognition via mouth coordination.
  2. How to express and use language through various alternative and traditional communication forms like body, written, social media, sign, and computer, etc.

With this in mind, let’s jump into how speech therapy helps persons with dementia.

How Individuals with Dementia Benefit from Speech Therapy

how do individuals with dementia benefit from speech therapy

Speech pathologists can help individuals with dementia through all the stages of the illness. Some of the ways speech therapy for dementia can help persons with the progressive illness and these include:

Maintains level of independence

Speech therapy can help people maintain their level of independence for a longer time. It helps to stimulate cognitive ability through various activities that relate to the underlying cognitive domain.

Learn how to modify the environment

Persons working with speech pathologists learn how to modify their environment and compensate for their deficits. This is vital because it helps affected individuals adapt well to the changes that are brought about by dementia.

Management strategies

Speech pathologists can also help access how people drink, eat, or swallow. The professionals offer management strategies for mealtimes if they notice any dysfunction.

The language-speech pathologists also gauge the person’s capacity to consent to care and treatment.

Caretakers can rely on the experts to communicate relevant details to the person who has the illness. This ensures that the affected persons can process the information in the best possible way.

What Does Speech Therapy for Dementia Involve?

what does speech therapy involve

When it comes to speech therapy for dementia, professionals come up with personalized speech and language therapy programs that will take into consideration the severity of the illness. A program may involve assessments, reviews, reports, education, advice, and support programs.

When dealing with a person who has speech issues, speech therapists may indulge them in various exercises like repeating words, naming pictures, and teaching techniques that strengthen the mouth’s muscles.

Speech and language pathologists may also guide an individual through workouts that train the muscles a person uses for swallowing. This helps improve an individual’s ability to swallow while reducing the risk of food going through the windpipe into the lungs. In the event where swallowing is extremely challenging, the pathologists may suggest alternative feeding methods like feeding tubes.

Support for Caregivers

support for dementia caregivers

When talking about speech therapy for dementia, expert speech and language therapists also beneficial support for caregivers. This helps to maximize effective communication, skills, knowledge, and quality of life. It also minimizes anxiety and stress. Enhanced communication has an impact on:

  • Peer relationships
  • Selfcare
  • Social skills
  • Behavior

Keep in mind that early intervention is usually best. Persons with dementia or their carers should consult speech or language pathologists as soon as possible to enjoy all the benefits that come with working with the experts.

Dementia and Family Stress, Leading to Caregiver Burnout

Dementia and caregiver stress

Watching a loved one’s memory decline in front of your eyes is emotionally tiring and comes with a wide range of daily responsibilities. Someone whom you knew to be mentally sharp, stable, and independent is now becoming less functional, and starts to show many changes in their behaviour and mood patterns. In this article we address Dementia and family stress.

How To Prevent Stress and Burnout in Dementia Caregiver?

Looking after a family member or someone else who has a dementia onset is not just immensely challenging in terms of the responsibilities associated with this role, but also comes with a host of mental and emotional difficulties that often leave caregivers in a deep state of stress and burnout.

In this article, I’ll discuss the causes that lead people, who look after someone with cognitive decline, to experience burnout. I’ll also point out the signs that are worth paying attention to when it comes to this psychological state.

Further, I will also provide some support tips for how caregivers can prevent stress to take over and affect their mental health.

Dementia and Family Stress

Emotional Costs of Providing Care to an Individual with Memory Decline

If you have ever been in the position where you are responsible for an elderly’s health, you know this too well – providing care is not just about feeding, bathing, and administering medication to a vulnerable person.

Most of the time, the stress you experience when you are in a caregiver role has more to do with the emotional and mental impact of the job than with the physical responsibilities per se.

Surely, doing your best to keep your loved one with dementia safe and to make sure they attend their medical appointments does take a toll on your health, however, the real stress comes from other aspects.

Perhaps the distress caused by seeing your loved one’s mental health decline is so overwhelming that you can barely process it for yourself, let alone be strong enough to look after them.

You might stay awake at night wondering if they are going to fall, move away from their room or have an accident. Or perhaps their mood swings, uncontrollable behaviors and anger outbursts are so intense that you are left with very little mental energy to attend to your own life.

No matter what the most vulnerable aspect of the care is for you, it is important to know that feeling tired and stressed is very common among dementia caregivers.

Also, it might be helpful to know in advance how you can best handle burnout if you ever experience it.

Emotional Costs of Providing Care for Dementia

Identifying Signs of Dementia and Family Stress

Alzheimer’s and Dementia are neurodegenerative diseases that require family members and caregivers to be increasingly more involved in the care of the individual affected by them.

As signs and symptoms of dementia advance, the behaviours, personality, and health of the affected individual worsen, making the care more complex and demanding.

This puts increased pressure on family members and caregivers involved in the care process, who are more likely to develop symptoms of stress and burnout.

According to the Maslach Burnout Inventory, burnout is a psychological phenomenon defined by emotional exhaustion, cynicism, increased negativity, depersonalization, and a loss of interest in previously enjoyed things.

It is a common condition amongst caregivers due to the high demands and stresses created by this role.

Although the causes of burnout are complex and not yet entirely understood by research, it is believed that chronic and poorly managed stress is what leads those in a caregiver role to develop burnout symptoms.

It is highly important that all caregivers educate themselves on how to detect the first signs of burnout in order to seek support as early as possible.

Although this condition can show in subtle signs at first, be sure to look out for the following symptoms:


Extreme tiredness that does not go away with usual sleep or rest can indicate that you might be at risk of developing burnout.

Listen to your body and ensure that you give yourself plenty of time to recharge for all the effort you invest into looking after your loved one.

Irritability and mood swings

Due to the constant pressure of having to provide for a vulnerable senior, some people can experience mood changes and irritability.

This can trigger negative responses and impulses towards the people around them.

Lack of concentration

Due to sleeplessness and constant exhaustion, dementia caregivers might find that their concentration is impaired, and their cognitive skills are significantly affected.

Anxiety and depression

These two conditions can often manifest altogether. Some caregivers might feel increasingly worried about their loved one’s future while at the same time experiencing feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Having to figure out so many aspects of someone with dementia’s life can be challenging and frustrating, leading to symptoms of depression and anxiety.


Some caregivers might have impaired sleeping problems due to ongoing worries about their loved one. They might feel the pressure to be alert and available at all times, even during the night, which leads to issues with rest and sleep.

Dealing with Caregiver Burnout

It’s true that many family caregivers are so overburdened with responsibilities that they rarely get the chance to prioritise self-care.

Looking after someone with dementia can feel like a part-time job. Research shows that the average caregiver spends around 23.7 hours per week providing care to a loved one.

Besides work and other family commitments, this can really add significant pressure on many caregivers, who are left with the feeling that they need to be available to the loved one with dementia 24/7.

However, the only way of avoiding or coping with first signs of burnout is to prioritise self-care as much as possible.

Dealing with Caregiver Burnout

Me time

Setting time aside to recharge and recover from ongoing stressors is the only way to renew your emotional resources and to continue to be available to the vulnerable person as much as you can.

Failing to look after your emotional needs and to attend to the physical tiredness can backfire on your physical and mental health, which results in resentment and built-up anger. Ultimately, this can lead to a real burnout where you lack physical and emotional reserves to cope with the unavoidable challenges.

Set clear and realistic expectations

Another way of dealing with and preventing burnout is to be as realistic as possible regarding the support you are able to offer to the loved one with dementia.

As neurodegeneration progresses, the complexity of the care needed also increases. As a result, it is almost impossible for one single individual to meet all the needs of a senior with dementia.

Setting clear and realistic expectations on the amount of care you are able to offer can prevent you from experiencing feelings of guilt, self-blame and doubt.

Seek support

Similarly, asking for professional support is highly recommended for dementia caregivers who find themselves overburdened with responsibilities.

If you suffer from mental health conditions like anxiety, stress, or depression, you can get in touch with mental health professionals or counsellors who can help you better manage your resources and cope with daily challenges.

Tips to Manage Dementia and Family Stress

Recognising that the caregiver role brings a lot of stress with it should determine people in this role to implement strategies and measures that make more resilient, such as:

Educating yourself

Being a dementia caregiver requires more skills as the disease of your loved one progresses. As a result, you might want to access training courses of resources that better equip you to deal with the changes in behaviour and personality of the person diagnosed with dementia. It might also be helpful for you to talk to other caregivers about their experience with this matter.

Look after yourself

Prioritize sleep, good nutrition and see your doctor regularly. Prioritize your needs for rest and listen to your body when it needs a break.

Use relaxation techniques

This can be engaging in a hobby that you like or attending a yoga class. Breathing techniques, meditation, and visualisation techniques are also proven as highly effective methods in alleviating stress and tension.

Exercise weekly

Being active relieves mental stress and releases endorphins, a feel-good hormone that increases feelings of relaxation. Research shows that exercise also aids in conditions such as depression and anxiety, which are often found in people who suffer from chronic stress and burnout

Use relaxation techniques

Sort out legal and financial plans

Having all legal and financial aspects sorted can provide comfort to the entire family, thus relieving caregivers of the extra pressure associated with those aspects. Make sure that you involve the individual with dementia in their financial planning and seek legal and financial counsel so that you do not have to worry about these things in the future.

Final Words

Unfortunately, being a dementia caregiver can be a difficult burden to bear even for the most resilient of us.

Therefore, when dealing with dementia and family stress, it is important to ensure that you prioritize self-care and seek mental health support whenever you see a decline in your wellbeing.

Staying in touch with other family members and delegating responsibilities is also a good solution whenever this is possible.

Recognising that the caregiver role can put a lot of pressure on your mental, physical and emotional well-being is the first step in knowing how to access the relevant resources that help prevent chronic stress and burnout.

8 Best Super Foods for Dementia 2023

Best Superfoods for Dementia

Health experts advise persons with dementia to include a variety of superfoods for dementia in their diet daily. Live Science describes foods for dementia as mostly plant-based, but also some dairy and fish that are thought to be nutritionally dense, hence good for a person’s health.

Scientists are continually examining the foods that can enhance cognition and the ones that hinder it. Research shows that what a person eats has a significant impact on brain health.

Hippocrates once emphasised that food should be medicine and medicine should be food. Consuming the right combination of foods can build new brain cells, enhance memory, and perhaps lessen dementia occurrences.

super foods for dementia

Chief policy and research officer at the Alzheimer’s Society, Dr. Doug Brown, said that eating a balanced and healthy diet can reduce the risk of stroke, cancer, and heart disease; thus, it is likely that healthy eating is a great way of looking after the brain.

He also stated that they are still waiting for proof from huge scientific trials to show whether changing diet can reduce dementia risk and by how much.

Check out some of the superfoods that are recommended for persons living with dementia below.


Best Super Foods for Dementia

Cruciferous Vegetables and Leafy Greens

Vegetables are not only tasty, but they also have essential vitamins, like B9 and folate, which have proven to reduce depression and boost cognition.

Green vegetables have more vitamins with options like collard greens, kale, spinach, cauliflower, and broccoli being some of the best choices.

Vegetables are also known to be high in carotenoids that can reduce homocysteine levels. This is an amino acid that is linked to dementia, brain atrophy, and cognitive decline.

leafy greens


Berries like cherries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are a go-to option when looking for fruits that are loaded with antioxidants and help reduce inflammation. Antioxidants are known to help persons with dementia by enhancing cognitive function.

A study released in the Journal of Alzheimer’s disease explains that the level of antioxidants various berries have, may help with reducing plaque build-up in the brain. This plaque is one of the major causes of dementia.

Berries also contain a flavonoid known as anthocyanin that may help slow down the progression of brain damage that is triggered by free radicals.

Investigators also claim that blueberries which are also referred to as “brain food” may activate the region of the brain that controls memory and learning, however, more studies on these are required to substantiate the claims.

berries for dementia

Spices and Herbs

Spices are also included in the list of superfoods for dementia.

These are great because they can be added to meals to enhance flavour without adding any calories or bulk. They also offer a wide range of benefits depending on the spices a person is taking.

Cumin, turmeric, cinnamon, and sage are examples of some spices that help to boost memory, reduce brain inflammation, improve working memory, and reduce brain plaque.

Herbs like rosemary are also known to enhance memory and offer people with dementia protection from cognitive decline.

Other herbs and spices that are proven to be good for brain health include ginger, nutmeg, pepper, and saffron.

Seeds and Nuts

Nuts and seeds are packed with healthy vitamins, protein, fats, and magnesium which are proven to reduce brain inflammation, promote good cognition, and beat off mental decline.

A study reported that ladies over 70 years who eat at least 5 servings of nuts weekly have better brain health than the ones who do not eat nuts.

Seeds like pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, and sunflower seeds are an excellent source of omega-3s, vitamin E, choline, and zinc which can also promote brain health.

Another study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) studies mice with AD. Some of the rodents were fed a standard diet while others were supplemented with walnuts.

During the period of the study, the researchers uncovered that the mice that were on a standard diet suffered impaired learning ability and memory deficits.

The rodents that were fed on walnuts recorded improvements in learning ability and memory.

nuts for dementia


The avocado has also earned its place among the superfoods for dementia.

It is a nutrient-dense fruit that is rich in potassium, folate, fibre, magnesium, and vitamin E. Avocado as a monosaturated fat can reduce the risk of cognitive decline because it can help increase blood flow and lower blood pressure.

The fruit is also said to prevent the formation of brain tangles thanks to the fact that it is rich in folate.

Avocados also pack flavonoids and polyphenols that are anti-inflammatories and help fight dementia.

avocado super foods for dementia


These are healthy fats that may help to prevent and fight dementia. They are commonly found in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna.

The fish types are also high in DHA and EPA which are fatty acids that are important for optimal brain health. People can also get omega-3s in flax seeds and olive oil among other sources.

Omega 3 a super food for dementia


Pulses like beans and legumes (which can include chickpeas and lentils) are a nutritional powerhouse offering folate, iron, potassium, magnesium.

They are also high in fibre & protein, and low in fat. It is one of the reasons they belong to the category of superfoods for dementia. They also pack a B vitamin known as choline that boosts a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine which is vital for brain function.

The plant proteins have been linked with enhanced preservation of thinking and memory. A study indicated that a lower intake of pulses can lead to an increase in cognitive decline.

pulses for dementia


Eggs are among some of the most nutritious foods found in the home, providing people with multiple minerals and vitamins.

Eggs are a great source of choline which helps to repair damaged brain tissue.

A study by the University of Eastern Finland discovered that choline is not only useful in developing memory and the brain, but it might also help to protect people against Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline.

eggs for dementia


Closing Remarks

Carefully choosing what to eat can have a significant impact on a person’s health. It is one of the reasons the above super foods for dementia come highly recommended.

These brain-boosting foods can help slow down progression of the illness and improve the quality of life for persons with the progressive illness.

Easy Tempting Meals for Dementia Patients


All-Natural Brain Health Supplement Reviewed

ProMind Complex ReviewedIt is not always easy to source superfood herbs, nor is it, for some people, practical to grow your own herbs. Taking a well-formulated supplement may be the best solution.

ReaDemetia investigated several products that we felt had the ingredients and integrity to be worthy for our audience to consider. One product, ProMind Complex, ticked many of the boxes.

Read our comprehensive review of ProMind Complex HERE.


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Does ProMind Complex Work? Independent Review

ProMind Complex Reviewed

Does ProMind Complex work? reaDementia investigates the validity of the company’s claims.

Identifying a supplement that offers benefit to people, either with dementia or seeking to prevent dementia, is a formidable task. There are many supplements marketed online and in stores- perhaps too many!

ReaDemetia.com investigated several products that we felt had the ingredients and integrity to be worthy for our audience to consider. One product, ProMind Complex, ticked many of the boxes.

We investigated the creator’s claims that his product benefits people with cognitive decline. Our research (looking into clinical studies) does show strong support of several of the ingredients in the ProMind Complex formulation.

We also see plausible reason in the creator’s approach to removing toxic dental bacteria, a major contributor to plaque build-up in the brain- leading to brain cell damage. Our investigation identified research that supports his reasoning.

Brain Food Supplement ProMind Complex

A Brief Summary of ProMind Complex

Category: Anti-memory Loss Supplement

Ingredients: Huperzine, Vinpocetine, Phosphatidylserine, St. John’s Wort, N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf, Bacopa Monnieri, and vitamins.

Key Features: FDA Approved guidelines; GMP Certified; Non-habit forming; 100% natural; Non-GMO; Gluten-free; 3rd party audited.

Does ProMind Complex Work?Benefits
• Helps remove harmful plaque within the brain
• Prevent memory loss
• Reduces anxiety and depression
• Assists learning abilities
• Helps with focus and concentration
• Removes brain fog and inflammation
• Supports cognitive performance
• Reduces gum inflammation
• Enhances the clarity of mind
• Improves blood supply to the brain
• Increases oxygen and nutrients to brain cells

Price: $49 to $69 bottle (dependent on quantity purchased). Equates to $1.63/day to $2.30/day Check Price

Formula: Capsules

Dosage: 1 capsules/day for adults

Made in: USA

Guarantee: 60 days money-back guarantee

Availability: USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada

Where to Buy? http://promindcomplex.com


What is ProMind Complex?

ProMind Complex is an all-natural supplement that aims to improve the brain’s cognitive functioning — including thinking, memory, executive function, creativity, and motivation. Carl Henderson and his team claim to have provided a solution that is allegedly backed by extensive research.

According to Dr. Henderson, ProMind Complex is formulated using premium ingredients consisting of herbs, other plants, and amino acids, in carefully measured quantities to help enhance cognitive abilities.

Who Developed ProMind Complex?

Formulated by Carl Henderson, a Psychology doctor from Texas. He, along with Dr. Jack Lane, combined herbs, vitamins and essential amino acids to arrive at a solution for prevention of dementia.


ProMind Complex Ingredients

The supplement facts label indicates 1 capsule has these ingredients and dosages

St. John's Wort250 mg
Glutamine150 mg
Phosphatidylserine125 mg
Bacopa Monnieri120 mg
Ginkgo50 mg
N-Acetyl-L-Caritine HCL50 mg
Vinpocetine2 mg
Huperzine A10 mcg

Other ingredients listed are gelatine, microcrystalline cellulose magnesium stearate, and silicon dioxide.


ProMind Complex Ingredients Discussed:

ReaDementia examined the ingredients’ list to look at how each natural ingredient benefits cognitive functioning. We also identified some of the clinical studies, on each ingredient, that support/not support Dr. Carl Henderson’s claims.


periwinkle brain healthA compound from the Periwinkle plant that is utilized as a cognitive shield and anti-aging agent.

The ProMind Complex company says this compound repairs damaged brain cells and opens blood vessels in the brain allowing for oxygen to flood the brain, and this helps repair nerve cells.

Research shows vinpocetine increases blood flow to the brain– supporting what the company claims.

Another benefit identified is with relieving stress helping a person feel relaxed.

In a study, Vinpocetine has also been shown to improve memory after 2 days in healthy people at a dosage of 40 mg, three times a day. ProMind Complex provides 2mg of Vinpocetine per capsule, once a day. This is well below the dosage used in the study.

Numerous studies looking at Vinpocetine and the benefits of increased blood circulation and metabolism in the brain have been conducted. Although the studies are promising, the evidence for beneficial effect of vinpocetine on people with dementia is inconclusive.

Vinpocetine has been sold by prescription under the name Cavinton.

Huperzine A

huperzine aThis herb derived from Chinese club moss Huperzia serrata, it is listed in ReaDementia.com’s top 10 list of beneficial herbs.

The plant has powerful antibacterial properties that help with fighting harmful bacteria on the brain’s surface. It provides a protective shield (coating), blocking out toxins and bacterial infections.

According to Mayoclinic.org, Huperzine A behaves as a cholinesterase inhibitor, thus improving the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain.

Small early studies suggest that the herb might improve memory and protect nerve cells, which could reduce cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo BilobaA tree of native China and also listed in our top 10 list of herbs that benefit dementia.

Due to its ability to aid blood flow, this compound assists neurotransmitters in the brain, which play a role with stress and fatigue. The herb also helps in considerably lowering the rate of periodontal disease pathogens (dental bacteria leading to toxins that are the cause of damaging brain plaque- explained further into this review).

In clinical trials, there is promising evidence of ginkgo supporting brain health in Alzheimer’s disease, cerebrovascular disease, mild cognitive impairment, and vascular disease. In addition, ginkgo gives benefit to several other bodily systems.


Not an herb, however an excellent ingredient that works directly with memory and analytical skills.

A healthy human body makes adequate L-Carnitine, and it can also be gained from eating animal products.

L-caritine helps with speedy and effective learning, having a direct effect on our analytical reasoning and concentration building skills.

Together with its memory-boosting ability, L-Carnitine also benefits with insomnia issues, helping people achieve higher levels of energy and mental alertness.

Clinical trials suggest that supplements of acetyl-L-carnitine may enhance mental function and decrease deterioration in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease.


An amino acid found in a variety of foods known for helping with brain cell membranes. It works like a wall that safeguards the brain membrane against harmful elements. As a result, it aids memory retention, memory alertness and brain function.

The human body does synthesise phosphatidylserine; however, with older people supplementation seems to improve memory and cognitive capacity.

Studies do support this claim: For example; in a 2010 study published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 78 elderly people with mild cognitive impairment took part.

Participants supplemented with phosphatidylserine derived from soy beans were found to have experienced a significant improvement in memory over a 6 months trial period.

St. John’s Wort

St. Johns WortWhen used over time it is known to scrape the hardened plaque (explained later in review) out of your brain and enhances supply of blood flow to your brain, aiding active brain cell communication.

In addition, St. John’s Wort helps keep the brain from using up neurotransmitters like serotonin, GABA, dopamine, and norepinephrine. As a result, the neurotransmitters are more effectively utilized in the brain. This can work as an antidepressant giving an overall feel-good effect in the brain.

This peer reviewed animal study using mice using St. John’s wort as treatment to reduced Alzheimer’s disease pathology, supports the reduction of plaque reasoning.

Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa MonnieriIncluded in the formula for its powerful memory building nutrients helping those with memory loss.

Bacopa Monnieri is known in Ayurvedic medicine for treating anxiety, epilepsy, and forgetfulness.

Studies demonstrate immense potential in the improvement of cognitive disorders, as well as reduction of oxidative damage, NT modulation, and cognitive enhancement in healthy people.

Research on Bacopa Monnieri is still in its infancy, but early results are very promising.


An amino acid known to relieve stress, depression, and anxiety. Tyrosine is available naturally in many foods such as meats, soy, almonds, avocados and seeds.


Retailer of the Product

BuyGoods is the authorized retailer of this product, which is a registered trademark of BuyGoods Inc., a Delaware-based corporation.

The marketing campaign of ProMind Complex is managed by ClickBank, a Delaware-based company that has years of experience in affiliate marketing.

How Does ProMind Complex Work?

Dr. Carl Henderson and his team use a step-by-step approach to improving cognitive function.

1. Firstly, this is done by taking care of the periodontal disease pathogens:

Clearing the dental nerve bacteria. This oral bacteria can get in the brain. Once there, they excrete protein and enzyme by-products that lead to damaging the brain’s nerve cells.

Diminishing the plaque-forming bacteria and that interfere with memory loss.

2. Once the disease-causing bacteria has been lessened, the next step is restoring blood-flow to the brain– supplying essential oxygen and nutrients for cells.

3. Lastly, an approach to repairing damaged brain cells is applied, followed by bullet-proofing the brain, protecting it from future damage.

The herbal formulation works on the toxic plaque growth, which appears to be the main cause of cognitive problems, such as age-linked memory loss.

According to Healthcare Business Today, ProMind Complex has anti-inflammatory ingredients that also help with cerebral metabolism and effective functioning of overall brain health.

Brain Plaque link to Alzheimer's disease

The Link Between Dental Bacteria and Dementia

The makers of ProMind Complex point to dental bacteria as the basis of memory problems like dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. This bacteria (called Porphyromonas gingivalis) cause problems when it travels from the mouth and gums up into the brain.

The bacteria generate a toxin known as gingipains, which leads to memory impairment, serious memory loss, and Alzheimer’s.

By using their simple breath test – smell your breath in the morning and have smelly breath – you can tell if you have the bacteria and are at risk of having cognitive impairment in the future.

Does ProMind Complex work? Are the makers of this supplement, correct in saying? We found research that does support their claim, suggesting that there is a link between dental bacteria and dementia.

Strong-Risk-Factor to Alzheimer’s Disease Being Dental Bacteria- Research

Researchers have discovered the gingipains toxin is present in over 90% of people with Alzheimer’s.

Researchers infected brain stem cells with Porphyromonas gingivalis, a dental bacteria which makes gingipains.

They found that the gingipains toxin caused brain cells to die and reduced tau protein– essential for helping neurons stay healthy.

These dental bacteria also increased inflammation– another risk factor for dementia and other diseases. This has led some researchers to call Porphyromonas gingivalis a “strong risk factor” for Alzheimer’s disease.

It’s not substantiated if this is the case for those who have infrequent problems with remembering.

These toxin causing dental bacteria have also been found in artery-clogging plaque. This indicates a link with heart disease as well.

Amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease

ProMind Complex Research- Does ProMind Complex Work?

Is there any research that supports ProMind Complex being beneficial to cognitive function? We found that there is, and there isn’t.

While there appears to be no research specifically on ProMind Complex, there is research on the ingredients it uses (as we have already outlined).

The creator’s premise behind the key ingredients is that they work best together, rather than by themselves. This is described as the entourage effect. While this appears to be the case, there is no evidence that the combination of ingredients in ProMind Complex has an entourage effect.

How Long Until Results Are Seen?

The company says fairly soon, although this will vary from person to person and the memory problems they may have. Our advice is to remember improvements in health take time. No supplement works overnight, especially when it comes to getting your memory back. The company recommends giving ProMind at least 60 days to allow the nutrients time to flood your system.


ProMind Complex Safety

The company’s website says all the ingredients used in the formula have been thoroughly tested and delivered in the right quantity and ratio for optimal efficiency, whilst ensuring safety.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not endorse dietary supplements. What it does do is regulate supplements. Regulation and approval are different. Usually, supplement companies do not need to seek approval from the FDA before selling products to the public.

Having clarified that, ProMind complex formula has been formed under the FDA-approved guidelines. The company’s website states that certified goods manufacturing practices have been met to the highest standard.

Independent third-party testing is conducted to uphold the dosage, potency, and of the product. ProMind Complex is non-GMO, vegan-friendly and gluten-free.

ProMind Complex Side Effects & Adverse Reactions

While there are no serious side effects known from taking this supplement, there are a few precautions.

The company instructs not to exceed the recommended dosage of one capsule/day. They also advise those with bleeding disorders, people taking blood thinners, and those on antidepressant medications (such as MAO inhibitors) to consult to their doctor before starting on the supplement.

Other considerations:

  • Store in a cool, dry place.
  • If the safety seal is broken, do not consume.
  • Avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • The ingredient, St. John’s Wort, may have drug interactions. This may include birth control pills. If you take medications, consult with your doctor.
  • Some ingredients may thin the blood. Stop taking the supplement at least 2 weeks prior to having surgery- including dental surgery.
  • The supplement is not intended for children.
  • For those with allergies, the product is manufactured is made in a facility that may also process milk, soy wheat eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, and shellfish.


What Are the Benefits of ProMind Complex?

1. An instant memory boost, something that allows people to act more rationally in day-to-day life.

2. Helps with keeping age-related cognitive concerns at bay, therefore helping people with enhanced brain functioning.

3. A memory-strengthening supplement, refilling the brain with memory and energy.

4. Helps maximise focus and sustain concentration.

5. Helps reclaim memory power and boost brain performance.

6. Assists with learning, whilst keeping mental fatigue at bay.

7. Helps eliminate bacterial plaque, whilst strengthening and rebuilding brain cells.

8. Alleviates anxiety and negative feelings.

9. Aids in releasing the ‘feel good’ hormone in the brain.


This product contains 30 capsules in each bottle. The company advises that adults take one capsule a day after a meal.


ProMind Complex GuaranteeThe company gives a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee– valid on empty bottles too. This guarantee period begins when the product is shipped, not when it arrives.

Keep in mind, sixty days may not be enough time to tell if the product is helping you with memory and cognitive problems. The company suggests giving it at least two months to work.

How To Get A Refund

Does ProMind Complex work? If you are not satisfied with the product, return the bottles to this address: 37 Inverness Drive East, Suite 100, Englewood, Colorado, 80112.

Remember to send all opened and unopened bottles back within the 60 days.

The company will send an email when they have received your returned bottles. If you have questions/concerns you can contact the company at promindcomplex.com.

Packaging Options

ProMind Complex can be purchased in a single bottle, or in multiple bottles. The company provides a better price when you buy multiple bottles.

Shipping Information

When ordering within USA, shipping is free. The shipping rate for other countries is set at $15.95. The company does ship to Canada, UK and Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.

Once your order has been placed, you will receive an email (within 60 hours) with tracking information on your package.

US orders arrive within 5-7 days. Orders sent to other countries may take 10-15 working days.

Where to Buy ProMind Complex

ProMind Complex is only sold by the company itself at their official website. This is done to protect the product from copycat products and third-party involvement. The product cannot be purchased from retail stores or other online stores.

When reviewing this product, we found other online stores (such as Amazon) selling a supplement with the same name as ProMind Complex. On closer inspection it appears that these products are made by different companies and their ingredients are not the same.

Who Manufactures ProMind Complex?

The company is called The ProMind Complex, Inc, a sole proprietorship that was started in 2020. The Official website is ProMindComplex.com.

ProMind Complex options


Our Verdict

Although there are no clinical studies yet conducted to confirm the effectiveness of ProMind Complex, we are encouraged by several of the ingredients used in the formulation.

There is sufficient research-based evidence to support that these ingredients do help people with cognitive decline (in particular bacopa and huperzine). Whilst this is encouraging, there are also ingredients listed where their effectiveness cannot be substantiated.

The supplement may not contain sufficient levels of certain ingredients to be fully effective. For example, in a study, Vinpocetine had an effect in 2 days at 40mg/day, yet ProMind Complex has only a small amount (2mg) of Vinpocetine per capsule.

We accept the creators’ explanation that dental bacteria are a root cause of plaque build-up in the brain, causing cell decline. This is well supported by research. The ingredients specifically selected by the creators of ProMind Complex were included in the formula to help reduce gingipains toxin caused by dental bacteria. We accept St John’s Wort being a key ingredient that helps reduce plaque.

The step-by-step approach using a combination of natural ingredients working in synergy is plausible; firstly, taking out the toxins that have caused the plaque build-up that damaged brain cells, then replenishing and repairing brain cell function by improving blood flow.

Does ProMind Complex work? Although ProMind Complex demonstrates many of the attributes to help people with dementia, we don’t see it necessarily working overnight. In our view, it is likely to take several months to notice any real difference. This will vary from person to person depending on factors specific to them, such as how severe their condition is and what they are seeking help with.

We see no risk in giving the supplement a try. If you’re someone who is noticing forgetfulness, inability to focus and concentrate, and feeling a lack of motivation; ProMind Complex does have the attributes to make a difference.

Does ProMind Complex work? If you feel it is not helping, then utilize the 60-day money back guarantee to get a refund.


ProMind Complex Pros & Cons


  • Ingredients make sense
  • Several ingredients validated by research
  • Tackles root cause of brain cell damage- removal of plaque formation
  • 60- day money-back guarantee
  • Undergone rigorous testing for safety and efficacy
  • Additional benefits: heart health, blood flow, well being
  • Easy to purchase
  • Costs as little as $1.63/day


  • No research on supplement itself
  • Some ingredients’ research is preliminary
  • May take time for a noticeable result
  • Only available from the company’s web site
  • Additional delivery costs for international orders
  • Copycat inferior products found in other stores

ProMind Complex Price

Honey and Dementia- Is Honey Good For Dementia?

honey and dementia

We reviewed and examined many studies that found the connection between honey and dementia.

Honey might hold the key to reducing the risk of developing dementia.

While honey is known for its high sugar content, it’s still considered a great alternative to sugar in its conventional form.

It’s also gaining favor for its neuroinflammation action particularly when it comes to the brain’s hippocampus section, which is the part of the brain that is responsible for spatial memory.

That’s why the subject of honey and dementia is INCREASINGLY becoming an area of interest.

The Profile of Honey

the profile of honey
Honey has a profile that contains different concentrations of compounds that are beneficial to the body’s wellbeing in general.

The compounds honey contains consist of enzymatic and non-enzymatic groups.

The enzymatic compounds include:

  • Catalase
  • Glucose oxidase
  • Peroxidase

While the non-enzymatic elements include:

  • Amino acids
  • Ascorbic Acid
  • Tocopherol
  • Proteins
  • Phenolic Acids
  • Carotenoids
  • Flavonoids

Honey also has a decent amount of acetylcholine and choline. Two neurotransmitters that are essential in promoting brain function.

The concentration of these antioxidants is dependent on the specific type of honey. Studies have established correlations between phenolic compounds and flavonoids with honey that has floral origins.

In turn, the phenolic content contained in any honey has an IMPACT on its antioxidant activity.

Some studies on honey and dementia have shown that honey can increase plasma antioxidants in tissues.

In turn, honey helps improve brain cell integrity and D as well as reduce oxidative damage.

The Study on Honey and Dementia

study on memory loss using honey
Honey has therapeutic and natural antioxidant properties that scientists have found are beneficial in preventing cognitive decline, and ultimately dementia.

According to research, honey can potentially have positive effects when it comes to treating a range of cancers and also reducing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms (see gut health and dementia).

The study took a five-year period concluding in 2008, and researchers focussed their efforts on assessing the impacts that honey had in relation to neurological conditions.

3,000 patients participated in the study, and half the number of participants consumed a daily honey dose.

When the study ended, 489 participants had developed dementia.

95 of the people who had developed dementia were from the group that ate the daily dose of honey.

The rest came out of the group that hadn’t eaten any honey over the duration of the study.

How Honey Can Help Reduce The Risk of Dementia

how honey can help reduce the risk of dementia
Yet another study conducted in 2014 on honey and dementia found that honey is loaded with polyphenols which refers to beneficial natural compounds.

Polyphenols were found to reduce the inflammations experienced in the brain while also improving memory loss.

The inflammation that occurs in the brain has a link to Alzheimer’s disease.

Researchers set out to look into the effects honey had on a range of neurological conditions INCLUDING Huntington’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.

The conclusion was that honey had strong antibacterial properties that proved helpful in combating the MRSA superbug.

New Zealand produces Manuka honey which originates from the manuka bushes that are pollinated by bees.

The research found that this particular honey gave antibiotics the “nudge” needed to become more effective, and in some instances, even reverse the body’s antibiotic resistance.

Manuka honey also proves helpful in treating strep throat that comes about from an inflammation in the area.

Plus, it assists in stopping the action of bacteria that triggers infection growth.

The Impact of Honey and Dementia In Relation to Oxidative Damage

the impact of honey and dementia in relation to oxidative damage
Research also found that honey consumption could improve overall cognitive function in postmenopausal women.

The study also further assesses the ability of honey to protect the brain against oxidative damage that comes about with aging.

Oxidative damage is observed most in regions of the brain that are known to cause the cognitive dysfunctions seen with Alzheimer’s disease.

Oxidative damage has also been identified as an impediment to the process of transcription and replication of mitochondrial DNA.

In turn, it AFFECTS the biological circulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that assist with countering oxidative stress and maintaining the antioxidant defense systems of the body’s cells.

That is where honey’s antioxidant properties come in again because it can help boost ROS function while also restoring the antioxidant defense system.

Final Thoughts About Honey and Dementia

The studies on honey and dementia found that oxidative stress is one of the aspects that cause neurodegenerative disorders as we age.

The studies also concluded that honey can have a POSITIVE effect as a therapeutic agent to fight against oxidative damage while also slowing down the process of cognitive decline.

Honey supplementation can also boost the antioxidant defense system within the brain cells which in turn helps preserve cognitive ability and brain functions.

However, it’s always best to talk to your doctor first. Too much honey will not necessarily bring better results, so pay close attention.

5 (Best) Natural Remedies For Dementia 2021

natural remedies for dementia

We reviewed plenty of natural remedies for dementia that affected individuals can try out. These five are amongst the more effective ones.

Keep in mind that there is still no cure for dementia but the natural treatments can come in handy to relieve symptoms, enhance the quality of life, and slow down disease progression.

Here are some of the natural dementia treatments you can try out if you are already living with the illness.

Best Natural Remedies for Dementia

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the spices that has been used for ages to IMPROVE symptoms of aging including oxidation of cells and inflammation.

The yellow powder is said to have magical anti-inflammatory properties.

Studies in Japan also conclude that it is essential when it comes to improving cognitive function.

It is perhaps one of the reasons cases of dementia are low in Asian countries because they not only use it when cooking but turmeric is a key herb in ayurvedic medicines.

Recent studies also show that it can help enhance some dementia symptoms like the ability to focus, memory loss, and pain that arthritis causes.

2. Massage

There is evidence alleging that that massage can help with the management of an array of dementia symptoms.

These include depression, agitation, and anxiety.

Massage also helps to promote relaxation as the practitioner manipulates the body’s soft tissues with their hands. There are different types of massages which means that a person can choose the one they enjoy the most.

In many cases, massage is used alongside aromatherapy which is the use of certain essential oils that helps ENHANCE cognition and mood in persons who have dementia.

You can add the oils to a person’s bath, applied directly on the skin, or heated in a burner to release a pleasant aroma.

3. Cognitive Stimulation Therapy

cognitive stimulation therapy
CST or cognitive stimulation therapy is one of the natural remedies for dementia.

This is where an individual with dementia gets to take part in group exercises and activities that help to enhance language ability, memory, and problem-solving skills.

Some studies show that CST is most beneficial for persons with mild or moderate dementia.

4. Laughter Yoga

laughter yoga
There is truly no exaggeration to the saying “laughter is the best medicine.” Laughter yoga presents some healing properties to persons who are living with dementia.

It is a combination of medication and gentle cardiovascular exercise.

Participants get to practice deep breathing with physical movements as well as stimulated laughter. It primarily encourages silliness and playfulness which usually leads to contagious real laughter.

The idea was introduced to the world in 1995 by Madan Kataria an Indian doctor. There are MANY BENEFITS that people with dementia get from laughter yoga. This includes improving mood, as well as reducing agitation and anxiety.

Additionally, participants will laugh even when they do not understand the punch line or joke.

5. Routine Physical Exercise

natural remedies for dementia
Depending on what a person can do, it is advisable for everyone who has dementia to get up and move. Exercise is one of the most effective natural remedies for dementia.

It can help treat several dementia symptoms. These include cardiovascular complications, depression, sleep issues, balance and coordination, wandering or restlessness, and cognitive impairment.

Working out is also a great way to get rid of excess weight that can also be the cause of an array of health issues. Keep in mind that you should do all these exercises safely and appropriately.

Closing Remarks

When it comes to natural remedies for dementia, it is important to note that some of them may advertise perks that have not yet been proven by clinical studies or scientific research.

It is, therefore, important to contact your doctor before you start taking anything that claims to help with dementia to be on the safe side.

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