14 Signs Of Dementia In Women 2024

signs of dementia in women

You should be aware of the most common signs of dementia in women as the disease affects the female population more.

Even to this day, there is still no cure that would help prevent dementia. However, if we are familiar with the symptoms, we can take action early on and mitigate the condition.

Fun fact: there are approximately twice as many women with dementia compared to men. That said, brain cells in the brain of a woman are dying much faster.

Although women live longer than men, dementia is not really an aging disease rather solely related to the brain itself.

With all the information you will gain throughout this article, you can contribute to the care and treatment of a person with dementia.

You will now at least know that if any of the symptoms from the list below appear in your loved ones, it would be advisable to call a doctor.

Most common signs of dementia in women

1.Problem Completing The Most Common Daily Tasks

signs of dementia in women
When we go on repeating activities, they become part of our subconscious mind, and we carry out them without even thinking about them. Our chores are just like these activities that we carry off instantaneously.

But the women having symptoms of dementia have problems in performing their daily duties. They even forget how to cook food properly and make a cup of tea which they were the experts of not long ago.

These patients often remain perplexed because they do not recall their fundamental tasks and, most often, they strive to conceal their nervousness from relatives.

Having difficulties in the most common tasks is one of the preliminary signs of dementia in women.

2. Random Mood Swings

random mood swings
It is natural for the human to be annoyed at something that is uncongenial and mirthful with a delightful thing. A man can be worried in the morning and may have a contrary mood in the evening.

He can’t have two opposing tempers at the same time, but a patient with dementia shows this symptom. A woman may be furious as well as happy at a time without any strong argument.

Her behavior alters after every short period, and she may conduct strangely. She may become too sentimental or too merry. You may find out this sign of dementia in women early and act accordingly.

3. Poor Money Habits

signs of dementia in women - poor money habits
A sensible woman is competent to maintain equilibrium between savings and expenditures. She is capable of paying bills, purchasing necessary things and writing signatures on the checkbook.

But the signs of dementia in women elaborate that a woman having dementia is inept at calculating money, comprehend a bank statement and count a change.

She may buy a substance twice, shop unnecessary things on credit card and forget to open and pay bills. In this condition, she may transfer all her wealth from her account to other’s and complain of missing money.

A family member should keep an eye on her bank account every month to determine if there is any serious concern.

4. Regularly Losing Things

regularly losing things
A woman with exceptional intellect never forgets the location of a particular substance especially when she is associated with it regularly. Even a common woman may find it easier to discover an object, but it is not so with the women showing signs of dementia.

She may misplace a thing and cannot detect it. Also, she may lose the keys to her car and make false accusations. She may complain of losing her smartphone, too.

A possible solution for these kinds of women is to keep a box in which they may put their necessary things. It is the best way to protect needful things and utilize them without wasting much time.

It can also become a habit, for instance, when she enters her home or apartment, to first place all her belongings in this box and never again forget about them.

5. Trouble Communicating

trouble communicating
Dementia and other correlated brain diseases have a powerful impact on the communication faculties of the patient. Dementia, when in the early stages, does not affect native memory such as language so much as it does in critical conditions.

The capabilities of the patient to talk to others and communicate declines as the disease progresses. It gradually diminishes the built-in memory of a woman and becomes a halt to communication.

The relatives become frustrated when talking to the woman having this symptom because she forgets the topic suddenly which she was discussing during communication.

One should take safety measures when he or she finds this sign of dementia in women.

6. Repetitive Questions

repetitive questions
A normal woman asks a question just once and stores it in her reminiscence when she finds out an answer. But in the case of dementia, because there is a loss of memory, the woman reiterates a question even answered several times.

This commonly found sign of dementia in women is really of concern because it may irritate the relatives and caregivers. The patient may carry out the same job twice. It is because of the deterioration of memory cells of the brain resulting in sudden remembrance of a task several times leading to frazzling of the patient.

Not only her relatives but also the patient herself remains bamboozled for her behavior.

7. Forgetting Names

forget names
Some people are fast learners and they remember the names of objects as well as people very quickly, but some are slower in this regard.

However, this happens to all of us. Indeed, forgetting names is usually found in people of age above sixty years because their memory cells become weak and difficult to respond. But in a young woman having dementia, this condition is very carping because she forgets the names of things of daily use.

When she goes to buy an object in a shop but suddenly forgets the names, this is problematic for her. It usually happens that the patient may ask the name of a person repeatedly.

It is a critical sign of dementia in women that relatives and caregivers should take into consideration.

8. Lack Of Motivation

lack of motivation
Having confidence and energy to do a job is the hallmark of an active life. The spirited women are often determined to execute their duties and have the gallantry to do something extraordinary.

The woman with dementia is spending a life of apathy, having no interest in daily activities. Such women remain exhausted and have a lack of impetus, motivation, and incitement. They become dependent on others to do their jobs.

They have a lack of curiousness to puzzle out complex problems. Those women who have the disease lean toward loneliness and detest to talk to others.

It is one of the significant signs of dementia in women, and we should eradicate it as soon as possible.

9. Difficulty Sleeping

difficulty sleeping
The woman showing dementia has severe changes in the sleep-wake cycle in the hypothalamus. She may have anxiety, fear, and bewilderment that leads her to become the prey of depression that is another crucial situation.

She can not sleep at night and even if she tries. Instead, in the daytime, she may feel fatigued leading to sleep. It is the way of disturbance in the normal sleep-wake cycle.

The primal cause of it is that in dementia, mental faculties start diminishing which also affects the hypothalamus and the sleep-wake cycle is agitated.

These onerous alterations create a problem not only for the patient but also for the family members and relatives increasing their frustrations.

10. Bad Time Management Habits

bad time management habits
Time management is the necessity of every person in this fast world. Today, no one has time to wait for and call on others.

A dementia patient is incompetent to save time to do her duties. Bad time management habits are one of the signs of dementia in women. The loss of memory, deficiency of energy, disturbance in the sleeping cycle, depression and other such interconnected situations of dementia are a route to difficulties in the management of time.

Disorientation of biological clocks in the body and a condition of constant nervousness are the chief causes of the production of the intricate scene for time management.

11. Verbal And Physical Aggression

verbal and physical aggression
Verbal and physical aggression are the natural properties of a person. Some people may become rude due to depression and mental illness.

Such behavior is often considered as one of the very many different symptoms of dementia. She may become crude in no time without any cause. She may speak loudly, abuse severely and fight ferociously.

The explanation of it is mental stress, lack of self-control, sudden changes in mood, regularly losing things and poor money habits.

Verbal and physical aggression is one of the rigorous signs of dementia in women. It is a significant condition of concern for the caretaker of the patient.

12. Losing interest in exercise

losing interest in exercise
If your loved one happened to be very active in their lives, a sudden lack of interest in exercise and even daily activities can be one of the signs of dementia in women.

This means even something as simple as going out for a walk. It can also get more serious with losing interest in going upstairs although there is nothing wrong with them physically.

When such changes occur, it is advisable to see the doctor. There are all sorts of different reasons why this could happen and dementia or Alzheimer’s is one of them.

On the other hand, if one is diagnosed with dementia, regular exercise improves blood flow to the brain and alleviates the condition.

13. Lack of vision

lack of vision
While the quality of sight decreases with aging (at least in the majority of individuals), it can also be a symptom of dementia in women. First and foremost, everyone who is sensing that they do not see as well as they used to should see a doctor.

It is not something you should just get used to and forget about the condition entirely. Especially if you are driving. When it comes to dementia, sight difficulties could be one of the signs that a person has the disease.

Sometimes, they have trouble focusing on objects, recognizing people, detecting movement and even distinguish between contrast and reading.

14. Speaking becomes troublesome

speaking becomes troublesome
One of the signs of dementia in women is the inability to speak accurately. A person might start to forget the words to use to put together a meaningful sentence.

They might start throwing in terms that do not make sense. You can find them calling a granddaughter dog or even a scoop of ice cream a table. We all know that we sometimes unaware say a word that is entirely out of context.

However, for the most part, we correct ourselves immediately. It is not quite like so when it comes to dementia in women.

Not just that, it becomes more and more regular – very evident, if you will.

Final Thoughts – Signs of Dementia in Women

Recognizing the signs of dementia in women is important for early detection and intervention. Look for subtle changes in memory and cognition to shifts in behavior and mood.

Understanding these indicators informs people to seek timely support and medical attention. By being aware and proactively monitoring, we can enhance the quality of life for women affected by dementia, giving them access to appropriate care and support services.

15 Early Signs Of Dementia (Common) 2021

early signs of dementia

Our extensive research and study allowed us to bring you a list of the most common early signs of dementia.

As soon as you observe regular deteriorations in the condition of a person, you should not really wait for too long.

Instead, act as soon as possible and let the person that shows early signs of dementia see a doctor.

(In some cases, it might be just age-related change.)

Still, if a person is developing dementia, you will be glad that it is really early and appropriate treatment CAN apply to slower the condition.

(Dementia does not happen as part of natural aging.)

In this article, we will look at different changes you should pay attention to and what are some of the early signs and symptoms of dementia.

Common Early Signs Of Dementia

To make your lives easier, we compiled what is considered the most common symptoms of dementia especially when in the super early stage.

1. Temporary memory loss

temporary memory loss
Dementia is the term used to refer to a broad spectrum of symptoms that allude to the weakening of the brain affecting its ability to function properly.

Often the symptoms are quite severe and they affect someone’s daily life. It results from damaged brain cells affecting their normal function to communicate and facilitate different activities of the body.

Temporary memory loss which often affects someone short-term is known to be one of the early signs of dementia. It starts with someone who can often recall events that happened a long time ago suddenly not being able to remember what they had for lunch.

As it affects someone’s cognitive abilities, a person with dementia tends to forget any recently learned information. Even things like dates, events or they cannot help but ask about the same thing repeatedly.

Most find that they have an increasing need to depend on memory aids.

2. Difficulty communicating

difficulty communicating
A person with the condition may have a hard time trying to find the right words to piece together a sentence when communicating. It’s because they often can’t remember the names of items, people or places.

They may not be able to hold a MEANINGFUL conversation to the end since most times they tend to forget simple words or substitute the use of words incorrectly making sentences hard to comprehend.

They may also pause mid-sentence trying to figure out the right vocabulary to use.

What’s more, they also find that they are unable to complete a sentence at all. The result is a lot of repetition making them sound like they are babbling incoherently.

It may also be hard for them to understand those around them and this may become disheartening. To help them, you can simplify your sentences or speak a bit slower or perhaps repeatedly in case they still don’t understand.

3. Increased confusion

increased confusion
Confusion is also one of the early indications of dementia. As the brain cells begin to deteriorate, confusion may occur affecting the person with dementia’s perception of time and place.

As a result, they may not know their whereabouts, how they arrived at certain places and they even forget the way home or easily get lost.

Dementia also causes someone to LOSE track of dates, the passage of time and seasons. If you leave someone with dementia alone for a few minutes to them it may feel like a really long time.

It’s worth noting that at older ages it’s NORMAL to confuse time and dates, however, all factors considered this information often aligns.

However, someone with the disorder keeps suffering from forgetfulness regardless of their age.

4. Challenges performing everyday tasks

challenges performing everyday tasks
Difficulty in performing familiar tasks is also one of the early signs of dementia. As a result of the changes brought about by the condition, abstract thinking becomes quite hard.

Moreover, the person with dementia often shows an unusual struggle performing mental tasks.

People with this disease may at many times find it hard to handle regular everyday tasks that they had previously carried out with ease.

For example, organizing events, planning chores or make simple financial transactions like paying bills become more and more challenging due to the significant decline in brain cognition.

Something as simple as brewing a cup of coffee may prove difficult to someone with dementia because it may be troublesome to follow the right steps.

5. Repetitiveness

Due to memory loss, people with dementia often end up repeating themselves or lose their chain of thought when holding conversations.

The frequent repetition of activities, questions or statements is a significant sign of reduced cognition.

Sometimes, weariness or anxiety sparks this repetitive behavior. A person with dementia may not remember handling a certain task or previously holding any conversations.

They may repeat the same question several times even after they’ve been answered over and over again.

This happens when the brain’s cerebral cortex which oversees a wide range of functions such as memory and language is damaged or ceases to perform the way it should.

When it comes to repetitiveness, it is also IMPORTANT to educate children about dementia, so they act appropriately.

6. Rapid mood swings

rapid mood swings
Mood swings are also a part of the early signs of dementia and they lead someone to suddenly respond or react irrationally.

It also elicits feelings of fear, anxiety, depression or irritability especially in situations where remembering things becomes quite problematic.

They may also be easily vexed with their colleagues, with friends, at home or in surroundings where they are out of their comfort zones.

This may be quite challenging for caregivers because the person with dementia may behave differently from their usual selves in ways that are hard to explain.

On the other hand, a person with dementia may also be less emotional than they previously were. Plus, their behavior can change SWIFTLY, resulting in rapid mood swings.

7. Poor judgment

poor judgement
Poor judgment is another hallmark of dementia that at times precedes memory loss. A person with dementia is continually unable to make apt decisions.

They may be unable to make the right call in terms of evaluating the different aspects that should be well-thought-out when making an important decision.

If your kin exhibits a pattern of unmistakably wrong decisions or actions such as driving yet they are unable to determine how fast they should go on a highway, chances are they’re suffering from dementia or a similar disorder.

It may be helpful as you cope to consider dementia as a possible reason for their behaviors that seem beyond their control.

8. Withdrawal

Due to the loss of multiple abilities as sparked by dementia the person afflicted soon becomes withdrawn from friends and family.

They also start to display a general lack of interest in activities that they previously found exciting.

A person with dementia may begin to exclude themselves from social activities, hobbies, or even sports that they once loved.

When they are aware of their diminished capacity to handle daily tasks, they may develop poor self-esteem and end up feeling embarrassed or even ashamed.

It leads most to retreat into isolation.

Withdrawal as a symptom of dementia often hits those who are working the hardest. It affects their productivity leading to a decline in their overall performance.

It throws them into a state of sadness and depression.

9. Problems with coordination

problems with coordination
If recognition and coordination complications begin to take effect and affect someone’s everyday life, it could be an early sign of dementia.

A person with the disorder may be clumsy, unhandy, uncoordinated and heavy-handed.

They are not performing tasks with the same ease as they used to. And this means simple things like walking, not to mention running and cycling.

They may also find it difficult to recognize familiar objects like a pot of coffee, cutlery, a cooker, kettle, toothbrush or toothpaste.

Symptoms of a loss of coordination and motor abilities include shaking, struggling to use a hairbrush or shaver and difficulty tying or untying shoelaces.

If, all of a sudden, a person starts to act awkwardly and it goes on for longer than usual, do not leave it behind thinking it will get better.

10. Inability to adapt to change

inability to adapt to change
Difficulty adapting to change is one of the typical early signs of dementia. The inability to recall people’s names or follow what others are talking about can cause nervousness and fear of new changes.

It makes someone with dementia almost obsessive about sticking to their usual routine. On the other hand, they are shying away from trying out new experiences.

Dementia can also alter the way how a person responds to different environments. They may be frustrated and irritated since they cannot follow what’s happening in unfamiliar places.

Disruptive noise, conversations, large crowds, and movements may be overwhelming for them.

Moreover, they find it even more difficult to comprehend information in such surroundings.

11. Neglecting hygiene

neglecting hygiene
Although dementia effects vary from one person to another, it gradually takes a toll on the afflicted individual.

It prevents them from taking care of their daily responsibilities as their cognitive abilities decline. This eventually leads to poor personal grooming and hygiene. Even those who were previously obsessed with their looks and cleanliness are not spared.

As the illness progresses, someone with dementia often starts forgetting to brush their teeth, change their clothes, shower regularly or even use the toilet.

They may not remember the importance of doing all those things.

Depression from the condition could also cause someone to neglect their personal hygiene. At this point, professional assistance is necessary to help them comfortably cope with the activities of daily life.

12. Misplacing items

misplacing items
Many tend to associate misplacing things with the natural aging process. However, this could be one of the early signs of dementia.

Regularly finding supposedly missing items in unusual spots such as locating the remote control in a shoe rack or missing car keys inside the refrigerator are strong indications of the manifestation of dementia.

A person with the condition may easily forget where they kept items such as books or a wristwatch.

They might end up accusing those around them of stealing or hiding their possessions.

They will also emphatically deny it due to their weak memory function and cognitive reasoning. If these underlying concerns are checked out and treated on time, the effects CAN be cured.

13. Lack of abstract thinking

lack of abstract thinking
While we already mentioned trouble with completing everyday tasks and activities earlier, lack of abstract thinking is another early sign of dementia.

There are loads of simple questions you can ask them or even use while observing a person if you notice any changes.

You might not see it the first time, but if a difference in behavior and action happens regularly, a close watch is necessary.

They might have trouble with the simplest mathematical tasks or providing a summary of the article they just read.

Even when reading the instruction for a new gadget, once they are complete, they are still not really sure how to use it.

They might repeat the reading but the end result stays the same – they are unaware of how the gadget operates. Lack of abstract thinking is especially noticeable with how well they manage their finances.

14. Inappropriate behavior

inappropriate behavior
One of the early signs of dementia is inappropriate behavior. This becomes especially evident if a person was behaving in a certain way for the majority of their time, but then they begin to misbehave for no real reason.

If it happens once or twice, even three times, it might not be too big of a deal.

However, if it becomes their repetitive practice, it is highly advisable to see the doctor as soon as possible. Some of the misbehaving acts could be aggression, both physical and mental, arguing and bickering.

One of them is also inappropriate sexual behavior, but that is something we will talk about more in-depth in a future article.

15. Mixing up time and place

miximg up time and place
Since we already chatted about this earlier, it is worth adding it in its own paragraph. While everyone sometimes forgets about what day it is, even where they are going, it is not healthy if this starts happening regularly.

If that begins to occur TOO frequently, it could be one of the early signs of dementia.

Do observe the person as much as possible. Take them to the doctor as soon as possible if this “new forgetfulness” does not go away. Acting early enough and getting treatment before the condition progresses can alleviate it tremendously.

Also, if you happen to be the person who is sensing something “weird” happening to you, again, see the doctor or practitioner as soon as possible.

Statins and Dementia Risk (For Prevention?)

statins and dementia risk

We take a closer look at the possible connection between statins and dementia risk? Could the medication prevent the disease? Or does it cause memory loss?

Statins are a class of medication that lower cholesterol levels in the human body.

They block the enzyme responsible for making cholesterol in the liver.

This helps to reduce the risk of heart attack, chest pain, and stroke.

Additionally, some studies are now focusing on the use of statins and dementia risk.

Dementia has fast grown to become a healthcare concern around the globe. The disease already affects millions of people, and there are predictions that the numbers will double after two decades.

This means that the number of people who have dementia might rise to 74.7 million in 2025 and a whopping 152 million by 2050.

The fact that the disease does not have a cure does not help.

There was excitement when earlier studies revealed that there might be a connection between dementia prevention and statins use.

Later studies, however, did not draw similar promising inferences.

Experts continue to explore different avenues to introduce solid ways of preventing the development and progression of dementia.

While on this journey, researchers stumbled on the likelihood of statins reducing the risk of dementia. There are different types of statins that slightly differ from one another.

Some are also more likely to enter the brain than others.

Researchers claim that statins are instrumental when it comes to preventing and treating dementia, especially in middle-aged people.

Worth noting is that the results of one type of statin may not necessarily translate to another. This is because the drugs will regulate and prevent cholesterol metabolism in the brain.

Do statins have the potential to prevent dementia?

do statins have the potential to prevent dementia
Although statins have the potential to prevent the development of dementia, there are still some concerns about the safety of the drugs that need to be addressed.

It is mostly due to the conflicting results that studies have concerning the association of dementia and the use of statins.

Some observational studies report that in some cases, the use of statins is associated with a decrease in the risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and dementia, as well as improvement of cognitive impairment.

Other studies refute these findings stating that statin use is not related to the risk of dementia.

One of the studies that support the fact that the meds can help with dementia risk decrement base their results on the fact that elevated serum cholesterol and high-cholesterol diet are risk factors for dementia and coronary heart disease.

They further support the theory by stating that hypercholesterolemia can be deposited in the hippocampus part of the brain.

This causes degeneration of neurons, which results in Alzheimer’s disease.

Statins may come in to reduce B-amyloid formation, which is possible through decreasing harmful cholesterol levels.

Statins are known to have a stable homeostasis effect on the nervous cholesterol system.

This gets in the way of cholesterol synthesis which lowers the cholesterol levels; thus, preventing metabolism of the amyloid precursor protein

The connection between Dementia and Cholesterol

the connection between dementia and cholesterol
Research suggests a possible connection between dementia and high cholesterol levels.

This is important to study when looking at how statins and dementia relate. Cholesterol is a fatty substance present in the body’s cells and blood.

A doctor can measure a person’s cholesterol levels to determine if there are healthy or harmful levels in the bloodstream.

The body makes this substance naturally, and you can also consume it in certain foods.

Studies are seeking to prove the connection between dementia and cholesterol look at several ways that link these two.

Evidence, although scanty, shows that high levels of cholesterol in a person’s blood can increase the risk of a person developing dementia, especially during mid-life.

Furthermore, if you have high levels of cholesterol in your blood, there is a high chance that you have other factors that can cause dementia.

These include factors like diabetes and high blood pressure.

This implies that it is complex to separate cholesterol and dementia.

Investigations are also going on to determine the role that cholesterol plays in the brain to lead to dementia development.

Statins and Memory Loss

statins and memory loss
When discussing statins and dementia, it is also important to talk about memory loss as one of the side effects of medications.

A section of patients who have high cholesterol has been on record saying that they experience memory loss while taking the meds.

This led the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) to update statins safety information to include confusion, forgetfulness, and memory loss as possible side effects or risks.

Researchers have done several tests about this, but to date, there is still no evidence that statins are responsible for memory loss.

Researchers from John Hopkins Medicine in 2013 took to examine 41 studies to uncover the link between memory loss and statins.

All the studies followed 23,000 women and men who did not have any history with memory problems for about 25 years.

The professionals did not pick up on any evidence that supports the notion that statins cause loss of memory.

Note that the percentage of people on statins who had memory issues was not significantly different from those taking other medication that helps to lower cholesterol.

Instead, analyzing those studies revealed evidence that long-term use of statins may protect people against dementia.

Experts believe that some dementia types are brought about by blockages in the blood vessels that supply the brain with blood.

Taking statins can help to reduce some of the blockages.

Cognitive Function and Statins

cognitive function and statins
To further understand the relationship between statins and dementia, you must note that cholesterol is essential for brain function.

Around 25% of the body’s cholesterol is present in the brain. This helps with membrane function. It is possible that inhibition of cholesterol synthetic pathways theoretically results in adverse neurocognitive effects.

Statins might reduce cholesterol synthesis in a person’s brain; hence, interfere with myelin function and formation.

On the other hand, statins can also induce a decrease in coenzyme- Q10 levels, which may result in weakened mitochondrial functioning, as well as an increase in oxidative stress, which can also affect cognition.

Statins may as well have an impact on cholesterol levels.

Can Statins Reduce Risk of Dementia after Concussion

can statins reduce risk of dementia after concussion
JAMA Neurology published a study that suggests the use of statins reduces the risk of dementia in older adults after a concussion.

Researchers in this study evaluated billing data from physicians from the Ontario Health Insurance Plan.

They combined this with computerized health care records for dementia risk after a concussion in seniors over 66 years with and without statins use.

The population that took part in the study were older people who had experienced a concussion without a diagnosis of severe brain injury.

After thorough investigations, it revealed that the use of statins reduces the development of dementia by 13% when compared to the persons who were not on the medications.

An increase in prior hospitalization, physician visits, urban home location, total prescriptions, lower socioeconomic status, and older age were factors considered to increase dementia risk.

The experts also noted that other medications that participants took did not make a difference in the reduction of dementia risk. The meds did not make things better or worse.

Statin was the only exception among the other cardiovascular and lipid-lowering medicine.

Because there are different types of statins, deeper analysis showcased that Rosuvastatin was responsible for the largest reduction risk while simvastatin had the opposite effect (smallest reduction risk).

There was a correlation between the time participants took statins with higher/lower benefits, but the dosage did not affect the results.

Researchers in this study concluded that although elderly individuals have a higher dementia risk after suffering a concussion, there is a modest reduction in the risk of dementia for the persons who receive a statin.

Clinical Trials on the Use of Statins to Reduce Dementia Risk

clinical trials on the use of statins to reduce dementia risk
Studying statins and dementia demands looking into suitable clinical trials that can either support or refute the claim that statins are beneficial for reducing the risk of dementia.

There are multiple clinical trials in medical databases that compare administering statin as a pretend medicine or placebo to individuals with normal cognitive function and those who are at the age where they risk getting dementia.

Many trials did not show a reduction in the occurrence of dementia in people who use statins or placebo.

Side effects were also low in both groups.

It is, however, impossible to give accurate results of the trials because several limitations exist in these studies to provide proper results.

Researchers will, nonetheless, continue to improve these trials so that in the future, they can give an adequate deduction as to whether or not the use of statins can help with the prevention or treatment of dementia.

Statins and Dementia Closing Thoughts

The topic of the use of statins and dementia is COMPLEX. There is a need for more research to give conclusive results on how taking the medications can help reduce the risk of dementia.

In the future, experts may be in a position to identify individuals who can benefit from the use of statin based on genetic profiles of other factors of dementia risk.

For now, medics recommend that people follow healthy lifestyles first and foremost.

This includes regular exercise, eating well, and getting quality sleep.

The aforementioned are some of the ways that can help to reduce dementia risk.

Diabetes and Dementia – Are They Related?

diabetes and dementia

Scientists, over the years, continue to link diabetes and dementia. Does sugar have a negative effect on a dementia-infected brain?

There are over twenty million people with diabetes in America alone.

Around six million of these individuals do not even know that they have diabetes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the USA.

What is Diabetes

Diabetes is an illness that decreases the ability of the body to convert sugar into energy. When a person with diabetes fails to control the condition, the blood remains with too much sugar.

Over time, this can lead to the damage of multiple organs in the body, including the brain.

It creates a dangerous spiral where the causes of diabetes can also result in mental deterioration.

Dementia, on the other hand, is a brain disorder that affects emotions, thinking, behavior and, to some extent, the ability to perform daily tasks.

It can reduce life expectancy as well as the quality of a person’s life.

Some studies reveal that people who have both diabetes and dementia die faster than the ones who only have dementia.

Researchers and scientists are finding more evidence linking diabetes primarily Type 2 diabetes to memory loss issues such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

However, it is worth mentioning that there is still no concrete evidence on precisely what cause’s dementia and how diabetes comes into play.

It is also worth mentioning that not everyone who has diabetes will end up with dementia.

Doctors, however, do know that high insulin or blood sugar levels can harm the brain in multiple ways like:

Causing Chemical Imbalance in the Brain

causing chemical imbalance in the brain
Your brain depends on several chemicals in the body to function properly. Too much insulin can affect these chemicals, causing an imbalance.

Such changes occurring in the brain can trigger dementia, as well as other illnesses.

Development of Other Medical Conditions

development of other medical conditions
A person who has diabetes has a high risk of developing other medical conditions like:

  • Stroke
  • Heart disease
  • Joint and bone problems
  • Kidney diseases
  • Digestive problems
  • Nerve damage
  • Eye damage
  • Yeast infection

These could hurt organs like the heart and blood vessels as well.

Damaged blood vessels usually imply that the brain will not get enough oxygen and nutrients; another factor that can contribute to vascular dementia.

This is a kind of dementia that occurs because of brain damage that mostly comes about because of blocked or reduced blood flow to the brain.

Increasing Risk of Cerebrovascular Diseases

increasing risk of cerebrovascular diseases
A high percentage of people who have diabetes are at high risk of developing cerebrovascular illnesses.

These are triggered by things such as oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction, insulin resistance, and inflammation.

Additionally, as the brain continues to age, because of changes in amyloid metabolism and other related factors, it becomes easier to develop memory issues.

Structural changes in the brain show some evidence of the association between diabetes and dementia.

Affecting How the Brains Handles Insulin

affecting how the brains handles insulin
Ongoing research also points out that the link between the two medical conditions may happen as a result of the ways that diabetes affects the brain’s ability to respond to insulin and use glucose (sugar).

Note that glucose is the main source of energy for the brain.

Therefore, when cognitive function is affected, because of low levels of blood glucose, the outcome can be severe neuronal damage.

Insulin resistance makes the body producing more insulin than necessary in a bid to keep the glucose levels within a healthy range.

This can also affect the brain in that high levels of insulin can damage small blood vessels and other brain cells. Insulin resistance also affects other parts of the body.

When not enough insulin is making its way to the brain, it does not only cause the brain to function normally. It can also be the cause of a person developing small strokes, which increases dementia.

Causing Inflammation

causing inflammation
When there is a spike in blood sugar, it can easily lead to inflammation affecting the brain and other parts of the body. This naturally leads to the damage of brain cells.

It is another factor that can lead to the development of dementia.

Chronic inflammation often leads to the formation of tau tangles and amyloid plaques brain abnormalities that are hallmarks of dementia illness.

Increase the Risk of Mild Cognitive Impairment

increase the risk of mild cognitive impairment
When talking about diabetes and dementia, it is worth noting that diabetes also contributes to the increased risk of developing MCI (mild cognitive impairment).

This is a condition where you end up experiencing more memory and cognitive (thinking) problems than the ones present as people age.

It is a set of symptoms where individuals struggle to remember things that they already know and also have issues with the ability to think.

Initially, these memory problems are usually not severe enough to bring about challenges with day-to-day living.

Eventually, some studies claim that people with MCI get dementia. MCI has been known to accompany or precede dementia.

Build-Up of Proteins in the Blood

build up of proteins in the blood
Diabetes has also been known to contribute to the build-up of toxic proteins in the brain that is associated with dementia.

When there is too much protein in the brain, it disrupts the functioning of synapses, which are the connections that are formed between brain cells helping information to circulate to and from the brain.

The brain, at this point, may not be able to clear out the waste products.

In line with this, recent studies also reveal that elevated glucose levels in the blood can increase amyloid beta levels.

This is one of the significant components of brain plague in persons who have dementia. A build-up of plaque is thought to be a driver of complex changes in the brain leading to the development of different types of dementia.

Diabetes makes it challenging to control healthy levels of blood sugar.

This results in harmful effects on a person’s brain, increasing the risk of dementia onset.

When there is a lot of glucose in the blood, it may lead to increased neuron activity in the brain, which promotes the production of amyloid beta.

Type 1 Diabetes Causes Higher Risk of Dementia

type 1 diabetes causes higher risk of dementia
Earlier, the article mentioned that most people with type 2 diabetes are likely to develop dementia as well.

There have also been other studies indicating that people who have Type 1 diabetes are also at risk of developing dementia.

Research shows that individuals with this type of diabetes typically face a higher risk of developing memory and thinking problems as they age compared to the general population.

Around 83% of seniors with type 1 diabetes are at risk of getting dementia as well.

With type 1 diabetes, a person’s immune system attacks insulin mistakenly triggering the production of beta cells in the pancreas. This leaves the persons with this type of diabetes with little or even no insulin in the body.

Insulin is an essential hormone in the body that enables the body to use up carbohydrates as fuel.

Individuals with type 1 diabetes are also at risk of getting hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) that could be another link between diabetes and dementia.

A Decline in Cognitive Function

a decline in cognitive function
It is common for people who have diabetes to experience a progressive decline in cognitive function. This has been recorded as one of the factors that usually cause the development of dementia.

The risk of getting one or more types of dementia is two-fold in seniors who have diabetes compared to their age mates.

This does not happen all at once but rather as the diabetes disease progresses, affecting more parts of the body.

With most diabetics, dementia is usually diagnosed after about three years of having diabetes.

Diabetes also accelerates issues like diabetic foot, microvascular diseases, cerebrovascular illnesses, acute metabolic events, and depression, among many others that may accelerate the onset of dementia.

Closing Remarks

When a person has one chronic disease, it is usually too much to deal with.

Sadly, there are some chronic illnesses like diabetes that frequently compound the effects of another to not only worsen the condition but also increase an individual’s risk of developing new conditions like dementia.

To stay healthy, it is important to work with your health care team to manage or prevent diabetes in a bid to reduce or completely avoid the complications it brings.

Proper diabetes management may involve things like:

  • Sticking to your doctor’s advice on how to monitor blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood glucose.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Reduce alcohol intake.
  • Eating healthy foods including lots of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean meats, low-fat cheese, and milk.
  • Managing a healthy weight.
  • Keep physically active (try and work out at least thirty minutes daily).
  • Remain socially and mentally active and engaged to reduce the risk of getting dementia.
  • Taking any prescribed medication on time.
  • Examining your feet for sores on a daily basis.

Working with an effective diabetes prevention or management plan can successfully lower the development of various types of dementia.

There is still a need for further studies and research into the relationship between diabetes and dementia.

This way, we can fully understand the correlation to come up with the most appropriate solutions to tackle the conditions.

16 Warning Signs Of Alzheimer’s 2023

signs of alzheimers

You must not ignore changes in an older adult and these signs of Alzheimer’s will help you pay attention. Instead of being lost and wondering what to do next, first skim through the different signs and go from there.

Bear in mind, if they forget a name or where they put their keys every once in a while does not necessarily mean they have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

However, if it happens repeatedly, it might already be a sign of the condition.

Once you are fully aware of the most common signs, you will easily recognize changes and act accordingly.

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is not something that happens overnight.

It is a brain disorder that keeps evolving over many years. There are numerous different factors that contribute to the development, yet still, no scientist and doctor fully understand its development.

If you notice any of the signs and symptoms appear in your relative or friend, and they keep on repeating, we advise you to see a doctor.

Due to the complexity of the disease, you need to understand the signs vary from person to person.

Also, while it is most common that Alzheimer’s disease develops in the mid-60s, some experience it earlier while others in their 70s and beyond.

In other words, the progression of the condition is person-specific.

Study Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease Carefully

1. Memory Loss

memory loss signs of Alzheimer's
Memory loss is one of the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s and initially, it might seem just like normal age-related forgetfulness.

In the later stages of the disease, it affects the ability to recognize places and people including family and friends. People with Alzheimer’s have a propensity to start wandering in the late afternoons and evenings.

Repetitive movement due to memory challenges is what causes the person to wander around. It poses challenges when they are unable to remember their way back home and they end up putting themselves in dangerous situations.

Memory challenges often lead to losing things, forgetting to keep appointments, and misplacing items or storing them in odd places.

2. Spontaneity/ Poor Judgements

spontaneity poor judgements
Mood swings and personality changes are some of the signs of Alzheimer’s that are easy to spot. With Alzheimer’s, poor judgment is not only about questionable decisions.

Instead, it is a pattern of unfortunate actions and decisions.

You may find that a person with Alzheimer’s constantly uses vulgar language or can start undressing in public. Most people cannot even recognize danger.

You may find a person with Alzheimer’s constantly putting themselves in harm’s way. For instance, if a person underwent surgery of a broken hip, the doctor may put them on bed rest for a while.

People with Alzheimer’s will not listen to the doctor but will insist on moving around even when it hurts badly.

3. Problems in Completing Daily Tasks

problems completing daily tasks
One of the notable changes that affect someone with Alzheimer’s is their inability to see daily tasks to their completion. It includes activities like shaving, cooking, and cleaning which all of a sudden becomes challenging.

A shortened attention span is the reason why someone with Alzheimer’s will start working on a task and move to another activity without completing the first.

The progression of the disease eventually affects a person’s ability to organize their thoughts or think logically.

Another challenge sparked by memory loss is repetitiveness, which causes a person with Alzheimer’s to lose their chain of thought and repeat themselves severally.

4. Trouble Managing Finances

trouble managing finances
Managing money is a huge problem for people with Alzheimer’s. In fact, it is one of the first noticeable signs of Alzheimer’s.

Solving numerical problems becomes a big challenge. Coupled with memory problems, a person with dementia starts forgetting to pay bills or overpays for items when shopping.

As the disease becomes worse, the individual may not even realize that they can no longer handle money matters. Some will even try and hide financial problems in a bid to protect their independence.

A trustworthy family member or trustee needs to step in and check bank statements as well as other financial records monthly.

This protects the individual with Alzheimer’s from fraud or financial abuse.

5. Aggressive Tendencies

aggressive tendencies are signs of Alzheimer's
Increased anxiety, might cause someone to lash out aggressively when they feel out of their comfort zone. Often, the anger outbursts might seem out of the blue to onlookers and wildly inappropriate.

Someone with Alzheimer’s will also have problems coping or accepting new situations because they are always worried or restless.

The later stages can spark hallucinations and paranoia, which leads the person with Alzheimer’s to see things that do not exist.

Although no one certainly knows why it happens. Multiple factors can cause aggression. These include poor communication, stress, environmental factors, and physical discomfort.

6. Inability To Grasp New Concepts

inability to grasp new concepts
As memory loss, entering the moderate stage of Alzheimer’s, it affects the ability to learn.

Difficulty with language is also experienced and a person with the disease often has challenges reading and writing legibly.

Repetitiveness is also experienced when the person might ask a question severally despite receiving an answer.

In the severe stages of the disease, the person with Alzheimer’s might lose their ability to communicate entirely. Other than learning impairments, some individuals with the illness block the information they think they should know.

This is one of the signs of Alzheimer’s that may pave the way, go together with, or follow a burst of other anxiety symptoms and sensations.

7. Over Sleeping

over sleeping
Someone with Alzheimer’s goes through many changes and one of them is tied to sleep. Disruption of the sleep/wake cycle is one of the negative effects of Alzheimer’.

Some individuals will sleep more than usual and this may include taking long naps during the day.

New research from Dr. Matthew Pase from Boston University suggests that sleeping for over nine hours a night is an Alzheimer’s warning sign.

Persons usually become sleepier as the disease progresses. Some people will even sleep during the day and stay awake all night.

Many individuals with Alzheimer’s will also experience sundowning. This is agitated behavior that normally occurs after the sunset.

It may involve yelling out, getting violent or pacing.

8. Weight Loss

weight loss
Losing weight is a manifestation of Alzheimer’s disease. The medial temporal cortex responsible for memory and feeding behavior is affected at the onset of the illness.

Eating becomes more difficult in the later stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

As the disease progresses, food tends to be less appealing to people who have Alzheimer’s. The primary reason behind this is that the disease dulls the senses of smell and taste contributing to the loss of appetite.

Some individuals will even lose a lot of weight despite eating enough food. People with Alzheimer’s may also struggle to recognize food or beverages; thus, end up not eating because of the damage the illness causes the brain.

9. Skin Infections

skin infections
It is common for people with Alzheimer’s to pick or scratch their skin because of infections.

One of the signs of Alzheimer’s to look out for is incredibly dry skin that gets irritated and itchy. Use of harsh soaps and other body products can also cause this.

Another reason someone with Alzheimer’s may get skin infections is through pests such as fleas, lice, mites, ringworm, and bedbugs. The individual may also be experiencing allergies that cause scratching and itching.

It is advisable to seek medical treatment as soon as you notice this sign to treat the cause of skin infections fast. This way, the person with Alzheimer’s can live more comfortably.

10. Trouble Swallowing

trouble swallowing
A person with dementia may struggle to chew and swallow food. Caregivers may misconstrue this sign of Alzheimer’s thinking that the person simply does not like the food on the plate.

Some people simply forget to chew the food and end up holding it in their mouth.

In the later stages of the disease, dysphagia or swallowing difficulties become more prevalent. These can lead to dehydration, weight loss, high fever, belly pain, chest congestion, choking while eating and malnutrition.

Aspiration pneumonia is one of the unfortunate consequences brought about by difficulties in swallowing.

It’s pneumonia that causes the lungs to take in liquids or food instead of air.

11. Recurring Falling and Tripping

recurring falling and tripping
Before we even continue if you or anyone else who you know is falling or tripping frequently, you need to tell the doctor about it.

A study showed that the older adults who were falling the most during the research showed early signs of Alzheimer’s disease after they did the brain scans.

Have in mind, it is not a guarantee that someone who is on the floor a lot or simply becomes very clumsy will develop dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease.

However, cognitive problems may occur as it is not normal for a healthy human being to misstep and slip very often.

Always watch after yourself and act early enough when you discover something uncommon.

12. Vision Changes

vision changes
Because the eye and the brain work together, someone with Alzheimer’s may go through vision changes. Different areas of vision may be affected by the elderly generation.

One of them is the inability to detect movement. Persons with the disease may perceive everything around them to be a still photo instead of an ongoing video.

Individuals with Alzheimer’s may also experience limited peripheral vision. They may not be able to see both sides when gazing forward.

This results in intense disorientation where a person may end up bumping into things. Recognizing colors also becomes an obstacle particularly in the violet-blue range.

13. Social Withdrawal

social withdrawal
Alzheimer’s can be an isolating and lonely illness. Many people with Alzheimer’s disease spend a lot of time alone and when in the company of others, they do not participate much.

It can lead to withdrawal from family, friends, and a lack of interest in familiar things and surrounding activities.

Persons with AD can start to remove themselves from the things they once loved including work projects and hobbies.

It is also likely that because of all the changes they are facing, they feel ashamed or embarrassed; thus, they do not want to face the world.

At times, a person may become withdrawn because they feel bored or isolated.

14. “Childlike” or Clingy Behaviour

childlike clingy behaviour
Persons with Alzheimer’s can at one point become totally dependent on another individual. This is where they never want to leave the other person’s side and are constantly shadowing them.

Experts reckon that this mostly happens in the evenings as the day is about to end. This is where an individual with AD starts to feel fearful, worn down and confused.

They follow the person they trust around because they are not sure how long they will be gone if they leave their sight. This is why they do not have a problem following a person everywhere they go even to the bathroom.

15. Seizures

Seizures occur in people with dementia at a high rate. Unprovoked seizures affect a huge percentage of individuals with Alzheimer’s.

It is not yet clear the exact mechanisms that trigger the seizures. The seizures are also not easy to diagnose because the behaviors that the individuals present may mimic those of the illness.

Individuals may go through non-epileptic episodes triggered by confusion and inattention not to be confused with seizures.

Many studies conclude that seizures are uncommon for people with Alzheimer’s, but they do occur more in people with AD than those in the general population. With Alzheimer’s, younger age is also a risk factor.

16. Difficulty Communicating

difficulty communicating
As Alzheimer’s progresses an individual’s communication and language skills start to diminish. You may be talking to a person and in the middle of the conversation, they suddenly stop because they do not know what to say next.

Vocabulary can be particularly troublesome.

A person may struggle to identify the correct word; thus, end up using the wrong names to refer to things. For instance, an individual may call a house a car. Some individuals also have tendencies to invent new words and phrases.

Others will use one word repetitively. As time goes by, an individual may turn to the use of gestures.

12 Warning Signs of Dementia [Common] 2023

signs of dementia

With each passing year, we need to be more and more aware of the warning signs of dementia.

Why so? The fact of the matter is, there are more and more people affected by the disease in one form or another.

However, if you act early, you can positively impact the person with dementia and help alleviate the condition.

That said, you can discover some of the most common signs that are connected to a person with dementia. But only if you are familiar with them.

Some are pretty basic, almost mundane, but we just do not link them with dementia. Thus, it almost should be part of the general knowledge, knowing what signs to take into consideration.

Bear in mind, millions and millions of people are impacted by dementia globally and the number is only to increase year in and year out.

Most common warning signs of dementia

Trouble accomplishing mundane tasks

signs of dementia include trouble accomplishing mundane tasks
One of the most common signs of dementia is when one starts to develop a problem completing familiar tasks.

For instance, all of a sudden, they start having trouble making a cup of coffee or even bringing a meal to the table. Moreover, they forget how to tie shoelaces or clean the floor.

What was once a piece of cake, unexpectedly, a person gets distracted too frequently or completely forgets/ignores the process.

When you observe drastic and repeated changes in their behavior, it is very advisable to seek a doctor or a practitioner.

Together, you can then investigate the condition further and diagnose whether he or she has dementia.

Trouble Concentrating or Thinking

trouble concentrating or thinking is a sign of dementia
Concentration and thinking are essential for us to get going with our daily tasks. One of the early signs of dementia is having trouble concentrating or thinking.

We can characterize this symptom of dementia when one cannot maintain his focus on one thing or situation at a time.

He or she is constantly dealing with “having a million thoughts on one’s mind” at the same time which demands your attention. One might also have an unusual difficulty focusing on or remembering what he just said, the last food he ate or what he was doing just minutes ago.

There is also the tendency of forgetting names, phone numbers or what one was just thinking of.

Since concentration and thinking are necessary for accomplishing intellectual tasks, losing those will make living life much more difficult than usual.

Poor Short-term Memory

a dementia sign is poor short term memory
When one thinks of poor short-term memory, Dory from Disney’s Finding Nemo easily comes to mind. The character of Dory perfectly represents yet another one of the signs of dementia.

Similarly, a person suffering from dementia may not remember the address of the scuba diver written on the goggles which the Disney characters saw before almost getting eaten alive by an anglerfish.

This symptom can go as mild as forgetting some random events or even romantic conversations with one’s loving spouse which transpired just about twenty minutes ago.

There are also extreme cases where one becomes unable to recognize his spouse and whom he starts chasing out of the house for mistaking them as thieves breaking into their home.

Problem Finding the Right Words

problem finding the right words
Have you ever encountered someone whom when you were having a conversation with but usually utters a lot of filler words instead of articulating their thoughts?

How about a person who often says, “It’s at the tip of my tongue.” Or “I know the right word but I just cannot seem to find it.” Having difficulties finding the right words to say is one of the signs of dementia.

This is because a part of the memory of a person who has dementia, which is also called semantic memory, is impaired. It leads them to forget a person’s name even if they’ve known them for decades.

Once the semantic memory starts to be impaired, the part of the individual’s memory for understanding and recognizing words are similarly affected.

Easily Distracted

easily distracted
Getting easily distracted is another symptom that is mostly connected to being out of concentration. One who struggles with distractions regularly may experience difficulty meeting deadlines or keeping belongings organized.

If a person usually feels that he is getting quickly irritated with a sudden noise, music or anything that would be considered normal as to others, this circumstance results in making that person inefficient in his daily tasks.

Distractions clearly affect one’s functioning and cause social, academic or occupational impairment. Thus, one feeling this symptom of dementia may find himself overly stressed which may result to behave anxiously.

Misplacing Objects

misplacing objects
Do you know someone who is constantly experiencing forgetting things; the location of the object or item he or she is searching for or even where they placed it?

Misplacing objects is one of the most recognizable signs of dementia.

A person may actually put things in very unusual places, such as remote control in the fridge or wristwatch in the trash bin. If you have someone suffering from dementia at home and he starts hiding things, be cautious of their future activities.

Such a person may not even realize that the items are not his nor do they belong to him.

People who have dementia are not intentionally trying to hide an important item but because of their mental incapacity, they just do not understand what they are actually doing.


Loss of interest in social activities and hobbies are one of the main outcomes of being unmotivated.

Experiencing this sign of dementia lets that person feel that he is losing the meaning of life. He or she perceives that everything that they do is useless.

Instead of being the old positive risk-taker, this person has now become pessimistic and weak. Unmotivated behavior occurs when other symptoms severely affect your daily responsibilities.

Psychologists have labeled this as having a low level of self-efficacy which is the innate ability to influence the outcome of a project or venture.

People who have dementia also tend to forget thinking of long-term rewards and benefits. At the end of the day, isn’t that an essential element of motivation?


It all starts with losing memory, forgetting names and lacking the ability to complete sentences. This leads to confusion that may begin to irritate the person with dementia.

It is a prevalent sign of dementia when patients get confused for not knowing where they put keys, their wallet, heck, even shoes.

Not just that, it goes so far they do not remember the person they just met. In some instances, they try to fake it, like they know who they are; however, in reality, they have no clue.

For everyone with dementia, it is important to speak openly about their situation, even if it is only about slight memory loss.

Appropriate treatment can help alleviate the condition.

Loss of Feeling for a Time

loss of feeling for time
There are occasions when time or the place of their current location confuses people with dementia.

We identify this sign of dementia when one usually loses track of dates, seasons, due dates and even the passage of time. They may also have trouble understanding something if it is not happening immediately.

Thus, they have the tendency to forget what another person just said and act as nothing happened.

Worse is, sometimes they may even forget where they are and end up asking the questions, “Where am I?”, “What am I doing here” or even “How did I get here?”.

Alternatively, we can also call this symptom disorientation which may eventually result in having sleeping problems.

Avoiding Company

avoiding company
Sometimes, a person becomes unnecessarily and extremely withdrawn from his surroundings and the people around him.

People suffering from this symptom of dementia spend much of their time alone. Besides, even if they are with others, they may not have much of a conversation with them as they feel lonely or bored with engaging conversations.

They just do not feel comfortable when people are around them.

A person with dementia may find it difficult to initiate a conversation or participate in any social activity. Instead, the affected person may spend much of their time sleeping.

They may also seem disinterested if somebody tries to engage them or offer them something to do.

They are also more likely to lose interest in group interest, such as playing sports or going out for a movie. Instead, they rather choose to stay alone.

Difficulty Managing Money

difficulty managing money
Having money problems may be one of the first noticeable signs of dementia. At the early stages, a person with dementia may be able to perform basic tasks, such as paying bills, among others.

However, the affected person may have difficulty with more complicated tasks, such as balancing a checkbook. A person with dementia may also have trouble counting changes, paying for a purchase, calculating tips or even understanding bank statements.

The person may also not be comfortable, even afraid when he or she talks about money.

Moreover, he or she may sometimes perform unreasonable and unnecessary withdrawals from their bank account.

As the disease gets worse, the person may even try to hide their financial problems to maintain independence from their family and friends.

Rapid Mood Swings

rapid mood swings
A person who has been diagnosed with dementia can go from good to bad mood pretty quickly. Predominantly every living human being experiences mood swings, some more and the others less regularly.

It is hard to feel full of joy all the time, but we definitely need to do something about it when we are down all the time.

A healthy person can control the mood to some extent.

However, when it comes to a person with dementia, their rapid mood swings are uncontrollable. That said, if you are in the company of a person with this condition, their mood swings should not have any effect on you mentally.

Keep calm and understand that they are very likely not aware of their temper.

13 First Signs of Dementia & Symptoms 2023

first signs of dementia

If you are aware of the first signs of dementia, you can act early and lighten the effects of the disease on a person.

We can briefly describe dementia as multiple symptoms that affect an individual’s cognitive functioning.

This can alter how a person reasons, thinks and remembers. It is usually not very easy to tell that a person has dementia, especially in the initial stages.

This is because the early signs usually are quite vague and subtle. In some instances, they are almost similar to the effects of aging.

However, there are some that may clearly come out so that you can know when to seek medical attention.

Below we will look at the most common signs and symptoms of dementia you should be aware of.

The most common first signs of dementia

1. Memory Lapses

memory lapses are first signs of dementia
Memory impairment is one of the first signs of dementia. A person with this medical condition will have problems remembering even the simplest things.

It does not have to be something that happened ages ago. The person may forget the information that they have just learned.

While talking to such an individual, you may find that you constantly have to repeat something over and over, and still they do not remember a thing. It is also common to lose track of vital dates, events, and names of loved ones.

At this point, the individual continually has to rely on memory aids such as electronic devices and reminder notes for things that they formerly used to handle easily on their own.

2. Changes in Abstract Thinking

changes in abstract thinking
Challenges with abstract thinking also characterize the onset of dementia. Persons with dementia will often have difficulties performing mental tasks.

For instance, conducting monetary transactions becomes such a huge deal that a person cannot even pay a bill.

Planning tasks, organizing projects and making proper decisions become more difficult. In line with this, a person with this illness may not know the steps to follow to prepare a meal or even put on clothes properly.

You may even lose such a person mid-conversation because their levels of concentration reduce significantly. The individuals may find themselves in danger, for instance, if they are driving and have problems with directions.

3. Apathy

apathy is a first sign of dementia
Apathy is another possible first sign of dementia. While it may be quite normal for humans to “lose their spark” occasionally, a person with dementia may experience a persistent loss of motivation to do anything.

He/she may lack interest in the things that they once found joy in. Apathy is not something that will come and go; once present, it remains persistent.

Apathy may result in a person losing curiosity in new things and even interest to interact with people. It is also associated with unemotional responses to personal events or news.

The Alzheimers Society reckons that about 50-70% of individuals with dementia also have apathy.

4. Rapid Mood Changes

rapid mood changes
It is easy to notice rapid mood swings from a person who is on the initial stages of dementia. Some individuals are prone to serious medical issues like anxiety or depression.

A person with the illness may, at one point, become unusually happy and after a few minutes, they are shedding real tears.

Additionally, people who are aware of their loss of ability to recall memories and information, communicate, and function may go through a wide range of emotions.

These can include frustration, fear, anger, and sadness.

Many people will also develop behaviors that are out of character like acting up in a social setting and becoming highly irritable.

5. A Shift in the Ability to Complete Normal Tasks

a shift in the ability to complete normal tasks
When a person is not able to complete everyday tasks, it may be an indication of the first signs of dementia.

Sometimes, an individual will find it almost impossible to maintain a budget or remember the rules of a game they love to play.

A person may find themselves seeking help all the time when they want to record a TV show or change the settings in the microwave.

An individual may also have a difficult time driving to a location they always go to, say the mall or office.

Sadly, this is something that only gets worse as the disease progresses where a person slowly loses their independence.

6. Confusion

Confusion is another sign to look out for if you suspect that someone is in the first stages of dementia.

A person may no longer be in a position to remember familiar faces. He or she may have faces and names mixed up.

For example, a mother may refer to her daughter as the son and the son as the brother or friend. Naturally, a confused person will not interact with others regularly.

It also becomes very easy for these individuals to lose track of the passage of time, seasons, and dates. They may have challenges understanding why something is not happening on their clock.

Someone can be in their house and have no clue how and why they are in the home.

7. Problems with Words while Writing or Speaking

problems with words while writing or speaking
A classic first sign of dementia is trouble with words during a speech or when a person is writing. Identifying the right words to use on various occasions becomes an uphill task.

Vocabulary also becomes a problem.

Some individuals may even forget the meaning of some words. They may also struggle to follow storylines whether they are talking to a person or watching their favorite TV program.

At times, it may imply that a person has problems with their vision. This can cause an individual not to be able to read well, determine color, or contrast, judge distance, and other related issues.

8. Failing Sense of Direction

failing sense of direction
Spatial orientation and the sense of direction stars to deteriorate when a person first starts experiencing dementia. It can mean anything from forgetting routes that a person regularly uses to failing to recognize familiar landmarks.

This also comes with difficulties following step-by-step instructions or a series of directions.

It is one of the reasons why caregivers must keep an eye on people with dementia because there are multiple cases of wandering and getting lost.

Where possible, the person with dementia should stay in a gated community so that even when they take walks and do not know where they are going, they will not leave the gates of the community.

9. Lapse in Judgement

lapse in judgement
Poor judgment is something that cannot be ignored when discussing the first signs of dementia. This is where a person is not in the right frame of mind to make sound decisions.

They are not able to evaluate the various factors they need to consider to make an appropriate decision.

Note that this is not all about questionable decisions. It is about a noticeable pattern of inappropriate actions and decisions.

An example is a lady or gentleman who is not able to assess safety limits. He or she may want to cross the road on a busy road oblivious of the danger that lays ahead.

10. Social Withdrawal

social withdrawal
Social withdrawal is another sign you can expect from a person with dementia. It is usually most recognizable from persons who have bubbly outgoing personalities.

Such people no longer want to hang out with their friends or family. They want to retreat into a cocoon and stay by alone.

You will notice that such people slowly start removing themselves from social activities, sports, work projects, and hobbies.

Your calls may go answered or they may promise to meet up and not end up fulfilling these promises. Sometimes this is fuelled by embarrassment because they are aware that life is not what it was.

11. Losing Things

losing things
Misplacing and losing things can also count as the first signs of dementia. A person may put simple things like keys or valuables in unusual places and forget where they kept them in the first place.

Putting a remote in a freezer and groceries in the socks drawer may appear normal to an individual with dementia.

This sign goes hand in hand with the inability to retrace steps because a person is not able to go back and find their things again. Every now and then, the affected person may accuse people around him or her of stealing.

Some individuals will get to the extent of hiding things and even get into an unhealthy habit of hoarding.

12. Challenges with Vision

challenges with vision
One of the earliest signs of dementia could be challenges with vision. Of course, it is crucial to understand that vision problems can be due to old age.

That said, do not panic right away. Whether you notice impaired vision or you witness your loved one having issues, do seek a doctor as fast as possible. This is especially important if the person is still driving.

Either way, taking action early enough can get rid of the inconvenience that can occur later down the line. It is important to examine yourself on a daily basis since you can avoid a lot of headaches this way.

13. Poor hygiene

poor hygiene
You know something is happening with your older adult (or anyone else) when they start to neglect personal hygiene.

Of course, this not necessarily means they have dementia. There are all sorts of different reasons why a person might begin lacking hygiene – and dementia sure is one of them.

It is one of the first signs of dementia that you can spot pretty easily, as it is tough to hide it. Even if they do try to hide it, they will typically start to wear a lot of perfume or cologne.

Make sure you are always paying close attention when something unordinary starts to happening and take your loved one to see a specialist as early as possible.

14 Typical Vascular Dementia Symptoms 2023

14 Typical Vascular Dementia Symptoms 2023

You should be aware of the most common vascular dementia symptoms as it is one of the most widespread. In this day and age, there are hundreds of thousands of people all around the globe that suffer from the condition.

According to the statistics, the number keeps on rising with each passing year. It is expected to be in multiple millions not that many years from now.

While, at the time of writing this, we cannot prevent dementia (any type), we need to be familiar with its symptoms. Only then, we can act accordingly and help ease the disease.

Let’s find out more about the symptoms of vascular dementia.

What is vascular dementia and its symptoms

In short, vascular dementia is when the brain lacks blood flow. In other words, brain cells do not receive enough blood on what damages and even kills them.

Even the smallest brain injury due to poor blood flow can affect the overall condition of a human being significantly.

When the brain lacks blood flow consistently, the effects may cause the development of vascular dementia. One of the most common causes is a stroke.

Bear in mind, although vascular dementia is the second most regular, it is considered underdiagnosed.

That said, today, we will look at the most common vascular dementia symptoms which will give you a better understanding of the disease.

Vascular Dementia Symptoms

1. Sudden and Frequent Headaches

sudden and frequent headaches
Based on the underlying cause and also each individual case from one person to the next, vascular dementia symptoms vary significantly.

However, experiencing sudden and frequent headaches is amongst the earliest signs that someone is suffering from the condition. Headaches can strike any (random) time, meaning, they appear unexpectedly.

When experienced frequently following a medical event like suffering from a stroke is highly likely to have a connection with the onset of vascular dementia.

Vascular dementia comes about when there is inadequate blood flow going to the brain. It could also be the result of damaged blood vessels in the brain and these initial changes manifest as headaches.

2. Confusion

vascular dementia symptoms - confusion
In essence, Vascular dementia collectively describes reasoning, judgment, memory, and planning problems associated with changes in blood flow supply to the brain.

Confusion is amongst the first of the cognitive symptoms that we associate with the condition. Worth noting is that the symptoms also vary depending on the part of the brain that is suffering from impaired blood flow.

Most of the symptoms are similar to those experienced with other types of dementia particularly Alzheimer’s disease. The weakness to think clearly or suffering from a sense of present awareness accompanies several conditions including vascular dementia.

It marks an inability to process thoughts in a linear way as well as the inability to recall information.

3. Trouble Concentrating

trouble concentrating
A person who has vascular dementia often starts having problems with finishing tasks to their completion. They could start an activity like cooking a meal and find it difficult to follow the recipe causing them to abandon the task eventually.

It is accompanied by a loss of alertness affecting the ability to start even the simplest of tasks. Everyone does suffer from troubles with concentrating now and then.

However, when it comes to vascular dementia the problem is more pronounced and it affects every facet of life. The worsened state also has an impact on a person’s ability to learn new skills or internalize information.

4. Disorientation

disorientation is a symptom of vascular dementia
Disorientation is also one of the vascular dementia symptoms that are common to several other conditions. It affects the sense of direction and may fall on the mild to severe range.

Once again based on an individual’s particular state in terms of the progression of dementia. Also worth putting down is that vascular dementia worsens over time. Meaning, if not diagnosed early enough, it is virtually untreatable.

Also, a majority of these physical symptoms often strike at the same time.

For example, the person might experience sudden headaches followed by confusion or disorientation. The state of disorientation is also often accompanied by blurred vision.

5. Hallucinations or Delusions

hallucinations or delusions
Experiencing hallucinations are quite a common symptom by people suffering from progressive neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia.

The state of delusion leads a person with dementia to see, taste, hear, smell, or even see things that do not really exist in reality.

It also causes the person suffering from hallucinations to feel frightened, nervous and paranoid around people they do not trust.

Given that experiencing frequent hallucinations points out to an underlying cause, it can help diagnose vascular dementia when seeking medical treatment.

However, given that it is a symptom experienced with multiple other conditions including schizophrenia. It might sometimes lead to a misdiagnosis.

6. Mood Regulation Problems

mood regulation problems
Mood regulation issues are amongst the very initial vascular dementia symptoms a person can experience. When encountering multiple small strokes or other conditions that affect the brain’s blood vessels as well as nerve fibers it might lead to gradual changes in thinking.

It worsens as the damage accumulates and manifests itself through impaired judgment. That is what causes someone with the condition to laugh or cry uncontrollably entirely out of the blue.

A person with dementia might also experience a profound sense of apathy.

They show a lack of interest or enthusiasm in different situations. It may also cause the person with dementia to start behaving in a way that seems out of character or unusual.

7. Difficulty Speaking Or Understanding Speech

difficulty speaking or understanding speech
A person’s inability to express themselves fluently in social situations, as well as their ability to pay attention, might point out to the condition.

The degeneration of neurons, the brain’s cells, affects several body functions that rely on the brain for “direction.” The ability to pronoun words and maintain a normal speed when speaking is one of the challenges people with dementia face.

It is also often accompanied by a slower speed of thought which indeed affects speech processing and response in social situations.

Often, it is a problem experienced by those who have had strokes before and speech therapy works as a treatment option.

8. Memory Loss

memory loss
Memory loss is one of the vascular dementia symptoms that develop over time. The brain more or less functions as a “store.” It stores and retrieves the information to assist the functions of the body.

When paths that relay and convey the essential information is damaged it causes memory loss. This is one of the symptoms that are very much like what is experienced by someone suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

As a person with dementia suffers from severe cases of disorientation or confusion, it gravely affects their reasoning. It starts with instances of forgetting names or recent events gradually working its way up to forgetting the sequence of daily tasks.

9. Clumsiness and Unsteady Gait

clumsiness and unsteady gait
Attributing clumsiness or an unsteady gait to the condition is not very common. But the two sure are symptoms of vascular dementia.

In reality, several other factors can create an abnormality in walking because prior or underlying diseases are usually the root cause of the problem.

Damages present in the part of the nervous system tasked with controlling movement are what affect gait. It can end up resulting in a long-term problem when left untreated.

In turn, it affects the ability to perform daily tasks. It is most common in people who have subcortical vascular dementia also known as Binswanger’s Disease (BD) which affects the brain’s white matter.

10. Lack of Bowel or Bladder Control

lack of bowel or bladder control
Loss of bowel or bladder control is one of the other symptoms related to the subcortical version of the condition.

Medically referred to as incontinence, the loss of bladder control causes the unintentional passing of urine and it affects millions of people.

Often, it is attributed to aging but several other factors can contribute to developing incontinence. During the initial stages of vascular dementia, the problem is treatable through the various therapies available to people suffering from incontinence.

Treatment options include pelvic floor exercises, lifestyle changes such as cutting back on caffeine and alcohol. Additionally, severe cases require surgical intervention but there are also different incontinence products to alleviate the condition.

11. Numbness Or Paralysis

numbness or paralysis
As the condition progresses, numbness or paralysis is experienced as one of the advanced vascular dementia symptoms. It could attack the face and affect the person with dementia’s facial expressions.

The numbness or paralysis might also affect one side of the face or body, which in turn limits the person’s ability to carry out their daily tasks.

In such cases, round-the-clock assistance from a caregiver is a must to help a person with dementia to carry out their everyday tasks.

Once vascular dementia reaches the full-blown stage, treatment options are insufficient.

While Alzheimer’s drugs can offer some help initially, they only provide temporary relief without necessarily preventing the decline of memory and thinking skills.

12. Lack of Interest in Daily Activities

lack of interest in daily activities
One of the common vascular dementia symptoms is when one loses interest in daily activities. Not only that, but he or she has a problem completing mundane tasks.

What was once kids’ stuff, all of a sudden becomes a struggle.

If you notice a significant change in daily activities in your relative, observe carefully how it progresses. Bear in mind, if it is just a one-time thing, there is no need to call the doctor just yet.

However, if it keeps appearing on a regular basis, taking action is highly advisable. It is the small things and details that we should not miss when watching over an older adult before it is too late.

13. High Blood Pressure

high blood pressure
If an individual has high blood pressure, they are more likely to experience vascular dementia.

Of course, some people have high BP and never get any dementia in their lives. Dementia is a very individual type of disease, meaning, each and every single person experiences it differently.

While high blood pressure is a factor for numerous illnesses, vascular dementia is also one of them.

However, there are simple lifestyle changes one can incorporate that will contribute to better health. With that in mind, a soon as your doctor tells you you have high BP, it is important that you start incorporating a healthy lifestyle immediately.

Of course, you do not want to transition to it in a day, as it might be shocking for your body and you can do more harm than good. Slowly progress to a clean diet, exercise, fresh air, more water and similar over at least a period of a week (if not more).

14. Thinking slows

thinking slows
When the person starts to show the first signs of vascular dementia, one of them is the inability to think accurately. In other words, their thinking slows down, making them take way longer to process the information as they used to.

When it comes to words and sentences, they begin to take the time to go over them before they respond. At this time, as a caregiver or family member, you should be patient. One thing that you must not do is to start urging them to think and respond faster.

This will only irritate the person, which can lead to a fight and other inconveniences.

16 Symptoms & Signs Of Dementia In Men 2023

signs of dementia in men

While symptoms are relatively the same across both genders, there are slight differences in signs of dementia in men.

That said, we will look at the most common ones that are known to date. Besides, whenever there will be new ones discovered, we will add them to the list.

Of course, even in men, symptoms and signs may vary from person to person.

Still, there are particular signs that you will find in all types of dementia, as well as both in men and women.

Bear in mind, there are fewer men with dementia compared to women. The main cause is the fact that women do live longer than men.

As a caregiver or family member, it is necessary to be aware of the main signs of dementia in men. If a person with dementia is diagnosed early, the treatment can begin before severe damage.

Thus, you can alleviate the condition, even slow the progress.

16 Common Signs of Dementia in Men

1. Difficulty Planning

signs of dementia in men - difficulty planning
Dementia is an umbrella term that describes multiple symptoms affecting brain functions related to memory, reasoning, language, and judgment. Difficulty with planning is among the initial signs of dementia in men.

Men account for 11% of the American population of people in their 70s and older who are suffering from the condition. The figure comes from statistics collected by the ADAMS (Aging, Demographics, and Memory Study).

The study also concluded that the markedly lower life expectancy of men in the US could explain why the percentage of women suffering from dementia is higher.

Problems with planning and organizing is a cognitive change that is identifiable through things like challenges with activities that require detail or accounting.

2. Communication Impairment

communication impairment is a sign of dementia in men
The signs and symptoms of dementia vary significantly from one person to the next based on the specific cause of the condition.

Generally, the condition affects a person’s cognitive abilities, behavior, and it can also bring about physical changes as well. One of the other cognitive changes associated with dementia is communication impairment.

When a person starts having challenges finding the right words to express themselves it often points out the condition.

Often, the person with dementia may forget what they were saying mid-sentence which makes it difficult for them to hold meaningful conversations.

The same applies to written communication, and a person might find that they forget proper spelling, grammar, and use of punctuations.

3. Issues Solving Problems

issues solving problems
There are certain regular tasks like changing the TV settings, operating a computer, or even brewing a pot of coffee that may start becoming challenging.

It is one of the signs of dementia in men affecting the ability to perform familiar tasks. These are things that a person has often done regularly without any complications.

When it starts interfering with how a person works with numbers or follows a plan the likelihood is that it’s a dementia symptom.

Ultimately, it means struggles with handling money, budgeting and paying bills on time. Worth noting is that these symptoms affect a person the same way regardless of age.

Therefore, a person with dementia who is 30 years old (very rare) may have issues with problem-solving in the same way it affects someone who is 80.

4. Difficulties Interpreting Visual Information & Losing Direction

difficulties interpreting visual information losing direction
When reading, making out colors and judging distances starts becoming problematic it can point out to dementia. It could start with things like forgetting what you just read and soon it spirals down to not being able to comprehend the meaning.

In fact, one of the offset symptoms is difficulty following storylines when reading a novel or watching a TV show.

Losing the sense of direction or spatial orientation are also other aspects that indicate the offset of dementia.

A person with dementia starts having issues recognizing familiar landmarks that affect their sense of direction.

It also means starting to get lost frequently and forgetting the directions to the places they regularly visit.

5. Lapses In Memory

lapses in memory
Dementia affects someone due to several reasons including a previous history suffering from neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease or Huntington’s disease.

Some of the other causes include vascular disorders that affect the blood supply to the brain and traumatic brain injuries from concussions or accidents.

Lapses in memory are experienced as one of the offset signs of dementia in men. A person suffering from the condition may find that they easily forget what they are meant to do or even how to use everyday objects.

It can be things like forgetting to put the groceries away or even how to use your cell phone. The lapses in memory also extend to forgetting people’s names or the names of different places.

6. Repetitiveness

repetitiveness is a sign of dementia in men
The memory loss experienced with dementia coupled with general behavior changes sparks repetitiveness.

A person with dementia may find that they are repeating daily tasks because they can’t seem to recall whether or not they had completed the activity.

It involves things like repetitive shaving and collecting items obsessively. The issue also crops up mid-conversation and the person might ask the same question multiple times even after received a response.

Dementia is normally split into two groups based on whether it affects the cortical part of the brain of the subcortical region.

The cerebral cortex is the brain’s outer layer and cortical dementias usually affect language and memory. Subcortical dementia affects regions of the brain that are beneath the cortex.

It changes a person’s thinking speed and their ability to get tasks started.

7. Impaired Judgement

impaired judgement
One of the reasons why dementia and other similar conditions are difficult to diagnose is because there is usually no impairment that’s detectable initially.

However, certain tests can point to a problem along with identifying the very first signs of dementia in men. One of the behavior changes that’s noted with people with dementia is the inability to make sound judgments.

A person with the condition begins making decisions that they would otherwise never have made like buying large quantities of things they don’t really need.

Someone suffering from dementia also typically has a tough time determining what is reasonable or fair leading them to pay too much.

8. Mood Changes

mood changes
Mood shifts are a part of changes experienced with dementia leading a person to become anxious, irritable, fearful or depressed.

Depression sets in when someone with the condition begins becoming more confused and unable to make sense of the changes they experience.

Other people who regularly interact with someone with dementia are the ones who can recognize the mood changes.

As the condition worsens, a person with dementia might become increasingly disinhibited and even misbehave.

It comes with personality shifts going from one extreme to the other for instance a shy person suddenly becoming outgoing because of how the condition affects their judgment.

9. Social Withdrawal

social withdrawal
Another characteristic of dementia impact is losing interest in activities or hobbies. The fact of the matter is, they find it difficult to remember sequences or game rules.

A person develops listlessness or apathy making them withdraw socially. Meaning, they may not want to engage in typically fun activities anymore. It extends to losing interest when it comes to spending time with family and friends.

The person may come off as emotionally flat and almost disengaged which to most people appears like depression.

It is even worse for a working person because it ultimately affects their productivity because they develop challenges paying attention and communicating effectively.

10. Improper Grooming

improper grooming
As the state of a person with dementia continues to decline, they also have increased difficulties attending to activities of daily living.

One of the signs of dementia in men is improper or lack of grooming.

It ties in with difficulties performing tasks because of forgetfulness or memory lapses. The person might start a normal task like shaving but become distracted mid-way and fail to complete the activity.

Another cause would be sinking into depression which often causes someone to neglect their personal grooming and hygiene.

At this point, a person with dementia may start developing a need for assistance from a professional to perform their daily activities.

11. Coordination and Movement Difficulties

coordination and movement difficulties
In the later stages of dementia, people start having difficulties with coordination and movement.

Someone with the condition may come off clumsy because of their diminished ability to coordinate their movements. For some, they may lose their mobility entirely and end up bedridden.

This is the stage of severe decline when a person with dementia requires literally round-the-clock assistance. At this point, they will need help with tasks like eating and going to the restroom.

The memory challenges associated with the condition also become more pronounced; the person might not remember the most familiar pieces of information like their spouse’s name.

12. Incontinence

The subcortical form of dementia usually affects a person’s bladder and even bowel control. The medical term used to refer to the condition is incontinence.

The inability to control the bladder process results in passing urine unintentionally. Millions of people suffer from incontinence often due to aging but it can accompany dementia as an underlying symptom.

During the initial stages of dementia treatment options are available to help reverse the problem.

However, when the condition progresses and other symptoms become aggravated it becomes increasingly difficult to manage it.

Surgical interventions typically provide significant assistance at the very start for severe cases of incontinence.

13. Losing The Ability To Speak

losing the ability to speak
The later stages of decline reduce someone with dementia to depend fully on assistance from caregivers.

Often, family members have to make the difficult decision to commit their loved one to an assisted living facility that offers care for people with end-stage dementia.

One of the signs of dementia in men at this very late stage is the complete loss of speech. It initially starts out as an issue with pronouncing words or maintaining normal speed when speaking.

As the decline continues, the person suffers from difficulties processing thoughts in a regular way. It becomes increasingly difficult for them to hold a meaningful conversation.

Eventually, they may no longer be able to speak and this is a problem experienced mostly by people who have suffered from strokes before.

14. Strange Behavior

strange behavior
To some extent, this particular sign of dementia in men was covered in earlier paragraphs. However, there are still oh so many different types of behavior that may show the first signs of dementia development.

From unusual language and hiding things to weird clothing outfits and frequent excitement, these are just some of the signs of strange behavior in an older adult that you should be aware of.

In short, if your loved one does things differently than usual, and if it happens repeatedly, you need to take the sudden switch more seriously.

Of course, you need to understand that if someone starts hiding gadgets or forgetting where he or she put a remote controller, it does not necessarily mean they have the early stage of dementia. Better seek doctor sooner rather than later.

15. Symptoms Advance Slower

symptoms advance slower
First, this is not really a symptom, but it deserves its own paragraph due to how important it is.

When it comes to dementia and men, the symptoms do not progress as fast as they do in women. Duke University Medical Center conducted an eighty-year long study, finding how fast cognitive functions decline in women. In fact, it’s twice as fast.

One of the reasons for this big difference might be due to the fact that fewer men happen to be diagnosed with dementia (or Alzheimer’s).

It is not something that is talked about much, so that’s why we decided to point it out. It is also no secret that signs of dementia in men might be completely different compared to women.

16. Difficulty Concentrating

difficulty concentrating
When it comes to signs of dementia in men, we need to mention a lack of concentration.

When an individual starts to experience dementia, difficulty in concentrating occurs. It is a widespread symptom that a caregiver or a loved one can sport reasonably easily.

Of course, this does not immediately mean that the person has dementia. Not just that, if it happens over a period of two or three days, you do not need to panic in case it settles afterward.

However, once this becomes a frequent practice, and it even begins to involve anger and possible violence, you should take them to the doctor or specialist immediately.

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